Philips TensRelief 12 selbstklebende Elektroden User Manual [en, de, fr, it]

PR3094 PR3093
User manual
PR3094, PR3093


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Read this user manual carefully before you use the Wireless TENS (PR3093) or the Wireless TENS Pro (PR3094) and save it for future reference. The Wireless TENS (PR3093) and the Wireless TENS Pro (PR3094) are available without prescription. To achieve optimal treatment success with your Wireless TENS device, you have to use it according to the treatment instructions in this user manual. If you need further information or have questions, please visit pain-management or contact the Philips Consumer Care Centre in your country.
Intended use
The Wireless TENS (PR3093) and the Wireless TENS Pro (PR3094) are intended to be used by adult consumers experiencing mild to moderate chronic musculoskeletal pain. The devices are intended to be used for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for the purpose of pain relief and for monitoring activity with the integrated activity monitor. The Wireless TENS device may be brought to appointments with a medically trained healthcare professional who is responsible for using the TENS device according to the user manual and who is skilled in:
- analysing the patient’s activity and treatment patterns
- determining individual treatment and adapting settings of the TENS device by means of the Wireless TENS Pro PC Application (PR3094 only)
The Wireless TENS Pro PC Application is only for use by a healthcare professional in combination with the Wireless TENS Pro device (PR3094), which enables
the healthcare professional to offer more specic
TENS treatment programs and enables the healthcare professional to track and analyse the patient’s activity patterns in relation to the use of the device. The device is intended to be used and operated by and on one single adult person. It should always be used in accordance with the safety information and operating instructions included in this user manual and for the purpose for which it is designed.
TENS and pain management
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a non-invasive pain relief method for which clinical proof exists that it can help relieve pain. TENS is used daily by physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals. During TENS treatment, electrical pulses are passed across the intact surface of the skin to activate the underlying nerves. Clinical evidence suggests that TENS produces pain relief in a similar way to the nervous system’s own pain-relief mechanisms, for instance similar to massaging a painful area. The pulses are generated by the battery-powered TENS units, which have to be connected to the self­adhesive hydrogel electrodes. You can choose from a set of preset TENS programs with different pulse settings and can adjust the intensity of the pulse according to your own preference. This booklet contains information on the placing of the electrodes and the programs used for treatment.
Activity monitoring and pain management
We all want to enjoy doing our daily activities. When you experience pain, however, the instinctive reaction is to avoid pain by reducing your activity
level. As a result, you become less t and less able
to enjoy doing the things you like. Staying active, without overdoing it, is important to avoid being trapped in a persistent pain cycle. The key to self­managing your pain is pacing: distributing periods of activity and periods of rest over the day in a way that feels most comfortable for you. The key to pacing is spreading out your activities and ‘taking a break before you need it’. An activity monitor can help you keep track of how well you pace your activities over the day. The remote control of the Wireless TENS device has a built-in activity monitor that records your activity when you wear it attached to your belt or waistband or when you carry it around in the pocket of your trousers or skirt. It can record and store the activity data of 60 days. In this way, you cannot only check your activity pattern over the last 24 hours, but also your activity pattern of the previous week and the previous month. If you want to get more tips on pacing and how to self-manage your pain, please read the Pain Toolkit booklet included in the packaging.* * Note:Only the German version of the Pain Toolkit
is included in the package. If you want to have the English, French or Italian version, please go to to download your preferred version.
Information for the healthcare professional (PR3094 only)
The Wireless TENS Pro (PR3094) can be used in combination with the Wireless TENS Pro PC Application, which is designed for use by medically trained healthcare professionals who are responsible for using the TENS device according to the user manual and who are skilled in:
- analysing patient activity patterns in relation to patient treatment patterns using an external PC application
- determining individual treatment and adapting settings of the TENS device by means of an external PC application
The Wireless TENS Pro PC Application enables
healthcare professionals to offer more specic TENS
treatment programs to their patients and to track and analyse patients’ activity patterns on a PC in relation to the use of the device and the patient’s pain experience. The Wireless TENS Pro PC Application is not included in the package, but can be downloaded on request. Please go to and leave your contact details. You will receive a link from where you can download the Wireless TENS Pro PC Application. Via this link you can also access or download the user manual of this PC application.
USB cable
The Wireless TENS Pro PC Application works when the remote control is connected to your PC with a mini USB cable. You can obtain this standard mini USB cable in two ways: 1 You can leave your contact details on and indicate that you would like to receive a mini USB cable. When we have received your details, we will send you a mini USB cable by post.
2 If you received a trial kit from our sales force,
this kit should contain the mini USB cable. If you have other questions regarding the availability of the Wireless TENS Pro PC Application or the mini USB cable, please contact the Consumer Care Centre in your country.
Do not use the device if:
- you have a cardiac pacemaker, implanted
debrillator or other implanted metallic or
electronic device (e.g. a drug delivery system), as use in these cases could cause electric shock, burns, electrical interference, or even death.
- you have a heart disease.
- you have epilepsy.
- you are pregnant, as the safety of electric stimulation during pregnancy has not yet been established.
- you have a cognitive impairment.
Adverse reactions
You should stop using the device and consult your doctor if you experience adverse reactions from the device. Possible adverse reactions may include the following:
- skin irritation beneath the electrodes, although the gel used on the electrodes is not known to cause allergic reactions
- burns beneath the electrodes
- headaches or other painful sensations
- nausea or feeling faint
Important safety information
- This is a medical device. Keep the device out of the reach of children.
- Read this user manual carefully and always adhere to the treatment instructions.
- This appliance is not intended for use by adults with reduced sensory or mental capabilities.
- Do not use the device on children.
- Do not use the device if your pain cannot be
clearly dened as mild to moderate muscoskeletal
pain. If you are not certain about the cause of your pain, consult your doctor.
- If you are in the care of a doctor, consult your doctor before you use the device.
- Do not apply stimulation on your neck, as this could cause severe muscle spasms that could close your airway and result in breathing
difculties and that may also have an adverse
effect on your heart rhythm or blood pressure.
- Do not apply stimulation across your chest because electric current entering into the chest may cause heart rhythm disturbances, which could be lethal.
- Since the effects of stimulation of the brain are unknown, stimulation should not be applied across the head and electrodes should not be placed on opposite sides of the head.
- Be careful when you have a tendency to bleed internally due to any impact or injury.
- Consult your doctor if you recently had surgery, as stimulation may have a negative effect on the healing process.
- Do not apply stimulation over or near cancerous lesions.
- Do not apply stimulation over open wounds or rashes, or over swollen, red, infected or
inamed areas or skin eruptions (e.g. phlebitis,
thrombophlebitis and varicose veins).
- Do not apply stimulation on areas of skin that lack normal sensation.
- Only apply stimulation to normal, intact, clean and healthy skin.
- Use of electric stimulation and conductive electrodes may lead to skin irritation or skin sensitisation.
- Do not apply stimulation while driving, operating machines or while performing any other activity in which electrical stimulation can put you at risk of injury.
- Do not apply stimulation while sleeping. If the device is used at bedtime, set the timer to make it switch off automatically.
- Do not use the device and electrodes internally.
- Do not apply stimulation near electronic monitoring equipment (e.g. cardiac monitors, ECG alarms), as this equipment may not operate properly when the device is in use.
- Do not apply stimulation in the bath, shower or swimming pool.
- Do not use plaster or tape to attach the electrodes to the skin.
- Always check the device and the electrodes for damage before use.
- Do not use the device or an electrode if it is damaged.
- Do not modify the device or the electrodes.
- Only use this device with the charger, cables, electrodes and accessories recommended by the manufacturer.
- The device is not waterproof. Do not use the device in wet surroundings and prevent it from getting wet.
- The device can be used indoors and outdoors, but it has not been designed to withstand all weather conditions.
- The device cannot withstand high and low temperatures. Please check the operating
conditions in chapter ‘Specications’.
- The USB connection port is only to be used by a healthcare professional in conjunction with the Wireless TENS Pro PC Application (PR3094) supplied by Philips.
- The electrodes have a limited shelf life. Please check the packaging for the use-by date prior to use. Do not use electrodes whose use-by date has expired. For ordering replacement electrodes, see chapter ‘Ordering accessories’.
- Make sure that you end the treatment by switching off the TENS units or by setting the intensity to 0 mA on the remote control before you remove the TENS units, the extension cable (if used, PR3094 only), or the electrodes. If you do not end the treatment, you may experience an
unpleasant sensation in your ngers. This sensation
is not harmful, but can be unpleasant.
- Always use and store the electrodes according to the instructions in chapters ‘Using the device’ and ‘After use’.
- If the device does not function as described in this manual, stop using it and contact the Consumer Care Centre. For contact details, see chapter ‘Guarantee and support’.
Compliance with standards
- The device meets the relevant standards for this type of Class IIa electrical medical appliance and appliances using electrical stimulation for home use.
- This Philips appliance complies with all applicable standards and regulations regarding exposure to
electromagnetic elds.
Preset programs
Program overview
The device comes standard with 8 preset programs (PR3093) or 15 preset programs (PR3094). There are three different TENS types: Conventional TENS, Burst TENS and Frequency-modulated TENS. For more details, see below.
Conventional TENS programs
Conventional TENS is a common TENS program with high-frequency stimulation. It is based on the Gate Control Theor y that states that this type of stimulation will cause the transmission of pain signals in the nervous system to be blocked. It is comparable to ‘rubbing the pain away’. Most people use Conventional TENS for 30 minutes per session, but you can use it as often and as long as you feel comfortable with. The effect is usually most perceptible during stimulation. The effect generally wears off rather quickly when stimulation has ended. You should adjust the intensity of the program so that you clearly feel the stimulation. Stimulations should not give an unpleasant or painful sensation, however.
Name of Conven­tional TENS program
Thorough stimulus
Soft stimulus
Deep stimulus
Radiating pulse
Program no. on remote control PR3093
1 1 May give you a continu-
2 2 May give you a more
3 3 May give you a more
- 4 May give you a softer
- 5 May give you a deeper
- 6 May give you a more
Program no. on remote control PR3094
Burst TENS programs
Burst TENS offers a high-frequency stimulation that comes in trains of pulses. This type of stimulation is known to trigger endorphin release. Endorphins are pain killers produced by the body. You can use Burst TENS around 30 minutes multiple times a day, for example 3 times. You are advised to adjust the intensity of the Burst program so that you feel the stimulation strongly. Burst programs generally give a sharper sensation, which can feel somewhat unpleasant. It is also
Program description Sug-
ous tingling stimulation
thorough stimulating sensation
local and soft stimulating stimulation
stimulating sensation, e.g. for sensitive body parts
stimulating sensation
radiating stimulation sensation
gested treat­ment time
No limit
No limit
No limit
No limit
No limit
No limit
advised to adjust the intensity to a level that produces visible muscle contractions in the stimulation area.
These contractions are not harmful. If you nd these
contractions too uncomfortable, you can decrease the intensity, choose a different program or move the electrodes to a different place. Burst TENS should preferably be applied while resting, since it can result in muscle contraction in the stimulation area.
Name of Burst TENS pro­gram
Con­tinu­ous Burst
Slow knead­ing
Mild knead­ing
Deep knead­ing
Diffuse Burst
Pro­gram no.on remote control PR3093
4 7 May give you a pulsing burst
5 8 May give you a slower and
6 9 May give you a milder burst
- 10 May give you a more local
- 11 May give you a more diffuse
Program no. on remote control PR3094
* optionally multiple times a day
Program description Sug-
stimulation to release endor­phins in your body
massaging burst stimulation to release endorphins
stimulation to release endor­phins in your body
and deeper burst stimulation to release endorphins in your body
burst stimulation to release endorphins in your body
gested treat­ment time
30 min.*
30 min.*
30 min.*
30 min.*
30 min.*
Frequency-modulated TENS programs
Frequency-modulated TENS is a program in which the frequency of the pulse varies from high to low. This can be more comfortable or effective than the other programs in some cases. You can use frequency-modulated TENS for around 30 minutes multiple times a day, for example 3 times.
Name of Freq. Mod. program
Mixed frequency
Pulsing massage
Deep massage
Gentle massage
Pro­gram no. on remote control PR3093
7 12 May give you a owing
8 13 May give you a more puls-
- 14 May give you a slower and
- 15 May give you a mild ow-
Pro­gram no. on remote control PR3094
* optionally multiple times a day
Program specications
The table below gives information on the frequency, pulse width and preset time of each program. The current pulse in all programs has a symmetrical bi­phase waveform.
Program description Sug-
stimulation sensation
ing stimulation sensation
deeper owing sensation
ing stimulation sensation
gested treat­ment time
30 min.*
30 min.*
30 min.*
30 min.*
Program name
Thorough stimulus
Soft stimulus
Deep stimulus
Radiating Pulse
Continu­ous Burst
Slow kneading
Mild kneading
Deep kneading
Pro­gram no. PR3093
1 1 Con-
2 2 Con-
3 3 Con-
- 4 Con-
- 5 Con-
- 6 Con-
4 7 Burst 100
5 8 Burst 80 Hz,
6 9 Burst 80 Hz,
- 10 Burst 80 Hz,
Pro­gram no. PR3094
Pro­gram type
100 Hz 200µs contin-
40 Hz 200µs contin-
100 Hz 150µs contin-
80 Hz 60µs contin-
80 Hz 150µs contin-
60 Hz 150µs contin-
Hz, 2 Hz
1 Hz
3 Hz
2 Hz
Pulse width
250µs 30 min.
200µs 30 min.
200µs 30 min.
150µs 30 min.
Preset time
Program name
Diffuse Burst
Mixed Frequen­cy
Pulsing massage
Deep massage
Gentle massage
Pro­gram no. PR3093
- 11 Burst 80 Hz,
7 12 Freq.
8 13 Freq.
- 14 Freq.
- 15 Freq.
Pro­gram no. PR3094
Note: With the Wireless TENS Pro (PR3094), healthcare professionals can use the Wireless TENS Pro PC application to create and install additional programs tailored to their patient’s needs as part of a pain­management regimen.
Product overview (Fig. 1)
1 Remote control 2 Display
- A. Home screen symbol
- B. Program screen symbol
- C. Timer screen symbol
- D. Battery symbol
- E. Activity screen symbol
- F. Settings screen symbol
Pro­gram type
2 Hz 8-100 Hz250µs 30 min.
2-8 Hz 250µs 30 min.
2-80 Hz180µs 30 min.
8-80 Hz150µs 30 min.
Pulse width
180µs 30 min.
Preset time
3 Intensity button (PR3093); intensity button for
extension channel (third and fourth electrode) (PR3094)
4 Intensity button for main channel (rst and
second electrode) (PR3094) 5 OK button 6 Selector with up, down, right and left arrows 7 Removable belt clip 8 Battery compar tment cover 9 Extension channel connectors for third and
fourth electrode (PR3094 only) 10 Extension channel cable (PR3094 only) 11 Plug to connect extension channel cable to
TENS units (PR3094 only) 12 On/off button of TENS units 13 TENS units 14 Removable corner piece (PR3094 only) 15 Battery status indicator of TENS units 16 Treatment status indicator of TENS units 17 Adapter 18 Charger 19 Self-adhesive hydrogel electrode
Note: You nd the related picture on the inside of the
front cover.
Preparing for use
Charging the TENS units
To be able to use the device, you rst have to
charge the TENS units. Charging the TENS units takes approx. 3 hours, if the device is at room temperature. When the rechargeable battery is fully
charged, it contains sufcient energy for approx. 8
hours of continuous use under normal operating conditions.
Note: If the rechargeable battery of the TENS units is not fully charged when you start a treatment, the batteries may run out during the treatment. We advise you to always fully charge the TENS units before you start a treatment.
Note: Treatment is not possible when the TENS units are charging.
1 Insert the adapter of the charger in a wall
2 Place the TENS unit with the rechargeable
battery (the one without the on/off button and
the indicators) in the charger.
, The battery status indicator on the other TENS
unit ashes green during charging.
, The battery status indicator stops ashing and is
solid green when the battery is fully charged.
3 Remove the TENS unit from the charger when
the battery is fully charged.
Note: Always disconnect the charger from the mains after use by removing the adapter from the wall socket.
Preparing for treatment with two channels and four electrodes (PR3094 only)
The Wireless TENS pro (PR3094) comes with an extension cable that allows you to connect two extra electrodes. Because the Wireless TENS pro (PR3094) has two channels, its remote control has two intensity buttons, one for each channel.
Preparing for treatment
1 Remove the detachable corner from the TENS
units to make the socket for the extension
cable accessible.
Note: Store the detachable corner for later use.
Caution: Store the detachable corner out of the reach of children.
2 Insert the plug of the extension cable into the
Preparing the remote control
Inserting the batteries in the remote control
1 Remove the belt clip from the remote control,
if it was attached.
2 Slide the battery compartment cover off the
remote control.
3 Put the two AAA 1.5-volt alkaline batteries in
the remote control.
Note: Make sure that the - and + poles point in the direction indicated in the battery compartment.
Note: Remove the batteries if you are not going to use the device for a month or more to prevent battery leakage.
4 Slide the battery compartment cover back
onto the remote control.
5 If you want to wear the remote control
attached to your belt or waistband, reattach
the belt clip to the remote control. You can
also use the remote control without the belt
Locking and unlocking the remote control
The control panel of the remote control locks automatically after some time of inactivity to prevent accidental operation.
1 When you press a key on the remote control,
the screen prompts you to press the OK
button and then the up arrow.
2 Press the OK button to unlock the remote
, The screen prompts you to press the up arrow.
3 Press the up arrow on the selector.
, When you unlock the remote control, you can
use the control panel again.
, When you have inserted new batteries and the
TENS units are switched off, the ‘no connection’ screen appears.
Note: This ‘no connection’ screen may also appear due to other causes (see ‘Error signals on the remote control’ in chapter ‘Signals on the device’).
4 If you want to lock the remote control, hold
down the OK button for 2 seconds.
Note: There is nothing on the display when the remote control is locked.
Tip: Lock the remote control when you have started the treatment. This allows you to wear the remote control attached to your belt or waistband or in a pocket without any risk of unintentionally changing the settings.
Setting the date and time
If you want to use activity monitoring to keep track of your activity and treatment pattern, you have to set the date and time on your remote control.
1 The date and time setting screen opens
automatically on the display, with the date eld
Note: This screen only opens automatically at rst use
and if you replace the batteries more than 24 hours after the batteries ran out. Select the settings screen symbol to change the date and time in all other cases.
2 Press the OK button to be able to change the
date setting.
, The day eld is highlighted.
3 Use the up or down arrow to choose the day
and press the right arrow to go to the month
, The month eld is highlighted.
4 Use the up or down arrow to choose the
month and press the right arrow to go to the
year eld.
, The year eld is highlighted.
5 Use the up or down arrow to choose the year
and press the OK button to conrm the date.
6 Use the down arrow to go to the time setting
7 Press the OK button to be able to change the
time set.
, The time setting screen opens. , The hour eld is highlighted.
8 Use the up or down arrow to choose the hour
and press the right arrow to go to the minutes
, The minutes eld is highlighted.
9 Use the up or down arrow to choose the
minutes and press the OK button to conrm
the time.
10 Use the down arrow to go to the time format
11 Press the OK button to be able to change the
time format.
12 Use the up or down arrow to toggle between
the 24-hour clock and the 12-hour clock. Press
the OK button to conrm your choice.
Using the device
Attaching the electrodes and TENS units
1 Make sure the skin you want to place the
electrodes on looks healthy and is free from
wounds or rashes.
Note: Do not place electrodes on red or inamed
skin and skin with open wounds, cancerous lesions or rashes.
2 Clean the skin with a moist cloth and dry it.
The skin you want to place the electrodes
on must be dry, clean and free from cream or
Note: Dirt, grease or particles left on the skin may lodge themselves in the hydrogel of the electrodes. This has an adverse effect on the adhesive power of the electrodes.
3 Take the electrodes from the plastic bag and
check them for damage and signs of wear. Caution: Do not use electrodes whose use-by
date has expired. The use-by date is shown on the resealable plastic bag.
Note: Replace the electrodes when they are damaged or dirty, when they have lost their adhesive power or when the stimulation becomes uncomfortable, i.e. when you experience an unpleasant stinging or biting sensation.
4 Pull the electrode off the liner and place it on
the skin at the place you want to treat. See
section ‘Electrode placement’ below and the
placement guide at the end of this manual.
5 Place the second electrode on the body part
you want to treat. In the case of PR3094, you
can also place a third and fourth electrode on
the body part you want to treat.
Note: Always place the electrodes on the skin before you connect the TENS units
Note: Do not place the electrodes on top of each other or so close to each other that they touch each other.
6 Attach the TENS units to the electrodes.
The TENS units have magnets in the centre
to ensure easy connection to the metal
connectors of the electrodes. When the TENS
units lock onto the electrodes properly, you
hear a click.
Note: You can wear the electrodes with the TENS units attached to them under your clothes, also during treatment.
Note: During many treatment programs, you can perform all activities allowed as intended use and not warned against in chapter ‘Important’ when you wear the TENS units on your body. You can also continue to wear the TENS units on your body in between treatments.
Note: If you want to treat with four electrodes (PR3094
only), you rst attach the TENS units to two electrodes
and then you attach the connectors of the extension cable to the other two electrodes.
7 Press the on/off button to switch the TENS
units to standby.
, The treatment status indicator on the TENS
units ashes green to indicate that they are in
standby and ready for treatment.
, If you do not start the treatment within 5
minutes, the TENS units switch off automatically.
If this happens, you rst have to press the on/off
button again to start a treatment.
Electrode placement
To receive maximum results from your stimulation, it is important to place the electrodes correctly. Always make sure that you have normal skin sensation in the place you want to treat before you attach the electrodes. The optimal place may vary slightly from person to person, so try moving the electrodes around until you get the most effective results. In some cases it can be helpful to mark the spot for future use. For suggestions regarding placement of the electrodes, see the placement guide at the end of this manual. Please note that you may need assistance to place the electrodes on certain spots on your body. As a rule, the electrodes should be placed on or near the painful area. Stimulation may result in visible muscle contraction in the stimulation area.
This is not harmful, but if you nd these contractions
uncomfortable, move the electrodes to a different place.
Do not place electrodes on your neck or across your chest. Do not place electrodes on red or
inamed skin and skin with open wounds, on
cancerous lesions or rashes.
Start and stop treatment
This is the home screen. On it you see the program, the treatment time and the intensity selected. On the menu bar at the bottom of the screen you see from left to right:
- The home screen symbol: This symbol is highlighted when the home screen is displayed.
- The program screen symbol: Select this symbol to choose a treatment program.
- The timer screen symbol: Select this symbol to set the treatment duration.
- Battery symbol: Select this symbol to check the battery status.
- Activity screen symbol: Select this symbol to select the activity monitor (see section ‘Activity monitoring’ in this chapter).
- Settings screen symbol: Select this symbol to change the date or time (see chapter ‘Preparing for use’ for details on setting the date and time).
Note: The menu bar on the home screen and other screens disappears after a while, but reappears as soon as you push a button.
Selecting a program
1 When you want to select another program
than the default program on the home screen, use the left or right arrow to highlight P for program on the menu bar.
2 Press the OK button to conrm that you want
to change the selected program.
, The program screen opens with the previously
selected program highlighted.
3 Use the up or down arrow to choose a
program and press the OK button to conrm
your choice.
Note: The program selected is saved as default in the memory of the remote control. The next time you use
the device, this is the program that is used. If you want to change the program follow steps 1 to 3 above.
Note: The same program applies to both channels of the Wireless Tens Pro (PR3094).
Setting the duration of a program
1 On the home screen you see the duration that
is selected as default. If you want to change the default duration of the treatment, use the left or right arrow to highlight the timer icon on the menu bar.
Note: When you change the program, the duration is reset to the default duration of that program.
2 Press the OK button to conrm that you want
to change the duration.
, On the timer screen, the default preset duration
is highlighted.
3 Use the up or down arrow to choose the
duration you prefer and press the OK button
to conrm.
- You can set the treatment duration in minutes.
- You can also set the treatment duration to ‘continuous’, the screen shows the continuous symbol on the display instead of the treatment duration in
minutes. If this symbol ashes on the home screen,
the treatment continues until you end it.
Note: The treatment duration selected is saved as default in the memory of the remote control. The next time you use the device, this is the duration setting that is used. If you want to change the duration, follow steps 4 to 6 above.
Note: The same duration applies to both channels of the Wireless TENS Pro (PR3094).
Starting and stopping a treatment (PR3093)
To star t a treatment, you rst have to switch on the
TENS units with the on/off button and then you press the + side of the intensity button to increase the intensity.
1 Press + side of the intensity button to set the
intensity. The intensity always starts to increase from 0 mA. The treatment starts and the timer starts to count down as soon as the intensity is higher than 0 mA. The higher the intensity, the stronger the pulse in the area to which the electrodes are attached.
, Hold down the + side of the intensity button
to increase the intensity constantly and slowly. Release the intensity button when you feel you have found the right level of stimulation.
Note: For Conventional TENS and Frequency-modulated TENS, you should clearly feel the stimulation, but this should not be an unpleasant sensation and should not be painful.
Note: For Burst TENS, you should feel the stimulation strongly, which generally gives a sharper sensation and can feel somewhat unpleasant. It is also advised to adjust the intensity to a level that produces visible muscle contractions in the stimulation area. These contractions are not harmful.
If you nd the contractions too uncomfortable, you can
decrease the intensity, choose a different program or move the electrodes to a different place.
, The intensity level is shown in numbers above
the intensity button. The intensity ranges from 0 mA to 60 mA. The intensity level is shown by the intensity level bar on the right side of the screen. The higher the bar, the higher the intensity.
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