Philips DVDR-72 Service Manual

Color Television Chassis
Service Service
Contents Contents
1. Technical Specifications 00
2. Safety & Maintenance Instructions, Warnings and Notes 00
4. Mechanical Instructions 00
7. Electrical Diagrams and PWB's Diagram PWB Block Diagram Schematic 1 Overall Block Diagram Digital Board 2.1 Chrysalis 2 Wiring Diagram Schematic 3 Display Panel Schematic 4 39 Front Connector Schematic 5 0 Standby Panel Schematic 6 41 Tray Left Panel Schematic 7 43 Tray Right Panel Schematic 8 45 An. Board: Frontend Video Schematic 9 47 An. Board: In/Out Video Schematic 10 47 An. Board: In/Out Audio Schematic 11 47 An. Board: Power Supply Schematic 12 47 An. Board: Multi Sound Processing Schematic 13 47 An. Board: Digital In/Out Schematic 14 47 An. Board: Audio Converter Schematic 15 47 UP Sub Board: Central Controller Schematic 16 49 UP Sub Board: Fan Control Schematic 17 49 In/Out Extension Board Schematic 18 51 DVIO Board: 1394 Interface Schematic 19 53 DVIO Board: Link + Codec Schematic 20 53 DVIO Board: uP-Part Schematic 21 53 DVIO Board: Interface + DAC Schematic 22 53 DVIO Board: Clock Schematic 23 53 Dig. Board: VSM, Buffer Memory Schematic 24 54 Dig. Board: AV Decoder STI5519 Schematic 25 54 Dig. Board: AV Decoder Memory Schematic 26 54 Dig. Board: Video Enc. Empress Schematic 27 54 Dig. Board: VIP CVBS Y/C Video Input Schem atic 28 54 Dig. Board: An. Board Cons. Video In/Out Schematic 29 54 Dig. Board: Progressive Scan Schematic 30 54 Dig. Board: Progressive Scan Schematic 31 54 Dig. Board: Power Clock and Reset Audio Schematic 32 54 Digital Board Chrysalis 2.1: IDE, UARTS, RESET, BE 33 72 Digital Board Chrysalis 2.1: 1394 34 72 Digital Board Chrysalis 2.1: Audio PLL 35 72 Digital Board Chrysalis 2.1: Chrysalis 36 72 Digital Board Chrysalis 2.1: 4.8V Power 37 72 Digital Board Chrysalis 2.1: Prog. scan DAC 38 72 Digital Board Chrysalis 2.1: Flash SDRAM EEPROM 39 72 Digital Board Chrysalis 2.1: Video IO 40 72 Digital Board Chrysalis 2.1: VIPs 41 72 Digital Board Chrysalis F: IDE, UARTS, RESET, BE 42 86 Digital Board Chrysalis F: 1394 43 86 Digital Board Chrysalis F: Audio PLL 44 86 Digital Board Chrysalis F: Chrysalis 45 86 Digital Board Chrysalis F: 1.8V Power 46 86 Digital Board Chrysalis F: Prog. Scan Output Filter 47 86 Digital Board Chrysalis F: Flash SDRAM EEPROM 48 86 Digital Board Chrysalis F: Video IO 49 86 Digital Board Chrysalis F: VIPs 50 86 Digital Board Chrysalis F: Faroudja 51 86 Digital Board Chrysalis F: IDE 2 52 86 EPG Board: GS501 RAM, Flash Schematic 53 56
Copyrig ht 2001 Philips Consumer Electronics B.V. Eindhoven, The Netherlands. All rights reser ved. No p art of this p ublication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by means, electronic, m echanical, photographic, or otherwise w ithout the prior permission of Philips.
Published by Philips Consumer Electronics Subject to modification 2005 Nov 02
EPG Board: PIP Codec,Port Expander Schematic 54 56 EPG Board: Controller Schematic 55 56 EPG Board: Power Supply Schematic 56 56 EPG Board: In/Out Schematic 57 56 EPG Board: RGB Converter Schematic 58 56 EPG Board: Glink, Syncsep Schematic 59 56 Layout Display Panel (Top View) 60 Layout Display Panel (Bottom View) 61 Layout Standby Panel (Top View) 62 Layout Standby Panel (Botom View) 63 Layout Tray Left Panel (Top View) 64 Layout Tray Left Panel (Bottom View) 65 Layout Tray Right Panel (Top View) 66 Layout Tray Right Panel (Bottom View) 67 Layout An. Board (Top View) 68 Layout An. Board (Overview Bottom View) 69 Layout UP Sub Board (Top View) 70 Layout UP Sub Board (Bottom View) 71 Layout In/Out Extension Board (Top View) 72 Layout In/Out Extension Board (Bottom View) 73 Layout DVIO Board (Overview Top View) 74 Layout Dig. Board (Overview Top View) 75 Layout Dig. Board (Overview Bottom View) 76 Layout Digital Board Chrysalis 2.1 (Top View) 77 Layout Digital Board Chrysalis 2.1 (Bottom View) 78 Layout Digital Board Chrysalis F (Top View) 79 Layout Digital Board Chrysalis F (Bottom View) 80 Layout EPG Board (Top View) 81 Layout EPG Board (Bottom View) 82 Testpoints Overview An. Board 83 Testpoints Overview UP Sub Board 84 Testpoints Overview DVIO Board 85 Testpoints Overview Dig. Board 86 Testpoints Overview EPG Board 87
8. Adjustments 00
9. Circuit Description 00
10. Spare Parts List 00
Diagram PWB
Digital Board Chrysalis 2.1
The Digital Board Chrysalis 2.1_N1 replaces Digital Board 1.5 Empress and DVIO 1.8 board in DVDR75/17. In this update the circuit diagrams, print layout, block diagram and the associated parts list are added.
Digital Board Chrysalis F
The Digital Board Chrysalis NF2 replaces Digital Board 1.5 Empress and DVIO
1.8 board in DVDR80/17. Added DVDR72/17. In this update the circuit diagrams, print layout, block diagram and the associated parts list are added.
DVDR72/17, DVDR75/17 and DVDR80/17
Note that models DVDR72/17 and DVDR75/17 are essentially identical, so when servicing DVDR72/17, refer to the DVDR75/17 service information.
The DVD+RW Module Basic Engines (VAE8015 and VAE8020) used with the above models are covered in service manual 2065. Refer to manual 2065 for all Basic Engine information.
Exploded View of the Set
Exploded View of the Front Panel Complete
Exploded View of the Front without PWBs
7106/7108-Emitter IC7103-19 IC7103-8 VID_OUT I701
AMCO I705 Uout I463 Vout I462 A_YCVBS F4709
D_CVBS F4712 D_Y F4714 D_C F4716 D_VR F4718
D_YG F4720 D_UB F4722 Y I419 U I405
V I402 I502/I504 I517/I529 Vdrain F327 (Standby) (110V
Vdrain F327 (No Disc) (110V)VGate I324 (Standby) (110V)VGate I324 (No Disc) (110V)Vsource I325 (Standby) (110
Vsource I325 (No Disc) (110VI014/I032 ARDAC/ALDAC F010/F011 F410
F411 F400/F401 F800 F801
F527 F529 F551 F552
F536 F603 F610 F609
F620 acc_aclk_pll VSM_M_CLK Sysclk_VSM
VSOUT I215 I216 I217
I218 I232 I402 I403
I408 I409 I414 I415
I522 I525 I527 A_YCVBS F5109
D_CVBS F5112 D_Y F5114 D_C F5116 D_V F5118
D_Y F5120 D_U F5122 E_Y F5302 U F5304
V F5306 F5002, V F5003, U F5004, Y
F604, Guide on F605, Guide on F606 F607, CSYNC
F600, Guide on F601, Guide on F602, Guide on F603, Guide on
F702, HSYNC F703, VSYNC I818 A_CVBS F8008
SYNC F843 I623 I618/I619 A_YCVBS F4709
D_CVBS F4712 D_Y F4714 D_C F4716 D_VR F4718
AD_ACLK A_YCVBS F4709 D_CVBS F4712 D_Y F4714
D_C F4716 D_VR F4718 D_YG F4720 D_UB F4722
IC7703 pin 34 IC7703 pin 36 HS_IN Y 1704-2
PB 1704-4 PR 1704-6 IC7402 pin 3, F405 IC7200 pin 60, F203
X1001 A_YCVBS 1904-14 D_YCVBS 1904-11 D_Y 1904-9
IC7501 pin 5 IC7501 pin 6 IC7703 pin 25 D_C 1904-7
D_VR 1904-5 D_YG 1904-3 VS_IN 1704-2, F1702
IC7703 pin 32 D_UB 1904-1 IC7200 pin 60, F203 HS_IN
VS_IN IC7402 pin 3, F405 IC7501 pin 5 IC7501 pin 6
Y 1704-2 PR 1704-6 IC7005 pin 173 Y_FAROUDJAPB 1704-4
IC7005 pin 170 PB_FAROUDJAIC7005 pin 176 PR_FAROUDJAA_YCVBS 1904-14 D_YCVBS 1904-11
D_Y 1904-9 D_C 1904-7 D_VR 1904-5 D_YG 1904-3
D_UB 1904-1 X1001 IC7005 pin 170 PB_FAROUDJAIC7005 pin 173 Y_FAROUDJA
IC7005 pin 176 PR_FAROUDJA
All Models (2064) - Block Diagram Schematic
All Models (2064) - Overall Block Diagram Digital Board 2.1 Chrysalis
All Models (2064) - Wiring Diagram Schematic
All Models (2064) - Display Panel Schematic
All Models (2064) - Front Connector Schematic
All Models (2064) - Standby Panel Schematic
All Models (2064) - Tray Left Panel Schematic
All Models (2064) - Tray Right Panel Schematic
All Models (2064) - An. Board: Frontend Video Schematic
All Models (2064) - An. Board: In/Out Video Schematic
All Models (2064) - An. Board: In/Out Audio Schematic
All Models (2064) - An. Board: Power Supply Schematic
All Models (2064) - An. Board: Multi Sound Processing Schematic
All Models (2064) - An. Board: Digital In/Out Schematic
All Models (2064) - An. Board: Audio Converter Schematic
All Models (2064) - UP Sub Board: Central Controller Schematic
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