Pinnacle Systems Illuminate - 3.1 Quick Start Guide

Avid | Illuminate
Quick Start Guide
Release 3.1
Using this Guide .......................................................................................... 3
Revision History .......................................................................................................... 3
Symbols and Conventions .......................................................................................... 3
1 About Avid | Illuminate ..................................................................... 4
Supported Host Systems ............................................................................................ 4
What’s Provided .......................................................................................................... 4
2 Before You Begin .............................................................................. 5
Networking and Security ........................................................................................ 5
Operating System Notes ........................................................................................ 5
3 Installation and Activation ............................................................... 6
Installing Avid Illuminate on Microsoft Windows ......................................................... 6
Preparing the Software Package ........................................................................... 6
Installing the Language Pack ................................................................................. 6
Installing Microsoft Visual C++ ............................................................................... 7
Activating Avid Illuminate ....................................................................................... 8
Installing Avid Illuminate on CentOS .........................................................................10
Preparing the Software Package .........................................................................10
Installing Prerequisite Software ...........................................................................10
Proceed to Installing the Language Pack ............................................................11
Installing the Language Pack ...............................................................................12
Activating Avid Illuminate .....................................................................................12
Installing Avid Illuminate for Docker ..........................................................................13
Verify the Docker installation................................................................................14
Preparing the Software Package .........................................................................14
Loading Avid Illuminate ........................................................................................16
Activating Avid Illuminate .....................................................................................17
Copyright and Disclaimer .....................................................................................19
January, 2018 July, 2017 June, 2017
Illuminate v3.1 Release Illuminate v3.0 Release Illuminate v3.0 Beta Release
Symbol or Convention
Meaning or Action
A note provides important related information, reminders, recommendations, and strong suggestions.
A caution means that a specific action you take causes you to lose data.
Courier on gray background indicates code examples.
Italic font
Italic font is used to emphasize certain words.
Courier bold font
Courier bold font identifies text that you type.
This symbol indicates menu commands (and subcommands) in the order you select them. For example, File > Import means open the File menu and then select the Import command.
<placeholder, variable>
Angle brackets indicate placeholders or variables.
Indicates names of processes, process classes, data model attributes, legal lists, legal list values, states of tasks, and templates
Revision History
Symbols and Conventions
Avid documentation uses the following symbols and conventions:
1 About Avid | Illuminate
The Avid Illuminate main software package. When you unzip this archive, two sub-folders are created:
Centos7-x64 Contains the Linux and Docker versions Win-x64 Contains the Windows version
Language Packs
One or more language packages are delivered separately from the main software archive.
Activation ID and System ID
Required to license the software, these ID codes are provided via e-mail.
Release Notes and User's Guide are included in the software package. Once extracted, the files can be located at: /avid/illuminate/doc.
The Avid Illuminate suite enables users to automatically verify captioning, video description, and languages with unrivalled speed, accuracy, and scalability. Avid Illuminate frees you from the
time, expense, and stress of validating content. Whether you‘re authoring captions, preparing
them for online or OTT distribution, reporting on broadcast compliance, or working in multilingual playout and distribution environments, Avid Illuminate eases the burden of quality control to ensure the best viewer experience possible.
Supported Host Systems
Avid Illuminate can be installed in any of the following environments:
CentOS 7.x 64-bit Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 or later. Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 or later. Docker – For any OS
What’s Provided
Avid Illuminate consists of the following components:
Note: The documentation included in the Avid Illuminate archive is created in the Markdown language format. To view the documentation, you will need a viewer capable of displaying the content correctly such as Notepad++. For download locations and more information on Notepad++, see
2 Before You Begin
Prior to installing Avid Illuminate, review the following information as it applies to your installation method (Windows, CentOS, or Docker).
Networking and Security
Avid Illuminate supports both static and dynamic IP addressing of the host machine.
Some aspects of the installation, such as licensing, and package installation, require a connection to the Internet. Prior to starting the installation, make sure that the host server has public network access.
Avid supports Avid Illuminate with network firewalls enabled. However when licensing the software, you must ensure that port 3443 is allowed to communicate through the firewall. For more information on port usage for Avid software, see:
Installing antivirus applications on the host machine is supported by Avid.
Operating System Notes
Microsoft Windows:
When activating Avid Illuminate, you should be logged into Windows as a user with local Administrator access. When running Avid Illuminate, only standard user-level access is required.
When installing Avid Illuminate, you should be logged into CentOS as a user with wheel/sudoer privilege; however, do not activate as root or use the sudo command when activating; you will be prompted for your password when it is required during activation.
Avid supports running Illuminate with SE Linux enabled
This document includes information on running Avid Illuminate as a container on an operating system configured with Docker. The process to install Docker is not covered in this document. If you plan to use Docker, make sure that the Docker components are already installed.
For more information see the Docker website at:
3 Installation and Activation
This section details the process to install and activate Avid Illuminate in one of three host environments. To begin the installation process, refer to one of the following sections:
Installing Avid Illuminate on Microsoft Windows Installing Avid Illuminate on CentOS Installing Avid Illuminate for Docker
Installing Avid Illuminate on Microsoft Windows
Avid Illuminate does not use a traditional installation wizard that is common to many Windows applications. Instead, the application is run within a command line interface that is immediately available after unzipping the software package. However, you must install multiple prerequisite components and activate the Illuminate software license prior to first use.
Complete the processes in this section to install and activate Avid Illuminate.
Preparing the Software Package
Before you can start the installation, you must obtain the Avid Illuminate software and copy it to your Windows system. The following packages are provided by Avid:
Avid Illuminate Language Pack For example: IntlEnglishTeleUniversal-<version>.msi Avid Illuminate avid-illuminate-<version>.zip
To prepare the software package:
1. Log in to Windows as a user that has administrator-level access to the machine.
2. Download and copy the Avid Illuminate software packages to a permanent location such as:
3. Unzip the avid-illuminate-<version>.zip software package.
4. Unzip any language packs provided by Avid.
Installing the Language Pack
Language packs are used for performing comparisons of text and speech and are used in the SDH (caption) measurements.
To install the Language Pack:
1. Use Windows Explorer to navigate to the location of the downloaded software.
2. Double-click on extracted .msi file to begin the installation.
3. Select the default options during the installation process.
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