M Mayonnaise
1 large egg or 2 small eggs,
2 tablespoons mustard, salt,
pepper, 3 tablespoons
vinegar or lemon juice,
250 cc oil (depending on the
required thickness).
Use the ingredients at room temperature. Place the
egg(s), mustard, salt, pepper and lemon juice in the
bowl. Pour the oil via the pusher into the bowl while
the blade is rotating.
M Sour cream Roquefort dressing
250 cc sour cream, 2 drops tabasco, 1 teaspoon wine
vinegar, 1 clove of garlic,
⁄2 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon
celery salt, pepper, 75 g crumbled Roquefort or other blue
cheese, 1⁄2 teaspoon mustard.
Put all the ingredients except the cheese into the bowl
and mix well. Add the cheese and continue the
process until desired consistency is reached.
M Yoghurt dressing
150 cc yoghurt, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1⁄4
salt, pepper, 2 tablespoons fresh herbs such as parsley,
garden cress, watercress, chive, tarragon, basil.
Put all the ingredients into the bowl and mix well.
M Spanish cabbage salad (4 persons)
1 small red cabbage, 2 red onions, 1 fennel, 1 apple,
juice of one orange, 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar,
1 tablespoon mustard.
Mix the juice, mustard and
vinegar. Slice the cabbage,
onions, fennel and apple.
Combine the ingredients in
a salad bowl.
M Cucumber salad
(2-3 persons)
1 large cucumber, 1 small onion in pieces, 2 stalks dill,
50 g fresh cream cheese, 3 stalks celery, 50 g goat’s
cheese in pieces, 2 tablespoons curd or yoghurt, pepper
and salt,
⁄2 tablespoon oil.
Make a smooth sauce of onion, dill, yoghurt or curd,
oil and the fresh cream cheese. Season with pepper
and salt. Peel the cucumber and slice it together with
the celery stalks. Combine the ingredients in a salad
bowl and decorate it with the goat’s cheese.
M Cherry flan
Round baking tin Ø 24 cm, 250 g
chocolate biscuits, approx. 100 g
soft butter, a pinch of cinnamon,
300 g soft cream cheese, 200 g
caster sugar, 2 tablespoons cherry
liqueur or marsala, 600 g cherry
pie filling or fresh fruit such as
250 g strawberry or kiwi.
Crumble the biscuits with melted butter and cinnamon
using the sickle blade. Pressing down gently, spread
the mixture over the base of the tin.
Place the tin in the refrigerator for about one hour.
Mix the cream cheese, sugar and liqueur during max.
40 seconds until smooth.
Spread the mixture over the biscuit base.
Spread the cherry filling over it or decorate with fresh
strawberries or kiwi.
M Milkshake (basic recipe)
250 cc cold milk, 100 g fresh strawberries
(or other fruit), 2 tablespoons strawberry
(or other) syrup, 75 g vanilla
Mix all the ingredients until the mixture is frothy.
M Meat combi dish for babyfood
125 g cooked lamb, beef, veal or chicken in pieces,
2 tablespoons cooked vegetables (carrots, peas, spinach
or celery) in pieces, 125 cc milk, 50 g cooked rice.
Put all the ingredients into the bowl and process until
very smooth. Refrigerate or freeze in covered
containers and heat only the amount to be used for
Note: For younger babies, add an extra 50 cc milk.