Philips HR2305 User Manual

EN Recipe book for
Ice Cream Maker 3
DA Opskriftsbog til ismaskine 19
FI Jäätelökone resepti 35
NO Iskrem resept bok 51
SV Receptbok till glassmaskin 67
1 Introduction 4
1.0.1 Ingredients and utensils 4
2 Ingredients 4
2.0.1 Eggs 4
2.0.2 Milk/yogurt/cream cheese 4
2.0.3 Cream 4
2.0.4 Sugar 5
2.0.5 Fruit 5
2.0.6 Alcohol 5
2.0.7 Syrup 5
2.0.8 Preparation time 5
3 Storing ice cream 6
3.0.1 In the ice cream maker 6
3.0.2 In the freezer 6
3.0.3 Storage time 6
4 Serving and decoration 6
5 Sauces 7
5.0.1 Hot sauces 7
5.0.2 Cherry sauce 7
5.0.3 Chocolate sauce 7
5.0.4 Cold fruit sauce 7
5.0.5 Fruit puree 7
6 Children’s party 8
7 Recipes 8
7.0.1 Basic ice cream 8
7.0.2 Coupe Dame Blanche 8
7.0.3 Strawberry ice cream 8
7.0.4 Coupe Ambrosia 9
7.0.5 Banana ice cream 9
7.0.6 Coupe Melanie 9
7.0.7 Fruit yogurt ice cream 9
7.0.8 Ice cream soda 9
7.0.9 Mango ice cream 10
7.0.10 Tropical Night coupe 10
7.0.11 Vanilla ice cream 10
7.0.12 Monta Rosa 10
7.0.13 Chocolate ice cream 10
7.0.14 Coupe Jacquot 10
7.0.15 Coffee ice cream 11
7.0.16 Don Paulo 11
7.0.17 Ginger ice cream with honey 12
7.0.18 Coupe Mikado 12
7.0.19 Cream cheese ice cream 12
7.0.20 Coupe Moon Fever 13
7.0.21 Lemon sorbet 13
7.0.22 Yellow Light 13
7.0.23 Tropical sorbet 13
7.0.24 Coupe Green Delight 13
7.0.25 Pineapple sorbet 14
7.0.26 Coupe Coppa Cabana 14
7.0.27 Strawberr y ice cream mousse 14
7.0.28 Coupe Margit 14
7.0.29 Cherry ice cream mousse 15
7.0.30 Montanara 15
7.0.31 Ice cream bavarois 15
7.0.32 Coupe Helene 15
7.0.33 Pear and apricot ice cream 16
7.0.34 Children’s Carnival 16
7.0.35 Pineapple ice cream pudding 16
7.0.36 Ice cream cake Caprice 16
7.0.37 Sugar-free strawberry ice cream 17
7.0.38 Dama Rosabianca 17
7.0.39 Sugar-free ice cream 17
1 Introduction
Ice cream, sorbets, ice cream mousse and ice cream pudding: ice cream comes in many
forms and avours. There is an ice cream for
every taste and occasion. This ice cream maker enables you to make your own ice cream with the freshest ingredients and without any colouring agents or preservatives. Together with the user manual, this recipe booklet offers you a reliable and useful guide for the preparation of ice cream. Read the user manual carefully before you start. This booklet contains a wide range of recipes and many photographs and suggestions. We have also included sugar-free recipes for diabetics. Use this booklet to discover how easy it is to prepare the most delicious ice cream at home with your ice cream maker.
1.0.1 Ingredients and utensils
Make sure you have all ingredients and utensils close at hand when you start to make ice cream. It is important that the ice cream maker and the utensils are clean and dry to prevent bacteria in the ice cream. To prepare ice cream, you need a blender, a food processor or a mixer and a nylon sieve or strainer. You get the best results if you follow the recipes in this booklet. If you want to use a recipe from another source, look
for a similar recipe in this booklet and use the quantities in that recipe.
2 Ingredients
2.0.1 Eggs
The recipes are based on eggs weighing 55-60 grams/2.2-2.4oz (class 4). Egg yolks improve the texture of ice cream and give it a richer and smoother taste. Egg whites directly from the refrigerator are hard to process. Therefore, take eggs out of the refrigerator several hours before use. Most creamy ice creams made with egg yolk are prepared without cooking the ingredients. If you have doubts about the freshness of the eggs, you can cook the ingredients as described under vanilla ice cream. Do not overcook the mixture to prevent it from curdling. If the mixture curdles, use a blender, a food processor or a mixer with blender bar to smoothen it. Mix the mixture for approximately
30 seconds. You can also add 100ml (3.3.oz)
cold cream to cool the mixture. Use a mixer or whisk to beat the mixture while you add the cold cream.
E Tip:
Some recipes only require egg yolks. The remaining egg whites can for instance be used to make a Siberian omelette or meringues. Most cookery books suggest suitable recipes.
2.0.2 Milk/yogurt/cream cheese
You can use both pasteurised and sterilised milk. The choice of whole milk or low-fat milk is a matter of personal taste. Ice cream will taste creamier if you use milk with a higher fat content. If you want to make ice cream with yogurt or cream cheese, do not cook these ingredients. Add the yogurt or cream cheese after the mixture has cooled down.
2.0.3 Cream
Always use chilled cream. If the recipe calls for ‘whipped cream’, stop whipping when you have obtained a yogurt-like consistency. This makes it easier to mix the cream with the other ingredients. When the room temperature is high, we advise you to chill the beaters and the bowl in the fridge before you start to whip the cream.
The fat content of the cream inuences the
consistency of the ice cream. Use of cream with a higher fat content results in creamier and richer ice cream.
2.0.4 Sugar
Use caster sugar, as it dissolves more easily.You can also use icing sugar, brown sugar or honey. Grind coarse granulated sugar in a blender or food processor before use. A too low sugar content has an adverse effect on the texture and consistency of the ice cream. If you add too much sugar, it takes longer for the ice cream to set to the desired consistency. You can also replace part of the sugar by dextrose (grape sugar). If the recipe requires 100g (4oz) sugar, you can use 75g (3oz) sugar and 25g (1oz) grape sugar instead. Grape sugar prevents crystallisation of the sugar, especially in sorbets.
2.0.5 Fruit
Fresh fruit makes the tastiest ice cream and is also nutritious. Fruit from a jar or a tin is also suitable. However, in that case make sure the fruit is well-drained before you puree it. Also reduce the amount of sugar by 25g, depending on the type of fruit and your own taste. Summer fruits are easy to freeze (e.g. strawberries, raspberries and peaches), so fruit ice cream can be made from fresh fruit all year round. Frozen fruit can be stored for about 8 to 9 months in a freezer or a *** or **** freezing compartment in the refrigerator. Uncooked fruits that have been pureed discolour easily. To prevent this, sprinkle apples, bananas, pears and plums with some lemon
juice before you puree them. If you want to add pieces of fruit to the ice cream mixture, sprinkle them with some sugar to prevent ice crystals from forming inside the fruit pieces during the freezing process.
2.0.6 Alcohol
Ice cream mixtures that contain alcohol must be processed longer, as this ice cream takes longer to freeze than ice cream without alcohol. Unless the recipe says otherwise, add the alcohol to the mixture in the ice cream maker 5-10 minutes before the ice cream is ready.
2.0.7 Syrup
To make approx. 300ml (10.oz) syrup, you need:
1 stainless steel pan
1 wooden spoon
200ml (6.6.oz) water and
200g (7oz) caster sugar
To make 450ml (15.oz) syrup use:
275ml (9.2.oz) milk
275g (9.8oz) caster sugar
Put water and sugar in a pan and mix together with a wooden spoon. Dissolve the sugar at moderate heat while stirring. Skim off any froth that forms on the surface. Boil the sugar mixture for about 1 minute.Take the pan off the heat and let the syrup cool. If you make sorbets frequently, you can prepare syrup in advance
and keep it in a tightly sealed bottle in the refrigerator.
2.0.8 Preparation time
The recipes state the average preparation time. The actual preparation time may vary, depending on:
the initial temperature of the ice cream
mixture the room temperature
the temperature of the cooling disc (keep it in
the freezer for 18-24 hours). The preparation time is longer when the temperature of the mixture and/or the room temperature is higher. You get the best results when you cool the mixture in the refrigerator before you pour it into the ice cream maker. The preparation time also depends on the quantities and the ingredients used in the recipe. Ice cream that increases greatly in volume, such as strawberry or cherry ice cream mousse, or ice cream that contains a large proportion of cream requires a longer preparation time than fruit ice cream and sorbet. Do not exceed the quantities in the recipes. If you do, your ice cream becomes less compact.
3 Storing ice cream
3.0.1 In the ice cream maker
When the ice cream is ready, you can leave it in the ice cream maker for approximately 10 minutes.
3.0.2 In the freezer
Ice cream has a long storage life. However, a lengthy period in the freezer has a negative effect on its taste and quality. After 1 to 2 weeks, the texture of ice cream deteriorates and the fresh taste is lost. Ice cream is at its best when fresh, therefore it is best to prepare it shortly before consumption. If you want to store the ice cream in the freezer, keep in mind the following:
Store the ice cream in a clean, tightly sealed
container. The storage temperature must be at least
-18ºC. Put the date of preparation and the type of
ice cream on the container. Do not refreeze defrosted ice cream.
Take ice cream out of the freezer at least 30 minutes before consumption and place it in the refrigerator. At room temperature, ice cream is ready for consumption in 10 to 15 minutes. Sorbet defrosts more rapidly than ice cream.
Therefore, defrost sorbet in the refrigerator for not more than 15-20 minutes.
3.0.3 Storage time
Ice cream made of uncooked ingredients:
Approx. 1 week
1 to 2 weeks
Ice cream made of semi-cooked ingredients:
Approx. 2 weeks
4 Serving and
The recipes serve approximately 4-6 persons,
depending on the presentation and the type of ice cream. You can serve ice cream in metal or glass
coupes, in metal, glass or crystal bowls or on dessert plates. Depending on the type of ice cream, you can also use halved and hollowed­out fruit, such as melon, pineapple, orange lemon or grapefruit. We advise you to chill the coupes, bowls or
hollowed-out fruit in the freezer compartment or freezer just before serving. If you do this, the ice cream will melt less rapidly when served.
Some types of ice cream, such as plain ice
cream, coffee ice cream and chocolate ice
cream, are less dense than other types. Take
these types of ice cream out of the ice cream
maker and chill them in the freezer 30 minutes
before serving.
You can make ice cream balls with a special
ice cream scoop. The ice cream scoop must
be scrupulously clean. Dip the scoop in water
before scooping out the ice cream to ensure
you get smooth ice cream balls. If you want
to present the ice cream in a coupe, put the
ice cream balls in the freezer for 30 minutes
before serving. This prevents them from
melting during the decoration process.
Ice cream also lends itself well to combinations
with pastry, such as proteroles, cake,
meringues or crêpes.
Decorate the ice cream with, for example,
whipped cream, beaten egg white, crème
fraîche, custard or sauces.
Mix the whipped cream or crème fraîche with
some nely chopped nuts before serving.
Take more fruit than indicated by the recipe
and use the remaining fruit to decorate the ice
cream. You can also use candied fruits, cocktail
cherries or soaked raisins.The taste of the fruit
is enhanced if you soak it in liqueur.The ice
cream can also be combined with a suitable
Ice cream can also be decorated with, for
example, chocolate leaves, grated chocolate, nougat, bonbons, shredded coconut or chopped nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, slivered almonds, pistachio nuts). Ice cream will look even more festive if you
decorate it with one or more wafers, biscuits, macaroons or wafer rolls.
5 Sauces
Sauces and syrup add a nice touch to ice cream. There are many different varieties: sweet sauces, fruit sauces and fruit syrup. Many types of ready-to-use sauces are obtainable from your local supermarket. However, just as with the ice cream, home­made sauces are tastier. Sauces can easily be prepared a few days in advance and stored in the refrigerator or freezer.
5.0.1 Hot sauces
If you want to serve a hot sauce, heat it up slowly. It is best to chill the ice cream thoroughly in the freezer before you pour the hot sauce over the top. The sauces described below can also be served cold. Serve the hot sauce either separately as an
accompaniment to the ice cream, or pour it over the ice cream just before serving.
5.0.2 Cherry sauce
Put the juice of one tin of stoned cherries in a pan, together with the grated peel of one orange and one lemon. Let the mixture simmer over a low heat for 10 minutes. Strain the mixture. Pour half a tablespoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of orange juice through a sieve into
a bowl and mix one teaspoon of corn our or potato our with the juice. Pour this mixture
into the hot cherry juice, while stirring constantly. Let the mixture boil for 1 minute. Add sugar to taste and a tablespoon of kirsch (cherry brandy), if desired. Add the cherries to the sauce just before serving.
5.0.3 Chocolate sauce
Break or cut 125g (4.5oz) plain chocolate into pieces. Melt it bain-marie in a bowl over
200ml (6.6.oz) of boiling water. Let the molten
chocolate simmer for 20 minutes. Add 1.5 teaspoon vanilla sugar, 2 tablespoons whipping cream and a knob of butter. Stir the sauce until smooth. Pour the hot sauce over the ice cream just before serving. You can prepare this sauce in advance and store it in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator for a few days. Heat the sauce over lightly simmering water before serving.
5.0.4 Cold fruit sauce
This recipe is for fresh fruit, but you can also use frozen fruit or fruit from a tin or jar. If you use fresh fruit, add sugar at a ratio of 50-75g (2-3oz) sugar to 200g (7oz) of fruit. The quantity of sugar depends on the type of fruit that is used. Push the fruit through a nylon sieve to remove the pips. Cool the fruit sauce before serving. Do not refreeze fruit sauces made from frozen fruit. You can, however, freeze fruit sauces made from fresh fruit.
5.0.5 Fruit puree
You can prepare a fruit puree in the following manner:
Wash fresh fruit and remove the pips or
stones (some fruits have to be peeled rst).
Add sugar to taste and cook the fruit until soft.
Put the puree in a sieve or strainer to
remove pips, if any.
E Tip:
You can also make the puree from tinned or jarred fruit. In that case, use as little of the fruit juice as possible and add no or very little sugar.
6 Children’s party
Use bright, cheerful colours to decorate
children’s ice cream. Choose avours that
children love. For decoration, use whipped cream or ready-to­serve vanilla custard, chocolate custard or fruit yogurt. Decorate the ice cream with chocolate sprinkles,
hundreds-and-thousands, sugar owers, wafers
or small chocolates. Below are some tasty serving suggestions: 1 Banana or vanilla ice cream with chocolate
custard 2 Chocolate ice cream with chopped nuts 3 Strawberry ice cream with marshmallows 4 Vanilla ice cream on a slice of cake served
with fruit sauce.
5 Crêpes lled with fruit ice cream and sprinkled
with icing sugar
7 Recipes
7.0.1 Basic ice cream
3 egg yolks
100g (4oz) caster sugar
10g (0.4oz) vanilla sugar
250ml (8.3.oz) whole milk
200ml (6.6.oz) whipping cream
Beat the egg yolks, sugar and vanilla sugar until
frothy. Add the milk while stirring constantly. Whip the cream until almost stiff. Combine
the whipped cream with the other ingredients. Make sure that all ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the
mixture into the cooling bowl.
Preparation time: 40-50 minutes.
E Tips:
You can combine the basic ice cream with:
40g (1.6oz) chopped walnuts, hazelnuts or
peanuts 40g (1.6oz) chopped candied fruit
40g (1.6oz) coarsely chopped chocolate
8g (0.3oz) cinnamon
If you want to add ingredients, add them to the mixture halfway through the preparation time. However, cinnamon can already be mixed with the egg yolks.
7.0.2 Coupe Dame Blanche
(serves 4-5 persons)
Basic ice cream
4-5 coupes
4-5 wafers
hot chocolate sauce (see chapter ‘Sauces’)
Use an ice cream scoop to create ice cream
balls and put 2 or 3 balls in each coupe. Pour equal quantities of the hot chocolate sauce over the ice cream. Serve immediately.
7.0.3 Strawberry ice cream
200g (7oz) fresh strawberries
90g (3.6oz) caster sugar
1 egg yolk
1 tbsp lemon juice
225ml (7.5.oz) whole milk
100ml (3.3.oz) whipping cream
Wash the strawberries. Puree them together
with the lemon juice, the milk, the sugar and the egg yolk. Combine the strawberry mixture with the cream. Make sure that all ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the
mixture into the cooling bowl.
Preparation time: 35-45 minutes.
E Tip:
Instead of strawberries, you can also use 200g (7oz) fresh blueberries, bilberries, raspberries or blackberries.
7.0.4 Coupe Ambrosia
(serves 4-6 persons)
Strawberry ice cream
4-6 coupes
Some whole raspberries (stems attached)
and/or raspberries, blackberries etc.
40-60ml (1.3-2.oz) strawberry syrup, mixed
with 2-3 tbsps Cointreau or other orange
Some fresh mint leaves
125ml (4.2.oz) whipped cream
4-6 wafers
Put the ice cream in the coupes and pour
the Cointreau over the ice cream. Put the
whipped cream on top of the ice cream.
Garnish with the fruit, wafers and mint leaves.
7.0.5 Banana ice cream
250g (9oz) ripe bananas
100g (4oz) caster sugar
1.5 tbsp lemon juice
75ml (2.5.oz) whipping cream
250ml (8.3.oz) whole milk
Puree the bananas together with the sugar
and lemon juice. Mix the banana puree thoroughly with the cream and the milk. Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the
mixture into the cooling bowl.
Preparation time: 40-50 minutes.
7.0.6 Coupe Melanie
(serves 4-5 persons)
Banana ice cream
4-6 coupes
1 large sliced banana
40-60ml (1.3-2.oz) eggnog
4 tbsps banana liqueur
4-6 walnut halves
2 sliced kiwi fruits
8 stoned dates
125ml (4.2.oz) partially whipped cream, to be
served separately Put all ingredients in the coupes according to
your own imagination.
7.0.7 Fruit yogurt ice cream
250g (9oz) fresh fruit (e.g. bilberries,
raspberries, strawberries) 100g (4oz) caster sugar
50ml (1.6.oz) cream
375ml (12.5oz) yogurt
1 tbsp lemon juice
Wash the fruit. Puree the fruit with the sugar
and lemon juice. Add the fruit mixture to the yogurt and cream. Make sure that all ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the
mixture into the cooling bowl. The photo shows how you can serve this ice cream. Preparation time: 35-45 minutes.
7.0.8 Ice cream soda
(serves 4-6 persons)
4-6 scoops of fruit yogurt ice cream
4-6 tall glasses
50g (2oz) strawberries and 50g (2oz)
raspberries, pureed with 1 tbsp icing sugar
4-6 halved lemon or orange slices
4-6 straws
125ml (4.2.oz) whipped cream
zzy lemonade
Put the fruit puree in the glasses and put the
ice cream on top. Pour the lemonade over the ice cream. Garnish with lemon or orange slices. Put the whipped cream on top and insert the straw.
7.0.9 Mango ice cream
300g (10.7oz) ripe mangos, peeled and stoned
90g (3.6oz) caster sugar
2 tbsps honey
2 tbsps lemon juice
50ml (1.6.oz) whipping cream
200ml (6.6.oz) whole milk
1 egg yolk
Puree the mango together with the lemon
juice, sugar, honey, milk and egg yolk. Stir in the cream. Make sure that all ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the
mixture into the cooling bowl.
Preparation time: 35-45 minutes.
E Tip:
Instead of mangos, you can also use 300g (10.7oz) peeled and stoned apricots or peaches.
7.0.10 Tropical Night coupe
(serves 4-5 persons)
Mango ice cream
4-5 coupes
4 tbsps orange liqueur or passion fruit liqueur
2 large sliced bananas
4-5 orange slices, cut in half
2-4 tbsps shredded coconut
4-5 green cocktail cherries
125ml (4.2 .oz) partially whipped,
unsweetened crème fraîche 4-5 wafers
Put all ingredients in the coupes according to
your own imagination.
7.0.11 Vanilla ice cream
(serves 4-5 persons)
2 egg yolks
1 egg
125g (4.5oz) caster sugar
5g (0.2oz) vanilla sugar
400ml (13.3.oz) whole milk
150ml (5.oz) whipping cream
5g (0.2oz) corn our
Put egg yolks, caster sugar, vanilla sugar
and corn our into a bowl. Beat with the
mixer until the egg yolks are almost white. Gently heat the milk. Add the heated milk
gradually to the egg mixture, while beating with the mixer. When the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, pour the mixture into a pan. Heat the mixture over moderate heat for
1-2 minutes, while stirring constantly. Make sure the mixture does not boil. If the mixture curdles, mix the ingredients for half a minute with the mixer or in a blender or food processor. Let the mixture cool to refrigerator
temperature. Then gently fold the cream through the mixture. Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the mixture into the cooling bowl.
Preparation time: 35-45 minutes.
7.0.12 Monta Rosa
(serves 4-6 persons)
Vanilla ice cream
hot cherry sauce (see chapter ‘Sauces’)
4-6 coupes
Pour the hot cherry sauce over the ice cream
just before serving.
7.0.13 Chocolate ice cream
2 egg yolks
100g (4oz) icing sugar
250ml (8.3.oz) whole milk
200ml (6.6.oz) whipping cream
15g (0.6oz) cocoa
1 tsp instant coffee
Beat the egg yolks with sugar, cocoa, instant
coffee and 50ml (1.6.oz) milk until the cocoa
has dissolved. Add the rest of the milk and stir thoroughly. Beat the whipping cream until almost stiff. Add
the cocoa mixture to the whipped cream.
Make sure that all ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the
mixture into the cooling bowl.
Preparation time: 35-45 minutes.
E Tip:
You can add 40g (1.6oz) coarsely chopped roasted hazelnuts or almonds to the chocolate ice cream. Add the chopped nuts halfway through the preparation time.
7.0.14 Coupe Jacquot
(serves 4-5 persons)
Chocolate ice cream
4-5 dessert plates
4-5 large proteroles
4-5 tbsps chocolate sauce (see chapter
‘Sauces’), mixed with 2-3 tbsps coffee liqueur
150ml (5.5.oz) whipped cream
4-5 walnut halves
Some fresh mint leaves
Put all ingredients on the plates according to
your own imagination.
7.0.15 Coffee ice cream
3 egg yolks
100g (4oz) icing sugar
250ml (8.3.oz) whole milk
200ml (6.6.oz) whipping cream
6g (0.24oz) instant coffee
5g (0.2oz) vanilla sugar
Dissolve the coffee in 1 tablespoon hot water
and let it cool. Beat the egg yolk with the sugar
and the vanilla sugar, the dissolved coffee and
the milk.
Whip the cream until it is almost stiff.
Combine the coffee mixture with the whipped
cream. Make sure that all ingredients are
thoroughly mixed.
Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the
mixture into the cooling bowl. Preparation time: 35-45 minutes.
E Tip:
You can add 40g (1.6oz) chopped white, butterscotch or plain chocolate to the coffee ice cream. Add the chopped chocolate halfway through the preparation time.
7.0.16 Don Paulo
(serves 4-5 persons)
Coffee ice cream
4-5 puff pastry cases
4-10 chestnuts, soaked in cognac and cut into
slices 4-5 macaroons
125ml (4.2.oz) whipped cream
4-5 red cocktail cherries
Some mint leaves
Put the coffee ice cream in the pastry cases.
Add the chestnut slices and macaroons and whipped cream according to your own imagination. Garnish with the cocktail cherries and mint leaves.
7.0.17 Ginger ice cream with honey
70g (2.8oz) caster sugar
1.5 tbsp ginger syrup
1 tbsp honey
35g (1.4oz) chopped ginger
300ml (10.oz) whole milk
200ml (6.6.oz) whipping cream
3 egg yolks
1 tsp corn our
Put the egg yolks, sugar and the corn our in
a bowl. Beat with a mixer until the egg yolks are almost white. Gently heat the milk.Then add the milk gradually to the egg yolk mixture. When the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, pour the mixture into a pan. Heat it over moderate heat for about 2 minutes while stirring constantly. Do not let the mixture reach boiling point. Cool the mixture to refrigerator temperature.
Combine the cooled mixture with the chopped ginger, the ginger syrup, the honey and the cream. Make sure that all ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the
mixture into the cooling bowl.
Preparation time: 40-50 minutes.
7.0.18 Coupe Mikado
(serves 4-5 persons)
Ginger ice cream with honey, 4-5 coupes
40g (1.6oz) soaked raisins mixed with 4 tbsps
rum 2 tbsps ginger syrup and 1 tbsp chopped
ginger 4-5 parasols
4-5 wafers
125ml (4.2.oz) whipped cream
Put the ice cream in the coupes. Add the
other ingredients according to your own
7.0.19 Cream cheese ice cream
350g (12.5 oz) cream cheese
200ml (6.6.oz) milk
125g (5oz) caster sugar
150ml (5.5 .oz) whipping cream
15g (0.5oz) vanilla sugar
Whip the cream with sugar and vanilla sugar
until almost stiff. Combine cream cheese and
milk. Mix the cream cheese mixture with the
whipped cream. Make sure that all ingredients
are thoroughly mixed.
Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the
mixture into the cooling bowl. Preparation time: 30-40 minutes.
E Tip:
You can mix the cream cheese ice cream with, for example, 50g (2oz) soaked raisins or 50g (2oz) peach or apricot pieces.
7.0.20 Coupe Moon Fever
(serves 4-6 persons)
Cream cheese ice cream
4-6 coupes
2-3 pureed kiwi fruits
150g (5.3oz) raspberries, blackberries or
125ml (4.2.oz) whipped cream
mint leaves
4-6 ice cream wafers
Put the ice cream in the coupes. Add the
other ingredients according to your own imagination.
7.0.21 Lemon sorbet
(serves 4-6 persons)
Juice of ½ orange
250ml (8.3.oz) fresh lemon juice
450ml (15.oz) syrup (see chapter
‘Ingredients’) 1 egg white
Stir lemon and orange juice into the syrup and
mix thoroughly. Beat the egg white until almost stiff and stir in the mixture. Make sure that all ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the
mixture into the cooling bowl.
Preparation time: 25-35 minutes.
7.0.22 Yellow Light
(serves 4-6 persons)
Lemon sorbet
4-6 tall wine glasses
3 sliced lemons
3 cocktail cherries
some fresh mint leaves
approx. 1 bottle of sparkling white wine
Put the ice cream in the glasses. Add the wine
and garnish with the lemon slices, cocktail cherries and mint leaves.
7.0.23 Tropical sorbet
200g (7oz) fresh peeled kiwi fruit
100g (4oz) fresh peeled and stoned mango
150g (5.3oz) fresh peeled pineapple
300ml (10.oz) syrup (see chapter
juice of 1 lemon
150ml (5.oz) cold water
1 egg white
Puree the fruit together with the lemon juice
and the syrup. Beat the egg white until almost
stiff. Then stir in the fruit and the cold water.
Make sure that all ingredients are thoroughly
Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the
mixture into the cooling bowl. Preparation time: 25-35 minutes.
7.0.24 Coupe Green Delight
(serves 6 persons)
Tropical sorbet
6 coupes
2-4 tbsps green orange liqueur or kiwi liqueur
2 sliced kiwi fruits
1 sliced lemon
12 red cocktail cherries
Some mint leaves
125ml (4.2.oz) whipped cream
Put the sorbet in the coupes. Add the orange
or kiwi liqueur and garnish with the slices of lemon and kiwi, the cocktail cherries and the mint leaves.
7.0.25 Pineapple sorbet
225g (8oz) fresh pineapple
300ml (10.oz) syrup (see chapter
‘Ingredients’) 1 tbsp lemon juice
1 egg white
100ml (3.3.oz) cold water
Peel the pineapple and remove the hard core
and the eyes. Puree the pineapple, together with the syrup and the lemon juice. Beat the egg white until almost stiff. Then stir in the pineapple mixture. Add the cold water. Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the
mixture into the cooling bowl.
Preparation time: 40-50 minutes.
7.0.26 Coupe Coppa Cabana
(serves 6 persons)
125g (4.5 oz) washed strawberries, pureed
and mixed with 2 tbsps whipping cream
1 sliced star fruit
2 tbsps soaked raisins
2 tbsps grated chocolate
125ml (4.2.oz) whipped cream
Some fresh mint leaves
6 wafers
Put the ice cream in the coupes. Add the
other ingredients according to your own imagination.
7.0.27 Strawberry ice cream mousse
500g (17.6oz) strawberries
300ml (10.oz) syrup (see chapter
‘Ingredients’) juice of 1 lemon
2 egg whites
50ml (1.6.oz) whipping cream
Wash the strawberries. Puree them together
with the lemon juice and the syrup. Beat the egg whites until almost stiff. Stir the strawberry mixture into the beaten egg whites and
then pour in the cream. Make sure that all
ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the
mixture into the cooling bowl. Preparation time: 45-55 minutes.
7.0.28 Coupe Margit
(serves 6 persons)
Strawberry ice cream mousse
6 coupes
6 large washed and sliced strawberries
3 tbsps passion fruit syrup
3 tbsps strawberry liqueur
125ml (4.2 .oz) whipped cream
6 mint leaves
6 wafers
Put the ice cream mousse in the coupes. Pour
the syrup and the liqueur over the ice cream
mousse. Add the other ingredients according
to your own imagination.
7.0.29 Cherry ice cream mousse
550g (19.6oz) stoned cherries
300ml (10.oz) syrup (see chapter
‘Ingredients’) juice of ½ lemon
2 egg whites
50ml (1.6.oz) whipping cream
2 tbsps Maraschino
Puree the stoned and washed cherries with
the lemon juice, the syrup and the Maraschino. Beat the egg whites until almost stiff. Stir the cherry mixture into the beaten egg whites and then pour in the cream. Make sure that all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the
mixture into the cooling bowl.
Preparation time: approx. 50 minutes.
7.0.30 Montanara
6 persons
Cherry ice cream mousse
6 dessert plates
6 cold crêpes
Fruit salad, e.g.: kiwi fruit, white grapes,
strawberries, raspberries, pears Some fresh mint leaves
Some icing sugar
Put the cherry ice cream mousse on the
crêpes and fold or roll up the crêpes. Place the crêpes on the dessert plates. Put some fruit salad on each plate. Sprinkle the crêpes with icing sugar and garnish with mint leaves.
7.0.31 Ice cream bavarois
500ml (16.6.oz) whipping cream
8g (0.04oz) clear gelatin
3-4 tbsps water
100g (4oz) caster sugar
4-5 tbsps Maraschino
4 egg whites
60g (2.4oz) chopped candied fruit
Soak the gelatin leaves in a bowl of cold water.
Partially whip the cream with half the sugar, until thick but not stiff. Partially whip the egg whites with the remaining sugar. Heat the water in a pan. Remove the pan from the heat and dissolve the drained gelatin leaves in the water. Add the Maraschino and let the mixture cool. Mix the whipped cream with the beaten egg
whites. Then stir in the gelatin mixture. Make sure that all ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
Switch on the ice cream maker and pour
the mixture into the cooling bowl. Add the
candied fruits halfway through the preparation
time. Preparation time: 45-55 minutes.
7.0.32 Coupe Helene
(serves 4 to 6 persons)
Ice cream bavarois
4-6 dessert plates
16-24 blackcurrants
4-6 tbsps cold fruit sauce, e.g. strawberry or
raspberry sauce (see chapter ‘Sauces’)
4-6 tbsps yogurt
Mint leaves
Pour the fruit sauce onto the middle of the
plate and then pour the yogurt into the centre
of this sauce. Use a cocktail stick to draw a line
from the centre to the edge of the plate. Put
the ice cream in the centre of the plate and
garnish with blackcurrants and mint leaves.
7.0.33 Pear and apricot ice cream
150g (5.3oz) apricots (stoned and peeled)
150g (5.3oz) peeled pears
90g (3.2oz) caster sugar
200ml (6.6.oz) whole milk
100ml (3.3.oz) whipping cream
2 tbsps lemon juice
Puree the fruit together with the lemon juice,
sugar and milk. Add the cream. Make sure that all ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the
mixture into the cooling bowl.
Preparation time: 30-40 minutes.
7.0.34 Children’s Carnival
(6 persons)
Pear and apricot ice cream
6 dessert plates
6 marshmallow tea cakes or marshmallows
18 coloured chocolates
6 biscuits covered with a layer of chocolate
6 marshmallows or wine gums
Put the ice cream on the plates. Arrange the
other ingredients on the plates according to your own imagination.
7.0.35 Pineapple ice cream pudding
350g (12.5oz) fresh pineapple
200g (7oz) icing sugar or caster sugar
400ml (13.5 .oz) whipping cream
1 tbsp lemon juice
Peel the pineapple and remove the hard core
and the eyes. Puree the pineapple together with the sugar and the lemon juice. Partially whip the cream. Stir the pineapple mixture into the whipped cream. Make sure that all ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the
mixture into the cooling bowl.
Preparation time: 45-55 minutes.
7.0.36 Ice cream cake Caprice
(serves 6-8 persons)
Pineapple ice cream pudding
1 springform cake tin, 20-22cm (7.5-8.5
inches) in diameter greaseproof paper
1 round sponge cake
6 pineapple slices
1 tin of tangerine segments
kiwi fruits
125ml (4.2 .oz) whipped cream
liqueur, if desired
Line the base of the springform tin with a
round piece of greaseproof paper and the
sides with one long strip of greaseproof paper.
Put the tin in the freezer for about 30 minutes.
This prevents the ice cream from melting
when you ll the tin.
Slice the sponge cake into 2 layers and place
one layer on the bottom of the tin. Sprinkle
the bottom layer with liqueur, if desired. Cover
the cake with a layer of ice cream and then
place the second layer of cake on top. Cover
the tin with paper. Put the cake in the freezer
for about 1 hour (depending on how hard the
ice cream is).
Place the serving plate in the refrigerator
for a while. Remove the side of the cake tin,
place the cake upside-down on the plate and
remove the tin base. The photo gives a decoration suggestion.
7.0.37 Sugar-free strawberry ice cream
(for about 8 portions of 75g (3oz))
2 sheets of clear gelatine
375g (13.4oz) fresh strawberries
1.5 tbsp lemon juice
90g (3.2oz) Sionon articial sweetener
150ml (5.oz) whipping cream
4 tbsps water
Soak the gelatine in a bowl of cold water.
Wash the strawberries, then puree them
with the articial sweetener and the lemon
juice. Dissolve the gelatin in 4 tablespoons of hot water. Stir the dissolved gelatin into the strawberry puree. Let the mixture cool. Whip the cream until stiff. Mix the whipped
cream with the rest of the ingredients.Make sure that all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the
mixture into the cooling bowl.
Preparation time: 25-35 minutes.
E Tip:
Instead of strawberries, you can also use 375g (13.4oz) blackberries, raspberries, cranberries or papaya, without affecting any of the values stated below.
1 portion of ice cream of 75g (3oz) contains 95Kcal/395KJ, 3g (0.12oz) carbohydrate, 1g (0.04oz) protein and 6g (0.24oz) fat
7.0.38 Dama Rosabianca
per portion
Strawberry or vanilla ice cream
1 dessert plate
1 orange in segments
½ passion fruit for decoration
Put the ice cream on the plate. Garnish with
orange segments and passion fruit.
7.0.39 Sugar-free ice cream
(for about 7 portions of 75g (3oz))
300ml (10.oz) whole milk
60ml (2.oz) whipping cream
60g (2.4oz) Sionon articial sweetener
2 eggs
20 drops vanilla essence
Beat the egg with the milk
Whip the cream with the articial sweetener
until almost stiff. Fold the cream into the egg-milk mixture and
add the vanilla essence.
Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the
mixture into the cooling bowl. Preparation time: 30-40 minutes. 1 portion of ice cream of 75g (3oz) contains 85Kcal/355KJ, 2g (0.08oz) carbohydrate, 3g (0.12oz) protein and 5g (0.2oz) fat.
E Tips:
The sugar-free recipes above contain so few carbohydrates per portion that one portion hardly affects your blood sugar level. You can therefore eat this ice cream without having to cut anything out of your diet.
If Sionon is not available, you may replace it
with a comparable articial sweetener. For
a proper consistency of the ice cream, you
need a powder sweetener with a volume
comparable to that of ordinary sugar. For this
reason, compact sweeteners (e.g. aspartame)
are unsuitable for ice cream making. Ask your
chemist, pharmacist or dietitian for advice.
Nowadays, diabetics can also eat dishes that
have been sweetened with ordinary sugar,
provided they stick to certain guidelines.
Consult your doctor or dietitian to nd out
which guidelines apply to you.
1 Introduktion 20
1.0.1 Ingredienser og køkkenredskaber 20
2 Ingredienser 20
2.0.1 Æg 20
2.0.2 Mælk/yoghurt/ødeost 20
2.0.3 Fløde 20
2.0.4 Sukker 20
2.0.5 Frugt 21
2.0.6 Spiritus 21
2.0.7 Sirup 21
2.0.8 Tilberedningstid 21
3 Opbevaring af is 21
3.0.1 I ismaskinen 21
3.0.2 I fryseren 21
3.0.3 Opbevaringstid 22
4 Servering og anretning 22
5 Saucer 22
5.0.1 Varme saucer 22
5.0.2 Kirsebærsauce 23
5.0.3 Chokoladesauce 23
5.0.4 Kold frugtsauce 23
5.0.5 Frugtpuré 23
6 Børnefester 23
7 Opskrifter 24
7.0.1 Flødeis 24
7.0.2 Coupe Dame Blanche 24
7.0.3 Jordbæris 24
7.0.4 Coupe Ambrosia 24
7.0.5 Bananis 25
7.0.6 Coupe Melanie 25
7.0.7 Yoghurtis med frugt 25
7.0.8 Ice cream soda 25
7.0.9 Mangois 25
7.0.10 Tropisk isanretning 26
7.0.11 Vanilleis 26
7.0.12 Monta Rosa 26
7.0.13 Chokoladeis 26
7.0.14 Coupe Jacquot 27
7.0.15 Mokkais 27
7.0.16 Don Paulo 27
7.0.17 Ingefæris med honning 27
7.0.18 Coupe Mikado 28
7.0.19 Is af ødeost 28
7.0.20 Coupe Moon Fever 28
7.0.21 Citronsorbet 28
7.0.22 Yellow Light 29
7.0.23 Tropisk sorbet 29
7.0.24 Coupe Green Delight 29
7.0.25 Ananassorbet 29
7.0.26 Coupe Coppa Cabana 29
7.0.27 Jordbærismousse 30
7.0.28 Coupe Margit 30
7.0.29 Kirsebærismousse 30
7.0.30 Montanara 30
7.0.31 Bavarois-is 30
7.0.32 Coupe Helene 31
7.0.33 Pære- og abrikosis 31
7.0.34 Farverig isdessert til børn 31
7.0.35 Isdessert med ananas 316
7.0.36 Caprice-iskage 32
7.0.37 Sukkerfri jordbæris 32
7.0.38 Dama Rosabianca 32
7.0.39 Sukkerfri is 33
1 Introduktion
Flødeis, sorbet, ismousse og isdesserter: Is
ndes i mange forskellige smagsvarianter og typer. Der ndes is til enhver smag og lejlighed.
Med denne ismaskine kan du lave din egen is af friske ingredienser uden brug af farvestoffer
og konserveringsmidler. Du nder alle de
nødvendige oplysninger i brugsvejledningen og dette hæfte. Læs brugsvejledningen omhyggeligt,
inden du går i gang. Du vil nde et stort udvalg
af opskrifter samt massevis af billeder og forslag i hæftet. Vi har også inkluderet sukkerfri opskrifter til diabetikere. Ved at bruge hæftet vil du opdage, hvor nemt det er at tilberede lækker, hjemmelavet is med din ismaskine.
1.0.1 Ingredienser og køkkenredskaber
Sørg for, at alle de nødvendige ingredienser og køkkenredskaber er klar, inden du går i gang med at lave is. Det er vigtigt, at ismaskinen og køkkenredskaberne er rene og tørre, så du undgår, at der overføres bakterier til isen. For at kunne lave is skal du bruge en blender, en foodprocessor eller en røremaskine og en nylonsi eller sigte. Du opnår de bedste resultater ved at følge opskrifterne i dette hæfte. Ønsker
du at bruge en anden opskrift, skal du nde
en lignende opskrift i hæftet og bruge de heri angivne kvantiteter.
2 Ingredienser
2.0.1 Æg
Opskrifterne er baseret på æg, der vejer 55-60 gram (str. 4). Tilsætning af æggeblommer forbedrer strukturen og giver en fyldigere og bedre smag. Det er svært at piske kolde æggehvider. Tag derfor æggene ud af køleskabet et par timer, inden de skal bruges.
Til ødeis med æggeblommer, plejer man ikke
opvarme ingredienserne. Men er du er i tvivl om, hvor friske æggene er, kan du opvarme ingredienserne, som beskrevet i opskriften til vanilleis. Blandingen må ikke overopvarmes, da det kan resultere i, at den skiller. Hvis blandingen skiller, kan du bruge en blender, en foodprocessor eller en røremaskine med blenderfunktion til at samle den igen. Pisk blandingen i ca. 30 sekunder. Du kan også tilsætte
100 ml kold øde for at afkøle blandingen. Brug
en røremaskine eller et piskeris til at røre i
blandingen, mens den kolde øde tilsættes.
E Tip:
I nogle opskrifter anvendes der kun æggeblommer. Hviderne, der bliver tilovers, kan f.eks. bruges i omeletter eller til marengs.
Opskrifter hertil ndes i de este kogebøger.
Du kan bruge både pasteuriseret og steriliseret mælk. Det er ligegyldigt, om du bruger sødmælk eller letmælk. Isen bliver dog mere cremet, hvis du bruger mælk med et højere fedtindhold.
Hvis du vil lave is af yoghurt eller ødeost,
skal disse ingredienser ikke opvarmes. Tilsæt
yoghurten eller ødeosten, når blandingen er
kølet af.
2.0.3 Fløde
Brug altid kold øde. Hvis der i opskriften står, at der skal bruges ødeskum, skal øden piskes,
indtil den har en yoghurt-agtigt konsistens. Dette
gør det nemmere at blande ødeskummet med
de andre ingredienser. Er der varmt i lokalet, tilrådes det at afkøle skål og piskeris i køleskabet,
inden øden piskes. Fedtindholdet i øden er afgørende for isens
konsistens. Et højt fedtindhold vil resultere i en fyldigere og mere cremet is.
2.0.4 Sukker
Brug stødt melis, da det nemmere opløses. Man
kan også bruge ormelis, farin eller honning.
Grovkornet sukker skal males i en blender eller foodprocessor, inden det tilsættes. Hvis sukkerindholdet er for lavt, bliver isens struktur og konsistens dårligere. Tilsættes der for meget sukker, varer det længere, inden isen opnår den ønskede konsistens. Du kan
også erstatte en del af sukkeret med dekstrose (druesukker). Hvis der står i opskriften, at der skal bruges 100 g sukker, kan du i stedet bruge 75 g sukker og 25 g druesukker. Ved at anvende druesukker undgår du, at sukkeret krystalliseres, især i forbindelse med sorbet.
2.0.5 Frugt
Frisk frugt giver den lækreste is og er samtidig sundere. Man kan også bruge frugt fra dåse eller glas. I så fald skal saften fra frugten dog sies fra, inden frugten pureres. Mængden af sukker skal også reduceres med ca. 25 g, alt afhængigt af typen af frugt og den foretrukne smag. Sommerfrugter er nemme at fryse ned (f.eks. jordbær, hindbær og ferskner), så man kan lave is af friske frugter året rundt. Dybfrossen frugt kan opbevares i en fryser eller i et køleskab med en fryseboks, som er mærket *** eller ****, i ca. 8-9 måneder. Frisk frugt, som er pureret, misfarves nemt. Derfor er det en god ide at dryppe lidt citronsaft på æbler, bananer, pærer og blommer, inden de pureres. Skal der frugtstykker i isen, drysses de med lidt sukker, så der ikke dannes iskrystaller i frugtstykkerne, når isen fryses.
2.0.6 Spiritus
Hvis isen er tilsat spiritus, skal ismaskinen køre længere, da is med spiritus er længere om at fryse end is uden spiritus. Medmindre
der gives andre anvisninger i opskriften, skal du tilsætte spiritussen til blandingen i ismaskinen 5-10 minutter, inden isen er klar.
2.0.7 Sirup
For at lave 300 ml sirup skal du bruge:
1 gryde i rustfrit stål
1 træske
200 ml vand og
200 g stødt melis
Til 450 ml sirup skal du bruge:
275 ml mælk
275 g stødt melis
Hæld vand og sukker i en gryde, og rør det sammen med en træske. Opløs sukkeret ved svag varme under omrøring. Fjern evt. skum fra
overaden. Sukkerblandingen koges i ca. 1 minut.
Tag gryden af komfuret, og lad siruppen køle af. Hvis man ofte laver sorbet, kan man tilberede
sirup i forvejen og opbevare den i en aske med
tætsluttende låg i køleskabet.
2.0.8 Tilberedningstid
I opskrifterne angives gennemsnitstiden for tilberedningen. Tilberedningstiden kan dog afvige noget, alt afhængigt af:
isblandingens udgangstemperatur
køleelementets temperatur (det bør
opbevares i fryseren 18-24 timer i forvejen).
Jo højere blandingens udgangstemperatur og/eller rumtemperaturen er, jo længere tid tager tilberedningen. Det bedste resultat opnås, hvis isblandingen er blevet afkølet i køleskabet, inden den kommes i ismaskinen. Tilberedningstiden afhænger også af mængden og typen af ingredienser. Is, der udvider sig meget under tilberedningen, f.eks. jordbær- eller kirsebærismousse, eller is, der indeholder meget
øde, kræver længere tilberedningstid end frugtis
og sorbet. Mængdeangivelserne i opskrifterne må ikke overskrides, da isen så bliver mindre kompakt.
3 Opbevaring af is
3.0.1 I ismaskinen
Når isen er færdig, kan den opbevares i ismaskinen i ca. 10 minutter.
3.0.2 I fryseren
Is er ganske vist langtidsholdbar, men det kommer hverken smag eller kvalitet til gode, hvis man opbevarer den for længe i fryseren. Efter en til to uger begynder isens struktur at forandre sig, og den friske smag går tabt. Frisklavet is smager bedst. Derfor er det bedst at lave isen, kort før den skal spises.
Hvis du alligevel vil opbevare isen i fryseren, skal du huske følgende:
Opbevar isen i en ren, tætsluttende beholder.
Opbevaringstemperaturen skal være mindst
-18ºC. Skriv tilberedelsesdato og indhold på
beholderen. Nedfrys aldrig is, der har været optøet.
Tag isen ud af fryseren ca.1⁄2 time før servering,
og stil den i køleskabet. Man kan også lade den stå ved stuetemperatur i 10-15 minutter. Sorbet tør hurtigere op end is. Derfor skal sorbet først tages ud af fryseren og stilles i køleskabet 15­20 minutter før servering.
3.0.3 Opbevaringstid
Is lavet med friske ingredienser:
ca.1 uge
1 til 2 uger
Is lavet med opvarmede ingredienser:
ca. 2 uger
4 Servering og
Opskrifterne er beregnet til 4-6 personer,
afhængigt af anretning og istype.
Isen kan serveres i metal- eller glasbægre, i
dybe tallerkener af metal, glas eller krystal eller på desserttallerkner. Afhængigt af istypen, kan den også anrettes i halve, udhulede frugter, f.eks. melon, ananas, appelsin, citron eller grapefrugt. Det anbefales at afkøle bægre, tallerkener eller
de udhulede frugter i fryseren før serveringen. Isen vil da smelte langsommere. Visse typer is, f.eks. mokkais og chokoladeis, er
mindre kompakte end andre. Disse istyper skal helst tages ud af ismaskinen og køles i fryseren en halv times tid før servering. Iskugler kan formes med en særlig isske, som
skal være helt ren. Isskeen bør dyppes i vand, inden isen formes. Dette sikrer, at iskuglerne bliver pæne og glatte. Skal isen serveres i et bæger, stilles iskuglerne i fryseren en halv time før anretningen. Derved undgår man, at de smelter under anretningen. Is passer også godt til bagværk, f.eks.
vandbakkelser, kage, marengs eller pandekager.
Isen kan f.eks. pyntes med ødeskum, piskede
æggehvider, cremefraiche, vanillecreme eller saucer. Flødeskum eller cremefraiche kan blandes
med nthakkede nødder før servering.
Det er en god idé at have lidt mere frugt
end det, der skal bruges til selve opskriften, så der også er lidt til pynt. Kandiseret frugt, cocktailbær eller udblødte rosiner er også
velegnede til pynt. Det smager endnu bedre,
hvis frugten marineres i likør. Isen kan også
kombineres med en passende likør.
Is kan også pyntes med f.eks. chokoladeblade,
revet chokolade, nougat, fyldte chokolader,
kokosmel eller hakkede nødder (valnødder,
hasselnødder, snittede mandler eller
Is ser ekstra festlig ud, hvis den pyntes med en
eller ere vaer, småkager, marengs, makroner
eller lignende.
5 Saucer
Sauce og sirup smager godt sammen med is, og der er mange forskellige at vælge mellem: søde saucer, frugtsaucer og frugtsirup. Man kan købe mange forskellige slags færdiglavede saucer. Men ligesom det er tilfældet med is, smager hjemmelavet sauce bedst. Saucer kan nemt tilberedes et par dage i forvejen og opbevares i køleskab eller fryser.
5.0.1 Varme saucer
Hvis du vil servere varm sauce, skal saucen opvarmes langsomt. Det er også bedst, hvis isen er kølet ned i fryseren et stykke tid, inden den varme sauce hældes over.
De saucer, som beskrives nedenfor, kan også serveres kolde. Den varme sauce kan enten serveres i en skål for sig eller hældes over isen umiddelbart før servering.
Denne sauce kan tilberedes nogle dage i forvejen og opbevares i en tætlukket beholder i køleskabet. Saucen opvarmes i vandbad før servering.
frugtsaften og kun tilsætte lidt eller slet ingen sukker.
5.0.2 Kirsebærsauce
Hæld saften fra en dåse kirsebær (uden sten) i en gryde sammen med den revne skal af en appelsin og en citron. Lad blandingen simre ved svag varme i ca. 10 minutter. Herefter skal blandingen sies.
Hæld 1⁄2 spiseskefuld citronsaft og 1 teskefuld
appelsinsaft gennem sien ned i en skål, og bland saften med 1 teskefuld majsstivelse eller kartoffelmel. Hæld blandingen i den varme kirsebærsaft under konstant omrøring. Lad saucen koge i et minut. Smag saucen til med sukker og evt. 1 spiseskefuld Kirsch (kirsebærlikør). Kirsebærrene blandes i saucen umiddelbart før servering.
5.0.3 Chokoladesauce
Del 125 g mørk chokolade i mindre stykker. Smelt den i en skål over et vandbad med 200 ml kogende vand. Lad den smeltede chokolade simre i 20 minutter.
Tilsæt 11⁄2 tsk. vanillesukker, 2 spsk. piskeøde
og en klat smør. Rør saucen igennem, indtil den er jævn. Hæld den varme sauce over isen umiddelbart før servering.
5.0.4 Kold frugtsauce
I denne opskrift anvendes frisk frugt, men dybfrossen frugt eller frugt fra glas eller dåse kan også anvendes. Bruges frisk frugt, tilsættes sukker i forholdet 50-75 g sukker til 200 g frugt, afhængigt af hvilken slags frugt der anvendes. Si frugten gennem en nylonsi for at fjerne kernerne. Afkøl frugtsaucen før servering. Nedfrys aldrig frugtsauce, som er lavet af frossen frugt. Frugtsauce, som er lavet af frisk frugt, kan imidlertid godt fryses ned.
5.0.5 Frugtpuré
Sådan laver du frugtpuré:
Vask den friske frugt, og fjern kernerne eller
stenene (nogle typer frugt skal også skrælles først). Tilsæt sukker efter behag, og kog frugten, til
den er blød. Kom puréen i en si eller sigte for at fjerne
evt. kerner.
E Tip:
Puréen kan også laves af frugt fra dåse eller glas. I så fald skal du bruge så lidt som muligt af
6 Børnefester
Brug glade, friske farver til at pynte isen med, hvis den er til børn. Vælg den slags is og sauce, som børn kan lide.
Du kan komme ødeskum, vanillecreme,
chokoladesauce eller frugtyoghurt på isen. Pynt med chokoladekrymmel, kulørt krymmel,
sukkerblomster, vaer eller små chokolade-
knapper. Her er nogle velsmagende serveringsforslag: 1 Banan- eller vanilleis med chokoladesauce 2 Chokoladeis med hakkede nødder
3 Jordbæris med skumduser
4 Et stykke kage med vanilleis og frugtsauce 5 Pandekager fyldt med frugtis og drysset med
7 Opskrifter
7.0.1 Flødeis
3 æggeblommer
100 g stødt melis
10 g vanillesukker
250 ml sødmælk
200 ml piskeøde
Pisk æggeblommer, sukker og vanillesukker,
indtil blandingen er let og skummende. Tilsæt mælken under konstant omrøring.
Pisk øden, indtil den er næsten stiv. Bland
ødeskummet sammen med de øvrige
ingredienser. Sørg for, at alle ingredienserne er blandet godt sammen. Tænd for ismaskinen, og hæld blandingen
i fryseskålen.
Tilberedningstid: 40-50 minutter.
E Tip:
Flødeisen kan kombineres med:
40 g hakkede valnødder, hasselnødder eller
peanuts 40 g hakket kandiseret frugt
40 g grofthakket chokolade
8 g kanel
Hvis du tilsætter en af disse ingredienser, skal det gøres, når halvdelen af tilberedningstiden
er gået. Kanel kan imidlertid blandes med æggeblommerne.
7.0.2 Coupe Dame Blanche
(til 4-5 personer)
4-5 glas
4-5 vaer
Varm chokoladesauce (se afsnittet Saucer)
Brug en isske til at forme isen til kugler,
og kom 2 eller 3 kugler i hvert glas. Hæld chokoladesaucen over isen, og servér straks.
7.0.3 Jordbæris
200 g friske jordbær
90 g stødt melis
1 æggeblomme
1 spiseskefuld citronsaft
225 ml sødmælk
100 ml piskeøde
Vask jordbærrene og purér dem sammen med
citronsaft, mælk, sukker og æggeblomme. Kom
øden i jordbærblandingen, og bland det hele
godt sammen.
Tænd for ismaskinen, og hæld blandingen i
fryseskålen. Tilberedningstid: 35-45 minutter.
E Tip:
I stedet for jordbær kan man anvende 200 g friske blåbær, hindbær eller brombær.
7.0.4 Coupe Ambrosia
(til 4-6 personer)
4-6 glas
Hele jordbær (med stilk) og/eller hindbær,
brombær osv.
40-60 ml jordbærsirup blandet med 2-
3 spiseskefulde Cointreau eller anden
Et par friske mynteblade
125 ml ødeskum
4-6 vaer
Kom isen i glassene, og hæld Cointreau over
den. Arrangér ødeskummet oven på isen. Pynt med frugt, vaer og mynteblade.
7.0.5 Bananis
250 g modne bananer
100 g stødt melis
1 1/2 spiseskefuld citronsaft
75 ml piskeøde
250 ml sødmælk
Purér bananerne sammen med sukker og
citronsaft. Rør bananpureen godt sammen
med øde og mælk.
Tænd for ismaskinen, og hæld blandingen i
Tilberedningstid: 40-50 minutter.
7.0.6 Coupe Melanie
(til 4-5 personer)
4-6 glas
1 stor banan, skåret i skiver
40-60 ml æggepunch
4 spiseskefulde bananlikør
4-6 halve valnøddekerner
2 kiwifrugter, skåret i skiver
8 dadler uden sten
125 ml letpisket ødeskum, som serveres
separat Arrangér ingredienserne i glassene på en sjov
og festlig måde.
7.0.7 Yoghurtis med frugt
250 g frisk frugt (f.eks. blåbær, hindbær eller
jordbær) 100 g stødt melis
50 ml øde
375 ml yoghurt
1 spiseskefuld citronsaft
Vask frugten, og purér den sammen med
sukker og citronsaft. Bland frugtblandingen
med yoghurt og øde. Sørg for, at alle
ingredienserne er rørt godt sammen. Tænd for ismaskinen, og hæld blandingen i
fryseskålen. På billedet kan du se, hvordan isen kan serveres. Tilberedningstid: 35-45 minutter.
7.0.8 Ice cream soda
(til 4-6 personer)
4-6 kugler yoghurtis med frugt
4-6 høje glas
50 g jordbær og 50 g hindbær pureret med
1 spiseskefuld ormelis
4-6 citron- eller appelsinskiver, skåret i halve
4-6 sugerør
125 ml ødeskum
Kom frugtpureen i glassene, og kom isen oven
på. Hæld sodavand over isen. Pynt med citron-
eller appelsinskiver. Slut af med ødeskum, og
sæt et sugerør i hvert glas.
7.0.9 Mangois
300 g modne mangofrugter, skrællede og
udstenede 90 g stødt melis
2 spsk. honning
2 spsk. citronsaft
50 ml piskeøde
200 ml sødmælk
1 æggeblomme
Purér mangofrugterne sammen med citronsaft,
sukker, honning, mælk og æggeblomme.
Kom øden i mangoblandingen, og rør det
hele godt sammen. Tænd for ismaskinen, og hæld blandingen
i fryseskålen.
Tilberedningstid: 35-45 minutter.
E Tip:
I stedet for mangofrugter kan man også anvende 300 g skrællede og udstenede abrikoser eller ferskner.
7.0.10 Tropisk isanretning
(til 4-5 personer)
4-5 glas
4 spiseskefulde appelsin- eller
passionsfrugtlikør 2 store bananer i skiver
4-5 halverede appelsinskiver
2-4 spsk. kokosmel
4-5 grønne cocktailbær
125 ml letpisket, usødet cremefraiche
4-5 vaer
Arrangér ingredienserne i glassene på en sjov
og festlig måde.
7.0.11 Vanilleis
(til 4-5 personer)
2 æggeblommer
1 æg
125 g stødt melis
5 g vanillesukker
400 ml sødmælk
150 ml piskeøde
5 g majsstivelse
Kom æggeblommer, stødt melis, vanillesukker
og majsstivelse i en skål. Pisk blandingen
sammen med en røremaskine, indtil
æggeblommerne er næsten hvide.
Varm mælken op ved svag varme. Tilsæt
gradvist den varme mælk til æggeblandingen
under konstant mixning. Når ingredienserne
er mixet grundigt, hældes blandingen over i en
Opvarm blandingen ved svag varme i 1-2
minutter under konstant omrøring. Blandingen
må ikke koge. Hvis blandingen skiller, skal
den røres sammen med røremaskinen eller
kommes i en blender eller foodprocessor.
Afkøl blandingen til køleskabstemperatur.
Herefter vendes øden forsigtigt i blandingen.
Tænd for ismaskinen, og hæld blandingen i
fryseskålen. Tilberedningstid: 35-45 minutter.
7.0.12 Monta Rosa
(til 4-6 personer)
Varm kirsebærsauce (se afsnittet Saucer)
4-6 glas
Hæld den varme kirsebærsauce over isen
umiddelbart før servering.
7.0.13 Chokoladeis
2 æggeblommer
100 g ormelis
250 ml sødmælk
200 ml piskeøde
15 g kakao
1 tsk. pulverkaffe
Pisk æggeblommerne sammen med sukker,
kakao, pulverkaffe og 50 ml af mælken, indtil kakaoen er opløst. Tilsæt resten af mælken, og rør blandingen godt sammen.
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