Pinnacle Systems Interplay Central Services - 1.8 User Manual

Document Version: 1.0.0

Important Inform ation

Revision History

Date Revised
Changes Made
Avid Interplay Guide
Note: Interplay Central Services 1.8 supports Interplay Central 1.8, Sphere (latest plug-in for Media Composer 6.5.x and 7.0.x and corresponding NewsCutter versions), and Interplay MAM
Avid® recommends that you read all the information in this upgrade guide thoroughly before installing or using the corresponding software release.
Important: Search the Avid Knowledge Base at up-to-date ReadMe, which contains the latest information that might have become available after the documentation was published. The ICS 1.8.x documentation can be found here:­1-8-Documentation
Central Services 1.8 Upgrading
for the most
March 26, 2014 1.0.0 First publication.
Interplay Central Services 1.8 Upgrading Guide


Important Information ....................................................................................................................... 1
Revision History .................................................................................................................................. 1
Contents ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 4
How Do I Use This Guide? .......................................................................................................................... 4
What Operating System Do I Need? .......................................................................................................... 4
Before You Begin: An Important Note on SSL Certificate Passwords ........................................................ 5
Before You Begin: Removing the ICS 1.6 Player Demonstration Web Page .............................................. 6
Mounting and Unmounting the U S B Key ................................................................................................... 6
Backing Up and Restoring System Settings and the ICS Database ............................................................ 8
Upgrading Paths ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Upgrading from 1.2.x or 1.3.x to ICS 1.8 .............................................................................................. 11
Upgrading to ICS 1.8 for Interplay Central ........................................................................................... 11
Upgrading to ICS 1.8 for Interplay Sphere............................................................................................ 12
Upgrading to ICS 1.8 for Interplay MAM .............................................................................................. 12
Upgrading from Interplay Central Services 1.6.x/1.7.x to Interplay Central Services 1.8 ....................... 13
Before You Begin .................................................................................................................................. 13
After You Finish .................................................................................................................................... 13
Upgrading a Single Server System from 1.6.x/1.7.x to 1.8 ................................................................... 14
Upgrading a Cluster System from 1.6.x/1.7.x to 1.8 ............................................................................ 16
Reconfiguring ICS for Interplay MAM or Interplay Sphere .................................................................. 18
Upgrading from Interplay Common Services 1.4.x/1.5.x to Interplay Central Services 1.8 .................... 20
Before You Begin .................................................................................................................................. 20
Upgrading a Single Server System ........................................................................................................ 20
Upgrading a Cluster System ................................................................................................................. 21
Mounting the Cache in a 1.4.x/1.5.x to 1.8 Upgrade ........................................................................... 25
Reconfiguring Gluster in a 1.4.x/1.5.x to 1.8 Upgrade ......................................................................... 26
Backing Up and Restoring SSL Private Keys ............................................................................................. 27
Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions................................................................................................ 29
Appendix B: Migrating the UMS Datab a se to a Test Node ...................................................................... 30
Migrating the 1.6.x (or later) UMS Database ....................................................................................... 30
Migrating the 1.4.x/1.5.x UMS Database ............................................................................................. 31
Interplay Central Services 1.8 Upgrading Guide
Appendix C: Glossary ............................................................................................................................... 33
Interplay Central ................................................................................................................................... 33
Interplay Sphere ................................................................................................................................... 33
Interplay MAM ..................................................................................................................................... 33
Interplay Central Services (ICS) ............................................................................................................ 33
Interplay Central Playback Service (ICPS) ............................................................................................. 33
ICS System Settings .............................................................................................................................. 34
ICS Platform Settings ............................................................................................................................ 34
ICS Database ......................................................................................................................................... 34
Interplay Central User Management Database.................................................................................... 34
Corosync ............................................................................................................................................... 34
Distributed Replicated Block Device (DRBD) ........................................................................................ 34
Copyright and Disclaimer ......................................................................................................................... 35


How Do I Use This Guide?

What Operating System Do I Need?

Upgrading to Interplay Central Services (ICS) 1.8 for Interplay Central, Inter p l ay Sphere, and
Interplay MAM, in some cases involves significant changes to the hardware topology of the
system. In all cases it involves the migration of settings and data along with the software upgrade. Depending on the upgrade p a th you are faced with, the migration of settings and data is manual or automated.
Note: Beginning with version 1.6, the term “Interplay Central Services” replaces “Interplay Common Services.” In addition, the term “Interplay Centr al Playback Service” replaces “Interplay Common Playback Service.”
This guide must be used in conj un ction with the ICS 1.8 Installation & Configuration Guide. In this guide, the different suppo r ted upgrade scenarios are describe d, and the overall
upgrade process is documented. However, for each step in the overall upgrade process, this document either:
Interplay Central Services 1.8 Upgrading Guide
Includes the step-by-step instructions for the step, or
• Cross-references a section in the ICS 1.8 Installation & Configuration Guide
In the second case, the heading of the re levant section in the ICS 1.8 Installation & Configuration Guide is provided. Since direct page references are unreliable, you must scan
the table of contents in that guide to find the heading and page.
ICS 1.8 requires RHEL 6.3. The ICS installer requires the RHEL 6.3 ISO to be mounted, so you must obtain the RHEL 6.3 ISO, even if you are not upgrading the OS.
Interplay Central Services 1.8 Upgrading Guide

Before You Begin: An Important Note on SSL Certificate Passwords

Interplay Central uses the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for its server to browser connections. Default passwords are used by the system to automatically generate and use self-signed certificates. Customized certificates can also be used, including those that have been issued by a Certificate Authority (CA).
When customized or CA-signed certificates are used, the ICS 1.8 Installation and Configuration Guide explains that the SSL passwords must be written to the user-available Application Properties file in the following directory:
This should not be confused with the system-reserved Application Properties file, in the following location:
Caution: The user-available Application Properties file is backed up and restored by the system­backup script. The system-reserved Application Properties file is not backed up. If the SSL passwords are in the wrong file, SSL configuration will be broken by the upgrade.
To avoid mishaps, double-check the contents of the system-reserved Application Properties file before proceeding wit h the upgrade.
To double-check the system-reserved Application Propert ies file:
1. List the contents of the Application Properties file reserved for use by the system:
less /opt/avid/avid-interplay-central/config/
2. Look for the following two lines (they might not be next to each other):\:1lfc1n7n1l1618qm18qo1kxw1n3v1lc6\:1lfc1n7n1l1618qm18qo1kxw1n3v1l c6
The obfuscated passwords sho wn above (in bold) are the default system passwords.
3. If the passwords you see match the above, this is correct, and nothing mo re needs to be done.
4. If the passwords you see are different, it indicates the file has been edited. This is incorrect, and you must copy the two modified li n es into the following file (you might nee d to create the file):
Copying the modified lines to the user-available Application Properties file ensures they are preserved during the upgrade.
Interplay Central Services 1.8 Upgrading Guide

Before You Begin: Removing the ICS 1.6 Player Demonstration Web Page

Mounting and Unmounting the USB Key

If you are upgrading from ICS 1.6 (or earlier) that made use of the player demonstration web page (http://<host-domain>/player/index.html), you must perform additional steps prior to beginning the upgrade. You must remove the earlier player demo package, maxcut-dev.
If you do not remove the package, and an earlier version of the player demo page is present, the upgrade installation will fail with a “Transaction Check” error message. The error is a result of the renaming of the player demo web page package, which took place in ICS 1.7.
Note: The player demonstration web page distributed with ICS 1.8 has a name of the following form: maxcut-devel-<version>-<build>.x86_64.rpm. Note the prefix has changed from “maxcut­dev” (1.6 and earlier) to “maxcut-devel” (1.7 and later).
To successfully upgrade to ICS 1.8 (from 1.6 or earlier) you must uninstall the obsolete player demo page first. Clean installs are not affected. Upgrades from ICS 1.7 to ICS 1.8 are not affected.
To uninstall the previous player demo package:
1. Log in to the master node as root.
2. Verify the maxcut packages installed on the server:
rpm -qa | grep maxcut
The system responds by listing all the packages found containing the string “maxcut”. If “maxcut-dev” is present, it must be uninstalled.
3. Remove the files relating to the old player demo web page by deleting the corresponding RPM:
rpm -e maxcut-dev
4. Proceed to upgrade to ICS 1.8 as instructed in the ICS 1.8 Upgrading Guide (this guide) and the ICS 1.8 Installation and Configuration Guide.
At various times during the upgrade, you will need to mount the USB key. Ref er to the instructions below when the need arises.
To mount and unmount the USB key:
1. Insert the USB key into the ICS server.
2. Verify the name of the device using the dmesg command:
Linux information relating to hardware appears on the screen.
Interplay Central Services 1.8 Upgrading Guide
Information for the USB key will appear near the end of the output, near the list of SCSI devices. The name of the USB key is found ins i d e square brackets (e.g. sdc). This is the name you use to mount the key.
3. If needed, create a mount point for the USB key:
mkdir /media/usb
4. Mount the USB key at the mount point you just created:
mount /dev/sdc1 /media/usb
Note the name of the USB key, sdc (in this case), takes a 1 (one) in the mount command. This simply indicates a partition exists on the USB key. When the USB key was formatted, the partition was created.
The USB key is now mounted and available for use.
5. Verify the USB key has been mounted:
df -h
Information is displayed about all mounted filesystems and devices, and should include information about the USB key, similar to the following (other output has been omitted, for clarity):
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sdc1 7.5G 4.5G 3.0G 61% /media/usb
6. To change to the mount point:
cd media/usb
7. To unmount the USB key when finished, ensure you are not currently on it by changing directories:
Note: In Linux the cd command without any arguments takes you directly to the user’s home directory. If you are logged in as root, it takes you to the /root directory. You must be off the USB key to unmount it.
8. Unmount the USB key:
umount /media/usb
The USB key is now available for use in another server. If you receive an error message that the USB device is busy, it typically indicates the
Linux ISO on the USB key was automount ed. Verify what is mounted using the df -h command and/or the mount command. Then , dismount the Linux ISO first, followe d by the USB device:
umount /sysinstall umount /media/usb
Interplay Central Services 1.8 Upgrading Guide

Backing Up and Restoring System Settings and the ICS Database

Network settings
/etc/fstab (restored in /root)
Filesystem settings
DNS config file
Network Time Protocol config file
Simple Network Management Protocol /usr/maxt/maxedit/etc/*
Maxedit settings (used by ICPS)
NIC card settings
Defines encoding for iOS playback
9. Remove the USB key from the server. Removing the USB key prevents accidental rebooting and re-imaging of the system disk.
Before performing an upgrade it is recommended — and sometimes required — that you back up the ICS server system setting s using the system-backup script. Depending on the upgrade path, you may also be required to restore the backed up system settings after.
The system-backup script provided for this task backs up important files and directories, including NIC card settin gs, DNS settings, and so on. In addition, t he script calls the avid-db command, which dumps and backs up the contents of the ICS database. The ICS database contains ACS (Avid Common Services, “the bus”), UMS (User Management S ervices) and ICPS (Interplay Central Playback Services) data. It collects all this information and backs it up to the USB key itself.
Note: In a cluster, the ICS database is replicated across the master and slave node, but it is only mounted on the master. Thus, the ICS database is only available for dumping and backup on the master node.
If you are backing up multiple nodes in a cluster, rename the backup file for each node before proceeding to the next node. If you do not rename the backup file obtained from the master node, it will be overwritten by the backup from a non-master node and the contents of the ICS database will be lost (including user information).
The following table lists the files and directories backed up and restored by the system­backup script.
Note: RHEL user names and passwords (such as the root user) are not backed up or restored by the system-backup script. After the upgrade, logging in as “root” requires the default password. For the default root user password, contact your Avid representative.
Directory/File Description
(network monitor)
Interplay Central Services 1.8 Upgrading Guide
Time zone info
List of users with sudo privilege s
Jetty keystore and SSL certificates and
Pacemaker configuration
Pacemaker configuration /etc/corosync/corosync.conf
Corosync config file
DRDB config file
ICS database
ICS database (ACS, UMS and ICPS RHEL user names and passwords
*** Not backed up. ***
Directory/File Description
usage passwords.
(restored as /root/pcmk.conf)
data). This includes user information.
To back up the system settings and IC S dat abase:
1. Mount the USB key containing the system-backup script. In this document, see “Mounting and Unmounting the USB Key” on page 6
2. Change to the mount point. For example:
cd /media/usb
3. Back up the ICS settings and database using the backup script.
./ –b
A backup file is written to the USB key:
Since the system-backup script also calls the avid-db command, a backup of the ICS database is also written to the following directory (on the ICS server):
The backup file on the server has a name has the following form:
Note: Note the time stamp appended to the file name uses the Universal Time C ode (UTC), not the local time.
Interplay Central Services 1.8 Upgrading Guide
The following message indicates success:
Backup setup successful!
4. Rename the backup file using the Li n ux mv command. For example:
mv sys-backup sys-backup-<nodename>
The above command renames the di rectory containing the backup fi le j u st created. The backup file itself (ics_setup_files.tar.gz) remains unchanged inside the directory.
Renaming the backup file is particularly important if you are backing up multiple nodes in a cluster. Only the master node backup contains a complete set of backup information. If you do not rename the master node backup file, it will be overwritten by the backup from a non-master node.
5. Once the settings are restored, unmount and remove the USB key. In this document, see “Mounting and Unmounting the USB Key” on page 6
To restore the system settings and ICS database:
1. Mount the USB key containing the system-backup script. In this document, see “Mounting and Unmounting the USB Key” on page 6
2. Change to the mount point. For example:
cd /media/usb
3. If you renamed the backup file, restore it to the original name.
mv sys-backup-<nodename> sys-backup
4. Restore the ICS settings and database using the backup script.
./ –r
You are asked to confirm the restoration of the ICS database:
Would you like to restore the database now? (y/n)
5. Type “y” (without the quotes) to confirm the action.
You are asked to confirm the shutting down of the Avid services:
All Avid services will be shut down before performing a database restore operation. Would you like to continue? [yes/no]
6. Type “yes” (spelled out in full, without the quotes) to confirm the action.
Note: Be careful when typing your response to this question. Ty pi ng any thing other than “yes” results in the script exiting without restoring the ICS database. Other items are restored, but not the ICS database.
Interplay Central Services 1.8 Upgrading Guide

Upgrading Paths

Upgrading from 1.2.x or 1.3.x to ICS 1.8

Upgrading to ICS 1.8 for Interplay Central

Services are shut down, the ICS database is restored, and services are restarted.
The ICS database service is stopped, and you are prompted to restore the database. The following message indicates success:
Restoration done! Your old fstab settings were saved in /root/fstab Please remove the USB key and reboot the server.
Note: The filesystem table (fstab) f ile contains information to automate mounting
volumes at boot time. It is not restored automatically.
7. Once the settings are restored, unmount and remove the USB key. In this document, see “Mounting and Unmounting the USB Key” on page 6
If you are upgrading to Interplay Common Services, you are doing so to get the latest version for your Interplay Central, Interplay Sphere, or Interplay MAM solution.
For Interplay Central and/or ICPS 1.2.x and 1.3.x upgrade options, please consult your Avid representative.
Since ICS 1.3—which introduced the hardware consolidation and software service colocation on Linux servers—in some respects Interplay Central Services and Interplay Central are the same thing. Interplay Central uses all Interplay Central Services, and its version number increases in lock step with Interplay Central Services.
The following list describes the supported upgrade paths:
Interplay Central 1.4.x to Interplay Central 1.8. See “
Upgrading from Interplay Common Services 1.4.x/1.5.x to Interplay Central Services
1.8” on page 20.
Interplay Central 1.5 to Interplay Central 1.8. See “
Upgrading from Interplay Common Services 1.4.x/1.5.x t o Interplay Central Services
1.8” on page 20.
Interplay Central 1.6.x/1.7.x to Interplay Central 1.8. See “
Upgrading from Interplay Central Services 1.6.x/1.7.x to Int erpl ay C entral Services
1.8 on page 13.
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