Philips SHB1300-61 User Manual

SHB1300/61-User Manual(English- Korea)
Back Cover(封底
Bluetooth headset
User m anu al 2
사용 설 명서
Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. or their respective owners. 2006 K oninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. All rights reserved.
Size: 100x135mm
4 Gett in g st ar te d
4 Char gi ng y ou r he adset 4 Pair y ou r he ad se t to your mob il e ph on e 5 Tur n yo ur h eadset on 5 Tur n yo ur h eadset off 5 Conn ec ti ng y ou r Bluet oo th h ea ds et
6 Usin g yo ur h ea ds et
6 Answ er in g in co ming ca ll s 6 Tra ns fe rring cal ls 6 Muti ng t he m ic ro phone 6 Endi ng c al ls 6 Voice d ia li ng 7 Redi al l as t di al ed numb er 7 Reje ct i nc om in g calls 7 Adju st in g sp ea ker vol um e
7 Wea ring your B lu et oo th he adse t
We ar ing opt io ns
8 Troub le sh oo ti ng 8 Spec if ic at io ns 9 Cert if ic at io ns, appro va ls , st atement s
Earphone / Microphone Cable
Earp lu g
Rubb er ear ca ps
Spea ke r
Multi-Function button (S1)
Clip ( S4 )
Neck strap
Slider (S5)
Y-Connector (S6)
DC Socket
Volume up (S2)
Volume down (S3)
Blu eto oth mon o heads et SHB 130 0/61
Congratulations! You have just bought a state-of-the-art Philips Bluetooth headset. With the Philips SHB1300/61 you can enjoy convenient hands-free communication with your Bluetooth enabled phone. This instruction manual will help you to get started quickly and achieve the best performance from your headset.
Getting started
Charging your headse t
Before you use your head set fo r the fi rst ti me cha rge the battery for 6 hours fo r opti mum ba tter y capa city and lifetime.
Use only the original ch arge r (5V) f or cha rging the headset. Using anoth er cha rger m ay dam age or destroy your headset !
Plug the AC adapter into the p ower o utle t and connect the charger ca ble to t he hea dset s DC socket. During recharging th e LED in dica tor wi ll show a steady red light. Char ging i s comp lete d once the LED will switch off. Typically a full charge will t ake 3 ho urs.
The headset LED will fla sh red i nste ad of gr een when the battery is low and you w ill he ar a sho rt bee p every few minutes. Finish yo ur cal l befo re re- char ging as connecting the charg er to th e head set wi ll put your headset in charging mo de and c ould c ut an on going the call. Once the batte ry has r un out o f powe r you cannot power the heads et on un less t he cha rger is connected.
Pair your headset to your mobi le pho ne
Your Bluetooth headset must be paired to your mobi le phone before using it fo r the fi rst ti me with your phone. “ Pairing ” will establi sh a uni que en cryp ted link between your mobile ph one an d your h eadset.
1.Make sure the headset ( HS) is tu rned o ff, charged and d isconne cted f rom th e char ging cable before you s tart pairing.
2.To activate pairing mode press and hold the m ult i fun ction bu tton S1u ntil th e LED s tarts flashing red an d gre en al ter nately. The H S will remain in pairing mode for 4 m inu tes , to resume pairing after 4 minutes repeat the s teps
3.Follow the operating instructi ons f or your mobile phone to start the pairing process.Typically this i nvolves accessing a m enu c all ed “S etu p”, “ Bluetooth” or “C onnectivity”and selectin g the o ption to discover or search for Bluetooth devices.After s everal seconds search time you r pho ne sh oul d ind ica te th at it ha s fou nd th e“P hilips S HB1300/61”
4.Upon selecting t he headset on your mobile p hone typically you wi ll ne ed to
con firm the p air ing a nd en ter a pass key o r PIN. Please enter the headsets PIN “ 000 0” (4 zer os).
The headset LED wi ll flash green every 3 seconds, indicating su ccessful pai ring. If your ph one asks whether you wan t to change the hea dsets na me, you may confirm the “Ph ilips SH B1300/61” na me or change it. You are now ready to talk!
If pairing does no t occur as expec ted turn the headset and phone off an d wait fo r 10 seconds.Turn the headset and ph one on again and re peat St eps 1-4.
Turn y ou r he ad set on
While the he ad se t (H S) i s tu rn ed o ff , pr es s an d ho ld t he m ul ti f un ct io n bu tt on until a gree n LE D si gn al f or 1 s ec on d an d a lo w to ne f ol lo we d by a h igh tone will indic at e th at t he H S is p ow er ed u p. O nc e th e HS i s po we re d up a green LED will fla sh e ve ry 3 s ec on ds .
Turn y ou r he ad set off
While the HS i s po we re d up , pr es s an d ho ld t he m ul ti f un ct io n button S1 for 3 seconds. A hig h to ne f ol lo we d by a lo w to ne will indicate that the H S is powered down . The LED indi ca to r wi ll r em ai n re d until S1 is released.
Con necti ng your B lu etoot h heads et
Pai ring ne ed s to be d on e only on ce for th e initi al s etu p. After t he init ia l pairi ng fol low the se s imp le s teps to c onnec t your Bl uetoo th h eadse t to your mobi le pho ne:
Mak e sure Bl ue too th i s enabl ed on you r mobil e ph one .
Turn o n th e heads et
After a few seconds the connection between your headset and mobile phone will be established. If prompted by your mobile phone whether to accept the connection with the headset please confirm in order to establish the Bluetooth link.You are now ready to talk!
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