Philips HP4834 User Manual

Optistyle supersilence
HP4834 /PB
The same drying power at half the noise!
This new Philips hairdryer has been specially designed to meet your personal needs.The settings give you maximum control and allow you to select the speed and temperature settings that are suitable for your hair.With the nozzle you can dry your hair efficiently and create the style you want.
This new Optivolume supersilence hairdryer incorporates two innovations: a new kind of fan and a more quiet motor, resulting in a hairdryer that is half as loud as a normal 1600-watt Philips hairdryer.The three settings and the nozzle allow you to dry and style your hair in a pleasantly quiet way.
Check if the voltage indicated on the
appliance corresponds to the local mains voltage before you connect the appliance.
Keep this appliance away from water! Do not
use this product near or over water contained in baths, washbasins, sinks etc. When used in a bathroom, unplug the appliance after use since the proximity of water presents a risk, even when the hairdryer is switched off.
For additional protection, we advise you to
install a residual current device (RCD) with a
rated residual operating current not exceeding 30mA in the electrical circuit supplying the bathroom.Ask your installer for advice.
Keep the appliance out of the reach of
Never block the air grilles.If the appliance overheats, it will switch off
automatically. Unplug the appliance and let it cool down for a few minutes. Before you switch the appliance on again, check the grilles to make sure they are not blocked by fluff, hair, etc.
Always switch the appliance off before putting
it down, even if it is only for a moment.
Always unplug the appliance after use.
1 Select the desired air speed.
>: Fast Setting for a high temperature and strong
airflow for fast drying.
>: Style Setting for a medium temperature and
airflow for precise drying and styling.
5: Care Setting for a low temperature and a
gentle airflow for caring drying and styling.
2 Hold the hairdryer at a small distance
from your head to dry your hair.
To concentrate the airflow, you can connect
the concentrator to the air outlet.
1 Connect the concentrator by simply
snapping it onto the appliance. Disconnect it by pulling it off.
If the mains cord of this appliance is damaged,
it must always be replaced by a service centre authorised by Philips, as special tools and/or parts are required.
Always return the appliance to a service
centre authorised by Philips for examination or repair. Repair by unqualified people could cause an extremely hazardous situation for the user.
If you need service or information or if you
have a problem, please consult the worldwide guarantee leaflet.
Information & service
If you need information or if you have a problem, please visit the Philips Web site at or contact the Philips Customer Care Centre in your country (you will find its phone number in the worldwide guarantee leaflet). If there is no Customer Care Centre in your country, turn to your local Philips dealer or contact the Service Depar tment of Philips Domestic Appliances and Personal Care BV.
It can be that the plug has no electricity:
Make sure the plug you use delivers electricity.
It can be that the appliance was not switched on:
Make sure that the appliance is plugged in and switch the appliance on.
It can be the appliance was overheated and turned itself off:
Unplug the appliance and let it cool down for a few mintutes. Before you switch the appliance on again, check the grilles to make sure they are not blocked by fluff, hair, etc.
It can be that the appliance is of a wrong voltage:
Make sure that the voltage indicated on the typeplate corresponds to the local mains voltage.
It can be that the mains cord of the appliance is damaged:
The mains cord always has to be replaced by a service centre authorised by Philips.
The appliance does not work at all
Kuasa pengering yang sama separuh daripada bunyi!
Pengering rambut Philips yang terkini direka khas untuk memenuhi keperluan anda. Rangkaan bentuknya memberi kawalan maksimum dan membolehkan anda memilih kelajuan dan suhu sesuai untuk rambut anda.Dengan rangkai tambahan anda boleh mengeringkan rambut secara efisien dan membentuk stail yang anda kehendaki.
Pengering rambut Optivolume supersilenceyang baru ini menggabungkan dua inovasi: kipas yang baru dan motor yang lebih senyap, menghasilkan pengering rambut yang bunyinya kuat separuh daripada pengering rambut Philips yang biasa 1600-watt.Tiga rangkaan bentuk dan rangkai tambahannya membolehkan anda mengering dan membentuk rambut anda dalam suasana yang selesa dan senyap.
Periksa sama ada voltan yang ditunjukkan pada
peralatan sama dengan voltan utama setempat sebelum menyambungnya.
Jauhi peralatan ini daripada air! Jangan gunakan
produk ini hampir atau di atas air di bilik mandi, besin basuh, sink dsb.Apabila menggunakannya di bilik air, tanggalkan plag peralatan selepas digunakan kerana
kebarangkalian adanya air akan menyebabkan risiko, walaupun setelah pengering rambut dimatikan.
Sebagai perlindungan tambahan, kami
nasihatkan supaya anda bekalkan alat tinggalan arus (residual current device) dengan kadaran tinggalan arus operasi tidak melebihi 30mA dalam lingkaran eletrik yang dibekalkan di bilik air.
Jauhi peralatan daripada capaian kanak-kanak.Jangan halang gril udara.Jika peralatan terlampau panas, ia akan
dimatikan secara automatik. Cabut plag peralatan dan biarkan ia sejuk selama beberapa minit. Sebelum anda hidupkan alat semula, periksa gril untuk memastikan bahawa gril tidak tersumbat oleh bulu-bulu, rambut, dsb.
Selalu matikan swis peralatan sebelum
meletakkannya, walaupun hanya seketika.
Selalu cabutkan plag peralatan setelah
1 Pilih kelajuan udara yang dikehendaki
>: Rangkaan bentuk yang laju untuk suhu yang
tinggi dan laluan udara yang kuat untuk pengeringan yang segera.
>: Gaya rangkaan bentuk untuk suhu sederhana
dan laluan udara pengeringan dan gaya yang saksama.
5: Jaga rangkaan bentuk untuk suhu rendah dan
laluan udara yang lembut untuk memelihara pengeringan dan gaya.
2 Pegang pengering rambut dalam jarak yang
dekat dari kepala anda untuk mengeringkannya.
Rangkai tambahan
Untuk menumpu laluan udara, anda boleh
sambungkan penumpu kepada laluan keluar udara.
1 Sambungkan penumpu dengan hanya
mengetapkannya pada peralatan. Putuskannya dengan menarik ia keluar.
Jika talikod utama peralatan rosak, ia harus
selalu digantikan oleh pusat servis yang diberi kuasa oleh Philips, sebagai alat khas/ atau bahagian yang diperlui.
Selalu pulangkan peralatan ke pusat servis
yang diberi kuasa oleh Philips untuk perbaiki atau periksa. Pembaikian oleh mereka yang tidak mahir akan menyebabkan keadaan yang amat berbahaya kepada pengguna.
Jika anda memerlukan servis atau maklumat
atau anda menghadapi masalah, sila hubungi risalah jaminan sedunia.
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