USB Flash Drive
Moon edition 3.1
Slim and elegant design
Swap files in a flash!
This modern and reliable memory drive is very suitable for storing and sharing all
your multimedia files, such as photos, music, videos and your personal data.
Performance and capacity
Fast data transfer with ultra speed USB 3.1
64 GB storage capacity
Design for you
Contemporary & elegant design
Capless design
Pocket sized storage

USB Flash Drive
Highlights Specifications
Fast data transfer USB 3.1
Ultra speed data transfer rates significantly cut
annoying waiting time when you are copying
large multimedia files to or from your
computer's hard disk. It can also be used in
devices supporting USB 2.0 and USB 3.0
64 GB storage capacity
Enough capacity to store more than 18,000 of
your favorite photo's or 11, 200 MP3 musi c
Contemporary & elegant design
The contemporary, aluminium design gives it a
modern look and elegant feeling. The round
shape of moon enables you to easily attach
the USB drive to your key ring. Allows you to
carry it along all the time.
Capless design
The USB connector is already protected by the
casing, eliminating the need for a cap. Hence,
you do not need to worry about losing the cap
Pocket sized storage
Pocket sized storage that allows you to carry
all your favorite music, videos and photos with
you wherever you go.
Storage media
Built-in memory capacity: 64 GB
USB: Ultra speed USB 3.1
System requirements
PC OS: Windows® XP and higher; Mac OS 9.0
and higher; Li nux 2.4.0 and higher
Warranty: 2 years
Product dimensions
Product dimensions (W x H x D):
3.8 x 1.7 x 0.45 cm
Weight: 0.0054 kg
Packaging dimensions
Packaging type: Bli ster
Number of products included: 1
Packaging dimensions (W x H x D ):
10 x 13.2 x 1 cm
Gross weight: 0.0153 kg
Nett weight: 0.0054 kg
Tare weight: 0.0099 kg
EAN: 87 19274 66740 7
Inner Carton 2
Number of consumer packagings: 10
Inner carton 2 (L x W x H): 10.3 x 6.9 x 13.4 cm
Gross weight: 0.17 kg
Nett weight: 0.054 kg
Tare weight: 0.116 kg
EAN: 87 19274 66741 4
Inner Carton
Number of consumer packagings: 100
Inner carton (L x W x H): 36 x 21.6 x 14.8 cm
Gross weight: 1.74 kg
Nett weight: 0.54 kg
Tare weight: 1.2 kg
EAN: 87 19274 66742 1
Outer Carton
Number of consumer packagings: 400
Outer carton (L x W x H): 45 x 38.3 x 33.5 cm
Gross weight: 7.05 kg
Nett weight: 2.16 kg
Tare weight: 4.89 kg
EAN: 87 19274 66743 8
* Based on 10MP jpg compressed photo format and 3
minutes MP3 song (2 56kbp/s, file size of 5.7MB)
© 20 20 Koninklijke Philips N.V.
All Right s reser ved.
Specifications are subject to change
without notice. Trademarks are the
property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or
their respective owners.
Issue date 202 0‑ 01‑2 6
Version: 3.0.2
12 NC: 8670 001 595 01
EAN: 87 19274 66740 7
www.phili ps.com