Phoenix Audio Stingray, MT700 Operating Manual

Operating Manual MT700 Stingray Distributed Array Mixer
© 2018 Phoenix Audio Technologies
Operating Manual MT700 Stingray Phoenix Audio Technologies
MT700 Stingray Distributed Array Mixer Operating Manual
Phoenix Audio Technologies
Plea se read this man ual carefully before using the Ph oenix Au dio Technolo gies MT700 Sti ngray Dist ributed Array Mi xer.
For addition al assistanc e and update s please ref er to our we bsite ww w.phnxau To contact Phoe nix Audio Techno logies support, send an ema il to sup port@ph nxaudio. com.
All righ ts reserv ed. No p art of this pub lication may be repro duced wi thout the prio r writt en permi ssion of P hoenix Audio Tech nologies .
Operating Manual – MT700 Stingray Phoenix Audio Technologies
Table of Contents
All- In-One A udio S mart M ixer ................................................................ ................................... 4
MT700 Sti ngray Ove rview ......................................................................................................... 5
Specificat ions ............................................................................................................... 5
Using t he MT700 Stingray Mixer ................................................................................................ 7
Mixer Settings ................................................................................................................ 8
Four-way Bridging ................................................................................................ ........ 14
Using t he Das hboard Inte rface ................................................................................................ 15
Microphone Mixer Utili ty ......................................................................................................... 17
Microphone Mixer Settings .......................................................................................... 18
Line Mixer Ut ility .................................................................................................................... 22
Line Mixer Se ttings ...................................................................................................... 23
Expanded Audio Covera ge Wit h Dais y Chainin g ....................................................................... 26
How to Create Zones ................................ .............................................................................. 31
Zoning Quick Reference ................................................................................................ 37
Setting Up Th e SIP Client ................................ ........................................................................ 38
Limited Manuf acture r’s Wa rranty ............................................................................................ 39
Operating Manual – MT700 Stingray Phoenix Audio Technologies
All-In-One Audio Smart Mixer
Complex problem? Simple solution.
People expect a con ference room to prov ide an audio environment that allows the m to s peak freely and na turally, without having t o worr y whether ot hers can hear t hem. At the same time, conf erencing space des ign continue s to evolve, and staying ahead of new te chnolo gies can get expensive , time -consuming, and reduce user produc tivity. Organizations need high- quality audio c onferencing technolog y that is both fle xible and easy to operate.
The MT700 St ingray Distribut ed Array Mixer from Phoe nix Audio Technologies is an all -in-one smart mixe r that responds to rapidly evolving com municatio n trends, conferen ce env ironments , and connectivity te chnolo gies. Use d on it s own or in tan dem with video, the MT700 Stingray Mixer offers a s imple solution t o the comple x requ iremen ts of today’s profe ssiona l confe rencing spaces.
On the inside , an audio compone nt can be complicated, bu t on t he out side it has t o be e asy to use. At Phoen ix Audio Tec hnologies we specialize in designing and manufacturing high -quality audio s olutio ns that requ ire no specialized tra ining or ce rtification to use or deploy . The MT7 00
Stingray M ixer’s flexible design and prop rietar y, dist ribute d array t echnol ogy make it an i deal
solu tion f or any one in any conference room s etting.
Operating Manual – MT700 Stingray Phoenix Audio Technologies
MT700 Stingray Overview
Pow er LCD scree n
Opti ons an d set ting m enu
Mixe r and netwo rk inf ormati on
Dire ctiona l pad
Four (4) d irecti onal b utton s and one (1) cent er but ton
The LCD r eadout displ ays th e:
Devi ce na me
Devi ce ch ain lo cation numbe r
Loca l IP a ddress to wh ich t he dev ice is conn ected
Operating Manual – MT700 Stingray Phoenix Audio Technologies
Operating Manual – MT700 Stingray Phoenix Audio Technologies
Using the MT700 Stingray Mixer
The MT 700 St ingray Dis tribut ed Arr ay Mixer is an eig ht-channel – four (4) mic rophone / four (4) line input – automa tic DS P (digita l signal processing) mixer for installed room applic ations . Its proprietary dais y-chain prot ocol allo ws you to ex tend the num ber of supported inputs up to a maximum of 6 0. Th e MT700 Sti ngray is networkable and can be con trolle d usin g any device – PC, tablet, sm art ph one, e tc. – residing on the same local area netw ork. T he mix er fea tures its own SIP client and s upport s USB, SI P, and analog comm unicat ion for use with VoIP, SIP client, and vide o conf erenci ng cod ec solutions.
Each MT700 S tingray is equipped with four (4) amplified lou dspeak er out puts that can push four (4) 8Ω Ω l oudspe akers wit h 15 watt s of power. You can ne twork up to 15 MT7 00 Stingr ay mixers into a single daisy chain wit h up to 15 in dividual zones. Ad ditionally, you can assign up to four (4) auxilia ry or podium microphone inputs per zone , and play back input using sound reinforcemen t via the room’ s loudspe akers. The MT700 Stingray offers proprie tary e cho-canceling, noise­suppression, dis tributed-array beamforming, A GC, an d auto matic mix ing technologies from Phoenix Audio Technologie s.
Foll ow the se instructions to cu stomize M T700 S tingray o ptions and se ttings to fi t the unique requirements of you r conf erencing space. Configure the MT700 Sti ngray usin g eithe r the keypad dire ctiona l butt ons and corresponding menu selections on the LCD r eadout , or using a browser on a device connected to the local network. A ccess the me nu screen by pre ssing the ce nter [ENTER] keypad button. Use the direct ional but tons to select the microp hone and lin e-out levels screen.
Operating Manual – MT700 Stingray Phoenix Audio Technologies
Mixer Settings
To c onfigu re the MT700 S tingray Mixer, select fro m the seven options on the menu-access screen. Whe n read y to make a selection, p ress e ither the cente r [ENT ER] ke ypad butt on, or the keypad’s rightward dire ctiona l [>] or downwa rd directional [v] butto n. To re turn t o a previous screen press the leftward directional [< ] or u pward direct ional [^] button.
Configuration options
1. Primary/se condary selection
Use this o ption to identify an d select primary and secon dary MT70 0 Stin gray M ixer(s) connected in a dais y chai n. A primary mixer is the unit connected direc tly to your intended commun ication m ode – SIP, USB, or analog, for examp le. Designat ing a daisy­chain prim ary mixer autom atically opens its connection t o your intended communic ation mode and applies al l primary settings to the se condary units tha t foll ow. When you
Operating Manual – MT700 Stingray Phoenix Audio Technologies
designate a prim ary unit in the daisy chain , you di sconne ct from your communication mode any other mixer that precede s it in the ch ain.
Designating a secondary mixer in a daisy chain auto matically de activates its direct connection to your communicati on mode and instructs the secondary mixe r to in herit all settings assi gned to the pri mary mixe r.
If you attempt to c onnect a mixer that has been added to a daisy chain inco rrectly, you receive the error message, “can’t be set as se condar y.”
2. Automatic mixer selection
Use this o ption to se lect f rom one of two settings:
1) Mix micropho ne input
2) Mix line input
Whe n you select mix microphone input, the DSP process es an d bea mforms” – or fo cuses the voice signal – the microphone inp ut, then adds the lin e input. All microp hone input from pr imary and se condar y mixers in a daisy chain are m ixed toge ther, with auto matic mixing con trolle d by t he primary m ixer. The unit mix es input from any ne tworke d secondary mixer(s) and t ransmits the signal upw ard in the daisy chain t o its primary mixer, The prima ry mix er mixes in its mic rophone inpu t automatically and transmits the
Operating Manual – MT700 Stingray Phoenix Audio Technologies
final signal to analog , USB, and SIP outputs via its own , unique chann el.
Whe n you select mix line input, the DSP proces ses the lin e input and disable s the mix microphone input au tomatically. All line input s from both primary and secondary mixe rs net worked in a daisy chain are mixed togethe r. The unit mixes input fro m any networ ked secondary mixer(s) and t ransmits the signal upw ard in the daisy chain to its primary mixer. The pr imary mixer mixes in its line input automatic ally a nd transm its the f inal sign al to analog , USB, and S IP out puts.
3. Microphone input setting
Use the microphone input setti ng to control individu al mic rophon e sens itivity within a group of microphones. To h elp se t audi o leve ls, the MT70 0 Stin gray M ixer dete cts microphone s ensitivity and displays it graph ically. Use the directional keypad on the LC D screen to se lect a nd isolate a mic rophone. The n listen to the m icrophone line in using either headphones or a lou dspeak er con nected throu gh the monitor ou tput or speaker output lines. A mute reques t from any single microphone mutes all the conne cted microphones.
Operating Manual – MT700 Stingray Phoenix Audio Technologies
4. Line inpu t setting
This option configures the line -input chann els, with three choic es offering sound­reinforcin g capa bility from which to select: m ute, auxiliary or podium .
Choose :
Podium: to configure a micro phone that transm its the user ’s voice to l ocal loudspeakers and t o neutralize room echo. In put is added to the result of t he mixing process.
The signal ma y be p layed back on local l oudspe akers with volume adjusted at the master level.
Auxilia ry: wh en con figuring a media-playback dev ice that does n ot receive local audio and doe s not requir e echo cancellation. I nput is adde d to the r esult of the mixing process.
The signal ma y be p layed bac k on local lo udsp eakers and you may pr ogram up to (4) four separate volume leve ls:
▪▪Level of sign al sent t o far e nd ▪▪Local loudspeakers – primary mixe r output 1 and 2 ▪▪Local loudspeakers – primary mixe r output 3 and 4
Operating Manual – MT700 Stingray Phoenix Audio Technologies
▪▪Local loudspeakers – all secondary mixer output level
Mute: to sile nce the l ine. T he lin e inputs def ault t o mute when mixing is ap plied to microphone inputs.
5. S peaker setting
Use the speaker setting to control the m aximum output level transmitted to loudspeakers via the master volume . Also use this optio n to balance the leve l of U SB, SIP or analog audio inputs.
6. Gener al settings
Configure general setting s to:
Restore the MT7 00 Stingray Mixer set tings to the factory default
Manually disc onnect the dashboard inter face to pair a new device
Operating Manual – MT700 Stingray Phoenix Audio Technologies
Program the duration of the display timeou t
Adjust dis play b rightn ess
Selecting restore factory default prompts you with a message confirmi ng you r inte ntion to reset the MT700 St ingray Mix er. Use display brightness to select from one of six brig htness le vels, which de faults to the highes t sett ing, six. Display timeout allows you to set the length of LCD displa y-screen illumi nation to one of f our du ration s:
30 seconds
60 seconds (default)
2 minutes
3 minut es
7. Information
Select information to view the setti ngs assign ed to an MT700 Stingray Mixer, in cluding:
DSP version
IP a ddress
MAC address
Mixed micr ophone an d line -input selections
Primary or se condary u nit st atus
Serial num ber
SIP version
Unit ID
Unit name
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