Pinnacle Systems Media Director - 1.1 Installation Manual

Media | Director Engine
Installation Guide
Release 1.1
Contents ....................................................................................................... 2
Using this Guide .......................................................................................... 3
Revision History .......................................................................................................... 3
Symbols and Conventions .......................................................................................... 3
If You Need Help ......................................................................................................... 4
Avid Training Services ................................................................................................ 4
1 About Media | Director ................................ ................................ ...... 5
Media | Director Components ..................................................................................... 5
2 Media | Director Engine Prerequisites ............................................. 6
3 Media | Director Engine Installation ................................................ 8
Before You Start: Pre-Flight Checklist ........................................................................ 8
Server Hardware .................................................................................................... 8
Windows Operating System ................................................................................... 8
Infrastructure .......................................................................................................... 9
Preparing the Windows Server 2012 Operating System .......................................... 10
Disable Firewall .................................................................................................... 11
Add roles and features ......................................................................................... 11
Disable IPv6 ......................................................................................................... 15
Add IP v4 Addresses to Media | Director Hosts Files .......................................... 15
Installing the Media | Director Engine Software ........................................................ 16
Install Media | Director Engine ............................................................................. 16
Install the Media | Director Workflow Foundation ................................................ 31
Finalize the Installation ........................................................................................ 37
Uninstalling Media | Director Software ...................................................................... 38
To Uninstall the Media | Director Software .......................................................... 38
Deactivating the Media | Director License ................................................................ 39
To Deactivate the Media | Director License ......................................................... 39
Preparing a Windows Server 2008 System .............................................................. 40
Disable Firewall .................................................................................................... 41
Add roles and features on Windows Server 2008 ............................................... 41
4 Troubleshooting .............................................................................. 60
Troubleshooting Tools ............................................................................................... 60
MAAdminPasswordChanger ................................................................................ 60
MediaDirectorLogsCollector ................................................................................. 60
Log Files .................................................................................................................... 61
December 16, 2014
Updated for Media | Director v1.1
June 19, 2014
Added additional information on Windows Server 2008 support
Symbol or Convention
Meaning or Action
A note provides important related information, reminders, recommendations, and strong suggestions.
A caution means that a specific action you take causes you to lose data.
Courier on gray background indicates code examples.
Courier blue font
Courier blue font on gray background emphasizes code in examples.
Italic font
Italic font is used to emphasize certain words.
Courier bold font
Courier bold font identifies text that you type.
This symbol indicates menu commands (and subcommands) in the order you select them. For example, File > Import means open the File menu and then select the Import command.
<placeholder, variable>
Angle brackets indicate placeholders or variables.
Indicates names of processes, process classes, data model attributes, legal lists, legal list values, states of tasks, and templates
Revision History
Symbols and Conventions
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If You Need Help
If you are having trouble using your Avid product:
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1 About Media | Director
Media | Director Engine
Storage Management, AMA plugin host, ingest & register, proxy transcode and full-resolution consolidate
Media | Director Drop Utility
User interface for starting and configuring Media | Director Engine jobs and for building profiles
Thank you for selecting the Media | Director solution for automating your ingest workflows.
Media | Director is an optional service for Interplay Production that allows workgroups to capture field footage shot in various formats quickly by processing it against user-definable profiles that orchestrate copy, naming and transcode processes via a powerful rules system.
Media | Director allows workgroups to dramatically reduce the time spent capturing media, normalizing various formats for an efficient production pipeline, and migrating multi­resolution media so as to make cost efficient use of tiered storage environments.
The client user interface is lightweight and platform agnostic. It is capable of running on a modestly configured PC or Mac system. The rule building system is sophisticated yet simple to employ with assistant tools to enable staff to easily create time-saving, re-usable profiles.
Media | Director Components
Media | Director consists of the following components:
This guide describes how to install and configure the Media | Director Engine. For details on the Media | Director components and workflows, see the Media | Director User’s Guide on the Avid Knowledge Base.
2 Media | Director Engine Prerequisites
Hewlett Packard
2x Intel Xeon quad core L5518 @ 2.13GHz
2x Intel Xeon octa core E5-2650 @ 2.00GHz
Free Disk Space
10GB (C: and D: drives available)
10G Network Interface Card
1G Network Interface Card
Before attempting to install the Media | Director Engine, you need to make sure that the following requirements are met. Note that Media | Director Engine requires a dedicated server; co-installing the software together with other software is not supported.
The Media | Director Engine is qualified on the following hardware platforms:
The following are the minimum hardware specifications:
The Media | Director Engine is qualified with the following network cards:
Media | Director Components
Operating System
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
Interplay Production
Version 3.1 and v3.2 (for full functionality) Version 2.7.5 (reduced functionality)
Latest patch level
Version 4.6.1and higher
Media | Director Engine requires the following software prerequisites:
3 Media | Director Engine Installation
The server used for installing the Media | Director Engine needs to be a dedicated machine with a fresh Windows 2012 installation and the required hardware installed. In a first step, the fresh OS needs to be prepped by applying some fundamental settings and installing Media | Director Engine prerequisites.
Once you have successfully prepped your server with the operating system and hardware components listed in the prerequisites section, you can proceed with installing the Media | Director Engine.
The Media | Director Engine software is delivered as a single package that contains everything that is needed to install a complete Media | Director Engine system.
Load the installer file and proceed as outlined in the following sections.
Before You Start: Pre-Flight Checklist
Before attempting to install a Media | Director Engine, make sure you have the following resources and information accessible, and take note of configuration information where appropriate:
Server Hardware
Media | Director Engine requires a qualified server platform with the appropriate
amount of RAM and a qualified network interface card; refer to the previous chapter for a list of qualified hardware. The Media | Director Engine expects to make exclusive use of the server resources; for this reason no other software can be installed on the engine.
The Media | Director Engine software requires a C: drive to be available.
Windows Operating System
Installation requires administrative access to the Media | Director Engine OS. If a
domain account is used, it must have local administrator rights on the engine. This account must be the original Administrator account used to set up the Windows operating system. It cannot be simply a member of the Administrator group account.
Before You Start: Pre-Flight Checklist
The Media | Director Engine requires a C: drive that is formatted with the NTFS file
system. The drive must have at least 100GB free space available.
The Media | Director Engine requires a freshly installed Windows Server 2012 R2
Standard or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 operating system that should already be configured for your network environment with a valid IP V4 address and DNS name (see Prerequisites for details). During installation you will be instructed to add engine names to the local hosts file to increase system resiliency in case of DNS issues. Note that the IP V6 networking scheme is not supported . IP V6 is automatically disabled during the installation.
Before proceeding with the Engine installation, the Windows Server 2012 or Windows
Server 2008 operating system must be preconfigured with specific roles and features. If these roles and features are not configured as required your Media | Director Engine will not function properly. The next chapter explains the initial configuration steps in full detail; make sure you follow the instructions accurately.
The installation automatically disables the default Windows Firewall. If your site uses a
custom firewall, make sure it is disabled before you perform the Media | Director installation.
The Media | Director is designed as a client-server system. Once the Media | Director
Engine is installed, you can set up one or more clients by downloading the client software (Media | Director Drop Utility) for your engine. The client software is available for Windows and Mac OS X. It can be co-installed with other software (see previous chapter for hardware and software requirements). The client software requires ISIS connectivity from the client to the Media | Director Engine to support some of the profiles. A 1 GB connection to ISIS is supported but a faster connection is recommended for better performance.
The Media | Director Engine uses an online licensing scheme that works best with direct
Internet access. If possible, ensure the engine you are installing has Internet access. If direct Internet access is not available, the Media | Director Engine can be activated from a secondary Internet-connected computer.
The Media | Director Engine connects to your Interplay Production workgroup. The
installation process will ask for a user and password that Media | Director Engine will
use for communicating with your workgroup’s Interplay Engine. Make sure the user and
password is set up in the Interplay environment and can access the workgroup before proceeding with the installation.
Preparing the Windows Server 2012 Operating System
Should you accidentally enter incorrect values during the installation, the best strategy is to continue with the installation. Incorrect values can easily be modified in the Media | Director Engine Administrator after installation has finished.
The exception to this are the MAAdmin and SQL SA user credentials. These are required to be correct during the installation.
The Media | Director Engine needs to connect to your Interplay Production workgroup’s
shared storage system (ISIS). The install process will install the ISIS client but you will need to connect to the production ISIS manually using a suitable user and password. Make sure you have those credentials available. The MAAdmin account used for the Media | Director must exist on the Interplay Production system. Set this account up before you perform the Media | Director installation and make sure you use the exact same user name and password. The user name and password should be set to never expire.
The Media | Director Engine needs to connect to your AMA parking storage.
If your parking storage is an ISIS nearline system, access to one or more
workspaces needs to be configured with suitable credentials in the ISIS client. Make sure you have those credentials available, and configure and test access before proceeding with the installation.
If your parking storage is a 3rd party shared storage system, you may need to install
and configure a suitable storage driver on the Media | Director Engine. Refer to your storage vendor’s documentation for details. Before proceeding with the installation, make sure to obtain the required credentials and configure and test access to the parking storage. Note that a 3rd party storage license is required to use 3rd party storage with Media | Director. For information on 3rd party storage licenses, see What’s New for Interplay v3.1 on the Avid Knowledge Base.
Once you have all required resources and credentials available, you can proceed with the installation.
Preparing the Windows Server 2012 Operating System
Before running the Media | Director Engine installer, configure the Windows operating system for the Media | Director Workflow Foundation.
Preparing the Windows Server 2012 Operating System
This section describes how to prepare a Windows Server 2012 system. For details on preparing a Windows Server 2008 system, see Preparing a Windows Server 2008 System.
Disable Firewall
The Media | Director installation automatically disables the default Windows firewall. If your site uses a custom firewall make sure your IT department disables the firewall before you perform the installation.
Add roles and features
4. Open Service Manager.
5. Click Next.
6. Click Next.
Preparing the Windows Server 2012 Operating System
7. Select the Application Server role.
8. Select the Web Server (IIS) role with default features.
Preparing the Windows Server 2012 Operating System
9. Under Features, open .NET Framework 4.5 Features and add ASP.NET. Click Next.
10. No additional features for the Application Server role are necessary. Click Next.
Preparing the Windows Server 2012 Operating System
11. Click Install to start installation process. Follow the system prompts and click Close
when finished.
Preparing the Windows Server 2012 Operating System
Disable IPv6
Media Director does not support the IPv6 networking scheme. The Media Director installation automatically disables IPv6.
Add IP v4 Addresses to Media | Director Hosts Files
Add the IP v4 addresses of all Media | Director Engine systems (main and extension engines) to the hosts file of each of the engine systems.
Installing the Media | Director Engine Software
Installing the Media | Director Engine Software
After preparing the hardware and OS installation, you can now proceed to installing the Media | Director Engine software components. The Media | Director installer includes several installers that run automatically. The installer requests that you reboot the system at appropriate times and then restarts the installation process after the reboot.
The installation requires administrative access to the Media | Director Engine OS. If a domain account is used, it must have local administrator rights on the engine. This account must be the original Administrator account used to set up the Windows operating system. It cannot be simply a member of the Administrator group account.
It is important that you use the same Administrator login each time you log in during the installation.
Install Media | Director Engine
1. Start the Media | Director installer.
The installer will take some minutes to launch and will then present the setup type dialog.
Installing the Media | Director Engine Software
2. Select whether the installation is for the main Media | Director Engine or for an
Expansion Engine. Then click OK. If you choose to install the Media Director Expansion Engine, a warning dialog alerts
you to the fact that the Main Engine needs to be running for the Expansion installation to succeed.
If this is a Main Engine install, the SQL is installed. If SQL is not already installed, the Installation Wizard starts the SQL installer. The Media | Director installer bundle ships with a preconfigured installer for Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express Edition.
When installing SQL, the system prompts you for the SQL Server Administrator (SA) password.
3. Enter the SQL SA password and click OK. Take note of the password, including
capitalization. You will need to enter this same password later in the installation.
Installing the Media | Director Engine Software
Make sure you take note of the password that you specify here, taking into account capitalization. You will need to re-enter the same password in a subsequent installation step.
After the SQL installation you will be prompted to reboot the system.
4. Click Yes to reboot the system.
After the reboot, log back in as the same Administrator account that you used to begin the installation. After you log back in, the Installation Wizard will continue with the Media | Director installation. The Welcome dialog opens.
Installing the Media | Director Engine Software
5. Click Next to display the Prerequisites screen. Carefully review the requirements and
ensure the prerequisites have been configured.
6. Click Next to advance to the License Agreement and accept the license agreement.
Installing the Media | Director Engine Software
7. Click Next to advance to the Workflow Foundation Prerequisites Configuration dialog.
If this is the first time you have installed Media Director on this system, a dialog opens that allows you to choose the system drive for the Workflow Foundation. If this is an upgrade, then the Media Director is already installed on the previously selected drive and the drive selection dialog is not available.
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