Philips KWR101802 User Manual

Remote Control with QWERTY KB
User Manual
DocID: URS-DualFace_KWR-CMK01 Date: 2011-01-16 Version: 0.1 Status: Draft Author: Che Mun Kiat
Philips Electronics Singapore Pte. Ltd BU P&A, Category Home AV Accessories
Please communicate any comments to:
Philips Consumer Lifestyle Category Home AV Accessories 620A, Lorong 1 Toa Payoh Singapore 319762 Tel: 6882 3313
ۥ Table of contents
1. Introduction 4
1.1 Purpose of this document 4
1.2 Edition history 4
1.3 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations 4
2. General product description 5
2.1 Product perspective 5
2.2 Product functions overview 5
2.3 Remote Control 6
2.4 QWERTY Keyboard Control 7
2.5 Using Capital Characters 7
2.6 Using Special Characters 7
2.7 QWERTY Keyboard key lock 7
2.8 Other special keyboard feature 8
2.9 Mouse Cursor Control 9
2.10 Indicator light behaviour 11
2.11 Wireless link pairing 11
3. Approbation Regulations 12
€‚ Introduction
€ƒ Purpose of this document
The purpose of this document is to define and describe the UI, function and feature requirements of KWR.
€„ Edition history
VersionStatus Date Author Modification(s)
0.1 Draft 16-Jan-11 CMK Initial version
€… Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations
UI User Interface
IR Infra Red
IP Internet Protocol
STB Set Top Box
OTT Over The Top
RAM Random Access Memory
MCU Micro Controller Unit
LED Light Emitting Diode
OTS Off The Shelf
RC Remote Control
SRS Software Requirements Specification
OS Operating System
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
BT Bluetooth
RF Radio Frequency
KWR Remote control with QWERTY KB
۠ General product description
€‡ Product perspective
Remote control with QWERTY KB works with modern Internet Enabled Devices in the living room including Internet Enabled TV, STB, OTT, Living room PC, and etc.
€ˆ Product functions overview
KWR consist of 3 main functions:
- Remote control:
- Mouse cursor control:
- QWERTY KB for text entry:
Universal IR database and IR learning is also supported, but an optional feature. 5 essential TV functions supported in universal IR or Learn IR: TV Power, TV AV input, TV Vol +, TV Vol – and TV Mute.
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