003, 003 Rack, 96 I/O, 96i I/O, 192 Digital I/O, 192 I/O, 888|24 I/O,
882|20 I/O, 1622 I/O, 24-Bit ADAT Bridge I/O, AudioSuite, Avid, Avid DNA, Avid
Mojo, Avid Unity, Avid Unity ISIS, Avid Xpress, AVoption, Axiom, Beat Detective,
Bomb Factory, Bruno, C|24, Command|8, Control|24, D-Command, D-Control, DFi, D-fx, D-Show, D-Verb, DAE, Digi 002, DigiBase, DigiDelivery, Digidesign,
Digidesign Audio Engine, Digidesign Intelligent Noise Reduction, Digidesign
TDM Bus, DigiDrive, DigiRack, DigiTest, DigiTranslator, DINR, D-Show,
DV Toolkit, EditPack, Eleven, HD Core, HD Process, Hybrid, Impact, Interplay,
LoFi, M-Audio, MachineControl, Maxim, Mbox, MediaComposer, MIDI I/O, MIX,
MultiShell, OMF, OMF Interchange, PRE, ProControl, Pro Tools M-Powered,
Pro Tools, Pro Tools|HD, Pro Tools LE, QuickPunch, Recti-Fi, Reel Tape, Reso,
Reverb One, ReVibe, RTAS, Sibelius, Smack!, SoundReplacer, Sound
Designer II, Strike, Structure, SYNC HD, SYNC I/O, Synchronic, TL Aggro, TL
AutoPan, TL Drum Rehab, TL Everyphase, TL Fauxlder, TL In Tune, TL
MasterMeter, TL Metro, TL Space, TL Utilities, Transfuser, Trillium Lane Labs,
Vari-Fi Velvet, X-Form, XMON, and Xpand! are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Digidesign and/or Avid Technology, Inc. All other trademarks are
the property of their respective owners.
Product features, specifications, system requirements, and availability are
subject to change without notice.
Guide Part Number 9329-59290-00 REV A 11/08
Documentation Feedback
At Digidesign, we're always looking for ways to improve our documentation. If you
have comments, corrections, or suggestions regarding our documentation, email
us at techpubs@digidesign.com.
Pro Tools Shortcuts
(for Pro Tools Systems on Mac)
For increased operational speed and ease-of-use, there are many Pro Tools® keyboard and Right-click shortcuts to give you fast access to a wide variety of tasks. This guide lists keyboard shortcuts and Right-click shortcuts. Shortcuts are grouped by functional
area for your added convenience and quick reference.
Menu commands that have a keyboard shortcut display their keyboard shortcut on-screen, to the right of the menu command.
References to Pro Tools LE® in this guide are usually interchangeable with Pro Tools M-Powered™, except as noted in the Pro Tools
M-Powered Setup Guide.
Conventions Used in This Guide
Digidesign® guides use the following conventions to indicate menu choices and key commands:
Table 1. Global keyboard shortcuts
File > Save SessionChoose Save Session from the File menu.
Command+NHold down the Command (Apple) key and press the N key.
Option+Plus/Minus (+/–) keysHold down the Option key and press the Plus (+) or Minus (–) key (on numeric keypad
Command-clickHold down the Command key and click the mouse button.
Right-clickClick with the right mouse button.
or QWERTY, as noted).
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools 1
Keyboard Shortcuts
Global Keyboard Shortcuts
Table 2. Global keyboard shortcuts
Change parameters on all similar channel stripsOption+applicable function (applicable functions listed below)
Change parameter on all selected similar channel
Applicable functions: Automation mode • Monitor mode • playlist enables • record, solo and mute enables
• record and solo safes • inserting plug-ins • I/O, bus, send assignment
• volume/peak indicator • extend Edit or Timeline selection • track heights • clear clip meter
Toggle item and set all others to same new stateOption-click on applicable item (applicable items listed below)
Toggle item and set all others to opposite stateCommand-click on applicable item (applicable items listed directly below)
Applicable items: Tracks in Track List • Group enables/activation
Enable/disable online playbackCommand+J, or Option+Spacebar
Center on selection start/endLeft/Right Arrow keys (when selection exceeds window view)
Play Edit selectionOption+[
Back/Forward (move the playback location backwards/forwards by the Back/Forward amount)
(Pro Tools HD only)
The Mac OS X Dashboard feature uses the same key command Pro Tools uses to
start recording (F12). If you want to retain use of this key command in Pro Tools, this
shortcut must be disabled. For more information, see your Setup Guide.
Command+Period (.)
The Mac OS X Dashboard feature uses the same key command Pro Tools uses to
start recording (F12). If you want to retain use of this key command in Pro Tools, this
shortcut must be disabled. For more information, see your Setup Guide.
Control+Spacebar, or Option-click, on Transport Play button
Command+Transpor t Rewind button or Transport Fast Forward button
Back/Forward and Play (move the playback location
backwards/forwards by Back/Forward amount and
then begin playback) (Pro Tools HD only)
Extend a selection backwards by the Back/Forward
amount (Pro Tools HD only)
Extend the selection backwards by the Back/Forward amount and begin playback (Pro Tools HD only)
Record-safe trackCommand-click on track Record Enable button
Solo-safe trackCommand-click on track Solo button
Cycle through record modes: normal, Destructive,
Loop, QuickPunch
Loop playback toggleCommand+Shift+L, or Control-click on Transport Play button
Loop Transport ModeCommand+Control+P
Loop RecordOption+L
TrackPunch (Pro Tools HD only)Command+Shift+T
™, TrackPunch, DestructivePunch
Command+Option+Transpor t Rewind button or Transport Fast Forward button
Shift+Command+Transport Rewind button or Transport Fast Forward button
Shift+Command+Option+Transport Rewind button or Transport Fast Forward button
Control-click on Transport Record Enable button
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools 3
Table 3. Playback and Record shortcuts
Enter/Exit record during playback in QuickPunchCommand+Spacebar, F12, or click Transport Record button
The Mac OS X Dashboard feature uses the same key command Pro Tools uses to
start recording (F12). If you want to retain use of this key command in Pro Tools, this
shortcut must be disabled. For more information, see your Setup Guide.
DestructivePunch or TrackPunch enable/disable an
audio track
DestructivePunch or TrackPunch enable/disable all
audio tracks
DestructivePunch or TrackPunch enable/disable all
selected audio tracks
Simultaneously DestructivePunch or TrackPunch
enable/disable and record enable/disable all audio
Simultaneously DestructivePunch or TrackPunch
enable/disable and record enable/disable all
selected audio tracks
Temporarily force all VCA slave tracks to toggle their
record enable status (Pro Tools HD only)
Temporarily force all VCA slave tracks to toggle their
Track Input status (Pro Tools HD only
Enable or disable pre/post-roll timeCommand+K
Set and enable pre/post-roll timeOption-click with Selector before or after selection
Disable and set to zero pre/post-roll timeOption-click within selection closer to front or back
Control-click the track’s Record Enable button
Option-Control-click a track’s Record Enable button
Control-Option-Shift-click a track’s Record Enable button
Option-click a track’s Record Enable button
Option-Shift-click a track’s Record Enable button
Option-click the VCA Record Enable button
Option-click the VCA TrackInput button
Toggle Transport Master (Pro Tools/Machine/MMC)Command+Backslash (\)
When Transport = Pro Tools
Table 4. Auditioning shortcuts when Transport = Pro Tools
Play by pre-roll value up to selection start/end
(or current location if no selection)
Play by post-roll value from selection start/end
(or current cursor location if no selection)
Play by pre- and post-roll value through selection
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools4
Option+Left/Right Arrow keys
Command+Left/Right Arrow keys
Command+Option+Left/Right Arrow keys
When Transport = Machine/MMC
Table 5. Auditioning shortcuts when Transport = Machine/MMC
Cue Transport to selection start/endCommand+Left/Right Arrow keys
Cue Transport with pre/post-roll to selection
Option+Left/Right Arrow keys
Scrub (Jog)/Shuttle
Table 6. Scrub (Jog)/Shuttle shortcuts
Temporary Scrub mode when using SelectorControl-click and drag
Extend selection while scrubbingShift-click and drag with the Scrubber tool, (also in temporary Scrub mode)
ShuttleOption-click-drag with Scrubber tool, (also in temporary Scrub mode)
Shuttle Lock (Classic or Transport mode)Control+number key 1–9 (1=minimum, 5=real-time, 9=maximum)
Change direction during Shuttle Lock (Classic or
Transport mode)
Shuttle Lock stop (Classic or Transport mode)0 (press number key to resume shuttle)
Exit Shuttle Lock mode (Classic or Transport mode)Spacebar or Escape (Esc) key
Plus/Minus (+/–) keys
For example, Control+number+Minus (–) key
Transport Mode Shortcuts with Numeric Keypad
Select Transport mode in the Operations Preferences page.
Table 7. Transport mode shortcuts
TaskShortcut (on Numeric Keypad)
Fast Forward2
Record Enable3
Loop Playback mode on/off4
Loop Record mode on/off5
QuickPunch mode on/off6
Click on/off7
Countoff on/off8
MIDI Merge/Replace mode on/off9
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools 5
Shuttle Mode Shortcuts with Numeric Keypad
(Pro Tools HD Only)
Select Shuttle mode in the Operations Preferences page.
Tabl e 8 . Sh ut t le mod e s hor t cu ts
1 x Forward playback speed6
1 x Rewind playback speed4
4 x Forward playback speed9
4 x Rewind playback speed7
1/4 x Forward playback speed3
1/4 x Rewind playback speed1
1/2 x Forward playback speed5+6
1/2 x Rewind playback speed5+4
2 x Forward playback speed8+9
2 x Backward playback speed8+7
1/16 x Forward playback speed2+3
1/16 x Backward playback speed2+1
Loop playback of Edit Selection0
Edit Modes and Tools
Table 9. Edit mode and tool shortcuts
Shuffle modeF1, or Option+1 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Slip modeF2, or Option+2 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Spot modeF3, or Option+3 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Grid modeF4,or Option+4 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Enable Snap To Grid while in another Edit mode.Shfit+F4
Enable Snap to Grid and Shuffle mode.F1+F4
Enable Snap to Grid and Slip modeF2+F4
Enable Snap to Grid and Spot mode.F3+F4
Zoomer toolF5, or Command+1 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Trimmer toolF6, or Command+2 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Selector toolF7, or Command+3 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools6
Table 9. Edit mode and tool shortcuts
Grabber toolF8, or Command+4 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Scrubber toolF9, or Command+5 (on QWERTY keyboard, if Mac OS X Expose is disabled)
Pencil toolF10, or Command+6 (on QWERTY keyboard, if Mac OS X Expose is disabled)
Smart ToolF6+F7, F7+F8, or Command+7 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Cycle through Edit modesSingle Open Quote (‘) key, located above the Tab key
Cycle through Edit toolsEscape (Esc) key
Lock out or unlock Shuffle ModeCommand-click the Shuffle button
Edit Selection, Definition, and Navigation
Table 10. Edit selection, definition and navigation shortcuts
Enable or disable Tab to Transients commandCommand+Option+Tab
Locate cursor to next region-boundary/sync pointTab (if Tab to Transients button is enabled)
Locate cursor to previous region boundary/sync
Go to and select next regionControl+Tab
Go to and select previous regionControl+Option+Tab
Go to Song StartControl+Return
Extend selection to Song StartShift+Control+Return
Extend selection to next region-boundaryShift+Tab
Extend selection to previous region-boundaryOption+Shift+Tab
Extend selection to include next regionControl+Shift+Tab
Extend selection to include previous regionControl+Shift+Option+Tab
Return to start of sessionReturn
Go to end of sessionOption+Return
Extend selection to start of sessionShift+Return
Extend selection to end of sessionOption+Shift+Return
Link Timeline and Edit selectionShift+Forward Slash (/)
Option+Tab (if Tab to Transients button is enabled)
Set selection start/end during playbackDown/Up Arrow keys
Set selection start/end to incoming time code while
Select entire region in Edit windowDouble-click with Selector
Down/Up Arrow keys
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools 7
Table 10. Edit selection, definition and navigation shortcuts
Select entire track in Edit windowTriple-click with Selector, or single-click in track and press Command+A
Select all regions in all tracks in Edit windowReturn, then press Command+A
Extend cursor or selection across all tracksEnable “All” Edit group and Shift-click on any other track
Move the selection forward by the selection amountCommand+Control+Option+Apostrophe (’)
Move the selection backward by the selection
Double the length of the Edit selectionCommand+Control+Option+Shift+Apostrophe (‘)
Halve the length of the selectionCommand+Control+Option+Shift+L
Cancel Zoom toggle and remain at the same zoom
Fit all shown tracks in the Edit windowCommand+Option+Control+Up arrow or Down arrow
Record enable tracks that contain the Edit cursor or
Edit selection
Input enable tracks that contain the Edit cursor or
Edit selection
Solo tracks that contain the Edit cursor or Edit selectio
Mute tracks that contain the Edit cursor or Edit
Move the insertion to the beginning of the Edit selection
Move the insertion to the end of the Edit selectionUp arrow
Down arrow
Increase or decrease the height of any lane that contains the Edit cursor or an Edit selection
Control+Up/Down Arrow
Editing, Nudging and Trimming
In the following shortcuts, the Plus/Minus (+/–) key usage is on the numeric keypad only.
Table 11. Editing, navigation and trimming shortcuts