Pinnacle Systems Pro Tools AI 7, Nuendo - 6.0, Cubase Artist - 7.0, Cubase 7.5, Cubase 7.0 User Manual

Remote Control Devices
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Release Date: December 16, 2010
© Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH, 2010.
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Table of Contents

5 The supported remote control devices
6 Introduction 6 Apple Remote (Macintosh only) 6 CM Automation Motor Mix 8 Steinberg Houston 8 JL Cooper CS-10 9 JL Cooper MCS-3000 9 Mackie Control 9 Mackie HUI 12 Radikal Technologies SAC-2K 13 Roland MCR-8 14 Tascam US-428 14 Gallery Software ADRStudio (Nuendo only) 15 WK-Audio ID (Nuendo only) 15 Yamaha 01V 16 Yamaha DM2000/DM 2000v2 16 Yamaha DM1000v2 16 Yamaha 01v96v2 17 Yamaha 02r96v2
18 Mackie Control
19 The Steinberg layout for Mackie Control 20 Basic mixing with Mackie Control 22 Control strip assignment 30 Transport control 31 Other functions
Table of Contents

The supported remote control devices


It is possible to control the program functions via MIDI. A large number of MIDI control devices is supported natively by the Steinberg sequencer applications. This manual lists these remote control devices and offers you a brief de­scription of the corresponding feature sets.
In addition to the devices listed in this document, you can
any remote control device with Steinberg applications
use that comes with the necessary extension and drivers (e. g. Steinberg’s CC121 controller). Please see the device’s documentation for more information.
Ö Depending on the feature set of your Steinberg appli­cation, you might not be able to make use of all the func­tions described in this document.

Apple Remote (Macintosh only)

Many Apple computers come with an Apple Remote Con­trol, a small hand-held device akin to TV remote controls. It allows you to remotely control certain program features.
For a description of the parameters and functions of the Apple Remote Control, please refer to the Operation Manual.

CM Automation Motor Mix

The CM Motor Mix can control any number of channels in groups of 8.
Press the section) to select channels 1–8, 9–16 etc. Hold down Shift and press “<” or “>” to shift the fader assignment in steps of one channel.
Press F1 to
Use the Select button
display) to select a single track for detailed settings.
The Mute track.
The assignment of the buttons in the first row below the dials depends on the selected parameter group.
In the View section, select Rec/Rdy to use the second row of buttons below the dials for arming a track for re­cording.
“<” and “>” buttons (at the top of the View
disable/enable the fader motors.
s (the row of buttons next to the
and Solo buttons are used to mute or solo a
In the View section, select Write or “fnct B” to control the Write or Read buttons in the mixer. When Write/fnct B is selected, selecting the All button in the bottom left sec­tion of the CM Motor Mix controls the Write All/Read All buttons in
The Auto Enbl button controls Start/Stop in the program.
The Suspend button controls the Record function in the
Pr start of the project.
Hold down Shift and press the DSP button to move the project cursor to the end of the project.
Press the Window button to move the project cursor to the left locator.
Hold down Shift and press the Window button to move the project cur­sor to the right locator.
Press the Default button to switch automatic punch in on or off.
Hold down Shift and press the Default button to switch automatic punch out on or off.
Press the Undo button to undo the last action in the program.
Hold down Shift and press the Undo button to “undo the undo”.
In the Rotary section, use the Rotary dial to change the as­signment of the four buttons below the dial (indicated in the ROTARY
• equaliz button: Fader Set mode Panning
• dynmics button: Fader Set mode Routing
• delay button: Selected Channel mode Panning
• special button: Selected Channel mode Routing
• equaliz button: Fader Set mode EQ Low (EQ1)
• dynmics button: Fader Set mode EQ Mid-Low (EQ2)
• delay button: Fader Set mode EQ Mid-High (EQ3)
• special button: Fader Set mode EQ High (EQ4)
• equaliz button: Fader Set mode Send 1
• dynmics button: Fader Set mode Send 2
• delay button: Fader Set mode Send 3
• special button: Fader Set mode Send 4
the mixer.
ess the DSP button to move the project cursor to the
The supported remote control devices
• equaliz button: Fader Set mode Send 5
• dynmics button: Fader Set mode Send 6
• delay button: Fader Set mode Send 7
• special button: Fader Set mode Send 8
Use the Bank Up button in the View section for page up.
Hold down Shift and press the Bank Up button to jump to the last page.
Use the Bank Down button in the View section for page down.
Hold down Shift and press the Bank Down button to jump to the first page.
Press the Rotary dial to switch the display of names of the available parameters or the page name on or off.
Fader Set mode Panning:
• Page 1 – panning left/right
• Page 2 – panning front/rear
• Buttons below dials: monitor
Fader Set mode Routing:
• Page 1 – Output Bus
•Page 2 – Monitor
•Page 3 – Input Bus
•Page 4 – Input Gain
• Page 5 – Input Phase
• Buttons below dials: monitor
Selected Channel mode Panning:
• Page 1 – panning left/right, panning front/rear
• Buttons below dials: monitor
Selected Channel mode Routing:
• Page 1 – Output Bus, Monitor, Input Bus, Input Gain, Input Phase
• Buttons below dials: monitor
Fader Set mode EQ1 to EQ4 (e. g. EQ1):
• Page 01 – EQ Low Gain
• Page 02 – EQ Low Frequency
• Page 03 – EQ Low Q
• Page 04 – EQ Low Enable
•Page 05 – Bypass EQs
• Buttons below dials: bypass EQs
Fader Set mode Send1 to Send8 (e. g. Send1):
• Page 01 – Send1 Level
• Page 02 – Send1 Enable
• Page 03 – Send1 Pre/Post
• Page 04 – Send1 Bus
• Page 05 – Bypass Sends
• Buttons below dials: bypass sends
F2 button: Selected Channel mode EQ:
• Page 1 – Gain, Frequency, Q and Enable for the lo band, Gain, Frequency, Q and Enable for the lo mid band
• Page 2 – Gain, Frequency, Q and Enable for the hi mid band, Ga
in, Frequency, Q and Enable for the hi band
• Buttons below dials: bypass EQs
Holding down Shift and pressing the F2 button gives you a variation of Selected Channel mode EQ:
• Page 1 – Gain and Frequency for all bands
• Page 2 – Q and Enable for all bands
• Buttons below dials: bypass EQs
F3 button: Selected Channel mode Sends
• Page 1 – Level, Enable, Pre/Post and Bus for Send 1 and Send 2
• Page 2 – Level, Enable, Pre/Post and Bus for Send 3 and Send 4
• Page 3 – Level, Enable, Pre/Post and Bus for Send 5 and Send 6
• Page 4 – Level, Enable, Pre/Post and Bus for Send 7 and Send 8
• Buttons below dials: bypass sends
Holding down Shift and pressing the F3 button gives you a variation of Selected Channel mode Sends:
• Page 1 – Level for Send 1 to Send 8
• Page 2 – Enable for Send 1 to Send 8
• Page 3 – Pre/Post for Send 1 to Send 8
• Page 4 – Bus for Send 1 to Send 8
• Buttons below dials: bypass sends
For a description of the functionalities for the F4 button: Selected Channel mode Inserts, Next button: Global mode Send Effects, Last button: Global mode Master Ef­fects, and Enter button: Global mode Instruments, see the chapter “Mackie Control” on page 18.
The supported remote control devices

Steinberg Houston


JL Cooper CS-10

Houston is a MIDI/USB remote control device designed especially for use with VST audio applications such as Cubase or Nuendo. With clearly laid out controls (includ­ing touch sensitive motorized faders, rotary knobs, trans­port controls and a jog/shuttle wheel) Houston allows you to control the
program, without having to use the com-
puter keyboard or mouse.
For details about parameters and hands-on mixing tech­niques, please see the Houston documentation.
The following functions are available:
[Dyn/User1]: Studio Send for selected channel
•Page 01 – Level
•Page 02 – Enable
• Page 03 – Pre/Post
• Page 04 – Pan Left/Right
[User2]: Instrument for selected channel (Instrument tracks and MIDI track to VSTi from the Rack)
• Page 1 – Select instrument
• Page 2-n – Instrument parameter
Fader Set Section:
• [Shift]+[FX Send1]: Studio Send 1
• [Shift]+[FX Send2]: Studio Send 2
• [Shift]+[FX Send3]: Studio Send 3
• [Shift]+[FX Send4]: Studio Send 4
• Page 1 – Level
• Page 2 – Enable
•Page 3 – Pre/Post
• Page 4 – Pan Left/Right
The CS-10 can remote control 32 channels (in groups of 8). The following CS-10 controls will remote control the following parameters for each channel strip:
•Fader: volume
• Solo and Mute: solo and mute
• Sel: select channel for editing
The following parameters can be remote controlled for each selected channel using the six rotary knobs on the CS-10:
Dial Parameter
Send 1 Effect send 1
Send 2 Effect send 2
Pan Pan
Boost/cut EQ 1 Gain
Frequency EQ 1 Frequency
Bandwidth EQ 1 Q Factor
The CS-10 fu
nction keys 1–4 are used to select chan-
nels 1–32 in groups of 8.
Function key 1 selects channels 1–8, function key 2 selects channels 9– 16, and so on.
If you hold down the function key “Shift” and then move
a fader, the two indicators beside the fader will indicate whether the fader position is below or above the current fader level in the program.
If the upper indicator is lit, the fader position on the panel is above the fader level in the program and vice versa. When both indicators are dark, the fader positions are matched for that channel.
The CS-10 Play, Stop, Record, Rewind and Fast For-
ward transport controls control the equivalent functions in the program.
The CS-10 supports “MIDI Feedback”, allowing the mute, solo and selection status of channels in your application to be indicated on the panel. For this (and the fader position indication described above) to work, you need a two-way MIDI connection between the CS-10 and the program.
The supported remote control devices

JL Cooper MCS-3000

The MCS-3000 can control 32 mixer channels remotely (in groups of 8). The following MCS-3000 controls will re­mote control the following mixer parameter for each chan­nel strip:
Fader: volume
Solo and Mute: solo and mute
Select channel for editing
These parameters can be remote controlled for each selected channel using the dials on the MCS-3000 and switching between Pages 1–4:
Page 1 Page 2
Dial Parameter Dial Parameter
1 Pan 1 EQ 1 Gain
2 Effect send 1 2 EQ 1 Freq
3 Effect send 2 3 EQ 1 “Q”
4 Effect send 3 4 EQ 1 Low Limit
5 Effect send 4 5 EQ 1 High Limit
Page 3 Page 4
Dial Parameter Dial Parameter
1 EQ 2 Gain 1 EQ 3 Gain
2 EQ 2 Freq 2 EQ 3 Freq
3 EQ 2 “Q” 3 EQ 3 “Q”
4 EQ 2 Low Limit 4 EQ 3 Low Limit
5 EQ 2 High Limit 5 EQ 3 High Limit
The MCS-3000 bank keys 1–4 are used to select channels 1–32 in groups of 8.
Bank key 1 selects channels 1–8, bank key 2 selects channels 9–16, etc.
You can create markers by pressing the “Set Locate” key on the MCS-3000, typing in a marker ID and pressing [Return].
To locate to a marker, press “Locate”, type in a marker ID and press [Return].
MCS-3000 Play, Stop, Record, Rewind and Fast Forward transport controls will have the equivalent func­tionality in your application.
The MCS-3000 supports “MIDI Feedback”, allowing fader settings and channel mute, solo and selection status to be indicated on the panel. For this to work, you need a two-way MIDI connection between the MCS-3000 and the program.

Mackie Control

Mackie Control is an automated touch-sensitive control surface. It is a nine-fader (eight channels and master) MIDI controller that provides in-depth mixing, editing, automa­tion and navigational control for any supported digital au­dio workstation. A special Lexan ove
rlay that shows all Steinberg-specific key assignments for the Mackie Con­trol device is available to customize the controller for your
This is described in a separate chapter, see “Mackie Con-
trol” on page 18.

Mackie HUI

Mackie HUI can control any number of channels in groups of 8.
Use the left and right Bank buttons to select channels 1–8, 9–16 etc.
Use the left and right Channel buttons to shift the fader assignment in steps of one channel.
The Fader button in the Auto Enable section is used to disable/enable the motors.
The Mute, Pan, Send, Plug In and Send Mute buttons in the Auto Enable section are currently not supported.
the Rec/Rdy buttons to arm a track for recording.
the Select buttons to select a single track for de-
tailed settings.
With the Mute and Solo buttons you can mute or solo a track.
the Default button to un-solo all tracks.
Use the Assign button to un-mute all tracks.
The supported remote control devices
To the right of the time display, you find an LED labeled “Rude Solo Light”. This LED lights up as soon as any channel is soloed.
Use the Insert buttons to bypass all inserts of one track.
Pan button in the Select Assign section:
• Fader Set: panning left/right or panning front/rear. Press but­ton repeatedly to cycle through the assignments (the eight V-Pots control the pan parameters).
• V-Sel button in the Select Assign section: monitor track.
Send A to Send E buttons in the Select Assign section:
• Fader Set: Send 1 level to Send 8 level (Send A to Send D assigns Send 1 to Send 4, Send E assigns Send 5 to Send 8: press button repeatedly to cycle through the assignments).
• V-Sel button in the Select Assign section: send on/off switch
depending on selected Send).
• V-Sel button with Shift in the Select Assign section selected:
t fader switch (depending on selected Send).
The SELECT ASSIGN four character display in the Se-
lect Assign section displays Send or Pan assignment for V-Pots and V-Sel buttons.
The four character displays above the Select buttons
display the assigned track names.
The Bypass button in the Select Assign section is al-
ways selected to indicate the bypass function of the Insert buttons.
The Mute, Rec/Rdy All, Input and Output buttons in the
Select Assign section are currently not supported.
Use the Auto buttons to control the status of the Read
and Write buttons in the Mixer, depending on the Read/ Write status in the Auto Mode section.
Use the Off
button in the Auto Mode section to control the Read All or Write All button in the mixer, depending on the Read/Write status in the Auto Mode section.
The Touch, Latch and Trim buttons in the Auto Mode section are currently not supported.
Use the Transport button in the Window section to open or close the Transport panel.
Use the Edit button in the Window section to bring the current Project window to the front.
Use the Status button in
the Window section to open or
close the VST Performance window.
Use the Mix button in the Window section to open or close the Mixer window.
Use the Mem-Loc button in the Window section to open the Marker window.
The Alt button in the Window section is used for user­assigned functions.
The Undo button in the Keyboard Shortcuts section un­does the last performed operation.
Hold down the Shift button and press Undo to redo the last undone op­eration.
Press the Save button in the Keyboard Shortcuts sec­tion to save the current project.
Hold down the Shift button and press the Save button to save a backup copy of the current project.
The Edit Mode, Edit Tool, Option/All, Ctrl/Clutch and Alt/Fine buttons in the Keyboard Shortcuts section are currently not supported.
The Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete buttons in the Edit section control the equivalent program functions.
The Capture and Separate buttons in the Edit section are currently not supported.
The buttons in the Status/Group section are currently not supported.
Use the In and Out buttons above the transport controls to set the project cursor to the positions of the left or right locators.
Hold down the Shift button and press the In or Out button to move the left or right locator to the current project cursor position.
Use the RTZ and END buttons to set the project cursor to the beginning or the end of the project.
Press the Quick Punch button to switch automatic punch in on or off.
Hold down the Shift button and press the Quick Punch button to switch automatic punch out on or off.
Press the Loop button to switch Cycle mode on or off.
ess the On Line button to switch Synchronization on
or off.
The Audition, Pre and Post buttons are used for user assignable functions (see function keys F1 to F7).
The supported remote control devices
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