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Portions relating to gdttf.c copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 John Ellson (
Portions relating to gdft.c copyright 2001, 2002 John Ellson (
Portions relating to JPEG and to color quantization copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, Doug Becker and copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997,
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, Thomas G. Lane. This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. See the file
README-JPEG.TXT for more information. Portions relating to WBMP copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Maurice Szmurlo and Johan Van den
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Although their code does not appear in gd, the authors wish to thank David Koblas, David Rowley, and Hutchison Avenue Software
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This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (
MediaCentral may use OpenLDAP. Copyright 1999-2003 The OpenLDAP Foundation, Redwood City, California, USA. All Rights
Reserved. OpenLDAP is a registered trademark of the OpenLDAP Foundation.
Media | Distribute enables its users to access certain YouTube functionality, as a result of Avid's licensed use of YouTube's API. The
charges levied by Avid for use of Media | Distribute are imposed by Avid, not YouTube. YouTube does not charge users for accessing
YouTube site functionality through the YouTube APIs.
Media | Distribute uses the bitly API, but is neither developed nor endorsed by bitly.
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This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
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Copyright (c) 1989 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
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Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
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Copyright 1995, Trinity College Computing Center. Written by David Chappell.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
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Copyright 1996 Daniel Dardailler.
Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above
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Modifications Copyright 1999 Matt Koss, under the same license as above.
Copyright (c) 1991 by AT&T.
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Avid Media | Distribute Installation and Configuration Guide • Created 9/26/16 • This document is distributed by Avid in
online (electronic) form only, and is not available for purchase in printed form.
This guide is intended for users of MediaCentral | UX with the Media | Distribute feature. This guide
describes the installation and configuration procedures for Media Distribute, such as installing the
Media Distribute software and configuring system accounts.
For information on using the publishing features of Media Distribute, see the Media | Distribute User’s Guide or the MediaCentral | UX Help. For administrative information for MediaCentral | UX,
see the Avid MediaCentral | UX Administration Guide.
1Installation for Media | Distribute
The supported configuration for Media Distribute requires you to install Media Distribute on your
MediaCentral | UX server, which is part of your MediaCentral installation and configuration. For
installation information, see the Avid MediaCentral Platform Services Installation and Configuration Guide.
The Media Distribute installation procedures assume you have installed Avid MediaCentral Platform
Services (MCS). You must extract the Media Distribute installation package from
Media_Distribute_[version]Build[xx]_Linux.tar.gz. You run the installation file itself from a shell
script called This installs the plug-in needed for MediaCentral UX to access the Media
Distribute functionality, as well as the avid-mpd service which provides the functionality for Media
Distribute workflows.
The procedures for installing Media Distribute depend on whether you install the application
components in a cluster environment or on a single MediaCentral server.
•If you deploy MCS and components on a master node and one or more non-master nodes in a
cluster configuration, see “Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster
Environment” on page 9.
•If you deploy all MCS and components on a single server, see “Installing and Upgrading
Media | Distribute on a Single Server” on page 18.
If necessary for security considerations, you can configure Media Distribute to communicate with the
Internet through a proxy server. For more information, see “Modifying Media | Distribute to Work
with a Proxy Server” on page 21.
The following installed components are necessary for the current version of Media Distribute:
•Avid MediaCentral Platform Services v2.8.x (if you work with a cluster configuration, you need
to ensure that all nodes in the cluster function properly)
•iNEWS 3.4.3 or later (for MCS configurations with iNEWS)
•Interplay MAM 5.6 (for MCS configurations with Avid Interplay Media Asset Manager)
•Avid ISIS v4.7.6 driver
MediaCentral Platform Services includes a copy of both the Avid ISIS Client and the Avid NEXIS
Client software. The ISIS Client is installed by default through the MCS v2.8.x installation process.
The NEXIS Client is bundled with the MCS software for convenience and is not actively installed.
Verify the version of the Avid NEXIS or Avid ISIS client required for your environment and upgrade
the client software if necessary.
•Red Had Enterprise Linux (RHEL) v6.5
•MediaCentral Distribution Service
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster Environment
You also need to ensure that the following are available for Media Distribute:
•Interplay Media Services Engine
•Interplay Transfer engine
•At least one installed transcode provider
•STP encoder
•Internet connection for publishing to social media sites
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster
The procedures in this section assume you have already installed and configured your MediaCentral
Platform Services on your clustered servers. For more information on configuring a MediaCentral
cluster environment, see the Avid MediaCentral Platform Services Installation and Configuration Guide. To configure Media Distribute, you require the following:
•RHEL and MediaCentral software components are installed on all servers in the cluster.
•All servers are set up and configured correctly for the cluster.
•Failover processes work correctly.
Installing Media Distribute entails the following steps:
•Copying the Media Distribute installation files to a USB drive.
•Identifying the master and non-master nodes in your configuration, and identifying the virtual
cluster IP address (see “Identifying the Master and Non-Master Nodes” on page 10 and
“Identifying the Virtual Cluster IP” on page 10).
•Installing Media Distribute on the master and all non-master nodes in your cluster configuration.
•Setting up the Media Distribute database on the master node of the cluster. You must install
Media Distribute on all nodes, but you only configure the database once.
•Modifying the MCS configuration file to change the host address to the virtual cluster IP of the
If you deploy all MCS and components on a single server, see “Installing and Upgrading
Media | Distribute on a Single Server” on page 18.
After you have installed and configured Media Distribute on your master and non-master nodes, you
need to restart some MediaCentral Platform and Media Distribute services.
If you need to remove Media Distribute, see “Removing Media | Distribute” on page 23.
For installation procedures, see the following topics:
•“Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute” on page 11
•“Configuring Media | Distribute on the Master Node” on page 14
•“Configuring the Media | Distribute Installation on Non-Master Nodes” on page 16
The Media Distribute software installation package file
(Media_Distribute_[version]Build[xx]_Linux.tar.gz) is available to Avid Support representatives
only and can be downloaded from the Avid Gold Build repository.
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster Environment
To prepare and mount a USB drive for Media Distribute installation:
1. On a Windows system, format a USB drive as a FAT32 volume.
2. Get the Media Distribute installation package file
(Media_Distribute_[version]Build[xx]_Linux.tar.gz) from your Avid representative.
3. Copy the compressed installation file to the USB drive.
4. Remove the USB device from the Windows system.
Identifying the Master and Non-Master Nodes
You can use the cluster resource monitoring command, crm, to verify which server functions as the
master node and which as the non-master nodes.
To identify the master and non-master nodes, do the following:
tLog in to any node in the cluster as root and open the cluster resource monitoring utility by
typing the following:
The status of all cluster-related services on all nodes displays in the terminal window.
The master and non-master nodes are indicated as the Master/Slave Set — for example:
Some configuration files used in the configuration of your Media Distribute installation require the
virtual cluster IP. This is required for the correct configuration of the Media Distribute service in a
cluster installation.
To identify the virtual cluster IP:
tLog in to the master node of the cluster and type the following command:
The following is a example of the output of a typical network interface configuration. The virtual
cluster IP is the IP assigned to the 'eth0:c10' network adapter. In this example, the virtual cluster
IP is
If you install Media Distribute in a cluster environment, you must install it first on the master node of
the cluster since the database service runs on this node. The installation includes creating a database
for the Media Distribute service. This can only be done on the node with the running PostgreSQL
service. After you install the application on the master node, you must install Media Distribute on all
non-master nodes.
When you finish the master node installation, you might see a message during the installation on
non-master nodes; “Not running a database PG on localhost. Please enter IP of database server.” If
you see this message, press Enter. You do not need to provide an IP address for your database server
when installing Media Distribute on a non-master node.
The procedure for upgrading Media Distribute is similar to the one you used initially to install Media
Distribute. The upgrade procedure overwrites some configuration files. You can restore some of these
files by using the backup configuration files already in your configuration once the upgrade
completes. For other files — for example, the Avid Publish Service configuration files — you must
edit the new versions if you made any customizations to the original configuration.
When you upgrade your version of Media Distribute, all system and user settings are saved. You do
not need to create new settings, but if the newer version includes new features, you might need to
modify your settings to activate the features. For a list of new features, see the ReadMe
documentation that came with your version of MediaCentral UX. For information on setting up
account profiles, see “Configuring System Accounts for Media | Distribute” on page 57.
The Media Distribute installation, upgrade, and configuration disconnects all users logged in to
MediaCentral UX when it restarts some services. Ensure that all users save their sessions and
log off during the installation or upgrade procedures.
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster Environment
To install or upgrade Media Distribute:
1. Insert the Media Distribute installation USB drive into the server.
2. Verify the name of the device by typing the following command:
Linux information relating to hardware appears on the screen.
Information for the USB device appears near the end of the output, near the list of SCSI devices.
The name of the USB device is found inside square brackets (e.g., sdc). This is the name you use
to mount the device.
3. Create a mount point for the USB device by typing the following:
4. Mount the USB key at the mount point you just created:
mount -t vfat /dev/sdc<?> /media/usb
The name of the USB device (sdc, in this case) takes a 1 (one) in the mount command. This simply
indicates a partition exists on the USB device. Formatting the USB device in Windows created the
The USB device is now mounted and available for use.
5. Verify the USB key has been mounted:
Information displays about all mounted file systems and devices, including information about the
USB device, similar to the following:
File systemSizeUsedAvailUse %Mounted on
/dev/sdc17.5 G4.5 G3.0 G61 %/media/usb
df -h
mkdir /media/usb
6. Unpack the Media Distribute installation file by typing the following command:
tar -xzf /media/usb/Media_Distribute_<version>Build<xx>_Linux.tar.gz
The compressed file extracts to a subfolder within the target directory called
7. Navigate to the installation directory:
cd Media_Distribute_<version>_Build_<xx>_Linux
8. Run the installation script:
For master node installations, a default user in the PostgreSQL database is created with a user name
database are also created.
9. Follow the prompts to install Media Distribute.
and a password of
. The necessary database tables and schema in PostgreSQL
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster Environment
10. Do the following to open the MediaCentral Configurator, and then ensure that the Media
Distribute plug-in is enabled within the Configurator:
a.Type the following command:
b.Select MediaDistribute.
When the MediaCentral Configurator completes, a dialog box opens.
11. Press Enter to select No.
The Configurator closes.
12. To restart the MediaCentral service, type the following command:
crm resource restart AvidIPC
When you restart the services, all users currently logged on to MediaCentral UX are logged out.
Restarting the services might take up to a minute.
13. (Master node only) To verify the version of Media Distribute installed on a master node, type the
following command:
The command returns the installed versions of ServiceMix and Media Distribute. For example:
14. (Master node only) To verify the ServiceMix installation on a master node, do the following:
a.Type the following
ssh Administrator@localhost -p 8101
to continue connecting to the host, and then type the default password
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster Environment
If not all endpoints are active or if the Social Media Integration route is not started, ServiceMix
might not have completed restarting. You can wait a moment and then retry these steps.
d.To quit ServiceMix, type
15. To remove the installation files and unmount the USB drive, do the following:
, and press Enter.
All account endpoints display as “Active” and the Social Media Integration route displays as
cd /
to ensure you are not currently on the USB key by changing to the root directory.
b.Type the following:
rm -rf <target_directory>
umount /media/usb
c.Remove the USB drive from the server.
Configuring Media | Distribute on the Master Node
After you install Media Distribute, you must edit several configuration and property files and restart
services on the master cluster node before you can use Media Distribute.
To configure PostgreSQL to allow remote hosts access to the Media Distribute database:
1. Using Linux commands, navigate to the directory containing the PostgreSQL database
configuration file:
cd /mnt/drbd/postgres_data
2. Using the Linux text editor, vi, open the pg_hba.conf file for editing:
vi pg_hba.conf
3. Type G to go to the last line of the file, and then Type i (lower case “i”) to enter insert mode and
move to the new line.
4. Add the following to the last line:
host mpd mpduser trust
5. Press the Escape key to return to command mode, then type
the text editor.
and press Enter to write and quit
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster Environment
To configure the User Management Service (UMS) properties file (new installation only):
1. Using Linux commands, navigate to the directory containing the UMS properties file:
cd /usr/share/apache-servicemix/config
2. Using the Linux text editor, vi, open the file for editing:
3. Navigate using the arrow keys to the next line:
Configuring the Media | Distribute Installation on Non-Master Nodes
Once you have installed Media Distribute on the master node, you must install the application on all
non-master nodes. For installation procedures, see “Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute” on
page 11.
After the installation or upgrade is complete, you must edit several configuration and property files
and restart services on all non-master nodes in your cluster before you can use Media Distribute.
Since the edited configuration and property files are identical to the ones you edited on the master
node, you can copy those files to the non-master nodes.
To copy the edited Media Distribute files from the master to the non-master nodes:
1. Log in to your non-master node server using the root account.
2. Open a Linux terminal window, and then type the following commands:
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster Environment
The terminal window displays the following message:
The authenticity of host '<hostname (IP address)>' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is <fingerprint alphanumerical id>.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
3. Type
The terminal window displays the following message:
Warning: Permanently added '<hostname, IP address>' (RSA) to the list of
known hosts.
4. If prompted for a password, type the password for your root user account.
The edited files are copied to the non-master node.
5. To restart the Media Distribute service, type the following command:
service avid-mpd clean-restart
To verify the ServiceMix installation, do the following:
1. Type the following
ssh Administrator@localhost -p 8101
2. Type
3. Type
to continue connecting to the host, and then type the default password
, and press Enter.
All account endpoints display as “Active” and the Social Media Integration route displays as
4. To quit ServiceMix, type
Restarting PostgreSQL Service and Verifying the Cluster Installation
Before you verify your Media Distribute installation on the master and non-master nodes, you need
to perform a failover of the servers. This restarts the PostgreSQL service and validates the mpduser. It
also tests your new installation and verifies that both Media Distribute and MediaCentral Platform
Services are running properly.
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute on a Single Server
To perform a failover and verify your installation:
1. Open a terminal window and log in to any non-master node in the cluster as root and check the
cluster resource status by typing the following:
The status of all cluster-related services on all nodes displays in the terminal window. The
Migration summary also displays at the bottom of the screen, which can be useful to view errors
and fail counts per node.
crm_mon -f
2. On the master node, type the following, and then press Enter:
3. Monitor the cluster information displayed on the slave node as it updates its information.
As the slave node becomes the master node, it takes ownership of the PostgreSQL database. This
process takes several seconds to complete.
4. When the updated cluster is stable, bring the standby mode back online by typing the following
and press Enter:
The offline node is brought back up and rejoins the cluster.
5. Monitor the cluster information displayed on the node as it updates its information.
When the node on standby comes online, its status is that of the slave node.
6. Repeat the process to test failover in the opposite direction.
As the master node goes into standby mode, the status of the slave node returns to that of the
master node. When the standby node comes back online, its status is that of the slave node.
crm node online <hostname>
with the hostname of the master node — for example, wavd-mcs01.
with the name of the offline node (e.g. wavd-mcs01).
crm node standby <hostname>
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute on a Single
The Media Distribute software installation package file
(Media_Distribute_[version]_Build_[xx]_Linux.tar.gz) is available to Avid Support representatives
only and can be downloaded from the Avid Gold Build repository.
If you deploy MCS and components on a master node and one or more non-master nodes in a
cluster configuration, see “Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster
Environment” on page 9.
To prepare and mount a USB drive for Media Distribute installation:
1. On a Windows system, format a USB drive as a FAT32 volume.
2. Get the Media Distribute installation package file
(Media_Distribute_[version]_Build_[xx]_Linux.tar.gz) from your Avid representative.
3. Copy the compressed installation file to the USB drive.
4. Remove the USB device from the Windows system.
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute on a Single Server
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute on a Server
You can install or upgrade Media Distribute on a single server The installation includes creating a
database for the Media Distribute service.
The procedure for upgrading Media Distribute is similar to the one you used initially to install Media
Distribute. If you need to remove Media Distribute, see “Removing Media | Distribute” on page 23.
When you upgrade your version of Media Distribute, all system and user settings are saved. You do
not need to create new settings, but if the newer version includes new features, you might need to
modify your settings to activate the features. For a list of new features, see the ReadMe
documentation that came with your version of MediaCentral UX. For information on setting up
account profiles, see “Configuring System Accounts for Media | Distribute” on page 57.
The Media Distribute installation and configuration disconnects all users logged in to
MediaCentral UX when it restarts some services. Ensure that all users save their sessions and
log off during the installation or upgrade procedures.
To install or upgrade Media Distribute:
1. Insert the Media Distribute installation USB drive into the master node server.
2. Verify the name of the device by typing the following command:
Linux information relating to hardware appears on the screen.
Information for the USB device appears near the end of the output, near the list of SCSI devices.
The name of the USB device is found inside square brackets (e.g., sdc). This is the name you use
to mount the device.
3. Create a mount point for the USB device by typing the following:
4. Mount the USB key at the mount point you just created:
mount -t vfat /dev/sdc<?> /media/usb
The name of the USB device (sdc, in this case) takes a 1 (one) in the mount command. This simply
indicates a partition exists on the USB device. Formatting the USB device in Windows created the
The USB device is now mounted and available for use.
5. Verify the USB key has been mounted:
df -h
mkdir /media/usb
Information displays about all mounted file systems and devices, including information about the
USB device, similar to the following:
File systemSizeUsedAvailUse %Mounted on
/dev/sdc17.5 G4.5 G3.0 G61 %/media/usb
6. Unpack the Media Distribute installation file by typing the following command:
tar -xzf /media/usb/Media_Distribute_<version>Build<xx>_Linux.tar.gz
The compressed file extracts to a subfolder within the target directory called
7. Navigate to the installation directory:
cd Media_Distribute_<version>_Build_<xx>_Linux
8. Run the installation script:
Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute on a Single Server
A default user in the PostgreSQL database is created with a user name of
9. Follow the prompts to install Media Distribute.
10. To verify the package has been installed, type the following:
11. Type the following to open the MediaCentral Configurator, and then ensure that the Media
When you exit MediaCentral Configurator, you are asked to restart the MediaCentral services. When
you restart the services, all users currently logged on to MediaCentral UX are logged out.
12. To verify the ServiceMix installation, do the following:
. The necessary database tables and schema in PostgreSQL database are also created.
Distribute plug-in is enabled within the Configurator:
a.Type the following
ssh Administrator@localhost -p 8101
and a password of
d.To quit ServiceMix, type
to continue connecting to the host, and then type the default password
, and press Enter.
If the ServiceMix installation is successful, all account endpoints display as “Active” and the
Social Media Integration route displays as “Started.”
Modifying Media | Distribute to Work with a Proxy Server
13. To unmount the USB drive, do the following:
cd /
b.Type the following:
rm -rf <target_directory>
umount /media/usb
c.Remove the USB drive from the server.
to ensure you are not currently on the USB key by changing to the root directory.
Modifying Media | Distribute to Work with a Proxy
Media Distribute installations include an instance of ServiceMix that requires external connectivity
to the Internet — for example, to post packages to Facebook or Twitter. Both Media Distribute and
ServiceMix reside on the MediaCentral server connected to your internal network. This might create
potential security issues for certain customers. For secure deployment considerations, you can
configure Media Distribute to communicate with the Internet through a proxy server.
Using a proxy server — such as a Squid server or any other proxy server running on another machine
in the network — allows you to restrict the ports that ServiceMix uses and the specific Internet sites
with which it communicates. This solution involves configuration changes only and does not require
changes to the existing Media Distribute installation process. After installing Media Distribute, you
need to modify the Service Mix configuration file to include the proxy settings to ensure that all
requests and responses go through the proxy server. When you restart Media Distribute services, any
ServiceMix communication is forwarded to the proxy server.
When you have configured Media Distribute to use a proxy server, you must configure the proxy
server with the following information:
•IP addresses of all ServiceMix instances, so that only data originating from Media Distribute are
allowed to the proxy server
• Social media targets for the destination domains — for example,
You can also specify some systems in your configuration to bypass the proxy server. This can be
useful in some configurations where you need to access the intranet — for example, when using a
Vantage transcoder — where direct access works better.
See the documentation that came with your proxy server installation for more information on how to
configure it for proxy operation.
The following procedure describes how to modify the ServiceMix properties file. It assumes you
have set up and configured a proxy server.
To modify the ServiceMix configuration file for using Media Distribute with a proxy server:
1. Navigate to the directory containing the Media Distribute database configuration file:
cd /etc/apache-servicemix
2. Using the Linux text editor, vi, open the avid-mpd-wrapper.conf file for editing:
vi avid-mpd-wrapper.conf
3. Locate the section called Proxy configuration, and then type i (lower case “i”) to enter insert
Modifying Media | Distribute to Work with a Proxy Server
4. Locate the following lines, type i (lower case “i”) to enter insert mode, and then use the arrow
keys and backspace to erase the
(comment indicator) on all lines except those for setting the
proxy user name and proxy password (these are optional parameters):
You can add systems to this exclusion by separating them with a pipe symbol (|).
6. Delete the numeral variable (.n) and number the lines for which you have removed the comment
7. Delete the <proxy host> or <proxy port> variable and then replace it by typing the IP address of
your proxy server or by typing the port configured by your proxy server for both the HTTP and
HTTPS settings.
Typically the proxy port is 3128.
The modified configuration should look like the following example:
8. Press the Escape key to return to command mode, then type
and press Return to write and
quit the text editor.
9. To restart the MediaCentral service, type the following command:
service avid-mpd restart
Removing Media | Distribute
If you want to remove Media Distribute, you can use the procedure described in this section. If you
need to reinstall Media Distribute, see “Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute in a Cluster
Environment” on page 9 or “Installing and Upgrading Media | Distribute on a Single Server” on
page 18.
To remove Media Distribute on the master node:
1. To check the correct version and build numbers for your installation, type the following:
2. Remove the Media Distribute services by typing the following commands:
rpm -e avid-media-central-mpd
rpm -e avid-mpd
Removing Media | Distribute
You can copy the lines from the output in the previous step and paste them after the
3. To restart the MediaCentral services, type the following commands:
tFor cluster configurations:
tFor single-node systems:
When you remove Media Distribute, the Media Distribute Producer role remains in
MediaCentral UX.
crm resource restart AvidIPC
service avid-interplay-central restart
rpm -e
2Configuration for Media | Distribute
Before you use Avid Media Distribute to publish your content to multiple channels and devices, you
need to configure MediaCentral | UX for each platform or service you want to use for publishing.
This allows you to link your media packages and iNEWS stories with distribution to the Web and to
social media outlets and helping you to automate file preparation and transcoding.
Before you configure your system accounts, you need to need to configure MediaCentral UX for
Media Distribute. For more information, see the following topics:
•“Assigning Media | Distribute Roles” on page 24
•“Configuring the Transcode Route” on page 31
You can then configure your system and user accounts for Media Distribute:
•“Configuring System Accounts for Media | Distribute” on page 57
•“Configuring User Profiles for Media | Distribute” on page 118
Once you have configured your platforms and services, users can log in to MediaCentral UX and
start working with the application. For more information on using MediaCentral UX, see the Avid MediaCentral UX User’s Guide.
Verifying Your Media | Distribute Installation
Before you start to configure Media Distribute, you can test your installation to verify that all Media
Distribute components are functioning correctly.
To verify your Media Distribute installation:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Click the Layout selector and select Media Distribute.
If Media Distribute has installed correctly, the following panes display in the Media Distribute
-Social Message
-Web Story
Assigning Media | Distribute Roles
Media Distribute provides two basic roles for publishing to multiple platforms and managing the
layouts and permissions associated with them. Before you assign roles, you need to set up an
administrative account for Media Distribute. Once this administrative account appears in the System
Settings, the necessary roles are available for Media Distribute.
Assigning Media | Distribute Roles
If your MediaCentral configuration includes iNEWS, you need to assign an Advance License to the
two Media Distribute roles before you assign these roles to users. For Interplay Production
configurations, you can use the default Basic License type for these roles.
For more information about licenses and roles, see the Avid MediaCentral | UX Administration Guide.
When you have set up an administrative account and assigned the appropriate license type, you can
then assign either the Advance Journalist or the Media Distribute Producer role to Media Distribute
users. Only Media Distribute Producers have access to the review and approval features in the
Packages pane.
You can assign roles in two ways:
•In the Role Details pane
•In the User or Group Details pane.
If you are upgrading from Media Distribute v1.8 to v2.x, you need to add the Media Distribute layout
to the Advance Journalist role and to modify the legacy Interplay Pulse Producer role.
To set up an administrative account for Media Distribute:
1. Sign in to MediaCentral UX as an administrator.
2. Select System Settings from the Layout selector.
The System Settings layout opens.
3. In the Settings pane select Media Distribute > Profiles.
The Settings pane displays the settings in that group.
4. Click the Publication Type menu and select IPC.
5. Click the + (plus) button in the Details section.
Assigning Media | Distribute Roles
6. Specify the required settings:
-Profile Name (type a descriptive name for your administrative profile)
-Administrative Username
-Administrative Password
7. Click Verify Profile Settings to validate the profile settings.
If your profile is valid, a message displays: “Profile configurations is valid.” If any settings are
incorrect, a message displays and indicates which fields are incorrect. All invalid settings names
change to red.
The setting, “Transform iNEWS stories to lower case,” applies only to Media Distribute accounts
that publish packages containing iNEWS stories. The option does not affect this setting.
8. Click Apply to save the profile.
The profile displays in the Details section with the new information.
If you are editing a profile, click Revert to return to the original settings. If you want to delete a
profile, select the profile and click the minus (-) button in the Details section.
To assign an Advance License to the Media Distribute roles in the Role Details pane (iNEWS
configurations only):
1. Select Users from the Layout selector.
2. In the Roles pane, double-click either Advance Journalist or Media Distribute Producer to assign
to a user or group.
Information about the role is displayed in the Details pane.
3. In the Details pane, select Advance License as the License Type for the following roles:
-Advance Journalist
-Media Distribute Producer
4. Click Apply to save your changes or click Revert to cancel your changes.
Assigning Media | Distribute Roles
To assign a Media Distribute role to a user in the Role Details pane:
1. Select Users from the Layout selector.
2. In the Roles pane, double-click either Advance Journalist or Media Distribute Producer to assign
to a user or group.
Information about the role is displayed in the Details pane.
3. Click the User Tree pane.
4. Select the user or group to which you which you want to assign the role and drag it to the Users
and Groups by MediaCentral Zone section of the Details pane.
MediaCentral UX User Settings, with the User Tree and Roles panes.
5. Click Apply to save your changes or click Revert to cancel your changes.
To assign the Media Distribute layout and create the Media Distribute Producer role (for
MediaCentral UX upgrade installations only):
1. Select Users from the Layout selector.
2. In the Roles pane, double-click Advance Journalist.
Information about the role is displayed in the Details pane.
3. In the Layouts pane, click the edit button.
The Add or Remove Layouts dialog box opens.
4. Select Media | Distribute, and then click the Close button.
Assigning Media | Distribute Roles
5. Click Apply to save your changes or click Revert to cancel your changes.
6. In the Roles pane, double-click Interplay Pulse Producer.
Information about the role is displayed in the Details pane.
7. Modify the role name in the Role Name text box by typing the following:
Media Distribute Producer
8. Modify the description in the Description text box by typing the following:
Media Distribute Producer
9. In the Layouts pane, click the edit button.
The Add or Remove Layouts dialog box opens.
MediaCentral | UX Security for Media | Distribute
10. Select Media | Distribute, and then click the Close button.
11. Click Apply to save your changes or click Revert to cancel your changes.
To assign a role in the User or Group Details pane (iNEWS configuration only):
1. Select Users from the Layout selector.
2. In the Roles pane, double-click either Advance Journalist or Media Distribute Producer to assign
to a user or group.
Information about the role is displayed in the Details pane.
3. Click the User Tree pane.
4. Select the user or group to which you which you want to assign the role and drag it to the Users
and Groups by MediaCentral Zone section of the Details pane.
MediaCentral UX User Settings, with the User Tree and Roles panes.
5. Click Apply to save your changes or click Revert to cancel your changes.
MediaCentral | UX Security for Media | Distribute
A MediaCentral client requires user login credentials in order to gain access to the underlying
functionality. All data transfer to and from the MediaCentral client (user credentials, session
information, user configuration settings, media images and files, text, and machine instructions) are
transported in a secure manner to the MediaCentral server using HTTPS protocol.
MediaCentral clients that connect through the public Internet require a virtual private network (VPN)
access to the server network. All connections pass through the VPN router/firewall through identified
ports. Once the data has passed into the “house network” it is secured using the customer’s existing
network security infrastructure.
For Media Distribute, ports are used for outgoing HTTP traffic and pass through a network firewall.
In some cases, a platform or a system account might require a separate port for outgoing FTP data.
Media Distribute does not require any ports for incoming data.
Do not enable a firewall on the servers in your Media Distribute configuration.
MediaCentral | UX Security for Media | Distribute
The following tables list the ports used by MediaCentral UX and Media Distribute that should be
allowed through the VPN and network firewalls.
VPN Firewall Port Settings
MediaCentral UX Web application80MediaCentral Platform Playback Services (MCPS)
HTTP calls
443MediaCentral HTTPS calls
843Loading the Flash Player for playback
26000Inbound MCPS data
5000Serving outbound JPEG images to the Flash player
21Outgoing FTP data
Communication over port 21 is only required
for XML transfer to generic CMS or OVP
endpoints or for media transfers to the
WorldNow CMS system and is not required
as part of any installation that uses standard
Media Distribute third-party connectors.
MediaCentral UX mobile applications80MCPS HTTP calls
443MediaCentral HTTPS calls
Network Firewall Port Settings
MediaCentral UX (these ports are used
for outbound communication with
configured endpoints such as Facebook,
Twitter, or YouTube)
Outbound ACLs should be used to allow packets from the MediaCentral Platform Services (MCS)
server to the MediaCentral client over “established” TCP sessions only.
80MediaCentral Platform Playback Services (MCPS)
HTTP calls
443MediaCentral HTTPS calls
Note that the Interplay Web service and MediaCentral UX application services operate on the same
server, so there are no proxies or firewalls between these components. Access to the MediaCentral
database is also direct, with no database firewall protection required.
Only MediaCentral UX Administrators can access and modify the system data stored within the user
management database (user credentials, user settings, and system attributes).
For more information on MediaCentral security, see the Avid MediaCentral | UX Security Architecture and Analysis.
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