8Phoenix RPC12 Series CLI Reference Manual • September 2008
This manual describes how to use the command-line interface (CLI) to configure
and manage Phoenix™ storage systems, and applies to the following enclosures:
Q 69501 FC Controller Enclosure
Q 69503 iSCSI Controller Enclosure
Q SAS Expansion Enclosure
This book is written for system administrators who are familiar with Fibre Channel
(FC), Internet SCSI (iSCSI), and Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) configurations,
network administration, and RAID technology.
Before You Read This Book
Before you begin to follow the procedures in this book, you must have already
installed the system and learned of any late-breaking information related to system
operations as described in the Getting Started guide and Release Notes.
Typographic Conventions
AaBbCc123Book title, new term, or
AaBbCc123Directory or file name,
AaBbCc123Text you type, contrasted
[ ]Brackets indicate that a
[...]Brackets containing an
emphasized word.
value, command, or
on-screen output.
with on-screen output.
Variable text you replace
with an actual value.
Command-line variable
that must be replaced with
a real value.
parameter is optional.
ellipsis indicates that the
preceding parameter can
be entered again, with a
different value.
See the Release Notes.
A virtual disk (vdisk) can ....
You must be an advanced user to ....
The default file name is store.logs.
The default IP address is
Typ e exit.
# set password
Enter new password:
Use the format http://
To delete a file, type rm
show disks [
set awt
enable|disable [...]
|A separator indicates that
only one of the parameters
or values separated by this
character can be specified.
1 The fonts used in your viewer might differ.
10 Phoenix RPC12 Series CLI Reference Manual • September 2008
base 2|10
Related Documentation
ApplicationTitlePart Number
Site planning informationPhoenix Storage System Site Planning Guide83-00004283
Late-breaking information not
included in the documentation set
Installing and configuring hardwarePhoenix 69501 Getting Started Guide
Configuring and managing storagePhoenix RPC12 Administrator’s Guide83-00004289
12 Phoenix RPC12 Series CLI Reference Manual • September 2008
Using the CLI
This chapter introduces the Phoenix storage system command-line interface (CLI)
and includes the following topics:
Q “Accessing the CLI” on page 13
Q “Operation Modes” on page 13
Q “Command Syntax” on page 24
Q “Command Completion, Editing, and History” on page 27
Q “Viewing Command Help” on page 28
Q “Size of Devices and Logical Units” on page 28
Q “Event Log” on page 29
Accessing the CLI
The CLI software embedded in controller modules enables you to configure,
monitor, and manage storage systems out of band.
You can access the CLI in two ways:
Q By using a terminal emulator on a management host that is directly connected to
a controller module’s CLI port. See the Getting Started Guide for information on
setting up the terminal emulator.
Q By using telnet, an SSH application, or a terminal emulator on a management
host that is remotely connected through a LAN to a controller module’s Ethernet
Operation Modes
By default the CLI is an interactive application. When you are logged into the CLI,
the CLI waits for a command to be entered and then responds to it. This singleoperation mode is known as interactive mode.
The following example shows interactively starting a telnet session, logging into
the CLI, executing a command to show free (available) disks, and exiting the CLI:
14Phoenix RPC12 Series CLI Reference Manual • September 2008
CLI commands can also be scripted using a telnet client like Expect or a Perl
library. Scripts can use interactive mode to execute single commands to emulate a
single-command mode.
The following example shows the Perl Expect script
showfree.exp that starts a
telnet session, logs into the CLI, executes a command to show free disks, and
exits the CLI:
set login [lindex $argv 1]
set password [lindex $argv 2]
set host [lindex $argv 3]
set command [lindex $argv 4]
spawn telnet $host
16Phoenix RPC12 Series CLI Reference Manual • September 2008
if ( !cLogin($ipAddr, $username, $password) == 1 )
print("Error: $username user failed to log in. Exiting.\n");
The example shows a Perl script for logging in. cLogin is called at the start of the
script to log a user into the CLI. The script uses the command-line parameters
specified as the IP address, username, and password. Once the user has been logged
in, other commands can be sent to the CLI.
The command below provides better scripting support. The first argument sets the
output format to XML, which allows easier parsing. The second argument disables
the paging mode that pauses for each full screen of command output.
$telnet->cmd("set cli-parameters api pager disabled");
The following code segment shows how to get the entire configuration information
from the CLI and print the output. The output can easily be redirected to a file for
@sV = $telnet->cmd("show configuration");
for ($i=0; $i<scalar(@sV); $i++)
print (“@sV[ $i ]”);
Using the XML API
You can set the CLI output to either console or api using the set cli-
use an XML parser such
store this information as objects.
An updated Document Type Definition (DTD) is available with each update of the
firmware. The DTD is located on the Customer Resource Center web site. Go to:
command. When set to api, the output is returned in XML. You can
XML::Parser in Perl to process the XML output and
Chapter 1 Using the CLI17
The XML parser should use the DTD version that corresponds to the firmware level
to ensure that the DTD is validated. By obtaining the latest DTD for validation, the
parser will be forward compatible.
The following is Revision 1 of the DTD. Elements and attributes are described in
the table on the following page.
<!--- Composition, P is the part component, G is the grouping component -->
<!--- Simple Association, A and B are the oids of the Objects -->
18Phoenix RPC12 Series CLI Reference Manual • September 2008
Elements and attributes of the DTD are described in the following table.
Element Description and Attributes
RESPONSEThe RESPONSE is the top level XML object. The request attributes
contain the details of the request that was sent. The RESPONSE is a
container for objects that are returned as part of the request.
All commands have a status object as part of the RESPONSE which
provides a message and return code. A return code of 0 indicates that the
command was successful. Any other return code is an error code.
OBJECTThe OBJECT element is a container for properties. Each OBJECT also
has attributes which describe the OBJECT characteristics.
• oid (Object Identifier) - A unique number per request which identifies
the OBJECT within a response. This number is used as a reference in
associations that the response may contain.
• name - The class name of the object.
• basetype - The generic class name of the object. This is used to
distinguish between differing types of objects within a response. A
response can contain a number of volumes all of which may be of
different classes (standard volumes, snap-pools, snapshots, etc.). The
response also contains a status object. The basetype indicates which
object is a volume and which object is a status object.
Chapter 1 Using the CLI19
Element Description and Attributes
PROPERTYThe PROPERTY element provides the detailed information for each
OBJECT. The element value is the actual data content to be used. The
attributes provide further details on how to interpret the data.
• display-name - The suggested label to use in a user interface for
the data value.
• raw - Indicates whether or not a value should be displayed to a user. If
this value is false, the value might apply only to a programmatic
interface which can use the value for calculations.
• size - The number of columns to use to display the value.
• type - The type that the data should be interpreted as.
• key - Indicates whether or not this values can be used as a key to other
• name - The name of the property. The name attribute is used for
unique identification within an object.
COMPThe composition element gives the association between a grouping object
and a part of object. This provides a description of the hierarchy of the
objects that are part of the response.
• P - The part component oid.
• G - The grouping component oid.
ASCThe association element provides a simple association description
between two objects in the response.
20Phoenix RPC12 Series CLI Reference Manual • September 2008
The following example shows the output of the show schedule-details
command with the output first set to
# set cli-parameters console
Success: CLI parameter changed successfully
show schedule-details Sched1
Schedule Details
---------------Schedule Name: Sched1
Schedule Specification: Start 5/01/2007 00:01:00, Only 1st Weekday Of Month
Schedule Status: Ready
Next Time: 5/01/2007 00:01:00
Task To Run: task1
Error Message: none
This section describes syntax rules for CLI commands.
Q “Keywords and Parameters” on page 24
Q “Disk Drive Syntax” on page 24
Q “Virtual Disk Syntax” on page 25
Q “Volume Syntax” on page 25
Q “Volume Mapping Syntax” on page 26
Q “Host Nickname Syntax” on page 26
Keywords and Parameters
Command keywords must be entered in lowercase. Parameter values can be entered
in uppercase and lowercase.
Parameter values that contain non-alphanumeric characters, such as spaces, must be
enclosed in quotation marks (
Disk Drive Syntax
You can specify disk drives by using either:
Q A disk drive ID. For example, 4.
Q A hyphenated range of disk drive IDs from
Q A list of disk drive IDs, ranges, or both, separated by commas; do not include
spaces before or after commas. For example,
"), which the CLI parses and removes.
to z. For example, 5-7.
24Phoenix RPC12 Series CLI Reference Manual • September 2008
Virtual Disk Syntax
You can specify virtual disks by using either:
Q Virtual disk serial number. A unique 32-digit number that is automatically
assigned when a virtual disk is created, and does not change for the life of the
virtual disk.
Q Virtual disk name. A user-defined, case-sensitive name that can include 20
characters. Allowed characters include letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores,
and spaces. A name that includes a space must be enclosed in quotation marks.
Some commands accept a comma-separated list of virtual disk serial numbers and
names. Do not include spaces before or after commas. The following virtual disk
list specifies a serial number and two names:
Q Volume serial number. A unique 32-digit number that is automatically assigned
when a volume is created, and does not change for the life of the volume.
Q Vol u me nam e . A user-defined name that can include a maximum of 17 printable
ASCII characters. A name cannot include a comma, backslash (\), or quotation
"); however, a name that includes a space must be enclosed in quotation
mark (
marks. Names are case sensitive.
Note – Volumes on different virtual disks can have the same name.
Some commands accept a comma-separated list of volume serial numbers and
names. Do not include spaces before or after commas. The following volume list
specifies a serial number and two names:
You can specify a nickname for a data host’s bus adapter or switch port. A nickname
is a user-defined string that can include a maximum of 16 printable ASCII
characters. For example,
quotation mark (
"); however, a name that includes a space must be enclosed in
MyHBA. A name cannot include a comma, backslash (\), or
quotation marks. Names are case sensitive.
Volume Mapping Syntax
You specify the mapping of a host to a volume by using the syntax
ranges, or both. For example,
is a logical unit number (LUN) from 0–127 to assign to the mapping. For
The following example maps channels 0 and 1 using LUN 8:
, where:
is a single host channel number or a list of host channel numbers,
26Phoenix RPC12 Series CLI Reference Manual • September 2008
Command Completion, Editing, and History
The CLI supports command completion, command editing, and command history.
When using command completion, if you enter too few letters to uniquely identify a
keyword, the CLI lists keywords that match the entered string and redisplays the
string so you can complete it.
The history contains all commands entered in the active CLI session. You can recall
a command from the history, edit it, and run it.
Complete a partially entered keywordTab
Get previous command from historyUp Arrow or Ctrl-P
Get next command from historyDown Arrow or Ctrl-N
Move cursor leftLeft Arrow or Ctrl-B
Move cursor rightRight Arrow or Ctrl-F
Move back one wordEsc-B
Move forward one wordEsc-F
Move cursor to start of lineCtrl-A
Move cursor to end of lineCtrl-E
Transpose current and previous characterCtrl-T
Delete current characterDelete or Ctrl-D
Delete previous characterBackspace
Delete word up to cursorCtrl-W
Delete rest of wordEsc-D
Delete text up to cursorCtrl-U
Delete rest of lineCtrl-K
Convert rest of word to uppercaseEsc-C
Convert rest of word to lowercaseEsc-L
Enter command and redisplay promptCtrl-Z
Refresh input lineCtrl-L
Chapter 1 Using the CLI27
Viewing Command Help
To view brief descriptions of all commands that are available to the user level you
logged in as, type:
# help
To view help for a specific command, type either:
# help
To view information about the syntax to use for specifying disk drives, virtual disks,
volumes, and volume mapping, type:
# help syntax
Size of Devices and Logical Units
The size of disk drives and logical units such as virtual disks and volumes are
presented in base 2 (binary) format, not base 10 (decimal) format. Table 1-1 shows
how sizes are presented in each format.
Table 1-1 Sizes in Binary and Decimal
UnitSize in BinarySize in Decimal
Kbyte1024 bytes1000 bytes
Mbyte1024 Kbyte
1,048,576 bytes
1000 Kbyte
1 million bytes
Gbyte1024 Mbyte
1,073,741,824 bytes
Tbyte1024 Gbyte
1,099,511,627,776 bytes
1000 Mbyte
1 billion bytes
1000 Gbyte
1 trillion bytes
To check which format is being used, use “show cli-parameters” on page 146. To
change the output format, use “set cli-parameters” on page 106.
28Phoenix RPC12 Series CLI Reference Manual • September 2008
Event Log
A controller enclosure’s event log records all events that have occurred in or been
detected by the controller modules and encompasses all field-replaceable units
(FRUs) in the enclosure.
Each event has one of the following levels, in decreasing severity:
Q Critical. Events that might affect data integrity or system stability.
Q War ning. Events that do not affect data integrity.
Q Informational. Events that show the change of state or configuration changes.
For information about viewing events, see “show events” on page 162.
Chapter 1 Using the CLI29
30Phoenix RPC12 Series CLI Reference Manual • September 2008
Command Categories
Commands in this manual are organized alphabetically to make it easy to find a
command by name. This chapter helps you find a command within a logical
grouping, based on the command’s function. A command might be listed in more
than one category.
Q “CLI and Users” on page 32
Q “Virtual Disks and Disk Drives” on page 32
Q “Volumes and Mapping” on page 33
Q “Snapshots” on page 33
Q “Task Scheduling” on page 34
Q “Event Notification” on page 34
Q “Configuration and Utilities” on page 34
Q “Service Utilities” on page 35
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