Pinnacle Systems Hollywood FX - 4.5 - Gold User’s Guide

Release 4.5 For Windows
Pinnacle Systems, Inc. 280 N. Bernardo Ave Mountain View, CA 94043
Revision A
The export and re-export of Pinnacle software products are controlled by the United States Export Administration Regulations and such software may not be exported or re-exported to any country to which the United States embargoes goods. In addition, Pinnacle software may not be distributed to persons on the Table of Denial Orders, the Entity List, or the List of Specially Designated Nationals.
By downloading or using a Pinnacle software product you are certifying that you are not a national of any country to which the United States embargoes goods and that you are not a person on the Table of Denial Orders, the Entity List, or the List of Specially Designated Nationals.
PPrroopprriieettaarryy PPrrooppeerrttyy
This product, Pinnacle Systems’ trademarks, product names, user manuals, documentation and other support materials are either patented, copyrighted, trademarked, constitute valuable trade secrets (whether or not they or any portion thereof may be copyrighted or patented) or are otherwise proprietary to Pinnacle Systems. In addition, this program may contain the proprietary property of others which has been licensed to Pinnacle Systems (such as utility or plug-in software or programs, clip art and sample files). You agree not to remove any product identification or notices of the proprietary restrictions from Pinnacle Systems’ products or manuals.
LLiicceennssee aanndd PPrroohhiibbiittiioonnss
You may:
(a) use the enclosed program and accompanying written materials (“programming materials”) in
connection with a single computer. A copy of the program is being furnished to you along with this license agreement. If you wish to use this program on more than one computer, you must license additional copies of the program;
(b) use the program and accompanying written materials on a licensed computer network. A “computer
network” is any combination of two or more terminals or computers that are electronically linked and capable of sharing the use of a single software program. A “licensed computer network” is a computer network for which you have purchased from Pinnacle Systems, or its dealer, sufficient copies of this program so that the number of concurrent users of this program on the computer network at any given time is not greater than that number of copies of the program so purchased;
(c) Copy the program once only solely for backup purposes in support of your use of the program so long
as you prominently label the backup copy with the appropriate copyright notice;
(d) use the program for your personal use or in your business or profession. Permitting unauthorized
users access to the program and program materials is a violation of this license agreement; and
HHoollllyywwoooodd FFXX UUsseerr’’ss GGuuiiddee
(e) transfer the program and license to another party if the other party agrees to accept the terms and
conditions of this agreement. If you transfer the program, you must at the same time either transfer all copies to the same party or destroy any copies not transferred. If you transfer possession of any copy of the program to another party, your license is automatically terminated.
PPrroohhiibbiitteedd UUsseess
You may not, without explicit prior written permission from Pinnacle Systems:
(a) use, modify or transfer the program, or copy the program in whole or in part, except as expressly
provided herein;
(b) reverse-engineer, decompile or otherwise recreate the program or hardware in whole or in part;
(c) make copies of or distribute, for profit or otherwise, or authorize the copying or distribution of the
program, hardware, or materials related thereto, except as herein provided;
(d) make alterations to the program or merge it into any other software;
(e) grant sublicenses and leases or other rights in the program or program materials to others;
(f) make verbal or media translations of the program, in whole or in part, or of the program materials;
(g) modify the program for use on non-compatible hardware;
(h) make telecommunications data transmissions of the program in whole or in part;
(i) distribute the program on either a permanent or temporary basis to others;
(j) make available any part of the program or program materials to any third party, other than your own
properly authorized employees; or
(k) make any alteration, modification, connection, disconnection, improvement or adjustment of any kind
to or use the Pinnacle Systems software except as explicitly contemplated in the enclosed programming materials.
It is agreed that the violation by you of any of the prohibitions described above shall be a material breach by you of this license agreement, and any attempt to sublicense, assign, or transfer any of the rights, duties, or obligations under this agreement, except as expressly provided herein, is void.
The license is effective until terminated. You may terminate it at any time by destroying the program together with all copies in any form. It will also terminate upon conditions set forth elsewhere in this agreement or if you fail to comply with any term or condition of this agreement. You agree that upon such termination you will destroy the program together with all copies in any form.
LLiimmiitteedd WWaarrrraannttyy
The program is provided „as is“ without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with the sole exception of defective CD(s) and Pinnacle Systems software, described below. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is assumed by you. If the program proves defective, you (and not Pinnacle Systems, its Licensors, or its dealers) assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.
LLiicceennssee AAggrreeeemmeenntt
Pinnacle Systems warrants to the original licensee that Pinnacle Systems software shall be free from defects in material and workmanship only for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of original purchase. If a defect covered by this warranty occurs during this period, and it is returned to the dealer from whom it was purchased not later than five (5) days after the end of such period, the dealer shall, at its option, either repair or replace the item. This warranty is in lieu of all other express or statutory warranties, and the duration of any implied warranty, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, is hereby limited to said thirty (30) day period.
Pinnacle Systems warrants to the original licensee that Pinnacle Systems software shall be free from defects in material and workmanship only for a period of one (1) year from the date of original purchase. If a defect covered by this warranty occurs during this period, the licensee may request a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number from Pinnacle Systems. Upon receipt of the returned item(s), Pinnacle Systems shall, at its option, either repair or replace the item(s). Items returned to Pinnacle Systems without RMA numbers will not be accepted. This warranty is in lieu of all other express or statutory warranties, and the duration of any implied warranty, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, is hereby limited to said one (1) year period.
Pinnacle Systems’ and its Licensors’ liability is limited solely to the repair or replacement of the enclosed media and Pinnacle Systems software, as set out above, and shall not in any event include damages for loss of use or loss of anticipated profits, savings, costs, expenses or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the program, including without limitation, any damages arising from data or information lost or rendered inaccurate, regardless of the form of action whether in contract, tort (including negligence), strict product liability or otherwise, even if Pinnacle Systems, its Licensors, or its dealer has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
Pinnacle Systems and its Licensors do not warrant, guarantee or make any representations that the functions contained in the program will meet your requirements or that the use or operation of the program or that the results of such use will be correct, accurate, reliable, current, uninterrupted or error free; and you rely on the program and results of its use solely at your own risk.
Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties, so the above exclusion and limitation may not apply to you. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages so the above exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific rights and you may also have other rights which vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
Periodically Pinnacle Systems may introduce new versions or releases of the software. All new versions or releases which are provided to you shall become part of the program and shall be governed by the terms of this license agreement.
LICENSE AGREEMENT.............................................................................................3
Proprietary Property................................................................................................3
License and Prohibitions .........................................................................................3
Prohibited Uses.......................................................................................................4
Limited Warranty.....................................................................................................4
TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................7
What is Hollywood FX?...........................................................................................16
Before You Start......................................................................................................17
Installation for Windows 98, NT 4, Windows 2000................................................18
Customer Support..................................................................................................20
HOST APPLICATIONS.............................................................................................21
Adobe Premiere......................................................................................................22
Changing an Existing Transition.............................................................................23
Avid Media Composer, Xpress, Xpress DV and Symphony.................................24
Adding A Hollywood FX Transition..........................................................................24
Changing an Existing Transition.............................................................................24
Adding A Hollywood FX Filter.................................................................................25
Changing an Existing Filter ....................................................................................25
Adding A Hollywood FX MultiWindow Effect...........................................................26
TUTORIAL: TRANSITIONS & OPTIONS...............................................................27
Selecting An FX.......................................................................................................28
The Monitor Panel...................................................................................................28
Basic Effect Options...............................................................................................29
Easy Flight Options.................................................................................................29
Easy Lighting ..........................................................................................................30
Easy Options...........................................................................................................31
Render Type..........................................................................................................31
HHoollllyywwoooodd FFXX UUsseerr’’ss GGuuiiddee
TUTORIAL: TRANSITION+.....................................................................................33
Selecting the Transition+........................................................................................33
Mapping A Video Clip to Source 3 .........................................................................33
TUTORIAL: MULTIWINDOW FX.............................................................................37
Prepare for the Tutorial..........................................................................................37
Selecting the FX and Setting Options....................................................................38
Using Hold At End...................................................................................................39
TUTORIAL: HOLLYWOOD FX PREMIERE FILTER..........................................41
Prepare for the Tutorial..........................................................................................41
CLUB HOLLYWOOD................................................................................................45
TROUBLESHOOTING .............................................................................................47
CPU Speed, Bus Speed, and Memory...................................................................49
Graphic Card Drivers..............................................................................................49
Preview Performance .............................................................................................50
Final Rendering Performance................................................................................50
ADVANCED TUTORIALS........................................................................................53
TUTORIAL: USING TITLEDEKO WITH HOLLYWOOD FX.................................55
TUTORIAL: ENVELOPES........................................................................................59
TUTORIAL: PATH EDITING....................................................................................63
TUTORIAL: CREATING NEW FX FROM EXISTING FX ......................................69
TUTORIAL: WARP PLUGINS.................................................................................75
TUTORIAL: 3D TEXT GENERATION....................................................................79
TUTORIAL: LIGHTWAVE OBJECT IMPORT .......................................................81
TTaabbllee OOff CCoonntteennttss
REFERENCE GUIDE................................................................................................83
THE HOLLYWOOD FX DIALOG.............................................................................85
The Control Panel...................................................................................................87
Move Up/Move Down….........................................................................................88
Save FX….............................................................................................................90
The Monitor Panel...................................................................................................93
Looping Playback Button.......................................................................................94
Single Playback Button..........................................................................................94
Step Buttons..........................................................................................................94
Skip Buttons ..........................................................................................................94
The Preview Slider ................................................................................................94
View Buttons .........................................................................................................94
The Envelope Editor Panel.....................................................................................95
The Buttons Panel..................................................................................................95
Register Now/Upgrade Now...................................................................................95
Redo .....................................................................................................................95
Ok .........................................................................................................................96
THE FX CATALOG...................................................................................................97
Organizing FX..........................................................................................................98
BASIC OPTIONS.......................................................................................................99
Easy Flight Controls ...............................................................................................99
Reverse Flight.......................................................................................................99
Flight Path...........................................................................................................100
Rotate Object......................................................................................................100
Easy Lighting Controls.........................................................................................100
Shadows .............................................................................................................100
Light Direction.....................................................................................................100
HHoollllyywwoooodd FFXX UUsseerr’’ss GGuuiiddee
Easy Options Controls..........................................................................................100
Render ................................................................................................................100
Motion Blur ..........................................................................................................101
Trails ...................................................................................................................101
Pixel Blending......................................................................................................101
ADVANCED OPTIONS..........................................................................................103
Shadow Controls...................................................................................................103
Shadow Type.......................................................................................................104
Motion Blur Controls.............................................................................................104
Hold Times.............................................................................................................105
MEDIA OPTIONS................................................................................................... 107
Media Selection.....................................................................................................108
Select Track........................................................................................................108
Select File ...........................................................................................................108
Preview and Trimming..........................................................................................108
The Preview Slider ..............................................................................................108
Out ......................................................................................................................108
Playback Control...................................................................................................109
Playback Rate.....................................................................................................109
End Behavior.......................................................................................................110
Cropping Controls ................................................................................................110
OBJECT OPTIONS................................................................................................ 111
Types of Objects...................................................................................................111
Object Hierarchies.................................................................................................112
Select File…...........................................................................................................112
Positioning Controls.............................................................................................112
TTaabbllee OOff CCoonntteennttss
Tool Buttons ........................................................................................................112
The Axis Buttons..................................................................................................113
The Edit Fields.....................................................................................................113
Size To Full..........................................................................................................114
Position To Full....................................................................................................114
Morph & Dissolve..................................................................................................114
Parent Object ........................................................................................................114
Object Flags..........................................................................................................115
Shadow Cast.......................................................................................................115
Shadow Receive.................................................................................................115
Transition Object .................................................................................................115
SURFACE OPTIONS............................................................................................. 117
Texture Options....................................................................................................117
X, Y, Z Axis Buttons.............................................................................................118
Move, Rotate, Scale............................................................................................118
Width Repeat, Height Repeat..............................................................................118
Reset Values.......................................................................................................118
Color Options........................................................................................................119
Base Color..........................................................................................................119
Shine Color..........................................................................................................119
Shine Spot...........................................................................................................120
THE ENVELOPE EDITOR..................................................................................... 121
The Single Value Envelope...................................................................................121
Multiple Value Envelope .......................................................................................122
The Envelope Window..........................................................................................122
The Current Time Slider.......................................................................................122
The Time Ruler....................................................................................................123
The Transition % Ruler........................................................................................123
The Envelope ......................................................................................................123
The Envelope Buttons..........................................................................................123
Load… ................................................................................................................124
HHoollllyywwoooodd FFXX UUsseerr’’ss GGuuiiddee
Key Type Controls ................................................................................................124
Spline Curve........................................................................................................124
Value Jump..........................................................................................................124
Keyframe Controls................................................................................................125
Previous Key.......................................................................................................129
Next Key..............................................................................................................129
Spline Controls......................................................................................................129
Presets Dropdown...............................................................................................129
PLUGINS................................................................................................................. 131
Managing Plugins .................................................................................................131
Filter - Blur.............................................................................................................133
Tie Blur Percentage to transition..........................................................................133
Tie the horizontal and vertical together ................................................................133
Blur Percentage...................................................................................................134
Mix with original percentage.................................................................................134
Blur Type.............................................................................................................134
Blur Channel........................................................................................................134
Filter - Chroma Key...............................................................................................134
Reverse Key.......................................................................................................135
Fine Adjust...........................................................................................................135
Filter - Luma Key...................................................................................................135
Reverse Key.......................................................................................................136
Cutoff ..................................................................................................................136
Filter - Directional Wipe ........................................................................................136
Wipe Direction.....................................................................................................137
TTaabbllee OOff CCoonntteennttss
Tie wipe percentage to transition.........................................................................137
Tie direction to light direction...............................................................................137
Enable a border on the wipe ................................................................................137
Border Color........................................................................................................137
Wipe Percentage.................................................................................................137
Border Size..........................................................................................................138
Filter – Edge Wipe.................................................................................................138
Border Color........................................................................................................138
Tie to transition....................................................................................................138
Enable Borders....................................................................................................139
Wipe Percentage.................................................................................................139
X and Y Offset.....................................................................................................139
Border Size..........................................................................................................139
Corner Radius .....................................................................................................139
Filter - Gradient Wipe............................................................................................139
Select Gradient....................................................................................................140
Tie transition amount to effect transition..............................................................140
Transition Amount................................................................................................140
Border Size..........................................................................................................140
Border Color........................................................................................................140
Warp – Advanced Explode ..................................................................................141
Reset ..................................................................................................................141
Time ....................................................................................................................141
Tie Time To Transition.........................................................................................141
Enable Velocity Decay.........................................................................................141
Enable Random Sliders........................................................................................142
Jagged Pieces.....................................................................................................142
Enable Rotation...................................................................................................142
Enable Gravity.....................................................................................................142
Decay Affects Rotation........................................................................................142
Maximum Number of Pieces.................................................................................142
Velocity ...............................................................................................................142
Velocity Decay....................................................................................................142
Rotation of Fragments.........................................................................................143
Gravity Spinner....................................................................................................143
Gravity Slider.......................................................................................................143
Plane of Gravity...................................................................................................143
Warp – Peel...........................................................................................................143
Peel Plane...........................................................................................................144
HHoollllyywwoooodd FFXX UUsseerr’’ss GGuuiiddee
Tie Transition Amount to effect transition.............................................................144
Tie peel direction to flight direction.......................................................................144
Peel Instead of Roll .............................................................................................144
Reverse Radius of Peel.......................................................................................144
Percentage of Peel Completed............................................................................144
Radius Of Peel....................................................................................................144
Angle of Peel.......................................................................................................144
Warp – Advanced Ripple......................................................................................145
Tie X and Y frequency together ...........................................................................145
Offset (X and Y)...................................................................................................146
Tie Phase to transition.........................................................................................146
Default Settings...................................................................................................147
Clear all values to 0.0..........................................................................................147
Warp - Twist ..........................................................................................................147
Twist Axis............................................................................................................147
THE SETTINGS DIALOG...................................................................................... 149
Preview Settings...................................................................................................149
Maximum Resolution............................................................................................150
Preview Type ......................................................................................................150
Antialiasing In Preview.........................................................................................150
Edit Settings..........................................................................................................150
Editing TimeCode ................................................................................................150
Render Performance ............................................................................................151
Render Type........................................................................................................151
Sources Dropdown..............................................................................................151
Thank you for purchasing Hollywood FX. Hollywood FX gives you an incredible collection of 3D transitions that you can quickly add to your video productions, and customize completely for your needs. This chapter will introduce you to Hollywood FX, provide instructions for installation and give contact information for customer support.
This Getting Started Guide is provided for Hollywood FX Gold. This guide will provide you the information you need to get started with Hollywood FX in your host application, as well as provide tutorials and reference materials to get you started.
HHoollllyywwoooodd FFXX UUsseerr’’ss GGuuiiddee
WWhhaatt iiss HHoollllyywwoooodd FFXX??
Hollywood FX is an incredible collection of true 3D transitions and effects that you can quickly use in any video production. Hollywood FX works as an integrated plugin to your non-linear editing software (host application). With Hollywood FX you get easy controls, powerful customization, and great features:
True 3D. Hollywood FX uses OpenGL to provide hardware accelerated,
high quality 3D rendering.
Easy To Use. Simply drag-and-drop Hollywood FX into your timeline like
any other transition. The Hollywood FX dialog will appear and you can select a transition and change your options.
Organized. Transitions are organized into convenient categories with icons
that let you find the transition you want quickly.
Convenient Control. With every transition you can change the flight
direction, lighting, shadows, shine and antialiasing with the click of your mouse.
Keyframe Editing. Edit individual object flight paths, and dozens of
parameters with the powerful keyframe editor. Hollywood FX Gold provides incredibly advanced keyframe editing features.
Create Your Own FX. Completely customize any existing FX or start from
scratch to create entirely new FX.
Advanced Animation. You have full editing control over the camera, lights,
texturing, and much more.
3D Compositing. Hollywood FX Gold includes a complete complement of
plugins for advanced compositing and 3D object warping for amazing results.
MultiWindow Excitement. Hollywood FX Gold supports unlimited video
sources. Create cubes with different video sources on each side, and much more.
Expandable. Add new transitions at any time with our Club Volume CD-
ROMs and from Club Hollywood, our Internet effects mall. In addition Hollywood FX Gold can be expanded with image filter and 3D object warping plugins and more. The possibilities are infinite.
BBeeffoorree YYoouu SSttaarrtt
Before getting started with Hollywood FX you should have a good working knowledge of your Windows system. You should be able to use the mouse to select menu options and should understand and be able to use the common controls.
You should also be thoroughly familiar with your video editing software. You should be able to use clips in the timeline and understand how to add and modify transitions.
Throughout this document we use the term FX to refer to the transitions and effects in Hollywood FX. This term generically describes the following types of transitions and effects:
Transition. These are standard A-B transitions, where one video source
transitions into a second.
Transition+ These are also A-B transitions; however, they may have
additional video channels that can be mapped with video. For example, the FlipOver FX features the first video source flipping over like a card to reveal the second video source. There is a third video source that is visible in the background as the “card” flips over.
MultiWindow These effects are not transitions at all. Instead, windows of
video may fly on or off the screen into various positions while playing your video.
HHoollllyywwoooodd FFXX UUsseerr’’ss GGuuiiddee
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn ffoorr WWiinnddoowwss 9988,, NNTT 44,, WWiinnddoowwss 22000000
Before installing Hollywood FX, verify that you have the correct minimum requirements:
PC compatible with at least a Pentium 166 MHz processor (or compatible
Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 3 or higher, Windows 98, or Windows
64 MB RAM (more may be required by your video editing software). For
multi-window effects, 128 to 256 MB (or more) is recommended.
At least 40 MB Hard Disk space.
16 or 24 bit display adapter. 3D Accelerator recommended.
·· TToo iinnssttaallll HHoollllyywwoooodd FFXX::
F Insert the Hollywood FX CD into your CD-ROM drive. The CD-ROM Welcome dialog will
F Enter the serial number that came with your software (it can be found on the first page
of this guide or on the CD-ROM sleeve). Enter the serial number exactly as shown, including dashes, then click Ok.
F The Main Installation menu for your software will appear.
F Select Install Hollywood FX. The installer will load, and the Setup Welcome dialog will
F Click Next to continue. The Setup Path dialog will appear.
F Normally you should accept the default path for installation. Do not select your non-
linear editor’s plug-in path for installation; the installer will automatically install the files needed into your non-linear editor’s folders. Click Next to continue. The Select Host Plugins dialog will appear.
F Click on the checkboxes for any host applications that the installer should search for and
install a Hollywood FX plugin. Click Next to continue. Hollywood FX will be installed on your system.
F At the end of the installation, you will be required to enter your Serial Number. You will
find the serial number on the first page of this Getting Started Guide, or on the paper sleeve that the Hollywood FX CD-ROM was packaged in.
F After clicking OK, the Licensing Tool will open. This is where you can join Club Hollywood
and get your permanent Keycode.
F After installation, you may be required to restart your system.
If you have an Internet connection on the system Hollywood FX is installed on, you will also have the option of registering your software and joining Club Hollywood quickly and easily from the Hollywood FX application.
HHoollllyywwoooodd FFXX UUsseerr’’ss GGuuiiddee
CCuussttoommeerr SSuuppppoorrtt
Pinnacle Systems is dedicated to providing the best products and the best customer support.
For fastest support, point your browser to
Please note Pinnacle Systems cannot provide support for using your video editing software. You should first make sure you fully understand the operation of your other software before calling. You should also look through the Readme file and the Troubleshooting section of this guide before contacting customer support.
For drivers, FAQ’s and the latest e-mail support addresses:
Phone (North & South America): 1-317-577-8788
Austria & Switzerland = +31-411-619-919 Belgium = 0902-88-101 France = 0836-687-512 Germany = 0190 510 083 or +31 411 619 577 Italy = 02 754 19 604 Netherlands = 0900 202 8 202 Scandinavia = +31 411 619 069 Spain = 91 375 4511 United Kingdom = 0640 701 111
This chapter provides quick-start documentation for each video editor (host application) that Hollywood FX plugs into. For each host application, the basic procedure is described for adding and modifying Hollywood FX transitions, as well as hints and tips specific to that video editor. After reading the section describing your video editor, you should continue to the tutorials in the following sections.
HHoollllyywwoooodd FFXX UUsseerr’’ss GGuuiiddee
AAddoobbee PPrreemmiieerree
Hollywood FX appears in the Pinnacle Folder in Adobe Premiere. If it does not appear see Troubleshooting for more information.
Before adding a Hollywood FX transition, prepare two video sources on the A and B tracks of the timeline, so that there is some overlap between the two video clips.
·· TToo aadddd aa ttrraannssiittiioonn ttoo tthhee ttiimmeelliinnee::
F Make sure the Transitions window is visible. If not, select Transitions from the Windows
F Drag Hollywood FX 4 from the Transitions window into the Transition track of the
Construction window so that it is between the two video clips (the transition should automatically snap to fill the time between the two clips.
Two video clips ready for a Hollywood FX transition
A Hollywood FX transition in the timeline
F Double-click on the transition block. The Hollywood FX dialog should appear.
HHoosstt AApppplliiccaattiioonnss
The Hollywood FX dialog will appear, letting you choose a specific transition, and change options for your transition.
F Now choose the desired effect. For now choose only a 2 source transition.
F Then click OK
F Now render that section of your project to see the results.
The Hollywood FX dialog – FX Catalog where you choose your transition
CChhaannggiinngg aann EExxiissttiinngg TTrraannssiittiioonn
You can modify a transition that is already in the timeline, changing the selected gradient or any options.
·· TToo cchhaannggee aa ttrraannssiittiioonn iinn tthhee ttiimmeelliinnee::
F Double-click on the representation of the transition in the Transition track to display the
Hollywood FX dialog.
F Make your changes in the Hollywood FX dialog.
HHoollllyywwoooodd FFXX UUsseerr’’ss GGuuiiddee
AAvviidd MMeeddiiaa CCoommppoosseerr,, XXpprreessss,, XXpprreessss DDVV aanndd SSyymmpphhoonnyy
Avid’s AVX plugin structure allows for the ultimate in flexibility with Hollywood FX. Hollywood FX can be used as a single image filter, a transition, or for MultiWindow effects directly within the timeline. The following sections describe the process for using Hollywood FX in Avid AVX compatible products.
AAddddiinngg AA HHoollllyywwoooodd FFXX TTrraannssiittiioonn
To add a Hollywood FX transition to the Avid timeline, first add two video sources that you want to transition between, and trim as necessary to create time for the transition.
·· TToo aadddd aa ttrraannssiittiioonn ttoo tthhee ttiimmeelliinnee::
F Open the Effect Palette (Ctrl-8).
F Select the Hollywood FX group from the left side of the Effect Palette.
F Drag HFX 02 Sources from the right side of the Effect Palette into the timeline,
between the two video clips.
F Once dropped into the timeline, switch to Effect Mode (so that the Effect Editor window
is open, and click on the small button icon to the right of HFX 02 Sources.
Hollywood FX in the Avid Effect Palette
The Hollywood FX dialog will appear, letting you choose a specific FX, and set the options for rendering that FX.
CChhaannggiinngg aann EExxiissttiinngg TTrraannssiittiioonn
You can modify a transition that is already in the timeline, changing the selected FX or any options.
HHoosstt AApppplliiccaattiioonnss
A Hollywood FX transition in the Avid Timeline
·· TToo cchhaannggee aa ttrraannssiittiioonn iinn tthhee ttiimmeelliinnee::
F Switch to Effect Mode.
F Click on the plugin icon in timeline.
F Click on the button icon to the right of HFX 02 Sources in the Effect Editor window.
F Make your changes in the Hollywood FX Selection dialog.
AAddddiinngg AA HHoollllyywwoooodd FFXX FFiilltteerr
Hollywood FX can also be used as a filter for a single video source in Avid AVX compatible products.
·· TToo aadddd aa ffiilltteerr ttoo tthhee ttiimmeelliinnee::
F Open the Effect Palette (Ctrl-8).
F Select the Hollywood FX group from the left side of the Effect Palette.
F Drag HFX 01 Source from the right side of the Effect Palette into the timeline, on top
of the video you wish to filter.
F Once dropped into the timeline, make sure the Effect Editor window is open, and click on
the small button icon to the right of HFX 01 Source.
Hollywood FX in the Avid Effect Editor
The Hollywood FX dialog will appear, letting you choose a specific FX, and set the options for rendering that FX.
CChhaannggiinngg aann EExxiissttiinngg FFiilltteerr
You can modify a filter that is already in the timeline, changing the selected FX or any options.
·· TToo cchhaannggee aa ffiilltteerr iinn tthhee ttiimmeelliinnee::
F Switch to Effect Mode (opening the Effect Editor window).
HHoollllyywwoooodd FFXX UUsseerr’’ss GGuuiiddee
F Click on the plug icon that represents the filter in the timeline.
F Click on the button icon to the right of HFX 01 Source in the Effect Editor window.
F Make your changes in the Hollywood FX Selection dialog.
AAddddiinngg AA HHoollllyywwoooodd FFXX MMuullttiiWWiinnddooww EEffffeecctt
Avid’s nested track capability makes it simple to use Hollywood FX’s MultiWindow effects in your projects.
·· TToo aadddd aa MMuullttiiWWiinnddooww ttoo tthhee ttiimmeelliinnee::
F Open the Effect Palette (Ctrl-8).
F Select the Hollywood FX group from the left side of the Effect Palette.
F Drag HFX XX Source which matches the number of sources in the effect you will use
from the right side of the Effect Palette into the timeline, on top of a piece of video in timeline which will serve as the backdrop of the effect. For example, if you wanted to create the Box6srce effect, you would drag the HFX 07 Source effect onto your video clip.
F Once dropped into the timeline, make sure the Effect Editor window is open, and click on
the small button icon to the right of HFX XX Source.
F The Hollywood FX Selection dialog will appear. Select the effect you wish to use and set
any rendering options, then click Ok.
F Next, double-click on the plugin icon on the timeline to open up the nested tracks.
F Switch to Source/Record mode or Trim mode, then drag additional video clips into the
nested tracks. The nested track number corresponds to the Source number in HFX.
Hollywood FX in the Avid Effect Editor
This tutorial will take you through the basics of selecting a Transition FX and setting Effect Options.
·· TToo pprreeppaarree ffoorr tthhiiss ttuuttoorriiaall::
F Set up two video clips in your host application and add Hollywood FX as described in
Getting Started.
F When the Hollywood FX dialog appears, you are ready to begin.
The Hollywood FX dialog
HHoollllyywwoooodd FFXX UUsseerr’’ss GGuuiiddee
The Hollywood FX dialog is organized into panels. The first panel is the Control panel, which is the central control for working with FX. Selecting items in the Control panel brings up different Item panels on the right side of the dialog. The second panel is the Monitor panel that displays the preview of the current FX. Finally, the Item panel changes to show different options for the selected item in the Control panel.
SSeelleeccttiinngg AAnn FFXX
When the Hollywood FX dialog is displayed, you will immediately see the FX Catalog (this is displayed when the current FX name is selected in the Control
panel). The FX Catalog has two major controls. The FX Group popup list at the top of the page allows you to select one of the many groups of FX. Below the FX Group list are the icons for each FX in the group. For this tutorial you will select an interesting transition called Ball Split. This FX is in the Basic Shape Transitions group.
·· TToo sseelleecctt tthhee BBaallll SSpplliitt FFXX::
F Select 2 – Basic Shape Transitions from the FX Group popup list.
F Click on the Ball Split FX icon.
When you select this FX, hints and tips for that effect appear at the bottom of the FX Catalog panel.
TThhee MMoonniittoorr PPaanneell
Whenever you make changes in Hollywood FX, the preview window in the Monitor panel is updated. Try dragging the slider directly below the preview to view different frames of the preview.
You can also play the entire FX once by clicking on the play once button.
You can have the preview play continuously as you work, by depressing the loop play button. Press the loop play button a second time to stop the looping playback.
Jump to the beginning frame of the effect.
Jump to the last frame in the effect.
Step forward one frame.
Step backward one frame.
The other controls on the Monitor panel will be described in later tutorials.
TTuuttoorriiaall:: TTrraannssiittiioonnss && OOppttiioonnss
BBaassiicc EEffffeecctt OOppttiioonnss
Hollywood FX gives you quick and easy control over many FX options. You can create new and exciting results without having to re-keyframe the entire FX.
·· TToo vviieeww tthhee BBaassiicc EEffffeecctt OOppttiioonnss::
F Click on the Basic Effect Options item in the Control panel.
The Effect Options panel selected
Turn on continuous playback of the preview before we continue.
·· TToo ttuurrnn oonn ccoonnttiinnuuoouuss ppllaayybbaacckk ooff tthhee pprreevviieeww::
F Click on the Loop Play button below the preview window in the Monitor panel.
EEaassyy FFlliigghhtt OOppttiioonnss
You can quickly change the flight path of an object in useful ways using the Easy Flight controls.
·· RReevveerrssee FFlliigghhtt::
F Click on the Reverse Flight checkbox. Watch the changes in the preview.
F Click on the Reverse Flight checkbox to clear it.
HHoollllyywwoooodd FFXX UUsseerr’’ss GGuuiiddee
Watch the preview now. You will see that instead of the first video source flying off and revealing the second video source, the second video source will fly on and cover the first video source.
·· FFlliigghhtt PPaatthh::
F Click-and-drag the Flight Path dial so that it reads 45. Watch the preview.
F Click on the Rotate Object checkbox so it is checked. Watch the preview.
F Click-and-drag the Flight Path dial so that it reads 90. Watch the preview.
F Click-and-drag the Flight Path dial so that it reads 0. You can also use the arrow keys to
change the dial by one degree increments.
The Flight Path dial rotates the entire flight path of the 3D objects in the FX, giving you a different result quickly and easily. When you change the Flight Path, it does not rotate the object itself. Checking the Rotate Object checkbox will cause the object itself to rotate and “follow” the new path.
NOTE: Some FX were not designed to be compatible with Easy Flight options. So this feature may be disabled for those effects.
EEaassyy LLiigghhttiinngg
Lighting, shadows and shine add incredible 3D realism to an FX. By default all of these features are turned on. Try turning them off to see the difference it makes.
·· TToo ttuurrnn ooffff LLiigghhttiinngg,, SShhaaddoowwss,, aanndd SShhiinnee..
F Click on the Shine checkbox to clear it. Notice that the glossy shine disappears.
F Click on the Shadows checkbox to clear it. Notice that the shadow disappears.
F Click on the Lighting checkbox to clear it. Notice that the 3D ball is no longer shaded.
F Click on Shine, Shadows, and Lighting to turn back on all of these features.
In addition to being able to control which lighting features are used, you can also control the light direction. By default, light comes from the top center of the 3D “world”. When you adjust the light direction, it automatically adjusts the shine and shadow position as well.
·· LLiigghhtt DDiirreeccttiioonn::
F Click-and-drag the Light Direction dial so that it reads 90. Watch the preview.
F Click-and-drag the Light Direction dial so that it reads 180. Watch the preview.
F Click-and-drag the Light Direction dial so that it reads 0. You can also use the arrow keys
to change the dial by one degree increments.
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