Pinnacle Systems Pro Tools HD User Manual

chapter 2
Pro Tools Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows

Conventions Used in This Guide

Digidesign guides use the following conven­tions to indicate menu choices and key com­mands:
Convention Action
File > Save Session Choose Save Session
from the File menu
Ctrl+N Hold down the Control
key and press the N key
Alt+“+/–” Hold down the Alt key
and press the “+” or “–” key (numeric keypad or QWERTY, as noted)
Ctrl-click Hold down the Control
key and click the mouse button
Right-click (Windows) Click with the right
mouse button
Windows Keyboard Shortcuts for Pro Tools 6.9

Global Keyboard Commands

Table 3. Global Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows Systems
Task Shortcut
Change all audio channel strips Alt+applicable function
Change all selected audio channel strips Alt+Shift+applicable function
Applicable functions: Automation mode • playlist enables • record, solo and mute enables
• record and solo safes • inserting plug-ins • I/O, bus, send assignment
• volume/peak indicator • extend selection • track heights • clear clip meter
Toggle item and set all others to same new state Alt-click on applicable item
Toggle item and set all others to opposite state Ctrl-click on applicable item
Applicable items: Tracks in Show/Hide Tracks List • Group enables/activation
• Automation Enable window • memory location parameters
Fine Tune (fine adjust mode) Ctrl-click on applicable fader/pot/breakpoint
Applicable functions: Plug-In parameter editing • fader movement • scrubbing
• automation data trimming (requires larger track view for highest resolution)
Select multiple contiguous items (tracks, regions, paths)
Applicable functions: Tracks (click Track names) • Regions in Regions List
Windows Keyboard Shortcuts for Pro Tools 6.9
Click to select first item, then Shift-click another to select all similar items between
• Paths in I/O Setup

Record and Playback

Table 4. Record and Playback Shortcuts for Windows Systems
Task Shortcut
Open New Track Dialog Ctrl+Shift+N (for more information, see “New Tracks
Dialog” on page 4)
Start record Ctrl+Spacebar (or F12)
Stop record Spacebar
Stop record and discard take Ctrl+”.” (period key)
Start/stop playback Spacebar
Half-speed record Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar
Half-speed playback Shift+Spacebar
Pause (pre-prime deck for instant playback and record)
Enable/disable online record Ctrl+Alt+Spacebar
Enable/disable online playback Ctrl+J, or Alt+Spacebar
Cycle through record modes (normal/Destruc­tive/Loop/TrackPunch/QuickPunch)
Loop playback toggle Start-click, or right mouse-click, on Transport Play
Record-safe track Ctrl-click on track Record Enable button
Solo-safe track Ctrl-click on track Solo button
TrackPunch Ctrl+Shift+T
QuickPunch Ctrl+Shift+P
Enter/Exit record during playback in QuickPunch Ctrl+Spacebar (or F12) or click Transport Record but-
Set and enable pre/post-roll time Alt-click with selector before/after selection
Disable pre/post-roll time Ctrl+K (or Alt-click within selection closer to
Start+Spacebar, or Alt-click on Transport Play button
Right mouse-click on Transport record button
Windows Keyboard Shortcuts for Pro Tools 6.9
Table 4. Record and Playback Shortcuts for Windows Systems
Task Shortcut
Scroll to selection start/end Left/Right Arrow keys (when selection exceeds win-
dow view)
Toggle Transport Master (Pro Tools/Machine/MMC) Ctrl+\
Back/Forward (move the playback location back­wards/forwards by the Back/Forward amount)
Back/Forward and Play (move the playback location backwards/forwards by Back/Forward amount and then begin playback)
Extend a selection backwards by the Back/Forward amount
Extend the selection backwards by the Back/For­ward amount and begin playback
Ctrl+Rewind/Fast-Forward (Transport)

New Tracks Dialog

Table 5. New Tracks Dialog Shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Cycle through Track Type choices Control+Up/Down Arrow
Cycle through Track Format choices Control+Left/Right Arrow
Cycle through Track Timebase choices Control+Alt+Up/Down Arrow
Add or delete a Track Entry field Control+Plus/Minus (+/–)
Re-arrange Track Entry field (move up/down) Drag the Up/Down icon (at left of each Track Entry
row) to desired position
Windows Keyboard Shortcuts for Pro Tools 6.9


When Transport = Pro Tools
Table 6. Auditioning when Transport = Pro Tools
Task Shortcut
Play by pre-roll value up to selection start/end (or current location if no selection)
Play by post-roll value from selection start/end (or current cursor location if no selection)
Play by pre & post-roll value through selection start/end
Alt+Left/Right Arrow keys
Ctrl+Left/Right Arrow keys
Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right Arrow keys
When Transport = Machine/MMC
Table 7. Auditioning when Transport = Machine/MMC
Task Shortcut
Cue transport to selection start/end Ctrl+Left/Right Arrow keys
Cue transport with pre/post-roll to selection start/end
Alt+Left/Right Arrow keys

Scrub (Jog)/Shuttle

Table 8. Scrub (Jog)/Shuttle Shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Temporary scrub mode when using Selector right mouse click - drag
Extend selection while scrubbing Shift-click - drag w/ Scrubber, (also in temporary
scrub mode)
Shuttle Alt-click-drag w/ Scrubber, (also in temporary scrub
Shuttle Lock Start+number key 1–9 (5 = real-time, 9 = max)
Change direction during Shuttle +/– (for example, Start+number+minus key)
Windows Keyboard Shortcuts for Pro Tools 6.9
Table 8. Scrub (Jog)/Shuttle Shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Shuttle Lock stop 0 (press number key to resume shuttle)
Exit Shuttle Lock mode Spacebar or Esc

Numeric Keypad Modes

Numeric Keypad Modes
Task Shortcut
Transport Modes
MIDI Metronome On/Off 7
MIDI Count On/Off 8
Merge Record On/Off 9
Loop Playback 4
Loop Record 5
QuickPunch Record 6
Rewind 1
Fast Forward 2
Record 3
Play/Stop 0
Shuttle Modes (TDM Systems Only)
1 X Forward 6
1 X Rewind 4
4 X Forward 9
4 X Rewind 7
1/4 X Forward 3
Windows Keyboard Shortcuts for Pro Tools 6.9
Numeric Keypad Modes
Task Shortcut
1/4 X Rewind 1
1/2 X Forward 5-6
1/2 X Rewind 5-4
2 X Forward 8-9
2 X Backward 8-7
1/16 X Forward 2-3
1/16 X Backward 2-1
Loop Playback of Edit Selection 0
Note: Choose Classic, Transpor t or Shuttle mode in Preferences > Operations tab.
Edit Selection Definition and Navigation
Table 9. Edit Selection, Definition and Navigation Shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Locate cursor to next region-boundary/sync point Tab
Locate cursor to previous region boundary/sync point
Go to and select next region Start+Tab
Go to and select previous region Start+Ctrl+Tab
Go to Song Start Start+Enter
Extend selection to Song Start Shift+Start+Enter
Extend selection to next region-boundary Shift+Tab
Extend selection to previous region-boundary Ctrl+Shift+Tab
Extend selection to include next region Star t+Shift+Tab
Extend selection to include previous region Start+Shift+Ctrl+Tab
Windows Keyboard Shortcuts for Pro Tools 6.9
Table 9. Edit Selection, Definition and Navigation Shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Return to start of session Enter
Go to end of session Ctrl+Enter
Extend selection to start of session Shift+Enter
Extend selection to end of session Ctrl+Shift+Enter
Set selection start/end during playback Down/Up Arrow keys
Set selection start/end to incoming time code while stopped
Select entire region in Edit window Double-click with Selector
Select entire track in Edit window Triple-click with Selector, or single-click in track and
Extend cursor across all tracks and create selection Alt-click in Rulers
Extend cursor or selection across all tracks Enable “All” Edit group (! key) and Shift–click on any
Bring selected region to the front Alt+Shift+F
Send selected region to the back Alt+Shift+B
Down/Up Arrow keys
press Ctrl+A
other track

Select Edit Tools and Modes

Table 10. Select Edit Tools and Modes Shor tcuts
Task Shortcut
Shuffle F1
Slip F2
Spot F3
Grid F4
Zoomer F5, or Ctrl+1 on QWERTY keyboard
Windows Keyboard Shortcuts for Pro Tools 6.9
Table 10. Select Edit Tools and Modes Shor tcuts
Task Shortcut
Trimmer F6 or Ctrl +2 on QWERTY keyboard
Selector F7 or Ctrl+3 on QWERTY keyboard
Grabber F8 or Ctrl+4 on QWERTY keyboard
Scrubber F9 or Ctrl+5 on QWERTY keyboard
Pencil F10 or Ctrl+6 on QWERTY keyboard
SmartTool (F6 & F7) or (F7 & F8) or Ctrl+7 on QWERTY keyboard
Cycle through Edit modes ‘ key
Cycle through Edit tools center mouse click (on two-button systems, press
the left and right mouse button simultaneously)

Editing, Nudging and Trimming

(+/– Key Usage is on Numeric Keypad Only)
Table 11. Editing, Navigation and Trimming Shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Change Grid value Start+Alt+“+/–”
Change Nudge value Ctrl+Alt+“+/–”
Nudge selection or region right/left by Nudge value +/–
Nudge data within current region to right/left by Nudge value (keeps region start/end and moves underlying audio)
Nudge left selection boundary right/left by Nudge value
Nudge right selection boundary right/left by Nudge value
Nudge back/forward by next Nudge value See “Miscellaneous” on page 22
Trim left edge of region to right/left by Nudge value Alt+“+/–”
Windows Keyboard Shortcuts for Pro Tools 6.9
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