Philips PM3050, PM3055 User Manual

Philips PM3050/3055
With compliments
Helmut Singer Elektronik fon +49 241 155 315 fax +49 241 152 066 Feldchen 16-24 D-52070 Aachen Germany
CAT 8 x 1OCm vlewing area
P31 phosphor 16kV acceleration voltage Parallax-lree graticule with continuously variable illumination Separate LCD lor display 01 menus, settings, status indications .tc. LCD is constantly
easy-tO-read display 01 input signals
Yertlc81 d8f\ectIon
Display mOdesVA, VB. -V., VA +V.. VA -r. Trigger view (PM 3055 only) in any
combination. chopped or alternate
Frequency rH9On.. DC.. >60MHz-3dB (20mV/div...10V/div.) DC.>35MHz -3dB (2tnV/div...10mV/div.) In AC mode. lower-3dB pointis <10Hz
Ai.. time
<7ns (20mV/div...10V/div.) <10ns (2mV/div..10mV/div.)
Max. pulse aberration <1.5sUb. div. peak-to-peak (input pulse
5dil/.. rise time 1 ns)
OefI8ctlon coetfIclent 2mV/div.10V/div in steps of 1, 2, 5
Error limit 3% Continuous control between steps with '>'
flashing in LCD as warning symbol tor uncal, amplitude
Input Imp8d8nce 1 Mn :t20/0//20pF :t2pF Max. rated input voltag8 400V (OC + AC peak)
Dynemlc fange
>:t24div. at.10MHz >8div. at SOMHz
CMRR 100:1 at 1 MHz
Trlg. vlew (PM 3055 onty)
FreQuency response DC... <50 MHz -3<18
(via Ext.. YAo Y.) Oeffection coefficient 100mVI div. vii Ext. input
2mV/div... 10V/dlv. via YAorYe
NTB. MTBI. Alt.. TB. DTB. X-deft (PM 3055)
TB. X-def1. (PM 3050)
Maln timeba.. (MTB) of tlm8b888 (TB) Time coefficient O.5s/div... 50ns/div. in steps of
1.2.5 sequence
Expansion x10 fastest sweep speed 5ns/div. Error limit 3%
Errorlimit total incl. x10 magn. 40/0 Continuous conlrol be1Ween steps with '>'
flashi"g in LCD as warning symbollor u"cal. ;;weep
'iold-olf conti"uously adjustable up to IOx min value
DeI.y time... (OTB) (PM 3055 only) Time coefficient 1 ms/div... SOns/div in s1eps 01
1.2.5 sequence Expansion x10 fastest sweep speed Sns/div.
Errorlimit3% Error limit total incl. x10 magnification 4% Continuous control between steps with '>'
flashing in LCD as warning symbol lor uncal
Trace separation> :t4div DTB shirt only
O.IIY ttmebl" multiplier (OlM)
(PM 3055 only)
Resolution 1 10000 Error limit total 4% (In x 10 magn) Delay time jitter 1 >20000
lI1ggering (MTB orTS) Trig. modes: Auto (free run), Trig., Single Trig. source: A, B. Composite (A, B), Ext. (DC or
AC), Une
LCD indicates 'Not triggered', 'Triggered' or
'Armed' status
~~ coupling: Peak-ta-peak (p.P), DC, TVL.
~lvg8ftng (DTB) (PM 3055 only)
Starts. A, Bo Composite (A. B), Ext. TVL (only if MTB TVF selected)
MTB end DTB Tr19.
SOMHz 100MHz TVF/TVL Level range Siopepos.( ).or (+)orneg. (-)
X-DEFLECTION Deflection coefficient: via channel A or B 2mV/div..10V/div. via Ext. input 100mV/div.
FreQ. response DC...2MHz Error limit 5% Phase shilt <3" (at 100kHz) Ext. inpyt t MO :t2%//2apF :t2pF Max. input voltage 4OOV (DC + AC peak)
PoweR SUPPLY Safety requirements me.. following specifi~tions: IEC 348 Clu. I, UL 12«.
CSA556B. VDE 0411
AC nominal voltage 100...240V
DC nominal voItage 145...335V Une frequency SO:.. 400Hz Power consumption (AC eourC8) max. 5OW
MISCELLANEOUS Ca/. output 12V:t1 %, frequency 2kHz
Zmodulation inputTTL-compatible, >2.0'1 blanks display,
<O.8V max. intensity, analog controt
possible between 2.0V and O.8V
MECHANICAL DATA Width 387mm (15.2-;n.) incl. handle
Length 518mm (204-i~.) incl. handle. .
Heighl 146.5mm (5.8-in.) incl. te..
'Nelgnt approx. 75kg (16.5Ib) excl
Int. Ext. 05div 50mV 1 div. 150mV 2div. 500mV 0 7div. sync. 70mVsync.
%8div. :tSOOmV
neg( ),TVForTVLpos.
350mm (13.8-ln.) excl. handle excl. knobs
433.5mm (17.1-in.) excl. halidle and knobs
530.5mm (20.9-in) Incl. handle andknobs
455.6mm (179-in.) excl. handle. incl. Mobs
134.5mm (5.3-in.) .xcl. feet
132.5mm (5.2-in.) excl.lower
cablnet access.
ratedrangeofuse +10"...+4O"C
limited range of
operation 0"..+50"C storage -40"..+75"C Attitude:
operating 4 SOOm (15.0000.) transport 12000m(40000ft.)
EMI Meetsrequirementsof
MtL-STD-461 ClassB. VDE687andVDE0875
Grenzwertklasse B
StIIIdnmodell PM 3050 (single time b..e)
PM 30S2 (Single time bue rack mount-factory inst8t1ed)
~i.~': PM~(d~t~~)
r ' PM30S7(dualtimeblle
c rack mount-factory
INSTAUMENTOPTtOMS option 1\: P7 phosphor option 70: V-output option 74: Sweep + gate output (PM 3050/52)
Note: Combinations 01 options Ire ~ib/e. but if op­tions 70'lId option 74.,. combined. s-ep output will
not oe includ,d.
Service manual: 4822872 OSa09 (PM 3050)
MT8 Sweep + MT8 gate + DT8 gate output
(PM 305S/S7)
482287205311 (PM 3055)
003 Standard North America 120V/15 A, 80Hz
004 UK
005 Switzertand 008 Australia
240V/13A.50HZ 220V/10A. 50 Hz
Orderlng example ~.J2 ~
Dual time base rack mount Y out "'standard
line cord
(Optiona' accessofias a,. IIsted on tha ~vlou. paga.)