Helps correct inverted nipples
For flat or inverted nipples
2 Niplettes and 2 Breast pads
Simple, effective solution for inverted nipples
Clinically proven results*
The Niplette™ helps moms with flat or inverted nipples to breastfeed.This unique and revolutionary instrument
provides an easy, non surgical and long lasting solution. In a matter of weeks of continued wear, the nipple will stay
Easy and comfortable
A device for flat or inverted nipples
A simple procedure
Additional information
Simple and discreet - suitable for any nipple size
Ideal use before or in the first 6 months of pregnancy
Non-surgical – gentle sucking action
Clini cally proven results

For flat or inverted nipples
Inverted or non-protractile nipples affect up to
10% of women causing psychological distress
and making breast feeding difficult for mother
and baby. The suckling action of the baby
should draw out the nipple. If not, the Niplette™
is a si mple, comfortable solution that can help.
The device makes it possible for women with flat
or inverted nipples to comfortably breastfeed
without the need for
invasive surgery*. It consists of a transparent
nipple mould with a sealing flange, attached to
a valve and a syringe port.
When the use is recommended
Ideally, the Niplette should be used before
pregnancy and be worn in 8-hour periods per
day or night*. If breasts are not too sensitive i t
can also be used in the first six months of
pregnancy to achieve a permanent correction or
after the birth of the baby, for a few minutes
before each feed. The Niplette will suck the
nipple out enabling the baby to latch on easily
and help establish breastfeeding during the first
few days. The permanent cosmetic correction
can then be effected once
breastfeeding is over, i f this is the case the
Niplette can be applied again from time to time.
Gentle sucking action
The cup is held over the nipple areola with one
hand and air is withdrawn using a 5 ml syringe
so that the ni pple can be sucked into it. The
user is in control of the suction and can pull on
the nipple as firmly as comfortable. When the
nipple has been pulled out the user after
carefully separating the syringe from the valve
can continue with their normal activities and
wear the Niplette discreetly i nside the bra. The
Initial usage is encouraged as much as
Proven clinical success
Clinical trials* have been carried out on the
Niplette proved success in achieving a
permanent correction to flat or i nverted nipples,
whether the condition existed since puberty, or
was as a result of breast reduction surgery.
Provided they had not undergone breast surgery,
pregnant women who had been concerned
about breast feeding all went on to
breast feed successfully. A permanent correction
is normally achieved in between one and three
months of continuous use.
Additional information
Niplette will not function once milk flow comes
in fully. However by then baby will have become
used to succesfully latching on to the nipple.
Highlights Specifications
Country of origin
United Kingdom
What is included
Niplette: 2 pcs
Disposable breast pad: 2 pcs
Discreet design
Development stages
Stages: Before Pregnancy, 0 - 6 months,
Breastfeeding initiation phase
Ease of use
Easy concealing under clothing: Push syringe
to release vacuum
Easy to clean
Clean in hot soapy water
© 20 20 Koninklijke Philips N.V.
All Right s reser ved.
Specifications are subject to change
without notice. Trademarks are the
property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or
their respective owners .
Issue date 202 0‑0 5‑28
Version: 17.3.1
12 NC: 8840 152 02 020
EAN: 00 76126 90027 22
www.phili ps.com
Solution for flat nipples: Use gentle suction
Niplette: Polypropylene
Breast pads: Dermatologically tested
* McGeorge, Mr. D, FRCS (Plast), The Niplette : an
instrument for the non-su rgical correction of inverte d
nipples, British Journal of Plastic Surger y (1994) Vol 47,
Pages 46–49
* This se ction contains consumer opinions on the product.
Philips dissociates itself from the contents entered by
consumers in this se ction and consequen tly any
technical information a nd / or advice on the use of the
product included therein are not intende d as official
Philips information.