Philips pe1642 User Manual

Cholceof400Wor 1000Wcspelty ',~,-
Philips 
PE 1642 / PE 1644 ....
Adjustable constant vo/tage/current operation wlth automatlc crossover and vlsual
LED Indlcatlon Systems facilities: remote contral, senslng, master/slave, Separate volt and ammeters
Built-in over-voltage protection MTBF of 50 000 operating hours
These 400W and 1000W power supplles use the thyristor, pre-regulation technique and a unique design feature that increases efficiency and reliability whilst reducing tost. They are ideal for both laboratory and OEM applications, having comprehensive
systems facilities. Separate volt and am-
meters. coarse and fine potentiometers. bright LED displays tor mode indication and automatic indication of crossover also make the units simple and convenient to use. The comprehensive over-voltage and over-
load protection is standard.
Systems facilities
Simple jumper connections are made to
provide the required system facilities.
These cover remote sensing, operation in series or parallel. master/slave operation
plus remote programming of both voltage and current outputs.
High efficiency
The units employ the standard anti-surge
choke on the prlmary, not secondary side of the mains transformer. This way the mains supply makes up the losses directly. instead of having them compounded via the transformer. The overall result is a lighter,
more compact design with greater reliability. lower price.
Ultra retlable
The high MTBF figure of 50 000 operating
hours in the result of many factors: experi- ence, Philips being the leading European power supply manufacturer; research, into components and connection techniques, which in turn is backed by extensive quality control facilities and finally, conservative,
worst-case designs, wh ich ensure that under normal operating conditions there is considerable reserve in the Philips specifi­cation.
Stable outputs All units feature very stable outputs with
high resolution and low ripple. They can work on a variety of line supplies and can
cope with mains variations of up to 10%.
ASACONSTANTVOLTAGESOURCE PE 1842 PE 1844 PE 1646 PE 1848 PE 1M3 PE 1M5 PE 1647 PE 1649 Outputvoltege
Continously adjusted wittl coarse andf­potentiometer between: 0., :8f/
R88OIution 0 """"V
SIabItIty 8g8in" me-V8r8IIonI .co ~
With I1IIins voItage variations of + or - ~ . "~J';
400Weeri.. 1000w..,iea
Ihemax.changeollheOUipulvoliageia: .. t.;!
St8bi8y8g8Ift8tloadV8rl8tloft8 ic(! Wilh Ioad variations of 0...100% the mlX..~ ;'
01 the OUtput voltage is:
InI8m8I"""'nce dyn8Inlc i"
ForsirnJsoIdalloadvariationsfrom80~to1OO% '.i ollulikladatfrequencies.vpto25OkHz~uniI ";'c
willh_1hefollowjngintemalres~ ?"~':
1kHz O. e""c".. - ~..
10kHz 8:81 OJfi : O.M""""~;' C~... o;eso " -0.1. ,.' ~..;,
1OOIcHz ,'.. 250kHz
R IppleYolt8ge
The RMS value 01 the rippievoltage will be:
This is valid for anyinputvoimge betwe."
90% and 110%nominalandforanyloedbetween no.loadandfuUload
The tempelature coefficIefItfor.any ambient
tempelBture variation in a~ngeof0-4O"C will be:
For a sudden.increaseffam50% load to maximum load orloracorresponding decrement. the recovery1ime is:
Output ~ The output current is continuously adju.-ble in onerangebymeans ofa coarse and 1-
potentiometer between: Reeolution
Stebllfty 898ln" malnsV8r1ltione
With mains voltage variations of + or -10% the max. changeoltheWtputcurrent ja;
StIbIlliy IgaIn8IloadvMt8tioft8 With load variations 01 0...100% the max. ctl8nge
01 Ihe output current is: Ripple cunent
In eIl circumstances the RMSvllueJ>ltheripple currentwillbe:
Temperature coefft
Wlthtempe~tureva .
0...400cthetempe~t 01 Ihe OU1ptit current ja:
. Whichever is Ihe greater
. .
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