In the age of advanced software,computer
graphics and digital video,the venerable floppy
disc has definitely had its day.Did you ever try to
download a website to a floppy disk?
Now Philips presents EasyWrite,the new standard
for writing to CD-RW discs. CD-RW and
DVD+RW drives with EasyWrite ‘on board’
combine the simplicity of a floppy disk,large
storage capacity of CD, and robustness needed for
frequent data interchange and distribution.This
ultimate floppy replacement offers considerable
added value in business and home PCs.
The ‘Floppy’ Replacement

350 times the capacity, same ease-of-use
Have you ever made a business presentation only to find that
the file size is so large that you have to split the file to send it
to your customers? Have you spent hours working on your
laptop in a hotel room only to find you can’t backup that work?
These are typical problems encountered with the average
business PC and they highlight the limitations of the floppy disk.
Even when we added a CD-RW drive to our computer to
benefit from larger storage capacity,we trade convenience for
capacity. CD writing proves to be less than user friendly.Just
formatting a CD-RW disc could take more than half-an-hour,
and that’s if you were lucky enough to have the required
software running properly and that scratches on the CD didn’t
stop you from finishing the job.CD-RW usage for normal
"drag-and-drop" storage is too complex.EasyWrite solves this
problem by enabling the drag-and-drop functionality of the
floppy disk without special software,further reducing the billof-materials for business PCs.With falling prices of drives and
media,EasyWrite is already an attractive 3-in-1 replacement
that frees up a drive bay for additional peripherals and simplifies
the manufacture of new PCs.
Major benefits for end-users,
IT professionals and purchasers
EasyWrite is the affordable floppy replacement and results from
new standards arising from an initiative called Mount Rainier.
The promoters are Philips,Compaq, Microsoft and Sony.Over
40 industry leaders worldwide now endorse the standard.
Philips has been a leader in the development of this initiative
and is one of the first to bring the functionality to the market
By tackling the issues that concerned users and IT departments,
EasyWrite offers immediate benefits for the IT community: