Pinnacle Systems LeaderPlus - 5.0 Installation Manual

Avid LeaderPlus
Installation and User’s Guide
Version 5.0
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Avid LeaderPlus v5.0 Installation and User’s Guide
Part #0130-04996-02 Rev B
October 10, 2008
Printed in the United States of America
Chapter 1
Introduction to LeaderPlus
Summary 1-2 Features of LeaderPlus 1-2
The LeaderPlus Election Management System is a comprehensive and user-friendly database capable of meeting election night needs ranging from vote collection and analysis to the automatic updating of races by wire and the instant airing of customized character generator displays.
LeaderPlus is a network-based program that operates on a Windows NT
4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP platform and can be incorporated into an existing network. It connects to a network hub to communicate to multiple workstations and can run from the same desktop as your current iNEWS program.
Some of the features of the LeaderPlus Election Management System include:
Easy input of wire races into the database prior to an election. LeaderPlus will automatically pull the appropriate wire codes directly out of a wire capture containing sample wire data. Wire codes are NOT to be entered manually.
Aid to the election coordinator in organizing data as both individual races and as lists of races. Using a race list, LeaderPlus will automatically call up selected races in a predefined order for easy monitoring, updating, and displaying on air.
Race reports for printing race summaries to easily verify data and provide hard copy rewards.
Multiple wire updating, manual updating of races, and updating or accessing the database via modem.
Instant updates of race results entered at any LeaderPlus workstation (secured with individual user access).
A window for producers that clearly displays race status information and results through customized lists of races.
The use of multiple character generators connected to individual workstations on the network for simultaneous airing of races. This is a real advantage when producing election coverage out of different studios simultaneously.
A window for on air anchors that displays race results and information (or background notes) about the candidates or issues being discussed. This window is driven directly by the races sent to the CG. It is a valuable tool for the talent to use on air.
Increased security with users entered into the system individually, so each user has his or her, own password and privileges on the system.
The ability to air results to the Internet
A secure password protected method for inputting updates to
races via the Internet.
Automatic updating of election results from a web page or FTP site.
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Chapter 2
Installation & Configuration
This chapter reviews the equipment requirements for LeaderPlus and explains the installation process for the server and workstations. This chapter should be read by engineers and IS managers.
This chapter contains:
Hardware Requirements 2-2 Items Provided by Avid for LeaderPlus 2-3
Optional Services 2-3 LeaderPlus Election System Diagram 2-4 Installing LeaderPlus Software 2-4
Part 1- Installing MSDE 2-4 Part 2- Installing Server Application 2-10 Part 3- Creating the Database 2-14 Part 4- Installing the Client 2-17
Repairing/Upgrading the LeaderPlus 2-20 Application
Starting the Server Application 2-22 Configuration for Web Interaction 2-25
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Hardware Requirements
The following are considered the minimum requirements for running LeaderPlus. Maximum speed and efficiency are dependent upon the hardware.
LeaderPlus Server
Requires a server running Microsoft Windows NT4.0 SP6 or Windows 2000 Server SP2.
Pentium processor running at a minimum of 500 MHz with 512 MB of RAM
3.5” disk drive
8X or faster CD-ROM drive
20 GB Hard Disk
Color VGA monitor that supports 800X600, 1024X768 or 1280X1024
Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher
Network Card
NOTE: LeaderPlus Server must be on the same domain as the
LeaderPlus clients.
LeaderPlus Clients
Pentium PC with minimum 250 MHz processor
Windows 2000 Professional, NT Workstation or Windows XP
Professional software
Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher
Network Card
Color VGA monitor that supports 1024x768 or 1280x1024
Workstations connecting to a character generator need an RS-232
serial port.
NOTE: LeaderPlus 5.0 will run on workstations running Windows 95 or 98 with lower hardware capabilities than listed above, but performance will be reduced.
Network and Peripheral Devices
Local area network (LAN) card. (Contact LeaderPlus Customer Service for current recommendation.)
NetBEUI or TCP/IP network protocol acceptable
Network Hubs
At least one available parallel port 9if a local printer is desired)
Character Generator
Other peripheral devices and accessories such as printers, modems,
mice, keyboards, and cabling.
Items Provided by Avid for LeaderPlus
SQL Server Software: the MSDE version of 2000 is available with the LeaderPlus 5.0 installation. This offers some basic database maintenance capabilities.
LeaderPlus Election System server application on a CD-ROM
LeaderPlus Election-System client software
LeaderPlus Reference Guide
Optional Services
LeaderPlus training courses are offered regularly in Madison, Wisconsin. Contact the Avid Worldwide Training Manager at 608-274­8686 for more information
An annual service contract is available for continuous support of your LeaderPlus system. Contact you Avid sale representative at 608-274-
Election night telephone support is available with 30 days written notice. This is available at no charge if you have an active LeaderPlus service contract.
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LeaderPlus Election System Diagram
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Installing LeaderPlus
Installation – Part 1 Installing MSDE
The LeaderPlus program will be supplied on CD. There are four parts to the installation. Part one will install the MSDE
version of 2000 SQL. Part two will install the server application. Part three creates the database. Part four will install the client software
1. To install SQL MSDE, click on setup.exe.
2. Click next to begin installing the database SQL server and Agent.
LeaderPlus installation will eventually create the LeaderPlus database, but the server and agent have to be in place.
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3. This step (above) asks for a place to temporarily store files for the
duration of the installation of SQL MSDE. Click on Next >
4. Setup (above) will begin loading files:
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Confirm the location of SQL MSDE files and data and click Next.
6. The Program files are what SQL uses to run the application, and the
data files are where the LeaderPlus database will be stored
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7. The installation will commence (above), showing you the progress.
8. When SQL MSDE is installed, you will be prompted to reboot. You
should reboot before installing LeaderPlus server application.
When you restart the server, you ought to see the Microsoft SQL server
application running in the task bar.
To see which operations it is watching, double-click on the applet.
SQL server and SQL server agent should be running and set to start when the OS starts.
SQL server agent and server shown running and set to auto start with OS
_______________________________________________________________ 2-10
Installation – Part 2 Installing the LeaderPlus Server Application
1. Open the LeaderPlus 5 folder and then the server folder. Double-click
on the setup.exe setup to launch the LeaderPlus server installation
Install shield will launch to load the components needed for the installation.
2. LeaderPlus Server Installation: click next to begin the process.
3. LeaderPlus Server Installation: confirm the destination of the
installation, and click Next.
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4. Select Components. By default both program files and LeaderPlus
database are checked. Click Next.
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5. LeaderPlus Server Installation: by default, the radio button to create
the LeaderPlus user is checked. Confirm the choice and click Next.
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6. Click Finish and you can commence to install the client, if you are
going to perform wire ingest on this machine.
Installation – Part 3 Creating the LeaderPlus Database
LeaderPlus creates the database from the server application. After you
have installed the server, start it by double-clicking on the server icon.
1. Click on
Installation – Part 3 Creating the LeaderPlus Database
2. The database user is LeaderPlus, and that field will be grayed out.
Type in the name of the server, but leave the password blank. The LeaderPlus user has no password.
3. Perform a right-click on the
database server tree.
top of the
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Installation – Part 3 Creating the LeaderPlus Database
4. Choose New Dat abase
5. Type in the name of the new database,
*NOTE: make sure there are NO spaces in the name of the database.
and click Create.
6. The database now exists. You must install the client on the server if
you are going to ingest wires into a COM port on the server.
Installation – Part 4 Installing the LeaderPlus Client Application
1. Open the LeaderPlus 5 folder and then the client folder. Double-click
on the setup.exe setup to launch the LeaderPlus client installation
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2. Confirm the destination (above) for the LeaderPlus client application to
run from and click Next:
3. Setup Type (above), choose typical, and click Next:
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4. Setup will pause on this screen (above) to have you confirm where
LeaderPlus will be installed. If you are satisfied, click Next:
5. Client installation will commence (above), showing you the status
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6. When setup is done, the following screen (above) will come up to
announce the fact. Click Finish
Repairing/Upgra ding the Le ade rPlus Application
To upgrade or re-install LeaderPlus click on from the client or server folder. The process is the same for both server and client, so there is only one set of instructions written here.
to restart the computer.
Choose Repair when the InstallShield Wizard starts and click Next.
Setup displays the progress of its repair. Click Finish when prompted.
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Starting the LeaderPlus Server Application
On the Server, this icon will start up the server application. Double-click on the server icon to start the server application
Starting the LeaderPlus Server Application
The server application MUST BE RUNNING FOR THE CLIENTS TO GET UPDATES. Once the server application is running, you will be able to sign on with the client.
As users sign on to LeaderPlus, the Server Process window will show the following:
The time a workstation connected to the LeaderPlus network
The status of the workstation’s connection to LeaderPlus. An R in
this column indicates a RAS connection. The letter W in the status column indicates an Internet or Web connection. No letter indicates a direct network (LAN) connection.
The name of each workstation connected to the LeaderPlus
Election System.
The name of the user who is signed on at the workstation
The database the user is logged in to an using
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