Comfort breast shell set
Comfort and protection
The ultrasoft breast shells are worn inside your bra to protect your nipples from chafing and
to collect leaking breast milk.
Benefits and features:
• Protect sore nipples
• Help ease engorgement
• Collect excess breast milk
Protect sore nipples
Collect excess breast milk

Comfort breast shell set
Specifications Product highlights
Country of origin
What is included
• Ventilated breast shells: 2 pcs
• Non-ventilated breast milk saver shells: 2 pcs
• Ultrasoft backing cushions: 2 pcs
Protect sore nipples
Ventilated shells- protect sore or cracked nipples to help
them heal more quickly. Their gentle pressure helps relieve
engorgement. The holes allow air to circulate.
Collect excess breast milk
Breast milk collection shells (no ho les)- collect ex ce ss b re as t
milk when feeding or using a breast pump.
Issue date 2008-09-04
Version: 4.3.1
12 NC: 0000 000 00000
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