Philips SCF330-20 User Manual [en, es, fr]

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Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to Philips AVENT! To fully benet from the support
that Philips AVENT offers, register your product at The Philips AVENT manual breast pump has a unique design that enables you to sit in a more comfortable position while expressing. The soft massage cushion* is designed to feel soft and warm
and imitates your baby’s sucking action to provide fast milk ow - quietly, comfortably and gently. The pump is compact, easy to assemble and all parts are dishwasher-safe and BPA-free. Healthcare professionals say that breast milk is the best nutrition for babies during the rst year, combined with solid food after the rst 6 months. Your breast milk is specially adapted to your
baby’s needs and contains antibodies which help protect your baby against infection and allergies.
A breast pump can help you to breastfeed longer. You can express and store your milk so that your baby can still enjoy the benets of it, even if you cannot be there to provide it yourself. As the pump
is compact and discrete to use, you can take it with you anywhere, allowing you to express milk at your own convenience and maintain your milk supply.
*The cushion included with this pump was designed to comfortably t the majority of mothers.
However, should you need it, you can buy a cushion for larger nipples separately.
General description (Fig. 1)
1 Handle 2 Silicone diaphragm with stem 3 Pump body 4 Massage cushion 5 Cover
6 White valve
7 Philips AVENT natural bottle 8 Cap 9 Screw ring 10 Teat 11 Sealing disc 12 Lid of storage cup (SCF330/12 only) 13 Philips AVENT storage cup (SCF330/12 only) 14 Adapter (SCF330/12 only)
Important safety instructions
Read this user manual carefully before you use the breast pump and save it for future reference.
- This breast pump is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the product by a person responsible for their safety.
- Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the breast pump.
- Inspect the breast pump for signs of damage before each use. Do not use the breast pump if it does not work properly.
- Never use the breast pump while you are pregnant, as pumping can induce labor.
- Never use the breast pump while you are sleepy or drowsy.
- Do not expose the breast pump to extreme heat and do not place it in direct sunlight.
- The breast pump is only intended for repeated use by a single user.
- Never drop or insert any foreign object into any opening.
- Never use any accessories or parts from other manufacturers or that Philips AVENT does not specically recommend. If you use such accessories or parts, your warranty becomes invalid.
- Wash, rinse and sanitize all pump parts before each use.
- Do not use antibacterial or abrasive cleaning agents when you clean breast pump parts.
- Do not continue pumping for more than ve minutes at a time if you do not succeed in expressing any milk.
- If the pressure generated is uncomfortable or causes pain, break the seal between the breast
and the pump body with your nger and remove the pump from your breast.
Preparing for use
Clean and sanitize all parts of the breast pump before rst use as described in chapter ‘Cleaning and sanitizing’. Clean all parts after each subsequent use and sanitize all parts before each subsequent
Assembling the breast pump
Note: Make sure you have cleaned and sanitized all parts of the breast pump. Wash your hands thoroughly before you handle the cleaned parts.
Be careful, the cleaned parts may still be hot.
Tip: You may nd it easier to assemble the breast pump while it is wet.
1 Insert the white valve into the pump body from underneath. Push in the valve as far as
possible (Fig. 2).
2 Screw the pump body clockwise onto the bottle or storage cup until it is securely
xed (Fig. 3).
Note: If you use a storage cup, you have to screw the adapter onto the storage cup rst.
 3  Place the silicone diaphragm with stem into the pump body from above. Make sure it ts 
securely around the rim by pressing down with your ngers to ensure a perfect seal (Fig. 4).
 4  Attach the handle onto the diaphragm with stem by hooking the hole in the handle over the
end of the stem. Push down the handle onto the pump body until it clicks into place (Fig. 5).
5 Place the massage cushion into the funnel-shaped section of the pump body. Push in the inner
part of the massage cushion as far as possible and make sure that it is perfectly sealed all around the rim of the pump body. Press in between the petals to remove any trapped air (Fig. 6).
Note: Place the cover over the massage cushion to keep the breast pump clean while you prepare for
Using the breast pump
When to express milk
It is advisable (unless advised otherwise by your healthcare professional/breastfeeding advisor) to wait until your milk supply and breastfeeding schedule are established (normally at least 2 to 4 weeks after giving birth). Exceptions:
- If you are expressing milk for your baby to be given in hospital.
- If your breasts are engorged (painful or swollen): you can express a small amount of milk before or between feeds to ease the pain and to help your baby latch on more easily.
- If you have sore or cracked nipples, you may wish to express your milk until they are healed.
- If you are separated from your baby and wish to continue to breastfeed when you are reunited, you should express your milk regularly to stimulate your milk supply.
You need to nd the optimum times of the day to express your milk, for example just before or after your baby’s rst feed in the morning when your breasts are full, or after a feed if your baby has
not emptied both breasts. If you have returned to work, you may need to express during a break. Using a breast pump requires practice and it may take several attempts before you succeed. Fortunately, the Philips AVENT manual breast pump is easy to assemble and use so you will soon get used to expressing with it.
- Familiarize yourself with the breast pump and how to operate it before you use it for the rst time.
- Choose a time when you are not in a rush and will not be interrupted.
- A photograph of your baby can help encourage the ‘let-down’ reex.
- Warmth can also help: try to express after a bath or shower, or place a warm cloth or Philips AVENT Thermopad on the breast for a few minutes before you start expressing.
- You may nd it easier to express while your baby is feeding from the other breast, or immediately after a feed.
- If expressing becomes painful, stop and consult your breastfeeding advisor.
Operating the breast pump
1 Wash your hands thoroughly and make sure your breasts are clean.
2  Relax in a comfortable chair (you may wish to use cushions to support your back). Make sure 
you have a glass of water nearby.
 3  Press the assembled breast pump against your breast. Make sure that your nipple is centered,
so that the massage cushion creates an airtight seal.
 4  Gently start to press down the handle until you feel the suction on your breast. Then allow
the handle to return to its resting position.
Note: You do not have to press down the handle fully, only as much as is comfortable. Your milk will soon start owing, even though you are not using all the suction the pump can generate.
5  Repeat step 4 rapidly 5 or 6 times to initiate the ‘let-down’ reex.
6  Adopt a slower rhythm by pressing down the handle and keeping it pressed down for up to 3 
seconds before you let it return to its resting position. Continue in this way while your milk
is owing. If your hand becomes tired, try to use the other hand to operate the breast pump 
or rest your arm across your body to pump from the opposite breast.
Note: Do not worry if your milk does not ow immediately. Relax and continue pumping. Repositioning the breast pump on your breast from time to time can help stimulate milk ow.
Do not continue pumping for more than 5 minutes at a time if you do not succeed in expressing  any milk. Try to express at another time during the day. If the process becomes very 
uncomfortable or painful, stop using the pump and consult your breastfeeding advisor.
7  On average, you need to pump for 10 minutes to express 60-125ml (2-4 oz) of breast milk. 
However, this is just an indication and varies from woman to woman.
8  When you have nished expressing, carefully remove the breast pump from your breast and 
unscrew the bottle or breast milk container from the pump body ready for feeding/storage. Clean the other used parts of the breast pump according to the instructions in the chapter
‘Cleaning and sanitizing’.
Note: If you regularly express more than 125ml per session, you can use a 260ml/9 oz Philips AVENT bottle or 240ml/8 oz Philips AVENT storage cup to prevent overlling and spillage.
After use
Storing breast milk
Only store breast milk collected with a sanitized pump.
Breast milk can be stored in the fridge (not in the door) for up to 48 hours. Expressed milk should
be refrigerated immediately. If you store milk in the fridge to add to during the day, only add milk
that has been expressed into a sanitized bottle or breast milk container. Breast milk can be stored in the freezer for up to three months as long as it is kept in either sanitized bottles tted with a sanitized screw ring and sealing disc or in sanitized storage cups with a sanitized lid. Clearly label the bottle or storage cup with the date and time of expression and use older breast milk rst.
If you intend to feed your baby with the expressed breast milk within 48 hours, you can store the breast milk in the fridge in an assembled Philips AVENT bottle or storage cup:
1 Unscrew the bottle or storage cup and remove it from the pump body.
2  Assemble a sanitized teat and screw ring onto the bottle or storage cup according to the 
separate instructions provided with the bottle or storage cup.
 3  Seal the teat with the dome cap.
- Always refrigerate or freeze expressed milk immediately.
Only store milk collected with a sanitized breast pump in sanitized bottles or sanitized storage cups.
- Never refreeze thawed breast milk.
- Never add fresh breast milk to frozen breast milk.
Feeding your baby expressed breast milk
You can feed your baby with breast milk from Philips AVENT bottles and storage cups: 1 If you use frozen breast milk, let it defrost completely before you heat it.
Note: In case of an emergency, you can defrost the milk in a bowl of hot water.
2 Heat the bottle or storage cup with defrosted or refrigerated breast milk in a bowl of hot water
or in a bottle warmer. 3 Remove the screw ring and sealing disc from the bottle or remove the lid from the storage cup. 4 If you are using a storage cup, screw the adapter ring onto the cup.
5 Screw a sanitized screw ring with sanitized teat onto the bottle or onto the storage cup with
adapter ring.
- Always check the temperature of the milk before you feed it to your baby.
- Always discard any breast milk that is left over at the end of a feed.
- Never heat milk in a microwave, as this can cause uneven heating, which can lead to hot spots in the milk. It may also destroy nutrients in the milk.
- Never immerse a frozen storage cup in boiling water, as this may cause it to crack.
- Never ll a storage cup with boiling water. Let the water cool down for 20 minutes before you pour it into the storage cup.
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