Pinnacle Systems MediaCentral Platform Services - 2.7 Installation Manual

MediaCentral® Platform Services
Installation and Configuration Guide Version 2.7

Important Information

Revision History

Date Revised
Changes Made
The following documents available from the MediaCentral Platform Services Knowledge Base are referenced in this guide:
Avid MediaCentral Platform Services ReadMe – Read prior to completing any MCS
installation or upgrade.
Avid MediaCentral Platform Services Upgrade Guide – Reference if you are upgrading to
MCS v2.7 from an earlier release
Avid Media | Index Configuration Guide – Reference if configuring Media Index
Media |Distribute Installation and Configuration Guide – Reference if installing Media
Note: Throughout this document, “Avid MediaCentral Platform Services” is referred to as “MCS”. “Red Hat Enterprise Linux” is referred to as “RHEL”.
Note: The RHEL deployment used in an MCS environment is a command-line based operating system. The installation process will require the editing of various system files. Although multiple text editors exist, the tool used throughout this document is “vi”. If needed, a short introduction to vi is included in the
Note: When working in Linux, this guide assumes the user is logged in as the “root” user. Perform all commands and server configuration as the “root” user.
MediaCentral Platform Services Concepts and Clustering Guide.
page of the Avid
January 10, 2017
October 17, 2016
Updated examples for the Customizable Logger cluster installation
Minor change to the description of a step in the sharded Mongo
arbiter configuration process. Informational only, no technical change.
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide
Date Revised
Changes Made
• Updated processes to upgrade and downgrade the Avid shared
Step 4 of the multi-zone, slave zone registration process has been
• New chapter: P
Added process for Configuring Access for External Systems on
October 3, 2106
page 78.
Added upgrade related to the MAM Connector.
September 1, 2016
July 22, 2016
July 21, 2016
June 23, 2016
storage client.
updated to indicate usage of the master zone’s password.
Added step to verify the Cluster pingable IP in the sharded Mongo
Updated information regarding the Interplay MAM User on page
Technology Preview of the Asset Watermarking feature. For
details, see Enabling Asset Watermarking on page 105
Added Using the MediaCentral Health Check Script on page 225.
Introduction of MediaCentral Desktop v1.2. For details, see
Appendix E: Avid MediaCentral | UX Desktop on page 261
Added a prerequisite for the sharded Mongo arbiter. For details,
see Planning for the Mongo Arbiter on page 16
Added process to enable a list of trusted servers for MAM remote
playback workflow. For details, see Enabling Remote Playback
page 117.
Updated procedure for removing a Mongo arbiter.
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide
Important Information ....................................................................................................................... 1
Revision History .................................................................................................................................. 1
ART I: INSTALLATION PREREQUISITES .......................................................................................................... 12
Chapter Overview .................................................................................................................................... 13
Before You Begin ...................................................................................................................................... 14
Network Interface Cards and Network Connections ............................................................................... 15
Planning for the Mongo Arbiter ............................................................................................................... 16
Accessing the MCS Server(s) .................................................................................................................... 16
Copying Software to the MCS Server ................................................................................................... 17
Obtaining the Software ............................................................................................................................ 17
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) .......................................................................................................... 17
RHEL Security Updates ......................................................................................................................... 18
MCS Installation Packages .................................................................................................................... 18
GlusterFS .............................................................................................................................................. 19
Storage Controller Driver for the HP ProLiant Gen9 Server ................................................................. 19
Updating MediaCentral UX Licenses ........................................................................................................ 20
Interplay Production Licensing ............................................................................................................. 20
iNEWS Licensing ................................................................................................................................... 21
Creating User Accounts ............................................................................................................................ 21
Interplay Production User .................................................................................................................... 21
Avid ISIS User ........................................................................................................................................ 22
Avid iNEWS User ................................................................................................................................... 23
Interplay MAM User ............................................................................................................................. 23
Media Composer Cloud User ............................................................................................................... 23
Adjusting Interplay Production Settings .................................................................................................. 24
Verifying Interplay Production Media Indexer Configuration ................................................................. 26
Adding the MediaCentral UX Version to Avid iNEWS .............................................................................. 26
Installing the MediaCentral Distribution Service ..................................................................................... 26
Creating the MCS Installation USB Drive ................................................................................................. 27
Preparing the Installation Drive for the HP ProLiant Gen9 .................................................................. 28
Preparing the Installation Drive for HP Gen8 and Dell Servers ............................................................ 31
ART II: BIOS & RAID CONFIGURATION ....................................................................................................... 33
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter Overview .................................................................................................................................... 34
Changing BIOS Settings ............................................................................................................................ 35
Configuring the BIOS on the HP ProLiant DL360 Gen9 ........................................................................ 35
Configuring the BIOS on the HP ProLiant DL360p Gen8 ...................................................................... 40
Configuring the BIOS on the Dell PowerEdge R620 / R630 .................................................................. 41
Configuring the Onboard RAID ................................................................................................................ 43
HP ProLiant DL360 Gen9 RAID Configuration ...................................................................................... 43
Configuring the HP ProLiant DL360 Gen9 RAID 1 ............................................................................. 44
Configuring the HP ProLiant DL360 Gen9 RAID 5 ............................................................................. 46
HP ProLiant DL360p Gen8 RAID Configuration .................................................................................... 47
Configuring the HP ProLiant DL360p Gen8 RAID 1 ........................................................................... 47
Configuring the HP ProLiant DL360p Gen8 RAID 5 ........................................................................... 50
Dell PowerEdge R620 / R630 RAID Configuration ................................................................................ 52
Verifying the PowerEdge Dell R620 / 630 RAID Configuration:........................................................ 52
ART III: SOFTWARE INSTALLATION AND PREPARATION .................................................................................. 55
Chapter Overview .................................................................................................................................... 56
Installing RHEL and the MCS Software ..................................................................................................... 57
Special Instructions for Dell Servers ........................................................................................................ 58
MCS Software Deployment ...................................................................................................................... 62
Booting RHEL for the First Time ............................................................................................................... 65
Booting from the System Drive ............................................................................................................ 65
Changing the root Password ................................................................................................................ 66
Network Configuration ............................................................................................................................ 67
Verify DNS ............................................................................................................................................ 67
Identifying NIC Interfaces and Connecting the Network Cable ........................................................... 68
(HP Only) Verifying the NIC Interface Name ........................................................................................ 69
(HP Only) Swapping NIC Interface Names ............................................................................................ 69
(HP Only) Removing the MAC Address Hardware References ............................................................. 71
Configuring the Hostname and Static Network Route ......................................................................... 72
Verifying the hosts File Contents .......................................................................................................... 74
Verifying the Contents of resolv.conf and nsswitch.conf .................................................................... 75
Ensuring the NIC Interface Comes Up at System Startup .................................................................... 76
Verifying Hostname, Network and DNS Connectivity .......................................................................... 77
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide
Configuring Access for External Systems ................................................................................................. 78
Configure Date and Time Settings ........................................................................................................... 79
Setting the Time Zone .......................................................................................................................... 79
Synching the System Clock ................................................................................................................... 80
Creating the File Cache on the RAID ........................................................................................................ 82
Partitioning the RAID ............................................................................................................................ 82
Creating the Logical Volume, Filesystem and Mounting the Cache ..................................................... 84
Enabling / Disabling 3G and Edge Streams .............................................................................................. 87
Copying Software to the MCS Server ....................................................................................................... 87
Installing Security Updates ...................................................................................................................... 87
Installing Software Patches ...................................................................................................................... 87
Upgrading the Avid Shared Storage Client Software ............................................................................... 88
ART IV: CONFIGURING MCS ...................................................................................................................... 90
Chapter Overview .................................................................................................................................... 91
Configuring MCS for MediaCentral UX and Media Composer Cloud....................................................... 93
Updating the MediaCentral UX Configuration ......................................................................................... 93
Logging into MediaCentral UX ................................................................................................................. 94
Changing the Administrator Password .................................................................................................... 97
Creating a Second Administrator User .................................................................................................... 98
Configuring System Settings .................................................................................................................... 98
General Settings ................................................................................................................................... 99
iNEWS Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 99
Interplay Production Settings ............................................................................................................. 100
Messages & Sharing ........................................................................................................................... 101
Playback Service Settings ................................................................................................................... 102
Player Settings .................................................................................................................................... 104
Enabling Asset Watermarking ................................................................................................................ 105
Configuring Asset Watermarking ....................................................................................................... 106
Updating the Watermark Image ........................................................................................................ 107
Disabling Asset Watermarking ........................................................................................................... 107
Verifying the System Settings ................................................................................................................ 108
Verifying the iNEWS Connection ........................................................................................................ 108
Verifying the Interplay Production and ISIS Connections .................................................................. 108
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide
Configuring Send To Playback Settings .................................................................................................. 109
Importing Domain Users ........................................................................................................................ 111
Creating Local Users and Assigning Roles .............................................................................................. 113
Continuing the Installation .................................................................................................................... 114
Configuring MCS for Interplay MAM ..................................................................................................... 115
Configuring the ACS Gateway Access Port ......................................................................................... 115
Configuring the MediaCentral User Interface .................................................................................... 115
Creating the MAM System User ......................................................................................................... 116
Configuring the MCS Player ................................................................................................................ 117
Enabling Remote Playback ..................................................................................................................... 117
Continuing the Installation .................................................................................................................... 119
ART V: CLUSTERING ................................................................................................................................. 120
Chapter Overview .................................................................................................................................. 121
Cluster Overview .................................................................................................................................... 122
Configuring the Player System Setting ................................................................................................... 123
Configuring DRBD ................................................................................................................................... 124
Starting the Cluster Services on the Master Node ................................................................................. 127
Adding Nodes to the Cluster .................................................................................................................. 130
Replicating the File Caches using GlusterFS ........................................................................................... 131
Configuring GlusterFS ......................................................................................................................... 131
Testing the File Replication ................................................................................................................ 132
ART VI: SHARDED MONGO ....................................................................................................................... 133
Chapter Overview .................................................................................................................................. 134
Sharded MongoDB Overview ................................................................................................................. 135
Configuring Sharded Mongo for a Single Server ................................................................................ 136
Configuring Sharded Mongo with an MCS Load-Balancing Node ...................................................... 136
Configuring Sharded Mongo with a (non-MCS) Linux Arbiter............................................................ 138
Configuring Sharded Mongo with a Windows Arbiter ....................................................................... 142
Configuring Sharded Mongo in a Multi-Zone Configuration .............................................................. 146
Adding a Zone to a Sharded Mongo Multi-Zone Environment .......................................................... 149
ART VII: VERIFYING THE INSTALLATION ..................................................................................................... 153
Chapter Overview .................................................................................................................................. 154
Testing the Basics ................................................................................................................................... 155
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide
Testing the Cluster Email Service ........................................................................................................... 156
Testing Cluster Failover .......................................................................................................................... 157
Verifying the Status of RabbitMQ .......................................................................................................... 160
Verifying ACS Bus Functionality ............................................................................................................. 161
Validating the FQDN for External Access ............................................................................................... 161
Backing up the MCS System Settings and the MCS Database ............................................................... 163
ART VIII: INSTALLING THE CLOSED CAPTIONING SERVICE ............................................................................ 167
Chapter Overview .................................................................................................................................. 168
Preparing the Software Package ............................................................................................................ 169
Installing the Closed Captioning Service on a Single Server .................................................................. 169
Installing the Closed Captioning Service in a Cluster ............................................................................. 170
Verifying Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................... 170
Identifying the Master, Slave and Load-Balancing Nodes .................................................................. 170
Taking the Cluster Offline ................................................................................................................... 171
Installing the Closed Captioning Service Software ............................................................................. 171
Bringing the Cluster Online ................................................................................................................ 172
Checking on the Cluster Status ........................................................................................................... 172
Uninstalling the Closed Captioning Service ........................................................................................... 173
ART IX: INSTALLING CUSTOMIZABLE LOGGER ............................................................................................. 175
Chapter Overview .................................................................................................................................. 176
Preparing the Software Package ............................................................................................................ 177
Installing the Customizable Logger on a Single Server .......................................................................... 177
Installing the Customizable Logger in a Cluster ..................................................................................... 178
Verifying Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................... 178
Installing the Customizable Logger .................................................................................................... 178
Checking on the Cluster Status ........................................................................................................... 179
Configuring the Customizable Logger .................................................................................................... 180
Verifying the Installation ........................................................................................................................ 181
Uninstalling the Customizable Logger ................................................................................................... 182
Working with the Customizable Logger ................................................................................................. 184
Understanding the System Settings ................................................................................................... 184
Backing Up and Restoring the Customizable Logger Database .......................................................... 185
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................. 185
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide
PART X: INSTALLING THE MAM CONNECTOR ............................................................................................... 186
Chapter Overview .................................................................................................................................. 187
Preparing the Software Package ............................................................................................................ 188
Installing the MAM Connector on a Single Server ................................................................................. 188
Installing the MAM Connector in a Cluster ............................................................................................ 189
Verifying Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................... 189
Identifying the Master, Slave and Load-Balancing Nodes .................................................................. 189
Taking the Cluster Offline ................................................................................................................... 190
Installing the MAM Connector Software............................................................................................ 190
Bringing the Cluster Back Online ........................................................................................................ 191
Checking on the Cluster Status ........................................................................................................... 191
Uninstalling the MAM Connector .......................................................................................................... 192
Configuring the MAM Connector ........................................................................................................... 192
ART XI: MULTI-ZONE CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................................... 194
Chapter Overview .................................................................................................................................. 195
Multi-Zone Overview ............................................................................................................................. 196
Verifying the RSA Key Folder ................................................................................................................. 197
Creating and Installing the RSA Keys ..................................................................................................... 197
Verifying Access to the Slave Zone ........................................................................................................ 199
Creating the Master Zone and Initiating Multi-Zone ............................................................................. 200
Adding Slave Zone(s) to the Multi-Zone Environment .......................................................................... 202
Validating Multi-Zone Functionality ...................................................................................................... 204
Dismantling a Multi-Zone Environment ................................................................................................. 205
Enabling RabbitMQ Data Encryption Across Zones ............................................................................... 207
Making Changes to a Multi-Zone Configuration .................................................................................... 208
Troubleshooting the Multi-Zone Setup ................................................................................................. 208
Failed to Resolve Zone URL ............................................................................................................ 208
Bus Error ......................................................................................................................................... 209
Errors in Zone Configuration .......................................................................................................... 209
Errors During Setup ........................................................................................................................ 209
PPENDICES ............................................................................................................................................. 211
Appendix A: Overview ............................................................................................................................ 212
Copying Software to the MCS Server ..................................................................................................... 213
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide
Copying Software Using WinSCP ........................................................................................................ 213
Copying Software Using a USB Drive .................................................................................................. 214
Installing MCS on Non-HP / Dell Hardware for Interplay MAM ............................................................ 216
Non-HP / Dell Installation Notes ........................................................................................................ 217
Working with the Dell RAID Controller .................................................................................................. 219
Creating the RAIDs ............................................................................................................................. 219
Deleting the RAIDs .............................................................................................................................. 220
HP DL360p Gen8 Card Placement .......................................................................................................... 220
Connecting to non-ISIS Proxy Storage ................................................................................................ 220
Connecting to ISIS Proxy Storage ....................................................................................................... 221
Contents of the MCS Installation Package ............................................................................................. 222
Enabling Trusted Certificates ................................................................................................................. 223
Using SNMP Monitoring on the MCPS Server........................................................................................ 223
Port Requirements ................................................................................................................................. 223
Determining the Installed MCS Version ................................................................................................. 224
Using the MediaCentral Health Check Script ......................................................................................... 225
Enabling the Player Demonstration Web Page ...................................................................................... 226
Verifying Cache Directory Permissions .................................................................................................. 227
Modifying .......................................................................................................... 228
Configuration Changes ....................................................................................................................... 228
Modifying Configuration Files ................................................................................................................ 231
Editing a Configuration File ................................................................................................................ 231
Updating the Configuration File ......................................................................................................... 231
Working with Sharded Mongo ............................................................................................................... 233
Obtaining the Status of Sharded Mongo ............................................................................................ 233
Checking for Stale Nodes .................................................................................................................... 234
Using the mongo_setup Script ........................................................................................................... 235
Uninstalling the Sharded Mongo Arbiter for Windows ...................................................................... 236
Uninstalling the Sharded Mongo Arbiter for Linux ............................................................................ 237
Troubleshooting Sharded Mongo ...................................................................................................... 238
Using avid-ics .................................................................................................................................. 238
Starting Over ................................................................................................................................... 239
Working with the MediaCentral UX Configurator ................................................................................. 240
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide
Backing up and Restoring the MCS Database ........................................................................................ 241
Downgrading the Avid Shared Storage Client ........................................................................................ 242
Verifying the ISIS Mount ........................................................................................................................ 243
Reconfiguring the ISIS Connection(s) ..................................................................................................... 244
Unicast Support in Clustering ................................................................................................................ 245
Configuring Unicast Cluster Communication.................................................................................. 246
Reconfiguring MediaCentral Settings in a Cluster ................................................................................. 247
Taking a Cluster Node Off-Line Temporarily .......................................................................................... 247
Identifying the Master, Slave and Load-Balancing Nodes ..................................................................... 248
Appendix B: Configuring Port Bonding for Interplay MAM ................................................................... 248
Verifying the Ethernet Ports ............................................................................................................... 248
Configuring the Ports ......................................................................................................................... 249
Appendix C: Configuring iNEWS for Integration with MediaCentral ..................................................... 252
Verifying MediaCentral Licenses on iNEWS ....................................................................................... 252
Editing SYSTEM.CLIENT.VERSIONS ..................................................................................................... 253
Editing SYSTEM.CLIENT.WINDOWS .................................................................................................... 254
Appendix D: Avid MediaCentral | UX Mobile Application ..................................................................... 255
Before You Begin ................................................................................................................................ 255
iNEWS Configuration for Mobile Integration ......................................................................................... 256
Editing SYSTEM.CLIENT.VERSIONS ..................................................................................................... 256
Editing the iNEWS Configuration File ................................................................................................. 257
Installing Avid Central on an iOS Device ................................................................................................ 258
Installing Avid Central on an Android Device ......................................................................................... 259
Upgrading the Mobile App ..................................................................................................................... 259
Appendix E: Avid MediaCentral | UX Desktop ....................................................................................... 261
Understanding the Desktop Application ............................................................................................ 261
System Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 261
Installing Adobe Flash Player.............................................................................................................. 262
Installing MediaCentral UX Desktop .................................................................................................. 263
Single Client Installation ..................................................................................................................... 263
Installing the Client Software for Windows .................................................................................... 263
Installing the Client Software for Mac ............................................................................................ 263
Editing the Configuration File ......................................................................................................... 263
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide
Domain Group Deployment for Windows .......................................................................................... 264
Configuring the Installation Script .................................................................................................. 264
Running the Installation Script ....................................................................................................... 265
Command Line Deployment for Mac ................................................................................................. 266
Enabling MediaCentral MOS Plug-ins ................................................................................................. 267
Installing Plug-Ins ............................................................................................................................ 267
Enabling MOS.................................................................................................................................. 267
Launching and Working with MediaCentral UX Desktop ................................................................... 268
Launching the Application .............................................................................................................. 268
Working with the Menu System on Windows ................................................................................ 268
Working with the Menu System on Mac ........................................................................................ 269
Accessing Additional MCS Systems ................................................................................................ 269
Selecting a Deep Link ...................................................................................................................... 270
Upgrading MediaCentral UX Desktop ................................................................................................ 270
Uninstalling MediaCentral UX Desktop .............................................................................................. 270
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................. 271
Error Messages: .............................................................................................................................. 271
Clearing the Local Cache ................................................................................................................. 271
Appendix F: Enabling MOS Active-X Plug-Ins ......................................................................................... 272
Enabling MediaCentral MOS Plug-Ins in Chrome ............................................................................... 272
Setting Up Your Browser ................................................................................................................ 272
Enabling MOS.................................................................................................................................. 272
Installing Plug-Ins ............................................................................................................................ 273
Uninstalling the Chrome Extension ................................................................................................ 273
Enabling MediaCentral MOS Plug-Ins in Internet Explorer ................................................................ 273
Sample ActiveX Object in the Preferences File ............................................................................... 274
Copyright and Disclaimer ....................................................................................................................... 276
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide


MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter Overview

Before You Begin
A quick check to make sure you have everything in place for an efficient and
Network Interface Cards and Network Connections
15 min
Network connection information for various deployment options.
Planning for the Mongo Arbiter
5 min
In two-node cluster configurations, a 3rd system is required to serve as a
Accessing the MCS Server(s)
1 min
Understanding how to connect to the MCS server(s).
Obtaining the Software
Where to find all the software necessary for the installation.
Updating MediaCentral UX Licenses
15 min
Licensing requirements for Interplay Production and iNEWS.
Creating User Accounts
10 min
Convers the creation of user accounts required by MCS.
Adjusting Interplay Production Settings
5 min
Information on adjusting settings required by MCS.
Adding the MediaCentral UX Version to Avid iNEWS
5 min
Enables MediaCentral UX user to connect to iNEWS.
Installing the MediaCentral Distribution Service
10 min
Required for certain Interplay Production workflows.
Creating the MCS Installation USB Drive
45 min
In this procedure, you create the USB drive you will use to install the MCS
The purpose of this chapter is to guide the preparation of all materials needed for the MCS installation and to pre-configure all connected systems for integration with MCS.
The following table describes the topics covered in this chapter.
Step Task Time Est.
successful installation.
Mongo tiebreaker.
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide

Before You Begin

A successful MCS installation begins with careful planning. Ensuring that you have identified all prerequisites to the installation is very important. Examples:
Networking: IP addresses, hostnames, domain name, DNS, NTP, SNMP, etc. Cluster-specific information: Additional IP addresses, e-mail address Users: Identifying users, user groups, and passwords (both local and domain users) Host Solutions: Identify what systems will connect to MCS. Once identified, it is also
important to verify that these systems are available and operating normally. Examples:
o Avid | ISIS o Avid | iNEWS o Interplay | Production o Interplay | MAM o Media Composer | Cloud
For Interplay | Production deployments, the following systems could also be required:
o Interplay | Production Services Automation and Interplay | Consolidate (Required for
certain Interplay | Delivery workflows. Media | Index is required for this functionality.)
o Interplay | Transcode (Required for Send To Playback workflows) o Interplay | STP Encode (Required for Send To Playback of Long GOP media formats) o Interplay | Transfer (Required for Send To Playback to 3
party playback solutions)
To assist in ensuring you have all the information you need prior to beginning the installation, Avid provides a “Pre-Flight Checklist” available on the MediaCentral Services page
of the Avid Knowledge Base. Completing the Pre-Flight information will avoid delays during the installation process.
While the installation procedures for MediaCentral UX, Media Composer Cloud and Interplay MAM are very similar, the configuration steps are different. Any configuration differences between MediaCentral UX and Media Composer Cloud will be identified in this document. For differences in the Interplay MAM configuration process, refer to the Interplay | MAM Installation Manual.
MCS is available in single server and cluster configurations. A cluster is a group of MCS servers that provide redundancy, load balancing, and scale. Each server in a cluster is called a “node”. During the cluster configuration, one server is identified as the Master node. If you have multiple MCS servers in a rack, the Master node is usually the top-most server in the rack.
If you are configuring a cluster, configure Part I through Part III concurrently on all cluster nodes. Part IV of this installation document must be completed on the Master node only, unless otherwise instructed.
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide

Network Interface Cards and Network Connections

Avid supports the onboard 1 Gb NIC for each of the HP DL360 Gen8 / Gen9 and Dell R620/R630 servers. However, certain workflows require the increased bandwidth of an add-in 10 Gb card.
For example, a 10 Gb connection is required for any MCS deployment that will use 100+ Mbps video formats (e.g., AVC-I 100, DVCPro 100, DNxHD 145). 10 Gb connections may be desired for additional bandwidth / playback streams.
The HP DL360p Gen8 supports additional 1 Gb network adapters. See
Placement in Appendix A for more information.
For more information on determining 1 Gb or 10 Gb connections as well as information on supported adapters, see the MediaCentral Platform Services Hardware Guide located on the
MediaCentral Platform Services
The Zone in which the network connection is made must also be considered.
Zone 1: Connected to ISIS VLAN(s) through a 1 Gb or 10 Gb port (direct connect). On an
ISIS 7500, this is a direct connection to an ISS switch. On an ISIS 5500, this is a direct connection to the back of the ISIS 5500 chassis.
Zone 2: Connected to ISIS VLAN(s) through a 1 Gb or 10 Gb port on an Avid qualified
layer-2 switch (non-routed).
Zone 3: Connected to an Avid qualified layer-3 switch (routed) with known Quality of
Service (QoS); traffic routed to ISIS (one hop) and (if applicable) load-balanced across ISIS VLANs (approximately a 60/40 ratio).
Note: All MCS servers in a cluster must be in the same subnet.
Zone Recommendations:
MediaCentral UX and Media Composer Cloud
page of the Avid Knowledge Base.
HP DL360p Gen8 Card
In this workflow MCS decodes the source media format on ISIS and streams images and sound to the c
Zone 1, Zone 2, or Zone 3 (recommended) connections are supported.
Interplay MAM
In this workflow MCS provides playback of video assets registered as browse proxies by Interplay MAM. The connection required depends on where the browse proxies are stored.
For non-ISIS storage, the network connection is at the user’s discretion as long as it is a 1 Gb connection or better.
For ISIS storage, Zone 1, Zone 2, or Zone 3 (recommended) connections are supported.
Avid iNEWS
iNEWS-only deployments do not require an ISIS connection. The network connection is at the user’s discretion as long as it is a 1 Gb connection or better.
. This workflow requires MCS to
connect to an Avid ISIS system.
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide

Planning for the Mongo Arbiter

Accessing the MCS Server(s)

Remote Client Connections
MediaCentral UX web or mobile clients that connect through the public Internet require VPN access into the server network. All connections pass through the VPN router/firewall through identified ports. Once the data has passed into the “house network”, it is secured using the customer’s existing network security infrastructure.
For more information on networking in an Avid environment, see “Network Requirements for ISIS and Interplay PAM and MAM” located on the Avid Knowledge Base at:
For information on port usage and network firewall information, see the Avid Networking Port Usage Guide at:
MediaCentral v2.6 introduced a new Mongo database in a “sharded” configuration. In MCS cluster and multi-zone configurations, multiple servers host a copy or “shard” of the Mongo database. If you are running a local (non-multi-zone) Corosync cluster that consists of only two nodes, a 3 failover. This 3 based system. If you have a 2-node cluster, plan which system will host the Mongo arbiter.
instance of Mongo must be configured to provide a tiebreaker vote in the event of a
instance or “arbiter” must be installed on another Linux server or a Windows-
For more information, see P
ART VI: SHARDED MONGO on page 133 as well as the “MongoDB”
section of the MediaCentral Platform Services Concepts and Clustering Guide.
Note: If you are running a single-server, non-multi-zone system, no additional configuration steps for sharded Mongo are required.
The initial configuration of the MCS server(s) must be completed using a directly connected monitor and keyboard to the server, or through a KVM (keyboard, video and mouse) device.
Note: Some KVMs present virtual USB devices to the operating system. These devices might be assigned a device name (sda, sdb) by RHEL during the installation, which results in a failed installation. Disable this option on your KVM if applicable.
Once the initial configuration is complete, Avid recommends connecting to MCS indirectly through SSH (Secure Shell). SSH is preferable for the following reasons:
Allows for an expandable view of the RHEL interface (adjustable window size)  Allows for multiple sessions to the host server or to multiple servers Allows for simplified copy/paste of commands between SSH windowsAllows for logging of all session output
On Windows, PuTTY.exe is an example of a SSH client:
At the appropriate point in the installation procedure, you will be given the option to switch from a direct connection to an indirect connection.
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide

Copying Software to the MCS Server

Obtaining the Software

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)

At various times during the upgrade, you will need to copy software to the MCS server. This task can be performed using one of two methods:
Using a Windows system and a SFTP tool such as WinSCP Connecting a USB drive directly to the server
While the SFTP method may be preferred for ease of access, the USB method may be required for some operations such as backing up MCS files during a system upgrade.
See Copying Software to the MCS Server
Multiple software packages are required to properly install and configure MCS. These include:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) RHEL Security UpdatesMCS Installation Packages
MediaCentral Platform Services (if applicable) MediaCentral Platform Services Updates (if applicable) MediaCentral UX Closed Captioning Service (if applicable) MediaCentral Customizable Logger(if applicable) MediaCentral Distribution Service (MCDS) (if applicable) Interplay MAM Connector (if applicable) Media Composer Cloud plugin (if applicable) Media Distribute
in Appendix A for details on each of these methods.
 GlusterFS  (if applicable) Storage Controller Driver ISO for the HP ProLiant Gen9 Server
Due to licensing restrictions, Avid is unable to redistribute the RHEL installation media. The RHEL installation image (.iso) file can be located at:
Log in to your Red Hat Network account and download the DVD image (.iso) file.
Note: At the time of this document’s publication, the RHEL 6.5 ISOs were available by choosing Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server from the Red Hat Product Downloads page. Specify Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (product variant), 6.5 (version) and x86_64 (architecture). Download the Binary DVD (
Important: MCS requires RHEL 6.5. Do not install any OS updates or patches unless specifically directed to do so by Avid.
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide

RHEL Security Updates

MCS Installation Packages

Red Hat has issued various security advisories for RHEL 6.5. Avid has tested and supports the installation of specific patches for RHEL. For instructions and software download links, see the “Security Updates” section in the Avid MediaCentral Platform Services ReadMe located on the
MediaCentral Platform Services
page of the Avid Knowledge Base.
The MCS software packages are available from the Avid Download Center.
Note: If you have not already created an user account, you will need to do so now. This Master Account enables you to sync your Avid Video Download and Avid Video Community accounts as well as gain access to the Avid Support Center.
After you have logged into the Download Center, download the following:
Avid MediaCentral Platform Services
This is the primary MCS installer package. All MCS installations will require this software.
(if applicable) Avid MediaCentral Platform Services Updates
Avid will often release updates to MCS providing fixes and new features. Consult the ReadMe for your version of software for patch availability and specific installation instructions.
(if applicable) Avid MediaCentral UX Closed Captioning Service
Introduced with MCS v2.3, this service adds functionality to MediaCentral UX that enables new closed captioning workflows.
(if applicable) Avid MediaCentral Customizable Logger
Introduced with MCS v2.7, these services add functionality to MediaCentral UX that enable enhanced logging workflows.
 (if applicable) MediaCentral Distribution Service (MCDS)
MCDS is a service that resides on a Windows system that coordinates jobs with Avid Production Services for send-to-playback operations. If your installation will include a STP workflow, download this software.
 (if applicable) Interplay MAM Connector
The MAM Connector enables Interplay MAM workflows within MediaCentral UX. If your installation includes MAM integration, download this software.
(If applicable) Media Composer Cloud plugin
The Media Composer Cloud software is a plugin for the Media Composer editor that enables remote editing capabilities. If your installation includes a Cloud workflow, download this software.
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide


Storage Controller Driver for the HP ProLiant Gen9 Server

 (If applicable) Media Distribute
Media Distribute links production with distribution to web, mobile, and social media outlets by orchestrating workflow and automating file preparation and transcoding. Media Distribute is not publicly available on the Avid Download Center at this time. If your installation includes a Distribute workflow, contact your Avid representative for this software.
Note: If any of these packages are not available through the Download Center, contact your Avid representative to obtain the necessary software.
GlusterFS is an open source software package that MCS uses to automate replication of the dedicated media cache volumes (e.g. RAID 5) across all MCS servers in the cluster. Doing so increases the speed at which clients can access the media on multiple cluster nodes.
MediaCentral Platform Services v2.4.0 and higher automatically installs the GlusterFS software as part of the install (or upgrade) process. If you are deploying a clustered system, a separate download and installation of the Gluster software is no longer required. If you are deploying a single server configuration, the Gluster software is still installed on the server, but it is not activated or configured.
By default the HP ProLiant Gen9 server storage controller does not support RHEL 6.5. Manually download the following RHEL driver update disk (.iso) to enable RHEL 6.5 support:
The driver update disk is available directly from Red Hat, but driver details and a link to the correct page can be found at the “HP Servers Support & Certification Matrices” “technical exceptions” web page: ons.aspx
Note: This procedure applies to the HP ProLiant Gen9 server only.
To download the driver disk:
1. Open a web browser and navigate to the “HP Servers Support & Certification Matrices”
technical exceptions
2. Locate the link to Red Hat by searching for the words “DL360 Gen9” using the browser’s
“find on this page” feature.
3. Click on the RHEL6.5 x86_64 link.
You are redirected to the Red Hat web site.
” web page:
4. Log in to your Red Hat Network account.
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide

Updating MediaCentral UX Licenses

Interplay Production Licensing

5. On the “Download Red Hat Enterprise Linux” page, locate the driver update disk (.iso):
6. Click the “Download Now” button and save the ISO file to your computer.
You will use this driver update disk ISO file later when you create the MCS Installation USB drive.
Depending upon your deployment, one or more connected systems may need licenses installed or updated to allow for integration with MCS.
If connecting to Interplay Production, MediaCentral UX users will consume Interplay Client
If connecting to iNEWS, MediaCentral UX users will consume iNEWS Client licenses. If connecting to Interplay Production and iNEWS, MediaCentral UX users will consume both
Interplay and iNEWS Client licenses.
When integrating with an Interplay Production system, MediaCentral UX validates client licenses against the Interplay Engine. New MediaCentral systems are often bundled with additional client licenses which must be added to the Interplay Engine database.
Note: Interplay Production v3.3 introduced a software licensing option (no dongle). The following process is correct for the original dongle licensing process. For software licensing procedures, see the Interplay | Production Software Installation and Configuration Guide.
To add licenses to the Interplay Production Engine:
1. Launch the Interplay Administrator on the Interplay Engine. This can be found at: Start >
Avid > Avid Interplay Access Utilities > Avid Interplay Administrator.
2. Log in using Interplay Production’s Administrator credentials.
3. From the main menu, select Server > Licenses.
4. Click the Import License button.
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide

iNEWS Licensing

Creating User Accounts

Interplay Production User

5. Navigate to the location of the license file (often provided on a USB drive).
6. Select the license file and click Open.
You should receive a message indicating that the license was successfully activated.
7. Log out of the Interplay Administrator and close the application.
For additional information on the Interplay Administrator, see the Interplay | Engine and Interplay | Archive Engine Administration Guide.
When integrating with an Avid iNEWS system, MediaCentral UX validates client licenses against the iNEWS server(s). New MediaCentral systems are often bundled with additional client licenses which must be added to the Avid iNEWS database.
For more information on adding licenses to the iNEWS database, see
iNEWS for Integration with MediaCentral.
This section will cover the creation of user accounts for use with:
Interplay Production Avid ISIS iNEWSInterplay MAM Media Composer Cloud
Create any user accounts applicable to your installation.
When integrating with Interplay Production, MediaCentral UX requires credentials to access the Interplay Production database. This user should have Read/Write privileges to the entire database (at minimum). For consistency purposes, this user and password should be the same as the user you create on the Avid ISIS system.
Appendix C: Configuring
Decide upon the name and password for this user now. Suggested user name: MCSAdmin
1. Launch the Interplay Administrator on the Interplay Engine. This can be found at: Start >
Avid > Avid Interplay Access Utilities > Avid Interplay Administrator.
2. Log in using Interplay Production’s Administrator credentials.
3. From the main menu, select User Management>User Management.
4. If multiple User Groups are created, highlight the User Group on the left under which you
want to create your new user. Example: Administrators
5. Click the Create User button at the top of the window.
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide

Avid ISIS User

6. Enter a name and password.
7. Verify that the MediaCentral UX Admin user has at least Read/Write access to the entire
database. Administrator-level access is not required, but recommended.
8. Click Apply.
9. Log out of the Interplay Administrator and close the application.
For additional information on users creation in Interplay Production, see the Interplay | Engine and Interplay | Archive Engine Administration Guide.
When integrating with Interplay Production, MediaCentral UX requires credentials to access the media on the ISIS system to enable playback and allow for the creation of voice-over media. For consistency purposes, this user and password should be the same as the user you create on the Interplay Production system.
Decide upon the name and password for this user now. Suggested user name: MCSAdmin
1. Launch the ISIS Management Console page by opening a web browser and navigating to one
of the following:
ISIS 5500: http://System Director hostname ISIS 7500: https://System Director hostname:5015
Note: In a failover configuration, use the virtual System Director hostname. Alternatively, the IP address of the System Director (or virtual System Director) can also be used.
2. Log in using the ISIS Administrator credentials.
3. From the main menu, select System>Users.
4. Click the New button to create a new user.
5. Give the user a name and password.
6. Under Workspace Access, assign privileges to all indexed workspaces. At minimum, the user
needs Read access to all workspaces indexed by the Interplay Media Indexer and Read/Write access to the workspace where voice-overs will be recorded (workspace defined in the Interplay Administrator> Application Database Settings).
7. Click Apply to create the user account.
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide

Avid iNEWS User

Interplay MAM User

Media Composer Cloud User

8. Close the ISIS Management Console.
Note: If you are connecting to multiple ISIS systems, ensure the same user/password is created on each ISIS.
For additional information on users creation in Interplay Production, see the Avid | ISIS Administration Guide.
When integrating with iNEWS, the MCS Administrator requires access to the iNEWS database. This can be accomplished by creating a custom user account (superuser rights not required) or by associating the Administrator with an existing iNEWS account.
Decide upon the name and password for this user now. Suggested user name: MCSAdmin
For instructions on creating a custom iNEWS user account for MediaCentral UX, see the Avid iNEWS Setup and Configuration Guide.
If you are integrating with MCS as a player for an Interplay MAM system, a specialized user must be created within the MCS user database.
Decide upon the name of this custom user now. Suggested user name: MAMuser
For details on creating this user, see Configuring MCS for Interplay MAM on page 115
When installing Interplay MAM, a special user account is created for the MAM Control Center. The user must be a member of the “MAM Administrators” group for MAM Control Center. This means you must have a Windows account on Interplay MAM side that is in your Windows “MAM Administrators” group which can be used by MediaCentral for the MAM connection. If you plan to install the MAM Connector software for MediaCentral UX, the MAM Control Center credentials are used in the System Settings.
For details on configuring the MAM Connector System Settings, see
Connector on page 192.
For more information on this user and setting, see the Avid MediaCentral | UX Administration Guide.
Configuring the MAM
When integrating with Media Composer Cloud, you must create a custom user account in the Interplay Administrator (“MediaCentral and Platform Services Settings” or “Application Database Settings” in v3.5 and lower) and in the MediaCentral UX System Settings (MCPS>Player tab). The user name and password must match in both locations.
When added to the MediaCentral UX System Settings, this account is automatically added as an MCS user and assigned a special “Playback-Only Client” user role. This will appear in the Users Layout under Users>Unassigned>Playback-Only.
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide

Adjusting Interplay Production Settings

Rules regarding the specialized user account:
This must be a unique user created solely for this purpose. Do not use the same user
you created to log into Interplay Production and Avid ISIS.
Do not use an account that already exists as a Central User. It must be a new user. This user should not be created as an Interplay Production or an ISIS user.Remember that MCS runs on Linux. Both passwords and user accounts are case
Decide upon the name of this custom user now. Suggested user name: cloud
For more information on this user, see the Media Composer | Cloud Installation and Configuration Guide.
When integrating with Interplay Production, MCS will check with the Interplay Engine for various settings. This section is particularly important for sites requiring STP workflows or integrations with Media Composer Cloud.
1. Launch the Interplay Administrator on the Interplay Engine. This can be found at:
Start>Avid>Avid Interplay Access Utilities>Avid Interplay Administrator
2. Log in using Interplay Production’s Administrator credentials.
3. From the main menu, select Application Settings > Application Database Settings and adjust
the following:
a. Format – Video Format: This setting determines the default video format for
sequences created in MediaCentral UX. You must select a specific video format from the menu or leave the default selection of “Any”. If “Any” is selected, MediaCentral UX determines the video format of the sequence by using the format of the first clip that the user adds to the timeline.
b. Audio – General Settings: Ensure a Media Creation Workspace is selected.
4. Click Apply.
5. From the main menu, select Site Settings > MediaCentral and Platform Services Settings.
Note: In versions of Interplay Production v3.5 and earlier, these settings are located under the Application Database Settings category.
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide
Configure the following settings as they apply to your installation:
a. ACS Bus Service Settings: This feature is used in conjunction with Media Index
configurations. For more information, see the Avid Media | Index Configuration Guide.
b. MediaCentral Playback Service (Cloud workflow only):
Hostname: Enter the hostname of the MCS server. In the case of a cluster, enter
the virtual hostname assigned to the cluster.
Username / Password: Specify a custom user name and password that will be
used to connect Cloud users to the MediaCentral UX player. This same user / password must be entered in the MediaCentral UX System Settings under the MCPS > Player tab. This must be a unique user created solely for this purpose.
c. MediaCentral Messaging: This setting enables a messaging workflow between
MediaCentral UX and Media Composer. Enter the hostname of the MCS server in the form of a URL. In the case of a cluster, enter the virtual hostname assigned to the cluster.
6. Click the Apply Changes button for any settings that were adjusted.
7. If you are integrating with Media Composer Cloud, you should also configure the Application
Settings > Media Composer | Cloud Settings. See the Media Composer | Cloud Installation and Configuration Guide for additional details.
8. From the main menu, select Site Settings > Interplay Transfer Settings. MediaCentral polls
this setting for available Transfer Engines and AirSpeed servers when creating STP profiles.
9. Click Apply.
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide

Verifying Interplay Production Media Indexer Configuration

Adding the MediaCentral UX Version to Avid iNEWS

Installing the MediaCentral Distribution Service

MCS v2.5 and higher obtains the Media Indexer configuration information directly from the “Server Hostname Settings” in the Interplay Administrator tool. Ensure that the “MI Connection URL” is populated with all Interplay Media Indexer servers and that “Check Media Indexer” returns with no errors. If the settings have not been configured correctly, MediaCentral UX will not be able to load or play assets from Interplay Production. Dynamic Relink functionality within MediaCentral also depends on this setting.
For more information on configuring the Server Hostname Settings, see “Setting Server Hostnames and the Workgroup Name” in the Interplay Engine and Interplay Archive Engine Administration Guide.
Before connecting MediaCentral UX to iNEWS, the MediaCentral UX Client version must be added to the iNEWS SYSTEM.CLIENT.VERSIONS file.
Refer to the Avid MediaCentral Platform Services ReadMe for the correct version number for your installation.
See Appendix C: Configuring iNEWS for Integration with MediaCentral adding the version number to iNEWS.
The MediaCentral Distribution Service (MCDS) is a lightweight required for Send to Playback (STP) operations. It analyzes the STP request and determines if additional actions are required before sending the media to the playback device (AirSpeed, Transfer Engine, other). An Interplay Transcode provider is required for STP operations requiring audio mixdowns (stereo audio tracks) or video mixdowns (sequences with dissolves). An Interplay STP Encode provider is required when using Long GOP media.
MCDS is not used if you are sending an asset directly to Transcode or Delivery. MCDS is not used in iNEWS-only configurations.
The following guidelines apply to installing MCDS:
Supported on Windows 7 64-bit and Windows Server 2012.
o If you are running Windows Server 2012, you must install the Windows Desktop
Experience feature. For more information and installation procedures, see the Interplay | Production Dell and HP Server Support guide at:­Documentation
o If you are running Windows 7 N, Windows Media Player must be manually installed. For
more information on “N” versions of Windows, see:
Requires a minimum of 512MB of RAM and approximately 380MB of hard drive space on the
host server.
for instructions on
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide

Creating the MCS Installation USB Drive

Ensure that all enabled network adapters on both the system hosting the MCDS and the Interplay
Production Services Engine are fully routable to each other.
Can be installed on a server hosting other services or applications, such as the Interplay
Production Services Engine, Interplay Transcode Provider, Interplay Transfer Engine, etc.
Must be installed on a system that has the ISIS Client software installed. Must not be installed on an Interplay Production Engine or Interplay Archive Engine. As of Interplay Production 3.2, MCDS should not be installed on a Media Indexer server as the
two systems risk sharing network port 8443.
For redundancy purposes, MCDS can be installed on two systems. Installing a second instance of MCDS does not provide load-balancing functionality. You will configure MediaCentral UX to find the installed instance(s) of MCDS later in this document.
In MediaCentral UX 1.x, the MCDS service used port 8080 for normal http communication. In MediaCentral UX v2.0 / MCDS v3.1, the port changed to 8890. This change allows MCDS to be installed on the same server as the Production Services Engine (if desired). Port 8443 is used for http security protocol.
Versions of MCDS prior to v3.3 required the Interplay Service Framework (32 or 64bit) software to be installed on the system hosting MCDS. As of v3.3, this is no longer a requirement.
MCDS v3.3 cannot be installed on an Interplay Production Transcode provider or STP Encode provider. This limitation has been resolved for MCDS v3.4.
For additional information on MCDS version compatibility, see the Avid Knowledge Base:
Installing the MediaCentral Distribution Service:
1. Launch the MCDS installer on your desired system(s).
2. Proceed through the installation and accept the defaults.
You may be asked to install prerequisite requirements such as Microsoft Visual C++.
3. Once installed, use Windows Computer Management to verify that the “Avid Interplay
Central Distribution Service” is “Started” and the Startup Type is configured as “Automatic”.
The MCS installation is initiated from a bootable USB drive that contains the OS (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) and the MCS software. For this procedure you require the following items:
A Windows-based computer The MCS installation package (MediaCentral_Services_<version> RHEL installation image (.iso) file A 16GB or larger USB drive
Note: Avid has been informed of problems using USB drives from some vendors. If the server does not boot from the USB drive, or fails to complete the boot, try using a drive from another vendor or a drive with a larger capacity (32GB).
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide

Preparing the Installation Drive for the HP ProLiant Gen9

Note: The BIOS on some systems do not recognize USB 3.0 drives correctly which results in the inability to boot from them. Avid recommends using a USB 2.0 drive for this process.
This procedure uses an application called “ISO to USB” to create a bootable USB drive containing the required RHEL operating system and MCS files. Do not simply drag and drop installation files onto the USB drive as this will not create the correct file structure needed to successfully install MCS.
Note: Since “ISO to USB” creates a bootable drive, Avid recommends only connecting the USB drive you plan to use to the Windows system. If you have more than one USB drive inserted, make sure you choose the right one when performing this procedure.
The procedure for creating the MCS installation drive on a ProLiant Gen9 server differs from that of other installations. Make sure you follow the customized instructions for your server type.
This section contains three procedures:
 Preparing the MCS Installation USB Drive  Copying the Storage Controller Driver to the USB Drive
Preparing the MCS Installation USB Drive:
1. Log into a Windows system.
2. Connect the USB drive to the Windows system and give it a few moments to be
3. Use Windows Disk Management to format the USB drive as a FAT32 volume.
4. Extract the contents of the MediaCentral_Services_<version> file to the
desktop (or your preferred destination directory).
5. Open the newly created MediaCentral_Services_<version>_Linux folder.
6. Double-click iso2usb.exe to launch the application.
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide
RAID 1 and RAID 5
RAID 1 only
7. Choose the Diskimage radio button then navigate to the RHEL image (.iso) file (named
rhel-server-6.5-x86_64-dvd.iso or similar).
Note: Make sure the RHEL image (.iso) file is accessible locally (preferable) or over the network from your computer.
8. In the “Additional Files” field, navigate to the MediaCentral_Services_<version>_Linux
folder and click the “Select Folder” button.
9. Use the table below to verify that the Hard Disk Name and USB Device Name fields are
correct for your deployment.
RAID Configuration RAID 1
(“Hard Disk Name”)
(“USB Device Name”)
For example, for a system deploying both RAID 1 and RAID 5 volumes, enter the following values in the dialog:
• Hard Disk Name: sda
USB Device Name: sdc
Important: For those familiar with earlier HP servers, the HP ProLiant Gen9 server identifies the RAID 1, RAID 5, and the USB drive with different device names.
Note: If the drive names are not configured properly in the kickstart file, you could encounter errors in the deployment process. Example: “Error Partitioning: Could not allocate requested partitions: not enough free space on disks.”
10. Verify the USB Drive letter or use the pull-down menu to select a new drive letter.
11. Click OK in the main dialog.
MCS 2.7 Installation and Configuration Guide
12. A process begins to copy the RHEL image (.iso) file and the MCS installation files to the
USB drive.
This process takes 10-20 minutes. Once complete, the USB drive has everything it needs to complete the RHEL and MCS installation.
Note: Copying the RHEL image (.iso) file to the USB drive is a one-time process. To install MCS on more than one server, or to re-install MCS, you do not need to repeat these steps.
13. Click Exit to close the application.
Copying the Storage Controller Driver to the USB Drive:
1. If you have not already obtained the RAID controller drive, see
Storage Controller Driver
for the HP ProLiant Gen9 Server for location and download instructions.
2. With the Installation USB drive still plugged in to the Windows laptop or desktop, copy
the RAID controller driver ISO to the root directory on the drive:
3. Rename the ISO:
Old Name: dd-hpsa-18216-x86_64.iso
New Name: z_dd-hpsa-18216-x86_64.iso
Renaming the driver ISO is essential, since the installation script attempts to mount the first ISO it finds as the RHEL ISO. If you do not rename it, the installation will fail.
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