Newborn Starter Set
Helps settle your baby, especially at night*
Less colic**
Philips AVENT Starter set SCD270/00 includes 2 x 125ml/ 4oz and 2 x 260ml/ 9oz
BPA-Free Feeding Bottles
0% BPA (Bisphenol A Free)
This bottle is made from PES - a BPA-Free material
One piece anti-colic valve system
Allows air into the bottle instead of your baby’s tummy
Supports Breast feeding
Easy to combine breast and bottle feeding
The Philips AVENT Advantage
Completely i nterchangeable across the Philips AVENT range
To fit your baby's growing needs
Five different nipple flow rates are available

Newborn Starter Set
Country of origin
What is included
Classic Bottle 9oz: 2 pcs
Classic Bottle 4oz: 2 pcs
Extra soft Newborn Flow Nipple: 2 (UK
only) pcs
Newborn Pacifier: 1 pcs
Bottle and nipple brush: 1 pcs
Bottle design: Wide neck
Development stages
Stages: 0 - 6 months
* * A clinical study showed th at at two wee ks of age,
babies showe d less fussing than babie s fed with
anothe r bottle. (Study conducted by the Instit ute of
Child Health, London. 200 8.)
* ** A clinical study showed that a t 2 we eks of ag e,
infants fed with a n Avent bottle showe d less fussing
than infa nts fed w ith another leading bottle, especia lly
at night.
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Issue date 2019‑0 5‑ 07
Version: 4.0.1
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