External hard disk SPD5220
Ekstern harddisk SPD5230
User manual 3
Brugervejledning 9

4 What’s in the box?
5 How to connect this external hard disk to
your computer?
5 How to safely disconnect?
6 How to use the One-Click Back-Up button?
6 How to install for Mac
7 Warranty, Environment and Safety
8 Specifications
Important note
To start using the One-Click Back-Up button, first activate the Carry it
Easy software (once onl
hard disk. For instructions and more information, see page 6.
When the computer does not recognize the hard disk (some computers
provide insufficient bus power), we advise you to use the Y-cable supplied together
with this product. For instructions and more information, see page 5.
y) by clicking on the CarryitEasy.exe file located on your

How to connect this external hard disk
on your system?
Plug the wrap around USB cable into an empty
USB port of your computer.
A drive icon, Philips External Hard Disk, appears in
Windows Explorer. (The computer sometimes needs to
be restarted, before you can use the new hardware).
When the computer does not recognize the hard disk
(some computers provide insufficient bus power), we
advise you to use the Y-cable supplied together with this
product. Connect the Y-cable to the USB cable of the
hard disk and plug in the 2 connectors in the free
USB ports of your computer.The black connector is for
data transfer and power, the gray connector is for
additional power only.
How to safely disconnect?
1 Double-click the Safely Remove Hardware icon
in the system tray in the lower right part of the screen.
2 In the window that appears, select the name of the device that is to be removed,
then click the
3 When the Stop a hardware device screen appears, make sure the correct
information is displayed, and then click the
4 When the message Safe to remove hardware appears, remove the drive from
the computer’s USB port.
Stop button.
OK button.