Y–mouse® Keyboard & Mouse Adapter for USB
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Phone: 1-517-655-5523
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Phone: 1- 517-655-5523
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P.I. Engineering
101 Innovation Parkway
Williamston, MI 48895-1663
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Tel + 44 (0)1869 338428
UK Technical Support
Tel + 44 (0)1869 338428
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Contact Sales
Manor Farmhouse Clifton
Banbury OX15 0PA
By P.I. Engineering, Inc.
Product Manual
Installation Instructions
1. Plug the mice or keyboards into the Y-mouse
2. Plug the Y-mouse into a USB port
3. The operating system will recognize new hardware
4. That’s it (no software installation is involved)
Use either device interchangeably. With pointing devices, movement of the device
causes automatic switching. The first device to move or click retains control until it
Contact Information

Special Settings
Apple Key Positions on the Windows Keyboard
The Y-mouse comes configured for normal operation on the vast majority of computer
systems, but also has a number of special settings programmed in its firmware. To access
these settings, plug a PS/2 keyboard into the Y-mouse. To see which settings are active
on the Y-mouse open a text editor (Notepad, or SimpleText for example).
Press and hold the “Esc” key, press and release the “S” key, and release the “Esc” key.
The Y-mouse will report its firmware version and settings to the computer. For example
“v3.12[w]” means Firmware Version 3.12 with the “W” setting active.
These settings are memorized and remain active even if the Y-mouse is unplugged or
moved to another system. To turn on or off any of the special settings use a keyboard
connected through the Y-mouse and press and hold the “Esc” key while pressing and
releasing the key for that setting.
<Esc + E> Stops the normal USB power-off feature. Set this if you want to use the
attached mouse and keyboard to wake up the computer. After executing this command,
unplug and re-plug the Y-mouse from the USB port or restart your computer to make this
special setting take effect.
<Esc + F> Eliminates the keyboard timeout feature to allow keys to be held down longer
than 20 seconds.
<Esc + P> Scandinavian key code conversion. Changes the scan code for the (pipe
character) key. This affects UNIX work stations and some foreign keyboards.
<Esc + Q> Sets the mouse speed to a faster mode.
<Esc + T> Allows the operating system to control the “Num Lock” indicator.
<Esc + Y> – Sets the Scroll Lock key as a USB scroll lock. (Default mode uses Scroll
Lock as the Apple “Power off” key).
When using a Windows keyboard on an Apple computer, the Windows key is translated
as the Apple Command key. Since Apple keyboards and Windows keyboards have
different positions for the Alt/Option and Win/Command keys, the Y-mouse offers two
special settings to control the position of those keys to suit the user (please see the
following table).