Philips MCW770 Installation Guide

Wireless PC Link Micro
Custom Installation
Manual installation of the driver for the wireless USB adapter, the Philips Media Manager software and the network setup ___________ 2 Installation of an additional audio system or recovery if audio system PC link settings are lost ________ 3–4 Installation of an additional PC server or recovery of PC link settings on your PC __________________ 4–5 Integration of MC W770 into an existing (home) network _______ 6–9
Network utilities _______________ 10–13
Check connection ______________10 Change of USB port using the MC W770 _________________ 10–11
Change of the wireless channel Using a different wireless network adapter ______________________ 14–19
Custom Installation Wireless PC link
Custom installation
Beside the Quick installation there are also Custom installation menus for setting up more complex configurations.
Please use this kind of installation only if you are experienced in setting up networks with additional options:
– Integration of MC
W770 into an existing network
– Add an additional
audio system
– Add an additional PC server
Manual installation of the driver for the wireless USB adapter,the Philips Media Manager software and the network setup
These 3 installation steps perform the same functionality and have the same behaviour as the quick installation (see “Quick installation”) in a single piece, except for the following additional window, which will appear during the network setup:
Do not select Do not
perform automatic setup for this type of
installation as this is necessary only to integrate the MC W770 into an existing network as described later. Just click on Next to proceed.
Wireless PC link Custom Installation
Installation of an additional audio system or recovery if audio system PC link settings are lost
If you want to add an additional MC W770 or an equivalent audio system into your existing MC W770 network, you can connect them to the same PC server without changing the settings of the current PC link installation.This procedure can also be used when the PC link settings have been lost on the audio set.
1 Select Add additional Audio System in the Custom Installation menu and click on Install. 2 The PC checks the
PC link configuration and the following window appears:
Click on Next to continue.
3 After some time the
following window will appear:
Custom Installation Wireless PC link
4 Press PC LINK A on the additional audio system for at least 5 seconds until INSTALLING is
scrolled on the set.
The set searches for a connection to the PC.This can require up to about a minute. When
the connection is established, Next is activated.
Note: If the additional audio system is not an MC W770, please look at the user manual of the device on how to enter the installation mode.
Click on Next.
5 The installation steps
will be executed automatically by the PC. Afterwards PC
displayed on the set and the following window will appear:
Click on Exit and the installation is finished.
Installation of an additional PC server or recovery of PC link settings on your PC
If you want to use your MC W770(s) together with more than one PC, you have to install the Philips Media Manager Software and the PC link setting on your PC. A wireless USB adapter is required. If you want to use a different network adapter as bypacked with the MC W770 proceed according to chapter “Using a different wireless network adapter” (Please note that a proper function cannot be guaranteed by using a different network adapter).This procedure can also be used when your PC link settings on your PC are lost or destroyed.
If you use the bypacked wireless USB adapter proceed as follows:
1 Enter the Custom installation menu on PC side, select Add New PC server and click on
You will be asked if you want to install the driver for the wireless USB adapter.
2 If the driver is not installed and you want to use it: Click on Ye s .
The drivers will be installed and the PC has to be rebooted.
If the wireless USB adapter is already installed: Click on No.
Wireless PC link Custom Installation
3 If you have clicked on
No or the driver
installation is finished, the Philips Media Manager Software will be installed.Then the PC is rebooted and PC configurations are checked. Finally the following window will appear:
4 Press PC LINK A on the audio system for at least 5 seconds until INSTALLING is scrolled on
the set.
The set searches for a connection to the PC.This can require up to about a minute. When
the connection is established, Next is activated. Click on
5 The following
window will appear:
Click on Exit and the installation is finished.
Custom Installation Wireless PC link
Integration of MC W770 into an existing (home) network
You can also install the MC W770 in any other, perhaps existing network, which is compliant to the Wi-Fi or IEEE802.11b,g rules. Please use this kind of installation only if you are
experienced in handling wireless networks and experienced in setting up these networks! In general there are 2 types of network modes: ad-hoc mode (used for direct
connections to PC’s) and infrastructure mode (used when you have accesspoint(s) in your network). Both modes are supported.
Before starting this installation process:
– There should be a PC in the network having the dedicated Philips Media Manager Software
installed.Therefore install the Philips Media Manager software from the installation CD only.
– The wireless USB adapter has to be already installed and connected on the PC you use for
–You should have the
wireless settings for your network like SSID and WEP keys available.
1 Insert the installation
disc.The installation guide will appear automatically. If it does not, start the installation manually by running setup_.exe from the installation CD. Follow the installation process until the following window appears:
Select Custom
Installation and click on Install.
2 The following window
Select Setup Network and click again on Install.
Wireless PC link Custom Installation
3 The PC checks the
PC link configuration and, depending on the PC configuration, the following window will appear:
Following the procedure will not change your PC link settings. Click on Next.
4 The following
window appears:
Tick the option Do not
perform automatic setup and then click on Next.
Custom Installation Wireless PC link
5 The installation
procedure configures your network settings. Afterwards the following window appears:
6 Press PC LINK A on your MC W770 for at least 5 seconds until INSTALLING is scrolled on
the set.
The set searches for a connection to the PC.This can require up to about a minute. When
the connection is established, Next is activated.Click on Next.
7 The PC will read out
the network configurations.The following window will appear.
Select a network configuration, in the best case an empty one (“”). You should not select STANDARD. Up to 5 network configurations are possible. In case all network configurations are used already, select one that you don’t use anymore. Click on edit.
Wireless PC link Custom Installation
8 If you have selected
edit, the following
window appears.
Enter your wireless settings and click on OK.Then click on Save in the previous window.
It is recommended to use WEP keys encryption for network security reasons.
Note:The active network you have to select from the MCW770 (refer to the chapter ‘How to select another network’)
9 The new network
configurations are stored in the MC W770 and the wireless settings on your PC are reconfigured. Afterwards the following window appears:
The installation is finished, click on Exit to leave the installation programme.
10 Your MC W770 is now able to connect to your network. Please note that music can only be
played from PCs in the same network having the dedicated Philips Media Manager Software installed.
Wireless PC link
Network utilities
Check connection
Perform a quick check of your wireless PC link connection.
Change of USB port using the MC W770
The installation of the MC W770 is optimised for the USB port used during installation. Therefore the supplied wireless USB adapter should be connected only to this specific USB port.
Changing the USB port can have the following disadvantages (Windows XP, 2000 and newer): – Connecting MC W770 to your PC can require up to 2 minutes – In some cases a new installation of wireless USB adapter driver can be necessary
If you nevertheless want to change the USB port (e.g. because you are using a USB hub), proceed as described below.
1 Connect the wireless USB adapter to the new USB port.
Windows will recognise it and will load the appropriate drivers. Windows may display a
warning that the driver is not approved by Microsoft (message differs with Windows version). Ignore the message and continue with the installation.
If the correct driver is not found, cancel and use Installation of the wireless USB adapter in Custom installation first.
2 Enter Network
Utilities, select Install different USB port and click on Start.
The configuration on
PC side is checked and, depending on the PC configuration, the following window will appear:
Click on Next to continue.
Wireless PC link
3 The network settings
are reconfigured and the following window will appear:
4 Press PC LINK A on your MC W770 for at least 5 seconds until INSTALLING is scrolled on
the set.
The set searches for a connection to the PC.This can require up to about a minute. When
the connection is established, Next is activated.Click on Next.
5 The PC will connect
to your MC W770 and read out the presets and update your installation.The following window will appear:
Click on Exit and the installation is finished.
Wireless PC link
Change of the wireless channel
The wireless PC link uses the worldwide standardised so-called 2.4GHz ISM band.The wireless PC link can use different transmission channels and it might be necessary to change to another channel in order to optimise link quality.
1 Enter Network Utilities, select Change transmission channel and click on Start. 2 The configuration on
PC side is checked and the following window will appear:
Click on Next to confirm.
3 The settings are
reconfigured and the following window will appear:
Wireless PC link
4 Press PC LINK A on your MC W770 for at least 5 seconds until INSTALLING is scrolled on
the set.
The set searches for a connection to the PC.This can require up to about a minute. When
the connection is established, Next is activated. Click on Next.
5 The following
window for selecting a channel will appear:
Select a random channel.We recommend using channel 1, 6, or 11. In any case the new selected channel should be different from the current setting.
Click on Save to confirm.
6 The network settings
are changed and the following window will appear:
Click on Exit and the installation is finished.
Wireless PC link
Using a different wireless network adapter
The following steps describe how you can use a wireless network adapter different to the one bypacked with the MC W770 to set up the MC W770 with that adapter.Your network adapter should be installed already, connected to the PC and ready for wireless function. Nevertheless please note that a proper function cannot be guaranteed by using a different network adapter.
1 Insert the installation disc into the CD-ROM drive of your PC.
The installation guide
will appear automatically. If it does not, start the installation manually by running setup_.exe from the installation CD. Follow the installation process until the following window appears:
Select Custom Installation and click on Install.
2 The following window
Select Setup Network and click on Install again.
Wireless PC link
3 The network setup
programme starts. This will first look for the installed wireless USB adapter which was delivered with the set. If this adapter is not found, the following window appears:
4 You have to set up the installation network for the MC W770 with your network adapter.The
installation network has the following parameter: SSID:W770-INST-PHAS Channel: 5 WEP: off AD-HOC mode Use the utility of your network adapter to set up these settings.
Note: Before setting up your network adapter to the MC W770 installation network, you might write down the current network settings used by your adapter, which you will probably want to use for MC W770 as network settings in normal operation.
5 Further settings have to be made in Windows Network configuration setup. Select Windows
Start/Settings/Network Connections.
6 The overview of your network adapter appears.
Wireless PC link
7 Set in the
Properties window
of your network adapter the option
Obtain an IP address automatically.
Click on OK.
In Windows XP:
under Properties select the Wireless
Networks tab and deselect the option Use Windows to configure my wireless network settings.
Click on OK.
8 Your wireless network adapter is now ready for installation with the MC W770.With the utility
software of your wireless adapter you might check once more if the correct installation network with the correct network parameter is set up and activated.
9 Now you have to activate the Expert Install mode on your MC W770. Press PC LINK A on
your MC W770 to select the PC as source.
Wireless PC link
10 Press PC LINK A on your MC W770 for at least 5 seconds until INSTALLING is scrolled on
the set.
11 Press HOME on your MC W770 for at least 2 seconds until EXPERT INSTALL is scrolled on
the set.
12 Click on Next in the
network setup programme on your PC.
13 The network setup
programme now searches for the MC W770 and reads out the current network configurations from your set.The following window will appear.
Select a network configuration you want to change, in the best case an empty one (“”). You should not change
STANDARD. Click on edit.
Wireless PC link
14 The following
window appears.
Enter the network parameter of your network and click on OK.Then click on Save in the previous window.
It is recommended to use WEP keys encryption for network security reasons.
15 The following
window appears:
The network parameter will be transferred now to the MC W770 and stored as one network configuration in the set.
Wireless PC link
16 The new network
settings are stored in the MC W770 and ready for using in normal operation of the set.The following window appears:
Click on Exit to close the network setup programme on the PC.
17 The MC W770 will automatically exit the Expert Install mode and will go into normal
operation. It will setup a network for normal operation.
18 Now you have to set up your PC wireless adapter to the network which has just been stored
to the MC W770, so both can connect in normal mode too (the wireless adapter is still set up for Expert Install mode). To do this, use your wireless adapters utility software again. For correct function, the IP address of the PC has to be set properly too.
19 On PC installation software press Next/Next/Finish to exit the PC installation.
20 Please do not forget that for successful operation the Philips Media Manager Software has to be
set up too and operate on a PC which is part of the network you have just set up.
If more than one network configuration is stored into the MC W770, you might select the one which has just been set up (see How to select another network in chapter “PC link function”). Otherwise (one network configuration stored into the MC W770) the audio set will connect to network/PC and your PC link is fully operational.
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