The SAA8115HL is the second generation of integrated circuit applicableinPC video
cameras to convert D1 video signals and analog audio signals to properly formatted
USB packets.
This powerful successor of the SAA8117HL can handle up to 15 fps in VGAformat or
30 fps in CIF format. High snapshot quality is achievable using the SDRAM interface
to an external memory.
It is designed as a back-end of the SAA8112HL (general camera digital
processing IC) and is optimized for use with the TDA8784 to TDA8787 (camera
pre-processing ICs).
■ VGA (progressive mode), CIF and medium resolution (PAL non-interlaced mode)
CCD sensors compliant
■ D1 digital video input (8 bits YUV4:2:2time multiplexed)
■ Internal Pulse Pattern Generator (PPG) dedicated for VGA Panasonic, CIF and
medium resolution Sharp sensors or compatibles, and frame rate selection
■ Frame rate converter
■ SDRAM interface for high quality VGA snapshot (uncompressed 4 :2:2 or
■ Downsampler and scaler (programmable formatter for CIF, QCIF, sub-QCIF, SIF
and QSIF) controlled via SNERT (UART) interface
■ Flexible compression engine controlled via SNERT (UART) interface
■ Selectable output frame rate (up to 15 fps in VGA, up to 30 fps in CIF and QCIF)
■ Video packetizer FIFO
■ I2C-bus interface for communication between the USB protocol hardware and the
external microcontroller
■ Microphone/audio input to USB (microphone supply, controllable gain and ADC)
■ Integrated analog bus driver (ATX)
■ Integrated main oscillator
■ Integrated 5 V power supply and reset circuit including functionalities for
bus-powered USB device
■ Programmable (frequency and duty cycle) switch mode power signal for CCD
Philips Semiconductors
Digital camera USB interface
■ Miscellaneous functions (e.g. power management, PLL for audio frequencies).
■ Low-cost desktop video applications with USB interface.
4.Quick reference data
Table 1:Quick reference data
Measured over full voltage and temperature range
digital supply voltage3.03.33.6V
analog supply voltage3.03.33.6V
analog supply voltage from USB
supply current
DC-DC supply current
input signal levels3.0 V < V
output signal levels3.0 V < V
C31Ohorizontal CCD transfer pulse output
C22Ohorizontal CCD transfer pulse output (FH1)
C13Ohorizontal CCD transfer pulse output (FH2)
C44Ohorizontal CCD transfer pulse output
SHUTTER5Oshutter control output for CCD charge reset
GND16Pground 1 for output buffers
RG8Oreset output for CCD output amplifier gate
FS9Odata sample-and-hold pulse output to TDA8784/87 (SHD)
FCDS10Opreset sample-and-hold pulse output to TDA8784/87
CLK111Opixel clock to TDA8784/87 and SAA8112HL
DCP12Odummy clamp pulse output to TDA8784/87
BCP13Ooptical black clamp pulse output to TDA8784/87
VD14Overtical definition pulse to SAA8112HL
HD15Ohorizontal definition pulse to SAA8112HL
CLK217Odouble pixel clock to SAA8112HL
GND218Pground 2 for output buffers
YUV019Imultiplexed YUV bit0
YUV120Imultiplexed YUV bit1
YUV221Imultiplexed YUV bit2
YUV322Imultiplexed YUV bit3
DGND123Pdigital ground 1 for input buffers, predrivers and for the
YUV425Imultiplexed YUV bit4
YUV526Imultiplexed YUV bit5
YUV627Imultiplexed YUV bit6
YUV728Imultiplexed YUV bit7
DGND229Pdigital ground 2 for input buffers, predrivers and for the
LLC30Iline-locked clock input (delayed CLK2) for YUV-port from
HREF31Ihorizontal reference input for YUV-port from SAA8112HL
VS32Ivertical synchronization input for YUV-port from
RESET33IPower-on reset input (for video processing and PPG)
SNDA34I/Odata input/output for SNERT-interface (communication
Digital camera USB interface
7Psupply voltage 1 for output buffers
16Psupply voltage 2 for output buffers
digital core
24Pdigital supply voltage 1 for input buffers, predrivers and
one part of the digital core
digital core
between SAA8115HL and SAA8112HL)
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Product specificationRev. 04 — 10 August 20005 of 51
SNCL35Iclock input for SNERT-interface (communication between
SAA8115HL and SAA8112HL)
SNRES36Ireset input for SNERT-interface (communication between
SAA8115HL and SAA8112HL)
37Psupply voltage 3 for output buffers
AD438OSDRAM output address bit 4
AD539OSDRAM output address bit 5
AD340OSDRAM output address bit 3
AD241OSDRAM output address bit 2
AD642OSDRAM output address bit 6
AD143OSDRAM output address bit 1
AD744OSDRAM output address bit 7
AD845OSDRAM output address bit 8
AD046OSDRAM output address bit 0
AD947OSDRAM output address bit 9
AD1048OSDRAM output address bit 10
GND349Pground 3 for output buffers
50Psupply voltage 4 for output buffers
CSB51OSDRAM chip select output
RASB52OSDRAM row address strobe output
53Pdigital supply voltage 2 for the switchable digital core
DGND354Pdigital ground 3 for input buffers, predrivers and for the
digital core
CLKEN55OSDRAM clock enable output
CASB56OSDRAM column address strobe output
WEB57OSDRAM write enable output
SDCLK58OSDRAM clock output
DQM59I/OSDRAM data mask enable
DQ860I/OSDRAM data I/O bit 8
DQ761I/OSDRAM data I/O bit 7
DQ962I/OSDRAM data I/O bit 9
DQ663I/OSDRAM data I/O bit 6
DQ564I/OSDRAM data I/O bit 5
DQ1065I/OSDRAM data I/O bit 10
DQ466I/OSDRAM data I/O bit 4
DQ1167I/OSDRAM data I/O bit 11
GND468Pground 4 for output buffers
69Psupply voltage 5 for output buffers
DQ370I/OSDRAM data I/O bit 3
DQ271I/OSDRAM data I/O bit 2
DQ172I/OSDRAM data I/O bit 1
9397 750 07395
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DQ073I/OSDRAM data I/O bit 0
DQ1274I/OSDRAM data I/O bit 12
DQ1375I/OSDRAM data I/O bit 13
DQ1476I/OSDRAM data I/O bit 14
DQ1577I/OSDRAM data I/O bit 15
GND578Pground 5 for output buffers
AGND179Panalog ground 1 for ATX (transceiver)
ATXDP80I/Opositive driver of the differential data pair input/output
ATXDM81I/Onegative driver of the differential data pair input/output
82Panalog supply voltage 1 for ATX
RESERVED183−test pin 1 (should not be used)
84Panalog supply voltage 2 for bandgap (reference)
85Panalog supply voltage 3 for bandgap, comparator and ring
RESERVED286−test pin 2 (should not be used)
3V387I3V3 detector input signal
AGND288Panalog ground 2 for N-switch
RESERVED389−test pin 3 (should not be used)
VBUS190Isupply voltage input 1 from the USB
VBUS291Isupply voltage input 2 from the USB
LXDOWN92OLX coil node output (5 V downconverter)
AGND393Panalog ground 3 for N-switch
LXUP94ILX coil node input (5 V upconverter)
SWITCHED5V95O5 V switched power supply
RESERVED496−test pin 4 (should not be used)
RESERVED597−test pin 5 (should not be used)
GND698Pground 6 for output buffers
UCINT99Ointerrupt output from USB to microcontroller
SUSPEND100 Ocontrol output from USB protocol hardware to
DGND4101 Pdigital ground 4 for input buffers, predrivers and for the
digital core
102 Pdigital supply voltage 3 for input buffers, predrivers and
one part of the digital core
GENPOR103 IPower-on reset input (for USB protocol hardware)
UCPOR104 Ocontrol output from USB protocol hardware to
UCCLK105 Oclock output from USB protocol hardware to
SCL106 Islave I
SDA107 I/Oslave I
C-bus clock input
C-bus data input/output
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SMP108 Oswitch mode power pulse output for CCD supplies
CLOCKON109 Ocontrol output for main oscillator switched on
SNAPSHOT110 Iinput for remote wake-up (snapshot)
SUSPREADYNOT 111 Iinput from microcontroller for SUSPEND mode
TRC112 Ithreshold control input for enabling clock
POR113 O3.3 V supply domain ready indicator output
OFF114 Idisable 5 V switchable supply domain input
M3115 Itest mode control input signal bit 3
M2116 Itest mode control input signal bit 2
M1117 Itest mode control input signal bit 1
M0118 Itest mode control input signal bit 0
AGND4119 Panalog ground 4 for crystal oscillator (48 MHz,
3rd overtone)
XIN120 Ioscillator input
XOUT121 Ooscillator output
122 Panalog supply voltage 4 for crystal oscillator (48 MHz,
3rd overtone)
AGND5123 Panalog ground 5 for PLL
124 Panalog supply voltage 5 for PLL
125 Panalog supply voltage 6 for amplifier and ADC
REF1126 Ireference voltage 1 (used in the ADC)
REF2127 Ireference voltage 2 (used in the ADC)
REF3128 Ireference voltage 3 (used in the amplifier and the ADC)
RESERVED6129 Otest pin 6 (should not be used)
VGAIN130 Ivariable gain amplifier input
LNAOUT131 Olow noise amplifier output
MICIN132 Imicrophone input
MICSUPPLY133 Omicrophone supply output
AGND6134 Panalog ground 6 for amplifier and ADC
B4135 Overtical CCD load pulse output (VH1X)
B3136 Overtical CCD load pulse output (VH3X)
B1137 Overtical CCD load pulse output
B2138 Overtical CCD load pulse output
A1139 Overtical CCD transfer pulse output (V1X)
A2140 Overtical CCD transfer pulse output (V2X)
141 Psupply voltage 6 for output buffers
GND7142 Pground 7 for output buffers
A3143 Overtical CCD transfer pulse output (V3X)
A4144 Overtical CCD transfer pulse output (V4X)
[1] I = input, O = output and P = power supply.
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The video synchronization module is capable of locking to the video signal
implementing a horizontal gate signal HREF (HREF = HIGH when data is valid)and a
VS signal indicating the start of a new video frame.
8.2 Frame rate converter and SDRAM interface
An optional SDRAM (external) can be accessed using the SDRAM interface which is
integrated in the SAA8115HL. Pinning and functionality is based on the NEC
µPD4516161 (16 Mbits) and the NEC µPD4564163 (64 Mbits).
When used, the memory is placed at the video input of the SAA8115HL before
prefilter, scaler and compression engine. At this point only YUV 4 :2:2 formatted
data is available.
The use of the SDRAM is twofold:
Digital camera USB interface
Lowering the frame rate. The memory enables to store one frame of video
accumulated at a specific rate and to read it out at a lower frame rate. For interline
VGA sensors, the input frame rate is either 30 fps or 15 fps. It can be lowered with
a factor of 2, 3, 6, 16 or 32. For CIF or medium resolution PAL, the input frame rate
is only 30 fps
Enhanced snapshot mode. Storage of full size VGA pictures in 4:2:2 format
which can be retrieved upon dedicated software command.
8.3 Video formatter: downsampler and cutter
This block is used to achieve the required output format from the specified sensor
formats (see Figure 3). It works for YUV 4:2:2 only. In RAW mode this block is
by-passed to create a full resolution snapshot.
Horizontally a downsampling from 512 or 640 to either 384, 320, 192 or 160 or from
352 to 176 is necessary. The horizontal downsampling is performed with the use of a
Variable Phase Delay filter (VPD-4). This filter can realize the needed downsample
factors. To avoid aliasing, this module also contains a prefilter which has four modes:
No filter for medium resolution PAL (512 × 288) to CIF (352 × 288) or SIF
(320 × 240)
Prefilter A (3 taps) for VGA (640 × 480) to CIF or SIF, CIF to QCIF (176 × 144) or
QSIF (160 × 120)
Prefilter B (7 taps) for medium resolution PAL to QCIF or QSIF
Prefilter A combined with prefilter B-comb (13 taps) for VGA to QCIF or QSIF.
Prefilter B-comb is similar to prefilter B but inserts extra taps with amplification 0.
The vertical downsampling in PAL mode is from CIF to QCIF only. This is done via a
vertical filter A (3 taps). In VGA mode a 4 taps polyphase filter is applied to scale from
640 × 480 to CIF and QCIF.
9397 750 07395
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From a full size QCIF picture a sub-QCIF (128 × 96) cut can be made. For the
zoomed sub-QCIF format, the origin (upper left corner) is programmable via SNERT
in 13 steps (both horizontally and vertically), so that an electronic pan and tilt is
The incoming 4:2:2 data is vertically filtered to 4:2:0, in order to be sent over
USB, by throwing away colour samples. In the even lines the V-samples are
discarded, in the odd lines the U-samples.
8.4 Compression engine
The compression engine module (see Figure 3) can process VGA, CIF, SIF, QCIF
and QSIF but has optimal performance with CIF resolution (30 fps) and VGA
resolution (5 fps). The algorithm is Philips proprietary. The compression ratio is
continuously programmable by setting the maximum number of bits which can be
used for 4 compressed lines, a so-called band (see Table 4). It is possible to reduce
the YUV input data by scaling down (divide by 2 or divide by 4 operations)
to 7 or 6 bits per sample. For compression with an output rate below 2 bpp (bits per
pixel) it leads to performance improvement.
Digital camera USB interface
For a number of compression ratios, performance is also improved thanks to different
quantization tables which are defined and stored in a ROM. The required table must
be selected via software.
Real time decoding can be done in software on any Pentium™1 platform.
YUV7 to YUV0
Fig 3. The video formatter and compression engine.
Table 4:Data rate performed by compression engine
FormatAdvised data rateMaximum data rate
CIF/SIF2 bpp12 bpp (uncompressed)
QCIF/QSIF6 bppuncompressed
VGA high quality3 bpp4 bpp
VGA1.5 bpp3 bpp
RAW VGA high quality4 bpp4 bpp
1.Pentium — is a trademark of Intel Corp.
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The transfer buffer module (see Figure 4) takes care of a smooth transfer of the data
to the FIFO of the USB. Moreover the transfer buffer can insert inband
synchronization words in the video data stream. This function can be switched on and
off with INBAND_CONTROL in register VP_TR_CONTROL (0x36).
The synchronization words can only be used with non-compressed data stream and
are formatted like 0x00 0xFF 0x<framecounter>7<linecounter>9. (Subscript denotes
the number of bits and the frame counter is circular incrementing).
where C denotes U-data in the even lines (0, 2, 4 etc.) and V-data in the odd lines
(1, 3, 5 etc.).
8.6 USB video FIFO
Digital camera USB interface
The USB video FIFO is programmed via the I2C-bus (see Figure 5). The FIFO is
designed to achievethree different packets containing video on the isochronous USB
channel. Video data is contained in a chain of equally sized USB packets, except for
the last packet of a video frame which is always smaller. The video frames can be
separated from each other by one or more 0-length packets. For low frame rates
(below 10 frames per second) there are always 0-length packets in the stream.
The host can synchronize on the smaller packets for the high frame rates and on the
0-length packets for the low frame rates.
For every mode the FIFO must be adjusted. There are three parameters to program
the video FIFO:
PACKET_SIZE (0x06): this value indicates the length of all packets with video data
except for the last packet of a video frame
FIFO_OFFSET (0x04): this value indicates the number of data in the FIFO before
a new packet will be transmitted over USB
READ_SPACING (0x07): this value indicates the number of 12 MHz clock cycles
between read actions from the FIFO.
Moreover the FIFO is enabled and disabled with FIFO_ACTIVE (0x05).
The write process to the FIFO is controlled by the transfer buffer and not
The read process is executed in the PSIE-MMU and is driven by the USB frame
interval (1 ms). Every frame interval the PSIE-MMU tries to read PACKET_SIZE
bytes from the FIFO. This read process will not be started when a new video frame is
stored in the FIFO and there are less than FIFO_OFFSET bytes written. The read
process stops if the next bytes are of another video frame, or if the read-pointer would
overtake the write-pointer.
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The Programmable Serial Interface Engine (PSIE) and Memory Management
Unit (MMU) is the heart of the USB protocol hardware (see Figure 5). It formats the
actual packets that are transferred to the USB and passes the incoming packets to
the right end-point buffers. These buffers are allocated as part of the USB RAM
The microcontroller communicates via the I2C-bus with the PSIE-MMU. The I2C-bus
protocol distinguishes three register spaces. These spaces are addressed via
different commands. The command is sent to the command address.
Depending on the command it is sent to the PSIE-MMU and/or to the command
interpreter which configures the (de-)mux to open the path to the right register space.
Subsequent write/reads to/from the data address store or retrieve data from the
register space selected by the command.
8.8 ATX interface
The SAA8115HL contains an analog bus driver, called the ATX. It incorporates a
differential and two single-ended receivers and a differential transmitter.
The interface to the bus consists of a differential data pair (ATXDM and ATXDP).
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The SAA8115HL contains a microphone supply and an amplifier circuit composed of
two stages: a Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) and a variable gain amplifier. The LNA has a
fixed gain of 26 dB while the variable gain amplifier can be programmed
between 0 and 30 dB by steps of 2 dB. The gain control can be done via either the
SNERT interface or the I2C-bus interface (see Table 60). The serial interface must be
first selected using bit SIS (see Table 60). The frequency transfer characteristic of the
audio path must be controlled via external high-pass or low-pass filters.
The PLL converts the 48 MHz to 256fs(fs= audio sample frequency). There are three
modes for the PLL to achieve the sample frequencies of 48, 44.1 or 32 kHz
(see Table 5).
The bitstream ADC samples the audio signal. It runs at an oversample rate of
256 times the base sample rate. In the application, the bitstream can be converted to
parallel 16-bit samples. This conversion is programmable with respect to the effective
sample frequency (dropping sample results in a lower effective sample frequency)
and sample resolution. As a result the effective sample rate can be determined.
PI_Address + 10
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Table 5:ADC clock frequencies and sample frequencies
[1] Not supported.
Digital camera USB interface
ADC clock
8.10 Sensor pulse pattern generator
The SAA8115HL incorporates a Pulse Pattern Generator (PPG) function. The PPG
can be used for medium resolution PAL, CIF and VGA CCD-sensors (see Table 6).
Depending on the sensor type, an external inverter driver should be required to
convert the 3.3 V pulses into a voltage suitable for the used CCD-sensor.
The active video size is 512 × 288 for medium resolution PAL, 352 × 288 for CIF and
640 × 480 for VGA. The total H × V size are 685 × 292 for medium resolution PAL/CIF
and 823 × 486 for VGA. It should be noted that additional HD pulses are added
during the vertical blanking interval to reach a total of 312 lines in PAL and CIF modes
and 525 lines in VGA mode as required by the SAA8112HL.
A high level of flexibility is available for the PPG thanks to 19 internal registers (see
Section 9.1.3).
Table 6:Typical SAA8115HL compatible sensors
Sensor typeBrandPart number
PanasonicMN3777PP and MN37771PT
Medium resolution PALSonyICX054, ICX086 and ICX206
SharpLZ2423B and LZ2423H
CIFSharpLZ244D and LZ2547
Other sensorsall the sensors fully compatible with the above mentioned sensors
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USB requires the device to switch power states. The SAA8115HL contains a power
management module since the complete camera may not consume more than
500 µA during the power state called SUSPEND. This requires that even the crystal
oscillator must be switched off. The SAA8115HL is not functional except for some
logic that enables the IC to wake-up the camera. After wake-up of the SAA8115HL
first the clock to the microcontroller is generated and thereafter an interrupt is
generated to wake-up the microcontroller.Therefore the clock of the microcontroller is
generated by the SAA8115HL.
The power management module also sets a flag in register SET_MODE_AND_READ
(PSIE_MMU_STATUS).After a reset the microcontroller should check this register via
the I2C-bus and find the cause of the wake-up.Different causes may require different
start-up routines.
The internal video processing core uses another supply domain which can be
switched off during SUSPEND mode.
The PPG is switched off by setting PPG_RESUME_MODE (0x08) and resetting
PAL_VGA (0x09).
Digital camera USB interface
In non CIF modes the power consumption is reduced by resetting
The SAA8115HL has the feature to autonomously wake-up from SUSPEND mode,
but requires microcontroller interference before going in SUSPEND mode (via the
signal on pin SUSPREADYNOT).
Since the main oscillator of the SAA8115HL is switched off during SUSPEND mode,
precautions are needed to avoid undefined states when the clock is switched on. This
is ensured via the pins CLOCKON and TRC. Pin CLOCKON goes HIGH as soon as
the main oscillator is switched on. The oscillator will need some time to make a stable
48 MHz signal. However, the clock is only passed through to other parts of the
SAA8115HL when the level on pin TRC reaches a certain threshold. The time
needed to reach the threshold can be trimmed with an external RC circuit.
8.12 Power supply
A power supply regulator is integrated in the device. This DC-to-DC converter
transforms the USB supply voltage (range from 4.0 to 5.5 V) into a stable 5 V supply
voltage. This power domain is switchable. The power circuit also generates a reset
signal when the external 3.3 V supply voltage is stable and in range.
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This specification gives an overview of all registers.
The SAA8115HL is partly controlled via SNERT. The frame rate converter, the
SDRAM interface, the video formatter, the compression engine, the PPG, the SMP
and the audio functions are controlled via SNERT. This SNERT interface works
independently from the frame rate and can always be operated in the full frequency
Via SNERT the following registers are accessible (see Table 7).
Table 7:SNERT write registers SAA8115HL
00write register soft reset (see Table 8)
01 to 05write registers Frame Rate Converter (FRC) including the SDRAM interface
06 and 07reserved
08 to 1Awrite registers Pulse Pattern Generator (PPG)
1B to 1Freserved
20 to 38write registers video formatter and compression engine
39 to 3Creserved
3D and 3Ewrite registers Switch Mode Power (SMP)
3Fwrite register audio variable gain amplifier
Digital camera USB interface
9.1.1 General register
Table 8:Detailed description of SNERT general register 0x00
BitSNERT register 00: SOFT_RESET
1compression engine in reset state
0compression engine operating
1formatter engine in reset state
0formatter engine operating
1frame rate converter engine in reset state (by default)
0frame rate converter engine operating
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