PSEN opII3F Series
Operating Manual PSEN opII3F Series
Function description
Basic function
The safety light grid consists of a transmitter and a receiver.
Their shape and design
} protect the transmitter and receiver from external damage
} protect the safety light grid from malfunctions caused by vibration (see Technical de-
tails, environmental data section [ 42]).
The protected area is covered by infrared light beams, which are emitted from the transmitter to the receiver. The protected field thus produced is able to detect an opaque object.
The control and monitoring of the transmitted and received infrared rays is performed by
The output signal switching devices (OSSDs) switch to the OFF state when one of the following conditions is met:
} one or more light beams are interrupted by an object, a body part, or an opaque object
that is at least as large as the resolution (14 mm) covered by the safety light grid,
} an error is detected by one of the OSSDs,
} or interfering light is detected.
If an error occurs, the OSSDs remain in the OFF state. The state can be returned to the ON
state only after a successful restart [ 38] of the safety light grid.
The safety light grid of the PSEN opII3F Series offers the following functions:
} automatic start
} automatic restart
} Operation of 2 safety light grids that are parallel to one another and are installed with
the same orientation (noting the information in ambient conditions [ 20] and min-
imum separation of parallel, aligned safety light grids [ 20])
Transmitters and receivers are each electrically connected with a cable with an M12 connector that is assigned to the transmitter and receiver on the LED side.
The transmitter and receiver are optically synchronised and therefore need not be directly
connected to each other.
Information about the operating status of the safety light grid and any error state is provided
by means of LEDs.
The indicators are described in the Status Information [ 35] section.
Automatic start and restart
Automatic start
During safety light grid commissioning, the safety light grid starts automatically, and the
OSSDs switch to the ON state under the following conditions:
} both OSSDs are wired correctly and
} no error has occurred and
} the protected field is clear.
If the protected field is violated, the OSSDs switch to the OFF state.