Forged Branch
Specifications.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Trans-O-Con Features&Applications.. . . . . . . . . . 16
Trans-O-Con IndustryStandard Consolidation. . . . 17
Butt-Weld. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Threaded. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Socket Reducing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Elbow&LateralConnections.................. 19
PHOENIX TRANS-O-CON@ transition pipe connections are used successfullyin
numerous types of product distribution installations. The structurally reinforced design of our
~ products insures a connection that is equal in strength to the originalpipe. Material costs and
installationtime can be greatly reduced by usingTRANS-a-CON connections in new
construction as well as for plant conversions and in maintenance operations.
Facilitiesnow usingour branch connections include:power generating stations, commercial
& industrial buildings,chemical & petrochemical plants and refineries.
TRANS-a-CONconnectionshavestrengthratingsequalto seamlesssteel pipe.
Theseratingsarebasedonthe ASMECodefor PressurePiping,B31,the ASMEBoilerConstructionCode and
For example,an extra-strong TRANS-a-CON applied to extra-strong pipe pf the equivalent material provides 100%pipe
strength. A standard weightTRANS-a-CON provides 100%pipe strength when used on standard weight pipe.
TRANS-a-CON connections are manufactured according to the requirements of the ANSIstandard for Steel Butt Welding
Fittings(B16.9,latest modification);the ASMEstandard for Forged Fittings,SocketWelding andThreaded Fittings
(B16.11,latest modification),the ANSI standard for Pressure Piping(B31,latest modification),and MSSSP-97.
When TRANS-a-CON connections are installed as recommended, their bursting strength exceeds the computed bursting
strength of pipe or the designated weight or schedule number and material.
Certifications are provided upon request. 24-hour acces to specifications through electronic MTR'son our web site.
Approval listings on file.
TRANS-a-CON connections are forged from carbon steel hot rolled bar to meet A-IOSmaterial specifications.
Everyconnection is individuallyinspected and stamped with header size, outlet size, material specification,
pressure rating, manufacturer's symbol and identification number.
TRANS-a-CONconnectionshavebeentested to insurethe strengthof the branchconnectionequalsor exceedsthe actual
burstingstrengthofthe unpenetratedbasematerial.See a test examplebelow.
2 x 2 Header
in j
3 x 3 Header
To insure the material integrity of our fittings,every heat of steel is analyzed by the originating millfor proper
chemistry from which the steel supplier provides us with a chemistry report. A forged test bar is prepared from each heat
' ' of steelbyour forgeplantsandisanalyzedbyanindependenttestinglaboratoryforcomplianceof mechanicalproperties.
Eachfittingis marked per MSSSP-25 for complete traceability in order that certification
can be provided as required.