Pinnacle Systems MediaCentral - 2.2 Instruction Manual

Document Version: 1.0.1

Important Inform ation

Revision History

Date Revised
Changes Made
March 26, 2015
First publication
April 17, 2015
Fixed incorrect referenc es to MCS 2.1.
About MCS 2 .2
Avid MediaCentral
Platform Services
Version 2. 2 Upgrading Guide
This document is a guide to upgrading to MediaCentral Platform Services (MCS) 2.2 from a previous version of MCS or Interplay Central Services (ICS). It also includes instructions on migrating the UMS database from a production system to a test system.
Note: For a list products qualified for use with MCS 2.2, and the supported RHEL operating system, see the Avid MediaCentral Platform V2.2 ReadMe.
Note: The Gluster version changed and additional Gluster packages are required as of MCS 2.0. See “Obtaining Gluster” in the MediaCentral Platform V2.2 ReadMe.
Avid® recommends that you read all the information in this upgrade guide thoroughly before installing or using the corresponding software release.
Important: Search the Avid Knowledge Base at up-to-date ReadMe, which contains the latest informatio n that might have become available after the documentation was published. The MCS 2.2 documentation can be found here:
for the most
Please see the MediaCentral Platform 2.2 ReadMe and any ReadMe documents pertaining to the solution(s) by whic h MC S i s used.
MediaCentral Services 2.2 U pgr a ding Gui de


Important Information ....................................................................................................................... 1
Revision History .................................................................................................................................. 1
Contents ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 4
How to Use this Guide ............................................................................................................................... 4
Operating System ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Update Installation versus Full Installation ................................................................................................ 5
Obtaining the MCS Installation Package .................................................................................................... 5
Obtaining Gluster ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Security Updates ........................................................................................................................................ 5
An Important Note on SSL Certificate Passwords ...................................................................................... 5
Upgrading Media | Index and Multi-Zone Deployments ........................................................................... 6
Resetting Layouts After Upgrading from V2.0 to V2.2 .............................................................................. 7
Resetting Layouts After Upgrading from ICS V1.6 or Earlier ..................................................................... 7
Setting Gluster Volume Ownership Permanently ...................................................................................... 7
Upgrading Paths ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Upgrading from 1.2.x or 1.3.x to MCS 2. 2 .............................................................................................. 9
Upgrading to MCS 2.2 for Interplay Central ........................................................................................... 9
Upgrading to MCS 2.2 for Media Composer | Cloud ........................................................................... 10
Upgrading to MCS 2.2 for Interplay | MAM ......................................................................................... 10
Special Note: Upgrading from MCS 2.0 ................................................................................................ 10
Upgrading a Single Server RHEL 6.5 System to MCS 2.2 .......................................................................... 11
Installing MCS 2.2 Using the Update Installation ................................................................................. 11
Upgrading a Cluster RHEL 6.5 System to MCS 2.2 ................................................................................... 12
Identifying the Master, Slave and Load-Balancing Nodes .................................................................... 13
Bringing the Cluster Off-line ................................................................................................................. 13
Updating the Cluster ............................................................................................................................ 14
Upgrading a Single Server RHEL 6.3 System to MCS 2.2 .......................................................................... 16
Backing Up System Settings and Installing RHEL 6.5 & MCS 2.2 .......................................................... 17
Restoring System Settings and Migrating User Settings ...................................................................... 18
Verifying and Configuring Date and Time Synchronization Settings .................................................... 19
Logging in and Backing Up the New System Settings........................................................................... 20
Upgrading a Cluster RHEL 6.3 System to MCS 2.2 ................................................................................... 21
MediaCentral Services 2.2 U pgr a ding Gui de
Identifying the Master, Slave and Load-Balancing Nodes .................................................................... 21
Backing Up Master Node System Settings and Bringing Down the Cluster ......................................... 22
Upgrading the Master Node ................................................................................................................. 23
Restoring System Settings and Migrating User Settings on the Master Node ..................................... 24
Verifying and Configuring Date and Time Synchronization Settings .................................................... 25
Upgrading the Slave Node and Load -Balancing Nodes ........................................................................ 26
Setting up the Cluster and Cache Replication ...................................................................................... 27
Validating the Cluster and Backing Up the New System Settings ........................................................ 27
Reconfiguring ICS for Interplay | MAM or Media Composer | Cloud in an Upgrade from ICS 1.7 or Earlier
................................................................................................................................................................. 28
Reconfiguring MCS for Use with Interplay | MAM .............................................................................. 28
Reconfiguring MCS for Use with Media Composer | Cloud ................................................................. 29
Backing Up and Restoring SSL Private Keys ............................................................................................. 29
Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions................................................................................................ 31
Appendix B: Migrating the UMS Datab a se to a Test Node ...................................................................... 32
Migrating the 1.6.x (or later) UMS Database ....................................................................................... 32
Migrating the 1.4.x/1.5.x UMS Database ............................................................................................. 33
Appendix C: Mounting and Unmounting the USB Key ............................................................................ 34
Appendix D: Deleting the RAID 5 ............................................................................................................. 35
Appendix E: Backing Up and Restoring System Settings and the ICS/MCS Database ............................. 38
Appendix F: Glossary ................................................................................................................................ 43
MediaCentral ........................................................................................................................................ 43
Media Co mposer | Cloud ..................................................................................................................... 43
Interplay | MAM................................................................................................................................... 43
MediaCentral Platform Services (MCS) ................................................................................................ 43
Interplay Central Playback Service (ICPS) ............................................................................................. 43
MCS System Settings ............................................................................................................................ 44
MCS Platform Settings .......................................................................................................................... 44
MCS Database ...................................................................................................................................... 44
MediaCentral User Management Database ......................................................................................... 44
Corosync ............................................................................................................................................... 44
Distributed Replicated Block Device (DRBD) ........................................................................................ 44
Copyright and Disclaimer ......................................................................................................................... 45


How to U se this Guide

Operating System

Upgrading to MediaCentral Platform Services (MCS) 2.2 for MediaCentral, Media
Composer | Cloud, and Interplay | MAM, involves the migration of settings and data along
with the software upgrade. Depending on the upgrade path you are faced with, the migration of settings and data is manual or automated. When upgrading from the earliest versions of Interplay Common Services (ICS) the upgrade involves significant changes to the hardware topology of the system.
Note: Beginning with version 2.0, the term “MediaCentral Platform Services” replaces “Interplay Central Services.” In addition, the term “MediaCentral Play back S ervice” replaces “Interplay Central Playback Service.”
There are two main upgrade paths to MCS 2.2, depending on the currently installed operating system:
MediaCentral Services 2.2 U pgr a ding Gui de
RHEL 6.5 – If this is the currently installed OS, the upgrade is non-destructive and largely automated. Manually backing up system settings and MCS Database is not required, but recommended.
RHEL 6.3 and earlier – The upgrade involves a clean installation of RHEL 6.5 and MCS. Manually backing up system setti n gs and MCS database before the upgrade and restoring them after is mandatory.
When the upgrade path involve s a RHEL version change, you must also manually back up any private keys associated with SSL certificates received from a Certificate Authority, if CA-signed certificates are in use. In the case of a cluster, you must manually re-create the cluster and reconfigure cache replication (if used).
This guide documents the overall upgrade process for the supported upgrade scenarios. It must be used in conjunction with the MCS 2.2 Installation and Configuration Guide. For clustering, you might find it helpful to refer to the most recent edition of the MCS Clustering Guide too – for validation of the cluster post-installation, for example.
For each step in the overall upgrade process, this document offers the following guidance:
Includes the step-by-step instructions for the step
- or -
Cross-references a section in the MCS 2.2 Installation and Configuration Guide In the second case, the heading of the re levant section in the MCS 2.2 Installation and
Configuration Guide is provided. Since direct page references are unreliable, you must scan the table of contents in that guide to find the heading and page.
MCS 2.2 requires RHEL 6.5. In addition, whether performing an upgrade or a full installation, the MCS installer requires the RHEL 6.5 ISO to be mounted, so you must obtain the RHEL 6.5
MediaCentral Services 2.2 U pgr a ding Gui de
ICS/MCS Version
RHEL Version
ICS 1.2.3 – 1.5
RHEL 6.2
ICS 1.6 – 1.8
RHEL 6.3
ICS 1.8.1 – MCS 2.2
RHEL 6.5

Update Installation versus Full Installation

Obtaining the MCS Installation Package

Obtaining Gluster

Security Updates

An Important Note on SSL Cer tificate Passwords

ISO. This is true, even when performing an upgrade where t he operating system does not change.
Note: Red Hat has issued a security advisory for RHEL 6.5. See “Security Updates” on page 5.
For convenience, the following table lists the ICS/MCS releases and corresponding RHEL versions.
The MCS 2.2 release can be installed as a full installation that performs a clean installation of RHEL, overwriting the system disk. In this case, you prepare a USB key, insert and reboot from it. For an existing MCS installation with a supported RHEL version, it can be installed as an upgrade. In this case, you prepare the USB key and trigger the installation script manually. You do not reboot from it. The installation package and USB key preparation is the same in both cases.
The MCS 2.2 release is available directly on the Avid Download Center.
If are installing Gluster, note that since MCS 2.0 a new version of Gluster is required, and additional Gluster packages.
For package names and download instructions, please consult the MediaCentral Platform
2.2 ReadMe.
Important: Red Hat has issued security advisories for RHEL 6.5. Once you have installed the operating system, please take a moment to resolve the security vulner abi l i ties. For instructions, see the “Security Updates” section in t he MediaCentr al Platform 2.2 ReadMe.
Interplay Central uses the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for its server to browser connections. Default passwords are used by the system to automatically generate and use self-signed
MediaCentral Services 2.2 U pgr a ding Gui de

Upgrading Media | Index and Multi-Zone Deployments

certificates. Customized certificates can also be used, including those that have be en issued by a Certificate Authority (CA).
When customized or CA-signed certificates are used, the MCS 2.2 Installation and Configuration Guide explains that the SSL passwo rds must be written to the user-available Application Properties file in the following directory:
This should not be confused with the system-reserved Application Properties file, in the following location:
Caution: The user-available Application Properties file is backed up and restored by the system­backup script. The system-reserved Application Properties file is not backed up. If the SSL passwords are in the wrong file, SSL configuration will be broken by the upgrade.
To avoid mishaps, double-check the contents of the system-reserved Application Properties file before proceeding with the upgrade.
To double-check the system-reserved Application Properties file:
1. List the contents of the Application Properties file reserved for use by the system:
less /opt/avid/avid-interplay­central/config/
2. Look for the following two lines (they might not be next to each other):\:1lfc1n7n1l1618qm18qo1kxw1n3v1lc6\:1lfc1n7n1l1618qm18qo1kxw1n3v1l c6
The obfuscated passwords shown above (in bold) are the default system pa sswords.
3. If the passwords you see match the above, this is correct, and nothing more needs to be done.
4. If the passwords you see are different, it indicates the file has been edite d. This is incorrect, and you must copy the two modified lines into the following file (you might need to create the file):
Copying the modified lines to the user-available Application Properties file ensures they are preserved during the upgrade.
If your deployment is configured f or Media | Index and multi-zone, note the following:
MediaCentral Services 2.2 U pgr a ding Gui de

Resetting Layouts After Upgrading from V2.0 to V2.2

Resetting Layouts After Upgrading from ICS V1.6 or Earlier

Setting Gluster Volume Ownership Permanently

Upgrade Slave Zones First: If you cannot bring all zones off-line at once, upgrad e
the slave zone(s) before the master zone. Note that an upgraded slave zone system no longer has access to the centralized
user management service (UMS), which is owned by the m aster zone. Users in the upgraded slave zone can continue to log in —the local, read-only copy of the UMS database is used — but you cannot crea te new users.
Delete the Media| Index System Data Index: The system data index contains
information on registered systems and localization strings for display fields. In initialized systems it also contains production data. If Media Index is configured, you must delete the system data index in the master zone before the upgrade. Note that deleting the system data index restores a clean index state. For instructions, see the Avid Media | Index Configuration Guide.
Three panes used in MediaCentr a l UX v2.0 were dropped as of MediaCentral UX v2.1:
• Markers pane: redesigned as Logging pane.
Layouts pane in Users Layout: re p l aced by drag-and-drop functionality.
• Search pane in Users Layout: replaced by Filter field.
After Media Central UX is upgraded to v2.2, users who had signed out of V2.0 with these panes open will see them when they si gn in again, with the message: “No View implementation found for type undefined” in the pane. Users need to reset the panes.
To reset the outdated panes, do one of the following:
• Close the outdated panes.
Reset the layout by selecting Reset Layout from the Layout selector.
After upgrading from Interplay Central Services V1.6 or earlier, use rs who had previously signed in will see the Assets pane and Search panes fro m their most recent session. However, the Assets tabs and Search panes are not usable.
This problem does not occur when upgrading from ICS V1.7 to MediaCentral Platform V2.2.
To reset the Assets pane and Search panes, do one of the following:
• Close all open Assets tabs and Searc h p a n es and reopen them.
Reset the layout by selecting Reset Layout from the Layout selector.
Recall that the following two directories must be owned by user maxmin and have group id set to maxmin:
MediaCentral Services 2.2 U pgr a ding Gui de
The directories above are associated with RHEL directories (/cache/fl_cache and /cache/download) used to store files for http-based streaming, such as media converted to FLV for file-based playback. They are also used to store media converted to Mpeg2TS for playback on iOS devices. The download directory contains links to simplify iOS playback.
With Gluster, restarting the Gluster daemon (glusterd) results in user ID and group ownership of the Gluster volumes being changed from maxmim to root, which breaks playback on iOS devices. Thus if a cluster node is rebooted, playback issues can arise .
To prevent issues for an existing cluster, you must configure the two Gluster cache volumes to use the same UID and GID as the maxmin user, as described in the following procedure.
Note: This procedure should be done after the upgrade. It is only necessary for cluster deployments using Gluster.
To set Gluster volume ownership so it does not change:
On each node in the cluster perform the following steps (slave first, mast e r second, load balancing at any time):
1. Stop Pacemaker:
service pacemaker stop
2. Stop Corosync:
service corosync stop
3. Obtain the user ID of the user maxmin (this might be different on each machine):
id -u maxmin
4. Change the user ownership of the gluster volume to maxmin using the user ID:
gluster volume set gl-cache-dl storage.owner-uid <uid> gluster volume set gl-cache-fl storage.owner-uid <uid>
In the above commands, do not type the a n gl e brackets. Enter the number obtained in the previous step.
Note: Do not alter the gl-cache-mcam (multicam) volume. It uses the default root ownership.
5. Obtain the group ID of the user maxmi n (this might be different on each machine):
id -g maxmin
6. Change the group ownership of the gluster volume to maxmin using the gro up ID:
gluster volume set gl-cache-dl storage.owner-gid <gid> gluster volume set gl-cache-fl storage.owner-gid <gid>
Note: Do not alter the gl-cache-mcam (multicam) volume. It uses the default root ownership.
MediaCentral Services 2.2 U pgr a ding Gui de

Upgrading Paths

Upgrading from 1.2.x or 1.3.x to MCS 2.2

Upgrading to MCS 2.2 for Interplay Central

7. Verify the success of the ownership changes:
ls –la /cache/gluster
Should return:
drwxrwsrwx 3 maxmin maxmin 4096 Jan 12 09:51 gluster_data_download drwxrwsrwx 5 maxmin maxmin 4096 Jan 12 09:51 gluster_data_fl_cache drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Feb 5 08:33 gluster_data_multicam
8. Restart the GlusterFS service:
service glusterd restart
9. Verify the ownership changes are sticky:
ls –la /cache/gluster
Should return same as before:
drwxrwsrwx 3 maxmin maxmin 4096 Jan 12 09:51 gluster_data_download drwxrwsrwx 5 maxmin maxmin 4096 Jan 12 09:51 gluster_data_fl_cache drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Feb 5 08:33 gluster_data_multicam
10. Change ownership of any files residing in gluster_data_download and gluster_data_fl_cache:
chown –R maxmin:maxmin /cache/gluster/gluster_data_download chown –R maxmin:maxmin /cache/gluster/gluster_data_fl_cache
This is only absolutely necessary on systems that h ave already been running, where the Gluster daemon reset ownership to root.
11. Start Corosync:
service corosync start
12. Start Pacemaker:
service pacemaker start
This section presents the upgrade paths for specific deployment options.
For Interplay Central and/or ICPS 1.2.x and 1.3.x upgrade options, please consult your Avid representative.
Since ICS 1.3 — which introduced the har dwar e consolidation and software service colocation on Linux server s — in many respects MediaCentral Platform Services an d
MediaCentral Services 2.2 U pgr a ding Gui de

Upgrading to MCS 2.2 for Media Composer | Cloud

Upgrading to MCS 2.2 for Interplay | MAM

Special Note: Upgrading from MCS 2.0

MediaCentral are the same thing. MediaCentral uses all MediaCentral Platform Services, and its version number increase s in lock step with MediaCentral Platform Services.
For upgrading instructions:
Upgrading a Single Server RHEL 6.5 System to MCS 2.2” on page 10
Upgrading a Cluster RHEL 6.5 System to MCS 2.2” on page 12.
Upgrading a Single Server RHEL 6.3 System to MCS 2.2on page 16.
Upgrading a Cluster RHEL 6.3 System to MCS 2.2” on page 21.
The latest version of the Media Composer | Cloud plugin requires at least ICS 1.3. Upgrading to MCS 2.2 for Media Composer | Cloud does not add any new functionality, but you do get the benefit of the latest bug fixes.
For upgrading instructions:
Upgrading a Single Server RHEL 6.5 System to MCS 2.2” on page 10
Upgrading a Cluster RHEL 6.5 System to MCS 2.2” on pa ge 12.
Upgrading a Single Server RHEL 6.3 System to MCS 2.2on page 16.
Upgrading a Cluster RHEL 6.3 System to MCS 2.2” on page 21.
For Interplay MAM compatibility with MCS please refer to the MediaCentral Platform 2.2 ReadMe.
For upgrading instructions:
Upgrading a Single Server RHEL 6.5 System to MCS 2.2” on page 10
Upgrading a Cluster RHEL 6.5 System to MCS 2.2” on page 12.
Upgrading a Single Server RHEL 6.3 System to MCS 2.2on page 16.
Upgrading a Cluster RHEL 6.3 System to MCS 2.2” on page 21.
If you are upgrading from MCS 2.0, note the following. As part of some cluster deployments, the MediaCentral Platform Services 2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide provided instructions for replicating the cluster file caches using Gluster, an open source software solution. The instructions include creating a metadata cache directory for Interplay | MAM deployments with MPEG-1 browse proxies.
The use of Gluster to replicate metadata has been deprecated due to its negative impact on performance. Please delet e the Glu sterF S me tad ata v olume from all your server nodes in all affected deployments. Once complete, metadata inform ation is loaded into RAM and is no longer replicated across other nodes.
MediaCentral Services 2.2 U pgr a ding Gui de

Upgrading a Single Server RHEL 6.5 System to MCS 2.2

Installing MCS 2.2 Using the Update Installation

For instructions, consult the Avid KB article “Removing the GlusterFS Metadata Cache Replication Volume” at the following link:­replication-volume
For systems already running RHEL 6.5, the upgrade to MCS 2. 1 is an update installation involving the following procedure:
¨ Installing MCS 2.2 Using the Update Installation
Expected downtime: 30 min.
To install MCS 2.2 using the update installation:
1. Prepare and insert the MCS 2.2 installation USB key. In the MCS 2.2 Installation and Configurat i on G ui de, see “Preparing the MCS Installation
USB Key”.
Note: If the RHEL image cannot be put not on the USB key — that is, if it is not local to the installation package — mount the RHEL as a loop device image to/sysinstall before proceeding:
mount -o loop <Path_to_Image>/<RHEL_Image>.iso /sysinstall/
2. Mount the USB key and change to the USB mount point. In this document, see “Appendix C: Mounting an d Unmounting the USB Key
” on page
3. Log in as root and dump the curre n t database:
avid-db dumpall
Although the upgrade is non-destructive, it is a good idea to backup the MCS database.
4. Unzip the installation package.
5. Start the installation script.
Note: Be sure to use the dot-slash (“./”) notation, which tells Linux to look for the installation script in the current directory. Otherwise you will receive the following error message:
-bash: command not found
MediaCentral Services 2.2 U pgr a ding Gui de

Upgrading a Cluster RHEL 6.5 System to MCS 2.2

For security, Linux does not include the “current” directory (“.”) in its PATH variable. You must specify the path, even when you are in the directory where the script or command is located.
During the installation process, progress is displayed (details have been omitted, for clarity):
Cleaning repos: Cleaning up Everything
Those familiar with the Linux yum update process will recognize the pattern of the update.
The update completes with an indication of success:
6. Check the installation was successful using the ics_version script:
Service version numbers are returned as follows:
UMS Version: 2.2.x.x ICPS Version: 2.2.x.x ICPS manager Version: 2.2.x.x ACS Version: 2.2.x.x System ID: "xxxxxxxxxxx"
ICS installer: 2.2 (Build xx) Created on <installer creation date>
Note: The System ID is an 11-digit number used in support calls. You enter it via the MediaCentral UX user interface. See the MCS 2.2 Installation and Configuration Guide.
Note: For precise version numbers for this release, see the MediaCentral Platform 2.2
7. Unmount the USB key. In this document, see “Appendix C: Mounting an d Unmounting the USB K ey
” on page
Installing MCS 2.2 on a cluster already running MCS compatible with RHEL 6.5 is a simple automated update of the affected packages. All MCS system settings are preserved. There is no need to manually backup and/or restore any MCS system settings. All nodes must be brought off-line to perform the upd a te.
The cluster update involves the fo llowing steps:
¨ Identifying the Master, Slave and Load-Balancing Nodes ¨ Bringing the Cluster Off-line
MediaCentral Services 2.2 U pgr a ding Gui de

Identifying the Master, Slave and Load-Balancing Nodes

Bringing the Cluster Off-line

¨ Updating the Cluster
Expected downtime: 1 hr. for 2 servers, + 30 min. for each additional server.
To identify the master, slave, and load-balancing nodes:
Recall that there are three types of nodes in a cluster: master, slave, and load-balancing. The master “owns” the cluster IP address. The slave assumes the role of master in the event of a failover. Any extra nodes play a load-balancing role, but can never take on the role of master.
1. Identify the master node of the cluster. Log into any machine in the cluster as root and type:
2. In the output of that command, look for the line containing “AvidClusterIP”—this service runs on the master server.
For example, if the crm_mon command output contains the line:
AvidClusterIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started ics-1
…the master server is ics-1.
3. To identify the slave, look for the line containing “Master/Slave Set”. For example, if the crm_mon command output contains the lines:
Master/Slave Set: ms_drbd_postgres [drbd_postgres] Masters: [ ics-1 ] Slaves: [ ics-2 ]
…the slave server is ics-2.
4. To identify the load-balancing nodes, look for the line containing “Clone Set”. For example, if the crm_mon command output contains the lines:
Clone Set: AvidAllEverywhere [AvidAll] Started: [ ics-1 ics-2 ics-3]
…the extra server in this case is ics-3.
To bring the cluster off-line:
The master node should not be in standby when you back up the database.
1. Log in to the master node as root and dump the current database:
avid-db dumpall
MediaCentral Services 2.2 U pgr a ding Gui de

Updating the Cluster

Although the update is non-destructive, it is a good idea to backup the MCS database.
2. Begin bringing the cluster off-line by putting the load-balancing nodes into standby mode:
crm node standby <node name>
3. Next, put the slave node into sta n db y mode:
crm node standby <node name>
4. Finally, put the master node int o s tandby mode:
crm node standby <node name>
You can upgrade the nodes in any order you like. However, be sure to bring them back online in the correct order, as indicated in the instructions.
To update the cluster:
1. Prepare and insert the MCS 2.2 installation USB key. In the MCS 2.2 Installation and Configurat i on G ui de, see “Preparing the MCS Installation
USB Key”.
Note: If the RHEL image is not on the USB key — that is, if it is not local to the installation package — mount the RHEL image as a loop device to/sysinstall before proceeding:
mount -o loop <Path_to_Image>/<RHEL_Image>.iso /sysinstall/
2. Mount the USB key and change to the mount poi n t. In this document, see “Appendix C: Mounting an d Unmounting the USB K ey
” on page
3. Unzip the installation package.
4. Start the installation script.
Note: Be sure to use the dot-slash (“./”) notation, which tells Linux to look for the installation script in the current directory. Otherwise you will receive the following error message:
-bash: command not found
For security, Linux does not include the “current” directory (“.”) in its PATH variable. You must specify the path, even when you are in the directory where the script or command is located.
During the installation process, progress is displayed (details have been omitted, for clarity):
Cleaning repos:
+ 31 hidden pages