Installation must only be carried out by a competent person. 8ee Imp
Notes in Installation Instructions (Page 2). Failure to do so will deem the
warranty invalid and may be dangerous.
It is advisable. that additional prpt~ction is provided for children and elderly
or infirm by fitting as fire guard which complies with the requirements of
886539 (1984) specifications for fireguards or 886778 (1986) suitable for
use with solid fuel fires.
The chimney should be swept before the appliance is installed.
The hearth at the front of the fire must never be covered with combustible
flooring or materials.
Never allow any rubbish to be thrown onto the coals /fire.
An odour may be noticeable when the fire is first lit, this arises from the
newness of the materials used and will disperse after a few hours usage.
Do not handle the grate front when the fire is in use as it gets very hot and
coals may fall out if moved. Wait until it has cooled down before touching
The fir~ should not be used with the coals fitted in any other position than
as described in the diagram nor should any be removed or more added.
Do not place any combustible items such as furniture of soft wall
coverings too close to the fire as they will scorch. Do not under any
circumstances use the fire to dry clothes.
It is recommended that the fire is serviced by a competent person at least
once a year. The flue system should also be checked yearly to ensure
there is no sort of build up of soot or debris which will block the safe
dispersal of combustible products.
If the pilot light goes out for any reason do not attempt to relight for at least
three minutes
Only use the cast iron fret supplied with this appliance. Use of a different
fret could prove dangerous and may affect the performance of the fire .
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