Philips SIC4700-37 User Manual

PC camera
User*s Manual


TTie package comes with the following items:
PC Camera
1. Focus Ring - Manual Focus
2. USB Cable
3. Swivel Mounting Clamp
Installation CD User’s Manual


To avoid installation problems, please install the PC camera software tefora connecting the PC camera to your PC or running the Installation CD.
1. Insert Uie CD-Rom into your CD-Rom drive.
2. To start the software installation, go to the [Start] menu on the Wndows desktop, click [Start]-^ [Run][Browse], select and open the CD-Rom drive, then double click the [setup.ene] file to initiate the installation. The Philips PC Camera Setup wizard will appear, then click Next:
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Follow the instructions on the screen and click Kext to continue:
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4. The screen below will appear If Installation i$ successful. Click Finish to dose the setup wizard.
1, After the software fnstallatFon is complete, you can connect the PC camera to your
computer. The computer will detect the camera device named pCatch (VI) PC camera! ^nd a New Hardware Found Message will appear.
2. The Philips PC Camera so^are will be located on the (Start] menu [Programs]-^ Philips PC camera].
1. The PC camera is now ready to use for net meeting i video conferencing.
2. If the net meeting programs are not included in your Explorer®, download "NetMeeting" from or "Yahoo® Messenger" from http://messenger, or MSN Messenger http://messenger,
Remark: Windows Messenger, YAHOOi Messenger, MSN Messenger, Microsoft NefMeeimg are trademarks belonging to their reajoecf/ve owners.
5. Connect your PC camera and start the net meeting programs. You can see your friends and families if they are on the same net meeting program and have the web camera set up.
Remark: Please check your PQ to determine possible avaiiabiiit/ of a nbcrophone jack If the jack is not avaiiabie. then a USB пжгорЬопо is also an option. If USB ports are aii in use then a hub wiii allow expansion of avaitabie USB ports
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