Philips IFU re-Flashing Mace/Dasp Service Manual

CDR 570 / CDR 930
CDR770 / CDR771
CDR775 / CDR776 / CDR777 / CDR778
CDR950 / CDR779
FW-R7 / FW-R8
CDR – Reflash
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System requirement
1. PC AT
2. Windows 95
3. Two serial connection cables RS232(M/F)
1. Interface board(3122 785 90200)
2. Adapter cable included with 3122 785 90200 for communication with CDR module
3. 5 fold connection cable between interface board connector 1015 and solder islands for
Mace download connection. (not a normal service part)
4. Software package(cdrflash.exe)
With the interface board 3122 785 90200 you can also update the third generation CD­Recorder. Two procedures have to run for updating MACE- and DASP-flash ICs. These procedures are described in chapter “Flashing the DASP” and chapter “Flashing the MACE”
Setting up the PC
1) COM ports
To get the right settings for the communication ports do the following:
Open with Start Settings Control Panel the window Ports. Select a port and click the Settings button. Change the settings in:
Settings for COM1 and COM2:
Baud Rate : 19200 Data Bits : 8 Parity : None Stop Bits : 1 Flow Control : None
For the communication with the DASP we are using PC ports COM1 and COM2. In this case connect COM1 with connector 1010 (also used for Compair communication) and COM2 with connector 1011 on the interface board 3122 785 90200. For the MACE communication we are using also COM2. Therefore connect then COM2 with connector 1014 on the interface board 3122 785 90200. In case your PC has 3 com ports COM3 can be applied. Settings for COM3 should then be as COM2. Does your PC have only 2 (two) com ports then the connection from COM2 has to be changed after the downloading of the DASP and make the connection for MACE.
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2) Software Installation
Start cdrflash.exe from CD-ROM or temp directory and follow the instructions on your desktop.
Preparation and using the tool
1. Take always the necessary ESD prevention.
2. Always check if the tool (and set) has been powered down before connecting or
3. Start the service program from your CD-Recorder.
Press <<PLAY/PAUSE + FFWD>> simultaneously and switch on the unit. On the display you can see the recorder information
Player Identity
SW version DASP
SW version MACE
For CDR 570; CDR 930; CDR770; CDR771; CDR775; CDR776; CDR777; CDR778; CDR950 and CDR779 this should read 1.56 and 92.11. In case of lower SW versions update is requested. Apply files “CDR99_R1_56.dwn” and Engine92_11.cvt For CDR785; FW-R7 and FW-R8 this should read 0.31 and 92.11. In case of lower SW versions update is requested. Apply files “CDR99_R0_31.dwn” and “Engine92_11.cvt”
These mentioned download files have been installed after cdrflash.exe on c:\CDR Download. The Mace file (Engine92_11.cvt) in subdirectory Mace and the Dasp files
CDR99_R1_56.dwn and CDR99_R0_31.dwn in subdirectory Dasp
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Flashing the DASP
1. Intro
Flash99 (Version 2) allows you to test and reflash the DASP flash IC in a CDR99 module
What you need:
The Flash99 program
A win95 / WinNT PC with 2 serial ports.
An interface board.
Two direct serial cables. (Do not use nullmodem cables!)
a CDR99 module
2. Connection:
Interface 7104 086 91110
Switch. ( in outmost position ! )
Serial cables
7 – wire connection
not used for DASP download
CDR 99 Module
Philips Consumer Electronics BCU Audio Service 4
Interface 3122 785 90200
Switch. ( in outmost position ! )
Serial cables
not used for DASP download
7 – wire connection
CDR 99 Module
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3. How to start:
When all connections are in place, it is time to start the flash99 program via windows start button>programs>flash99: The start-up screen looks like this:
Select File ... Select appropriate .DWN
Status window displays selected .dwn file
Select baudrate Make sure correct baudate is selected
Terminal window Gives Mdd menu info.
Menu buttons : Use these to browse through the MDD
Main Menu button Takes you back to the main menu
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+ 12 hidden pages