For a complete data sheet, please also download:
•The IC04 LOCMOS HE4000B Logic
Family Specifications HEF, HEC
•The IC04 LOCMOS HE4000B Logic
Package Outlines/Information HEF, HEC
4-bit universal shift register
Product specification
File under Integrated Circuits, IC04
January 1995
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
4-bit universal shift register
The HEF4035B is a fully synchronous edge-triggered 4-bit
shift register with a clock input (CP), four synchronous
parallel data inputs (P0to P3), two synchronous serial data
inputs (J, K), a synchronous parallel enable input (PE),
buffered parallel outputs from all 4-bit positions (O0 to O3),
a true/complement input (T/C) and an overriding
asynchronous master reset input (MR). Each register is of
a D-type master-slave flip-flop.
Operation is synchronous (except for MR) and is
edge-triggered on the LOW to HIGH transition of the CP
input. When PE is HIGH, data is loaded into the register
from P
to P3 on the LOW to HIGH transition of CP.
When PE is LOW, data is shifted into the first register
position from J and
shifted one position to the right on the LOW to HIGH
transition of CP. D-type entry is obtained by
interconnecting J andK. When J = HIGH and K = LOW the
first stage is in the toggle mode. When J = LOW and
K = HIGH the first stage is in the hold mode.
The outputs (O0 to O3) are either inverting or non-inverting,
depending on T/C state. With T/C HIGH, O0 to O3 are
non-inverting (active HIGH) and when T/C is LOW, O0 to
O3 are inverting (active LOW).
A HIGH on MR resets all four bit positions (O0to
O3= LOW if T/C = HIGH, O0to O3= HIGH if T/C = LOW)
independent of all other input conditions.
Schmitt-trigger action in the clock input makes the circuit
highly tolerant to slower clock rise and fall times.
K and all the data in the register is
Fig.1 Functional diagram.
See Family Specifications
January 1995 2
LIMITS category MSI
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January 1995 3
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
4-bit universal shift register
Fig.2 Logic diagram.