Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding
EN 15LC4.2E AA 5.
communicate (read and write) to devices on the I2C
busses of the TV-set.
• Manually (by asking questions to you): Automatic
diagnosis is only possible if the micro controller of the
television is working correctly and only to a certain extend.
When this is not the case, ComPair will guide you through
the faultfinding tree by asking you questions (e.g. Does the
screen give a picture? Click on the correct answer: YES /
NO) and showing you examples (e.g. Measure test-point I7
and click on the correct waveform you see on the
oscilloscope). You can answer by clicking on a link (e.g.
text or a waveform picture) that will bring you to the next
step in the faultfinding process.
By a combination of automatic diagnostics and an interactive
question / answer procedure, ComPair will enable you to find
most problems in a fast and effective way.
Beside fault finding, ComPair provides some additional
features like:
• Up- or downloading of pre-sets.
• Managing of pre-set lists.
• If both ComPair and SearchMan (Electronic Service
Manual) are installed, all the schematics and the PWBs of
the set are available by clicking on the appropriate
hyperlink. Example: Measure the DC-voltage on capacitor
C2568 (Schematic/Panel) at the Mono-carrier.
– Click on the 'Panel' hyperlink to automatically show the
PWB with a highlighted capacitor C2568.
– Click on the 'Schematic' hyperlink to automatically
show the position of the highlighted capacitor.
5.4.3 How To Connect
1. First, install the ComPair Browser software (see the Quick
Reference Card for installation instructions).
2. Connect the RS232 interface cable between a free serial
(COM) port of your PC and the PC connector (marked with
'PC') of the ComPair interface.
3. Connect the mains adapter to the supply connector
(marked with 'POWER 9V DC') of the ComPair interface.
4. Switch the ComPair interface “off”.
5. Switch the television set “off” with the mains switch.
6. Connect the ComPair interface cable with the connector on
the rear side of the ComPair interface (marked with 'I2C')
and the additional ComPair interface cable. Connect the
other side of the additional ComPair interface cable with
the ComPair (or Service) connector at the rear side of the
7. Plug the mains adapter in a mains outlet, and switch the
interface “on”. The green and red LEDs light up together.
The red LED extinguishes after approx. 1 second while the
green LED remains lit.
8. Start the ComPair program and read the 'Introduction'
Figure 5-5 ComPair Interface connection
5.4.4 How To Order
ComPair order codes (EU/AP/LATAM):
• Starter kit ComPair32/SearchMan32 software and
ComPair interface (excl. transformer): 3122 785 90450.
• ComPair interface (excluding transformer):
4822 727 21631.
• Starter kit ComPair32 software (registration version): 3122
785 60040.
• Starter kit SearchMan32 software: 3122 785 60050.
• ComPair32 CD (update): 3122 785 60070 (year 2002,
3122 785 60110 (year 2003).
• SearchMan32 CD (update): 3122 785 60080 (year 2002),
3122 785 60120 (year 2003), 3122 785 60130 (year 2004).
• ComPair interface cable: 3122 785 90004.
• ComPair firmware upgrade IC: 3122 785 90510.
• Transformer (non-UK): 4822 727 21632.
• Transformer UK: 4822 727 21633.
• Additional ComPair interface cable: 3139 131 0379.
Note: If you encounter any problems, contact your local
support desk.
5.5 Error Codes
The error code buffer contains all errors detected since the last
time the buffer was erased. The buffer is written from left to
right. When an error occurs that is not yet in the error code
buffer, it is displayed at the left side and all other errors shift one
position to the right.
5.5.1 How To Read The Error Buffer
You can read the error buffer in 3 ways:
• On screen via the SAM (if you have a picture).
– ERROR: 0 0 0 0 0 : No errors detected
– ERROR: 6 0 0 0 0 : Error code 6 is the last and only
detected error
– ERROR: 9 6 0 0 0 : Error code 6 was detected first and
error code 9 is the last detected (newest) error
• Via the blinking LED procedure (when you have no
picture). See “The Blinking LED Procedure”.
• Via ComPair.
5.5.2 How To Clear The Error Buffer
The error code buffer is cleared in the following cases:
• By using the CLEAR command in the SAM menu:
– To enter SAM, press the following key sequence on the
remote control transmitter: “062596” directly followed
by the OSD/STATUS button (do not allow the display
to time out between entries while keying the
– Make sure the menu item CLEAR is highlighted. Use
the MENU UP/DOWN buttons, if necessary.
– Press the MENU RIGHT button to clear the error
buffer. The text on the right side of the “CLEAR” line will
change from “CLEAR?” to “CLEARED”
• If the contents of the error buffer have not changed for 50
hours, the error buffer resets automatically.
Note: If you exit SAM by disconnecting the mains from the
television set, the error buffer is not reset.
5.5.3 Error Codes
In case of non-intermittent faults, write down the errors present
in the error buffer and clear the error buffer before you begin
the repair. This ensures that old error codes are no longer