Instructions for use of your BiPAP Harmony ventilator
Your BiPAP (bilevel positive airway pressure) machine is a type of non-invasive
ventilator (NIV). It is designed for independent use at home by patients and
ideally should be worn at night during sleep in order to relieve overnight drops in
oxygen levels. However, if this proves impossible then it should be used for at
least 4 hours in a 24-hour period.
It has been set to deliver a high pressure when you breathe in and a lower one
when you breathe out. You should try to relax as much as possible whilst on it
and let the machine do the work of breathing. It is not intended for ‘life
support’ or to be used continuously over a 24-hour period. The alarms on
the machine have been turned off (because its use is not for life support).
To set the machine up:
1. Attaching the machine to the circuit
• Plug machine in to power supply
• Attach breathing circuit to the machine
2. Putting the mask on
• Fit the mask as indicated in the diagram