Phoenix R/C Aerobatic Glider Assembly And Operation Manual

Rocket Launched
R/C Aerobatic
Assembly and Operation
© 1991 AeroTech Inc.
Read This Carefully!
The radio controlled model that you will build from this kit and the AeroTech motors and propel-
lants that you will use are not toys!
This model is not intended to be flown by inexperienced pilots.
If incorrectly built, mishandled or misused, they are capable of bodily harm and property damage. Therefore, it is your responsibility to correctly build this kit, to install all components carefully and accurately, and to test and fly this product in accordance with all safety standards prescribed by the Academy of Model Aero­nautics Safety Code. We strongly suggest that you join the AMA and become fully and properly insured before using these products. If you require technical, construction or flying assistance, contact your local hobby shop or the AMA to locate experienced instructors.
AeroTech certifies that it has exercised reasonable care in the design and manufacture of its products. As we cannot control the storage and use of our products, once sold we cannot assume any responsibility for prod­uct storage, transportation or usage. AeroTech shall not be held responsible for any personal injury or prop­erty damage resulting from the handling, storage or use of our product. The buyer assumes all risks and liabil­ities therefrom and accepts and uses AeroTech products on these conditions.
No warranty either expressed or implied is made regarding AeroTech products, except for replacement or repair, at AeroTech ’s option, of those products which are proven to be defective in manufacture within one year from the date of original purchase. For repair or replacement under this warranty, please contact AeroTech. Proof of purchase will be required. Note: Your state may provide additional rights not covered by this warranty.
AeroTech, Inc. Academy of Model Aeronautics
1955 S. Palm St. 1810 Samuel Morse Dr.
Suite #15 Reston, VA 22090
Las Vegas, NV 89104 (703) 435-0750
(702) 641-2301 (800) 752-8018
Table of Contents
About Phoenix ...........................................................................................2
Before You Begin Construction.....................................................................3
Wing Construction......................................................................................6
Tail Construction.......................................................................................16
Fuselage Construction...............................................................................17
Final Assembly.........................................................................................21
Launcher Assembly...................................................................................27
Flying Phoenix .........................................................................................31
Appendix A: Safety..................................................................................36
Appendix B: About Rocket Motors.............................................................38
Appendix C: Parts Layout .........................................................................40
Appendix D: Parts List ..............................................................................41
Appendix E: Launcher Base.......................................................................42
Appendix F: Suppliers ..............................................................................43
Phoenix, AeroTech, Reloadable Motor System, RMS, Mantis, Interlock, White Lightning, BlackJack, BP4d and Easy Ref­erence are trademarks of Aerotech Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Page 1
ONGRATULATIONS! You are now embarking
on a new and exciting era in model aviation, high performance rocket gliders! Phoenix is the first of a new generation of rocket gliders from AeroTech and it will provide you with many exciting and satisfying flights. Thank you for choosing Phoenix!
Phoenix is the culmination of many years of flight and design experience with model air­planes, model rockets and with rocket gliders. Designed for the intermediate to advanced level pilot who wants high performance, both in the launch and in the glide phases of flight, Phoenix is a revolutionary design. You’ll have a new class of model, exciting and different, unlike anything you currently have in your model airplane hangar.
What do we mean when we describe Phoenix as revolutionary ? By using extensive computer aided design, from the custom airfoils to the overall configuration, Phoenix uses the latest breakthroughs in aerodynamics to achieve these unique design goals:
• smooth, precise handling on launch
• low drag for outstanding launch perfor­mance
• ability to withstand the high speed and acceleration of launch
• high L/D and large speed range during glide for easy thermalling
• fully aerobatic during glide
• light weight and ease of construction
• maximum efficiency through an integrat-
ed rocket design
You’ll be able to experience all of these objec­tives for yourself as you build and fly Phoenix. We’ve carefully laid out the plans, detailed the instructions and chosen the wood and other components so that your Phoenix can be as good as ours and you can have as much fun as we have had.
If you are an intermediate level pilot, you’ll be able to immediately enjoy the high perfor­mance characteristics of Phoenix. By interme­diate level, we mean someone who has previ­ously built and successfully flown aileron
equipped aerobatic RC models. While Phoenix is not difficult to fly for a pilot who has already flown several other planes, it is not for the novice or beginner pilots.
HOENIX does not require that you have pre-
vious experience with model rockets. You just have to remember to follow some common sense safety rules. Just like it is a good idea to keep your hand out of a spinning prop, Phoenix should be launched only from its launcher, and only with a remote electrical ignition system. Please read the flying and safety sections in this manual for further details..
We ask that you follow the instructions as writ­ten, because after many prototypes and much experimentation, we’ve learned what tools, techniques and components work best. While Phoenix is easy to build because of the work we’ve put into it, the design is integrated, so that every detail contributes to the overall per­formance and changing one part of the design will impact the performance in other areas.
For maximum performance and safety, you
• Build Phoenix as described
• Install a fully working, tested and legal radio system
• Follow the AMA safety code, and the
Rocket Glider safety code, as described in this manual
• Always use the recommended rocket motor reloads from AeroTech
• Test fly the Phoenix as described in this manual, and lastly
• Have a great time flying Phoenix!
We know that you’ll enjoy your Phoenix Rocket Glider and you will have many exciting flights. We look forward to hearing from you: your comments, suggestions and experiences. Included in this kit is a product registration and evaluation card. We’d appreciate you com­pleting it so we may do a better job in future rocket glider kits. We always look forward to your comments.
Thanks again for choosing Phoenix!
Page 2
About Phoenix
Integrated Rocket Motor
HOENIX has a carefully integrated rocket
motor for both good performance and good behavior on boost. For example, the placement of the rocket thrust line is critical for a stable boost. With Phoenix’s high thrust to weight ratio (5:1 for Phoenix versus 1.5 to 1 for a hot power plane), Phoenix’s motor thrust line had to pass through the CG or the model would try to loop violently on launch. Phoenix’s motor is located as close as possible to the model’s CG to reduce the amount of CG movement as fuel is burned. Finally, the motor mount angle on Phoenix was carefully tested with over 100 flights to minimize drag while providing easy access to the motor for reloading.
Computer Designed Airfoil
HOENIX uses a custom computer designed
airfoil, the BP4d™, for maximum boost and glide performance. To achieve the best overall results, the main design goal for the airfoil was a significant reduction in drag. The BP4d design did this, and is a significant improve­ment over sections such as the S3021, a com­mon RC sailplane airfoil. When compared with the S3021, the BP4d has 33% lower drag at launch speeds and 5 to 15% lower drag during typical gliding flight, with only a slight decrease in maximum lift. As a result , Phoenix has a very wide speed range in glide, and retains a good glide ratio at high cruising speeds. Also, the Phoenix airfoil is slightly thicker, for better strength and for adequate room for aileron servos. With its substantially thicker aft section, the ailerons are thicker, reducing the possibility of flutter at high flight speeds.
Two Aileron Servos
HOENIX has an aileron servo installed in
each wing panel for several important rea­sons. First, by locating the servos away from the center section of the wing, where the flight
loads are the greatest, less structural reinforce­ment is required to maintain the designed strength of the overall wing. The wing is stronger and actually lighter by having two ser­vos outboard in the wing instead of one in the center surrounded by extensive reinforce­ments! Second, by moving the servos into the wings, closer to the ailerons, the result is stiffer linkages which are much less prone to flutter at high speeds, such as during launch. Finally, a dedicated servo for each aileron gives more
accurate control for precise roll authority, as expected by expe­rienced pattern fly­ers. While this is not essential for a sport plane such as Phoenix, once we started using the two ailerons and enjoyed the roll response, we couldn’t give it up.
Offset Vertical Tail
NE unique feature of Phoenix is its offset
vertical tail. If you haven't already noticed, the tail is not on the centerline of the fuselage, it is offset to one side! This is intentional because it provides several distinct advantages for Phoenix. First, it allows for the pushrods to the elevator and rudder to be perfectly straight, for better stiffness and minimum weight. Second, the linkages and horns are shielded from the hot rocket exhaust, so they won't be damaged. Third, the larger fuselage cross section gives a stiffer tailboom for con­sistent and precise rudder and elevator response. Even though the back of the fuselage is larger than normal, the linkages are hidden, so the drag is less than or equal to the total drag of a conventional design. Finally, this design is stronger because the tail is glued directly to the side of the boom.
Although the plans show the vertical tail mounted on the left side of the boom, you can put it on the right side if you wish. You might avoid having to reverse a servo, if you have a radio without servo reversing switches.
Page 3
Before You Begin Construction
HOENIX has several critical construction
requirements. First, it must be strong enough to withstand high speed launches and aerobatic maneuvers. Second, the wing must be built precisely as designed, with an accurate airfoil, to give good overall performance. Most importantly, the model must be light to obtain good launch performance. Strong, accurate but light - are your construction goals!
Why is weight so critical for Phoenix? Each
additional ounce of weight will result in approximately a 10% decrease in still air glide times! Most of this reduction comes from
lower launch altitudes. In designing Phoenix, we have taken lightweight building issues to heart and have selected components and tech­niques to make it easier for you to be success­ful. As you sort the wood in your Phoenix kit notice how the critical pieces (such as for the tail) are light weight balsa wood, carefully specified and selected for optimal strength to weight ratios. At first you may have wondered about some of these pieces - they are "fuzzy" or have "threads" on the edges. These are charac­teristics of lightweight, premium balsa wood ­selected especially for Phoenix.
All of our Phoenix prototypes weighted between 23 to 24 ounces without the rocket motor. This is readily achievable with the com­ponents in this kit if you take reasonable care in building. So build it strong but light!
Vacuum Bagged Wings
HE best way to make strong, accurate and
light wings on a model this size is to use medium weight balsa wood skins epoxied to foam cores, with fiberglass reinforcements where required. A vacuum bag is used to hold the skins firmly in contact with the core while the epoxy cures.
If you are not familiar with the vacuum bagging process, it really is quite simple. First we apply the epoxy resin and fiberglass resin to the balsa skins. The skins are positioned on the cores, and the assembly is placed in an airtight plastic bag. A vacuum pump with a regulator, or else a low power pump designed for vacuum bagging model foam wings, is connected to the plastic bag. A low pressure setting ( 3 psi or approximately 6 inches of mercury) is used. This pressure is maintained until the epoxy has cured. That's all there is to it!
You may now be wondering if this is sufficient
If you never read the instructions:
Phoenix is a new and exciting category in model aviation, and you have probably
never built and flown anything quite like it before. We really want you to be suc-
cessful with your Phoenix, so:
• Build strong, light and true!
• Read the flying instructions!
• Follow the safety code!
• Read the flying instructions!
• Enjoy your Phoenix!
Page 4
Before You Begin Construction
pressure to guarantee a good, lightweight and strong bond. If we pump all of the air out of the bag, the surrounding atmosphere will apply a pressure of about 15 pounds per square inch at sea level. This will actually crush the lightweight foam cores used on Phoenix. So we need to pull only a partial vacuum in the bag. A pressure of 3 psi may not seem like a lot of pressure, but it is equivalent to putting a one foot thick steel plate on top of the wing cores! More than enough to guarantee a strong bond, but not so much as to crush the cores!
You may not have tried making vacuum bagged wings before, but the resulting wings are much stronger and lighter than with any other method. Once you try it, we doubt you will ever go back to the old methods again. Ready to use, low cost, vacuum bagging kits are avail­able from several suppliers (See Appendix F). While you can improvise most of a bagging sys­tem, the commercial units use professional materials that are much easier to use, less like­ly to have an air leak, and not much more expensive. You might also want to get together with some of your flying buddies to share the cost of a system. Just remember that you only need a vacuum of about 3 psi for the Phoenix wings.
If you really do not want to vacuum bag the wings, the next best alternative is to hold the skins in place with weights while the epoxy cures. To equal the pressure of the vacuum bag, you need about 500 pounds on each wing half. The big problem is that it is almost impos­sible to get that much weight stacked up on that little wing! One hundred pounds per side is a good, practical weight to aim for. You should plan on using a bit more epoxy to get a good bond since you won't have as much pres­sure as the vacuum bag. We have used such weights as milk cartons filled with water, maga­zines, stereo speakers and scrap metal. It really depends on what you have available. It isn’t worthwhile to buy weights, since you could get a vacuum bag system for about the same price.
Airfoil accuracy
UILDING the wing airfoil accurately is
always going to require careful craftsman­ship. We have found that the effort is really worthwhile to obtain the best possible perfor­mance from the model. On one of the proto­type models, we were in a hurry and got slop­py on the airfoil shape. The resulting performance loss was very noticeable, possi­bly over 25%! We have tried to make building an accurate wing as easy as possible.
No wing shape is going to be perfect, but some errors are less critical than others. The most important thing is that the airfoil be a smooth shape with no wrinkles or bumps. It is actually very difficult to make the wing chord match the plans. A small error in thickness at the trailing edge will make a big error in the chord. Fortunately, this is not critical. Just make sure that both wing halves are the same. A small dif­ference in trailing edge thickness is not impor­tant. The leading edge requires very careful shaping, so we have included precision die cut templates to make the job easier.
VERYONE has their own preferences about
which glue to use for which job. Through­out the instructions, we make suggestions based on the glues we prefer for a given job, based on our experience with the Phoenix pro­totypes.
For applying the wing skins, there really isn’t any choice but a good epoxy resin. We have used the PIC, Z-poxy and Bob Smith finishing resins with good results. These resins have a low viscosity and are easy to spread in a thin layer, but all have a “pot life” of only 10 to 20 minutes. Once the epoxy is spread into a thin layer, the cure time is greatly extended. If you pour some resin on each of the skins as soon as it is mixed, spread it around a bit, and then go back to do the final spreading, you should have plenty of time.
We routinely will skin a pair of Phoenix wing
Page 5
Before You Begin Construction
panels with one batch of 9 minute pot life epoxy. If you have never done vacuum bagging before, you might want to either do one wing panel at a time or use a slower setting resin. Resins such as EZ-Lam, West System and Safe­T-Poxy are all low viscosity with a 30 to 60 minute pot life. Do not try to apply the skins with a standard epoxy glue because it will be difficult to keep the weight down. We use about one fluid ounce of resin total to bond all four wing skins to the cores.
For the remainder of the construction, we use 5 and 30 minute epoxies, thin and thick CA as well as aliphatic resin glues. The instructions will mention any areas where a specific glue is required. For most of the construction, use either aliphatic resin glue (Titebond, PIC Rigid White Glue etc.) or CA. The CA glues have the obvious advantage of a fast cure time, but we find the aliphatics easier to sand, not all that much slower to use and non-toxic. Do not use standard CA glue near the foam cores! Take your pick. In any case, be sure to use a good quality, fresh glue to build your Phoenix.
Radio System
O get good performance, you should use a
moderately light weight radio system in Phoenix. For the aileron servos, only micro ser­vos will fit in the wing. We have used Futaba S­133’s in the prototypes with good results. Avoid servos with less than 20 inch-ounces of torque. We have also used S-133’s for the eleva­tor and rudder, although there is room for a slightly larger servo. Extra room for a standard servo can be made by deleting the rudder servo and only using a servo for the elevator. This does not greatly impact the maneuverabil­ity of Phoenix, but using properly coordinated rudder and aileron controls does make a signif­icant improvement in thermalling performance. Therefore, we do recommend a servo for both rudder and elevator.
For the remainder of the radio gear, we have used either a standard receiver and a 150 mAh battery or a small receiver and a 275 mAh bat­tery. Both combinations weigh about the same. The prototypes would balance properly with either of these radio options, without any addi­tional nose weight. If your Phoenix comes out nose heavy, try not to add weight to the tail, but put in a lighter radio and enjoy the extra performance.
HOENIX is not the airplane to try out your
latest 57 coat, hand-rubbed super finish! Remember that each extra ounce is going to cost you 10% in performance! All of the proto­types were covered with iron-on film coverings. We have found that the different coverings have different characteristics. A high tempera­ture covering, such as MonoKote™ or Ultra­cote™ should be used on the bottom of the tail since it is close to the rocket exhaust. Lower temperature coverings can become loose or bubble due to the high heat in this area.
Regardless of the covering used on the wings, make sure that there aren't any wrinkles or bubbles, because they cause an increase in boost drag. Be especially careful to avoid wrin­kles near the leading edge.
Finally, applying striping tape to the wing can also hurt the performance. If you really have to put on the striping, try flying your model first. If you notice a loss of performance when you put the tape on, then you have to decide if you want the performance or the looks.
Since Phoenix can be launched to high alti­tudes, good visibility is important. We have found that very dark colors are best for the bottom of the wing. We also put a fluorescent yellow stripe on the bottom for contrast. The upper surface can be any colors you want, but should be different from the bottom of the air­plane.
E use one of two different ways of splic-
ing wing skins. The CA method is a bit quicker, but the aliphatic glue method gener­ally needs less sanding later, so use the one you prefer.
To use a thin CA glue, lay a piece of wax paper on your workbench. Then lay 2 sheets of wood down, hold the seam closed with one hand, and apply the thin CA. Use the minimum possible amount of glue, as it is dif­ficult to sand off the excess later.
To use an aliphatic resin glue, lay the sheets flat on the bench and apply a strip of mask­ing tape along the length of the seam. Make sure that there is no gap between the sheets.
When you have all of the sheets taped together, turn them over and apply glue in the seams as shown. Lay the sheets flat on the bench and wipe off the excess glue with a damp paper towel. A few strips of masking tape will help hold the seam closed while the glue dries. If you have a good gap-free fit between the skins, try thinning the glue about 20% with water and applying it with a small paint brush. This will make it eas­ier to sand.
EGIN construction with the wing. We pre-
fer to build both wings at the same time, however, you can build them individually if you wish.
Locate the 10 pieces of
⁄16" x 3" x 24" balsa for the wing skins. Trim the edges using a straightedge and a sharp knife blade. Make sure that you hold the knife so the cut edges are vertical. We find it best to make several light cuts. Also, be careful how you hold the straightedge so you don’t trim your fingers!
The skin splicing layout is shown on the plans. Note that you need to splice together two sets of 5 sheets each. Check the sheets to verify that they fit together with no gaps. If
there is a minor problem with the fit, clean it up with a sand­ing block. The other option is to re-trim that edge.
Select the stiffest C-grain sheets for use on the trailing edges of the wing. Use the more flexible A-grain wood for the leading edges.
Trim edges of skins Don't trim your fingers Check that the sheets fit
Page 6
Wing Construction
Trim wing skins
Glue skins together Don’t use too much glue
Glue wing skins
❏ ❏ ❏
❏ ❏
HE foam cutting process leaves some
very fine “threads” on the surface of the core. In most cases, they can be removed by rubbing the cores with your fingers. In some cases, you might need to very lightly sand the core with a fresh piece of 400 grit sandpa­per. Be careful not to change the shape of the core or gouge the wing. You do not need to remove any of the foam itself, just the threads. It is a good idea to support the wing in its foam “cradle” anytime you are working on it.
You may want to remove the threads from the surface of the foam cradles so they don’t accidentally end up in some glue joint later.
Next, using a sharp knife, trim off the ragged trailing edge of the core. The trailing edge should be about
⁄32" thick when
you are done.
HEN the glue is dry, examine the wing
skins. Generally, you will find that one side is smoother and more even than the other. This will be the outside of the skin. Mark the inside with a felt tip pen so you won’t get it mixed up later. Use a good flat sanding block (we prefer the aluminum “T” bar as shown) and 120 grit sandpaper to remove any excess glue. Finish sand with 320 grit. For best results, clean off all of the balsa dust with a brush attachment on a vacuum cleaner. We also wipe the skins with a painters tack rag.
When the skins are smooth, trim them to shape as shown on the plans. The dimen-
sions shown are slightly oversize to allow for trimming later. Mark the skins “upper right”, “lower left” etc. on the inside of the skins
Mark the inside of the skins Sand off excess glue Sand smooth Clean off balsa dust Trim to size
Page 7
Wing Construction
Sand wing skins
Remove “threads” Trim trailing edge
Clean up foam cores
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
❏ ❏
HERE are several types of epoxy suitable
for applying skins. To keep the weight down, we need to use the minimum amount of epoxy possible. This is easiest with the low viscosity finishing resins. Most resins of this type tend to have working times under 30 minutes. If you are familiar with vacuum bagging, then this is not a problem. If this is your first time, then you might want to obtain a “laminating epoxy” with an hour or more of working time. These are available from most of the vacuum pump suppliers. Do not dilute the epoxy with any type of solvent.
Mix the epoxy according to the directions. We use about 1 ounce to do an entire set of
wings. If you are using weights instead of a vacuum bag, you might want to use about 1
⁄2ounces of epoxy. If you are using a fast setting resin, it helps to pour most of it out on the skins as soon as it is mixed. This will extend the working time.
Now spread the epoxy on the skins using a couple of old play­ing cards as a squeegee. You should have some resin left for the next step. Remember, the skin to foam glue joint does not have to be any stronger than the foam core itself!
SING a felt tip pen, layout the position of the
⁄2" fiberglass reinforcing tape on the inside of the wing skins. The location of the tape is shown on the plans. The exact posi­tion is not too critical.
Cut the glass tape to the lengths marked on the wing skins. Leave a half inch extra at the wing root. Be careful when cutting the tape since it will unravel very easily. Remember that you only need 2 pieces of tape for the trailing edge(left and right), while there are 4 pieces of each length (upper and lower, left and right) for the other two lengths
It is a good idea to color the aft
⁄4" of each
wing skin trailing edge with a dark color
marker as shown in the photo. This will make it easier to find the trailing edge center line when you are sanding it later.
If you are using a vacuum bag, now is the time to get it ready. If you are skinning both wing halves at the same time, make the bag at least 5 feet long. Re-read the manufacturers instruc­tions one more time. Otherwise, make sure that you have at least 100 pounds of weights, and practice stacking them on an area the size of the wing cradles. Once you mix the epoxy, it will be too late…
Mark location of glass tape Color trailing edge of skins Cut glass tape to length Prepare vacuum bag
Page 8
Wing Construction
Prepare fiberglass tape
Mix the epoxy carefully Spread epoxy on skins Wear gloves Don’t use too much glue
Apply epoxy to wing skins
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
LACE a foam core on the lower skin. The trailing edge of the foam should be about
⁄16" ahead of the front edge of the trailing edge tape as shown on the plans. Lay the upper skin in place so that both the upper and lower skins trailing edges are aligned. Apply several pieces of masking tape to keep the skins and core aligned.
OSITION the fiberglass tape on the skins
in the wet resin. Make sure that you apply the trailing edge tape to the lower left skin and to the lower right skin. The aft edge of the trailing edge tape should be even with the edge of the skin. Again, be careful to avoid unravelling the ends of the tape. If you used the right amount of epoxy on the skins, the tape should soak up enough turn partial­ly clear about a minute after you lay it in place. If the tape turns completely clear, you used too much resin and your wing will be heavier than it needs to be. If it does not change color at all, then you did not use enough resin on the skins. You can go back
and add some more resin or try to squeegee some more off, as required.
Finally, use the remaining resin and a disposable brush to fully wet out the tape. The tape will turn clear when it is prop­erly wetted out. Use the minimum amount of resin to make the tape turn clear..
Now it is time to put the wings together.
Lay the tape in place Saturate with resin
Page 9
Wing Construction
Apply fiberglass tape
Position core on lower skin Lay upper skin on core Align trailing edges Tape together
Assemble wing
❏ ❏
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
F you are using weights, place the core and
skins in the cradle and set the upper cradle in place. Make sure everything is aligned properly, and use masking tape to hold the stack together. (A good place to check it is at the leading edge.) Carefully set weights on top, until you have at least 50 pounds, and preferably over 100 pounds. Remember, the vacuum bag is equivalent to about 500 pounds per wing panel.
Be careful, since many workbenches will bend noticeably with this kind of weight on them, resulting in a warped wing. The best place to do the wing assembly is on a flat concrete floor(check it first!). If you have to
set up the wing on a workbench or wood floor, we suggest that you get a couple of flat 2" x 10" boards at least 30" long to set everything on. This will help keep the wing straight.
Regardless of the technique you use to hold everything together, wait until the epoxy is fully cured before proceeding. We prefer to wait about 50% longer than the epoxy manufac­turer suggests, just to be safe. Remember, epoxy can take a very long time to cure at low temperatures.
OW, apply pressure to the wing to hold
everything together while the epoxy cures. If you are using a vacuum bag, insert the wings and finish sealing the bag. Set the entire bag assembly on the appropriate foam cradles, and align the wings in the cradles. Start the pump. As the air is removed, hold the wings flat in the cradle as shown to avoid warps.
If you have a vacuum gauge and regulator, set the system for about 3 psi (6 inches of mer­cury). Pumps like the one in the photo are preset for this value. Make sure that the wing is still straight. If not, shut off the pump, bleed some air into the bag, straighten it out
and try again. If your pump does not use a “bleed valve” to control the vacu-
um, you should shut off the pump and check for air leaks. Watch the bag carefully, if it “relaxes” noticeably within a few minutes, you have a leak. Check all of the seams and plumb­ing until you fix the problem. Sometimes you can even hear the leak. With some experience, you will be able to judge the pressure pretty accurately by the look and feel of the bag.
Put wing in vacuum bag Seal the bag Pump out the air Make sure wing is straight Check for leaks
Page 10
Wing Construction
Vacuum bag the wing
Stack weights on wing Make sure it is straight Wait until epoxy cures
Allow wing to cure
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
❏ ❏ ❏
ET THE WING panel in its cradle. Using a
straightedge and a sharp knife, trim the leading edge on the lines you marked in the last step. Try to keep the cut vertical. Clean up the cut with a sanding block if required.
Glue the
⁄16" x 3⁄8" x 24" balsa leading edge strip in place. We prefer to use aliphatic glue for this step. Apply the glue to the wood and spread it into a thin layer. Hold the balsa in place with masking tape while the glue dries.
If you want to use CA glue, make sure it is one of the styrofoam compatible types. Do not use epoxy, since it is very difficult to sand cleanly.
OW THAT you have this nice straight, strong piece of balsa and foam, we need
to turn it into a wing. First, trim the balsa skins flush with the root
and tip ends of the foam cores. This does not have to be a particularly neat job, since we will be trimming them again later. The approximate trim lines are shown on the plans.
Set the wing on the appropriate wing end air­foil section drawing, and mark the location of the leading edge trim line on both the root and the tip of the wing. You will probably have to move the wing around a bit to get the best match possible with the drawing. You
want to match up the shapes over as much of the airfoil as possible. The fit will probably not be perfect, but do the best you can. Repeat this process until both ends of each panel are marked. It is a good idea to check the two panels against each other to make sure they match.
Trim balsa flush with foam Mark LE trim line Match wing panels
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Wing Construction
Mark LE trim line
Trim wing panel Glue on leading edge
Attach leading edge
❏ ❏ ❏
❏ ❏
HE LEADING edge is probably the most
critical part of the Phoenix wing shape. The leading edge shape was designed to give the best balance of low drag on launch and good glide performance. This is the place to put in that extra bit of effort to get things really right.
Start out by protecting the wing with mask­ing tape, the same as you did for the trailing edge. Use a razor plane and sanding block to Rough out the leading edge. At this stage, you just want get the shape close, without taking off too much. Again, resting the wing in its cradle will help.
OW SHAPE the leading and trailing edges.
This has to be done without modifying the contour anywhere else. The best way is to protect the remainder of the wing with masking tape while you are working. See the trailing edge sketches on the plans
On the trailing edge, you need to remove the excess balsa until you get to the fiberglass tape. Lay a piece of masking tape on the wing with its aft edge aligned with the aft edge of the foam core. Add additional strips of tape adjacent to the first one until you have at least 2" covered. Using a straight sanding block, sand the trailing edge to the shape on the plans. Support the wing in its cradle
while sanding. The black marks on the inside of the skin will help you judge
the progress of the sanding. We sand the edge until it is sharp, and then trim it back slightly to blunt it. Yes, you can cut your finger on one of these trailing edges!
It is hard to make the trailing edge the right shape while main­taining the proper wing chord. We prefer to get the airfoil right, and then make the chords of the wing panels match. It is not critical if the chord does not match the plans exactly.
Protect the wing with tape Sand the TE to shape
Page 12
Wing Construction
Shape trailing edge
Protect wing with tape Start shaping the LE
Carve leading edge
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