Steam treatment for dry skin
- Steam for approximately 8 to 12 minutes.
- If you use the aroma diffuser,we advise using
Relaxing Rose oil.
- Rinse your face with water.
- Then apply a moisturising or nourishing mask,
serum or fluid.
TIP:Instead of pre-treating your face with steam,
you can also steam your face while the
moisturising mask is on your skin.
Steam treatment for sensitive skin
- Steam for max.10 minutes.
- If you use the aroma diffuser,we advise using
Calming Camomile herbs.
- Rinse your face with water
- Then apply a special moisturising or nourishing
cream for sensitive skin.
Steam treatment for skin that is
prone to blackheads
- Steam for approximately 5 to 8 minutes.
- Wipe sweat and excess oil off your face with a
cotton pad.
- Then very carefully squeeze the blackheads
between your fingers or use a special blackhead
TIP:You can hold 2 cotton pads between your
fingers to squeeze the blackheads very gently.
- Then clean the skin with a mild cleanser.
- Finish the treatment with a skin toner or lotion.