Philips D750 User Manual

SmartLine D750
User’s Guide: Basic Functions
Menu operation:
Display with the functions which can be selected
Operation can be stopped or cancelled using the STOP key
Display where it is possible to call up further menu items using cursor keys
The functions of the unit are collected together in a menu. They are shown in ”plain text” in the display:
Menu operation is performed easily and conveniently using these 4 keys:
The SmartLine D750 at a glanceThe SmartLine D750 at a glance
123 56
Announc 1 Closing Announc 2 ADAD Timer
2 lines for displaying up to 24 characters (numbers, letters, special characters)
The numbers indicate which data / speech channel of the dial-up line is currently in use
Symbols for activated telephone functions
Symbols for answering machine
Numerals I and II indicate which speech/data channel of the dialup line is being used.
Hot line is activated. Open listening or hands-free
operation is switched on.
Muting is activated. The changeover key for the
name keys was actuated: 2nd memory level is activated.
A call diversion is switched on.
Handset is on-hook
Lift handset
Replace handset
Keyboard input
You are making a call
Example: Possibilities after selecting the menu item :
The controls
The menu control
Pictograms of the user’s guide
area for
name keys
Name keys
Changeover key
for name keys
Push button
(numbers, asterisk
and square)
Announc 1 Closing Announc 2 ADAD Timer
+ - !
Keys for the answering device
Appointment key with display
Hands free microphone
Disconnect key
Mute key
Menu-key Adjustment
keys + and ­Number
re-dial Stop-key
Cursor key for menu selection
OK key Consultation
hold key Listen in /
hands free function
No function
Foreword: Your new telephone: Possibilities for useForeword: Your new telephone: Possibilities for use
Important calls: A SmartLine D750 speciality
When you are waiting for an important call, the following situations always seem to occur:
Situation 1:
It would have to be at this moment that you have to leave the house or the firm because of an important appointment. What can you do? Cancel the appointment? Or ask someone else to guard the telephone and then call you? Solution: With the SmartLine D750 you can divert calls for one (or even all) telephone numbers of your line to another number. In this way you are always available.
Situation 2:
Whilst you are waiting for an important call, lots of other calls come in, for which you dont really have time... Solution: For this case (and for others, too) your SmartLine D750 has a call filter. Using this, you can specify up to 3 telephone numbers, whose calls should be accepted or barred. This applies to calls from an ISDN line tele­phone number transfer.
You will find these functions in the following sections of part A: Call diversion: chapter 4.5; call filter: chapter 5.9
Telephone No. display: Communication even before the handset is lifted
In the case of a call from another ISDN line, the telephone number of the caller can be shown to you in the display. This means that even at the first ring a caller hands over his calling card at the SmartLine D750. If you have already entered his/her telephone number in the telephone directory or in a name key memory of you telephone, even the accompanying name is displayed.
If you cant take a call (with transfer of the telephone number), the SmartLine D750 stores the telephone number in the call list (max. 10 positions). You can then select the telephone number from this list when you call back.
Your own telephone number can be transferred ...
1. ... When you call a party with an ISDN line.
2. ... If you are called: Your telephone number is also transferred to the
caller. In this way he can be sure that he has reached the right party.
You can also prevent the transfer of your own telephone number, the so­called identification. This way you remain anonymous from the start. Continuous or temporary suppression of the telephone number is possible.
You will find these functions in the following sections of part A: Telephone directory chapter 4.3; call list: chapter 4.1; identification: chapter 2.9
Call diversion
Call filter
Telephone directory Name keys
Call list
In the following pages you will be shown a small selection of the possibili­ties for using your new ISDN telephone. However, the SmartLine series models offer a far wider range of features. Please note that the availability of certain functions depends on the type of ISDN telephone line and on additional services and features which must be ordered from your national telephone network provider. This user’s guide is based on the Euro ISDN standard which is compatible with the DSS1 standard of most European countries.
SmartLine D750: T wo comfortable connections to the telephone network
The Euro ISDN basic access (line) connects the telephone with the tele­phone network. It offers two so-called B-channels, via which two external calls can be made simultaneously. With the SmartLine D750 you can use this possibility to the full:
Does this sound familiar? ... You are in the middle of telephone call and suddenly the telephone at the connection rings. You tell the first party (i.e. the person you are talking to on the phone) what has happened and put the handset to one side. You then dash to the other telephone. Once you are there, you take the second call (hopefully you remembered to press the mute key on the first telephone ...). Now you must decide which call you wish to terminate, perhaps you will decide to jump from one telephone to the other... As we said: Does this sound familiar? ...
Using your SmartLine D750, this works far more easily:
An new incoming call during an existing call is signalled by the camp-on busy tone in the handset. If the caller has an ISDN connection, your tele­phone number can be displayed. You can decide whether you wish to accept or reject the 2nd call.
You can accept the second call without ending the first one. The first party cannot listen in to this consultation call. After that you can resume the first call.
Or: You can speak alternately with both parties (brokering). Perhaps you would even like to talk to both parties at the same time: To do this, simply switch on the conference function. You can also connect both parties with each other (transferring).
By the way: You do not have to wait for a second party to call. You can also set up the calls for consultation, brokering, conference and transferring yourself.
You will find these functions explained in the following sections of part A: Camp-on busy: chapter 2.10; consultation, brokering, conference and transfer: chapter 3
Camp-on busy tone
Accepting or rejecting
Brokering Conference
1Table of contents
Table of contents: A – Telephone operation
1 Start up: Overview..........................................................................4
1.1 Connecting the telephone.................................................................4
1.2 Operating overview...........................................................................6
1.3 Initial installation................................................................................8
1.3.1 Setting up the connection....................................................8
1.3.2 Telephonig..........................................................................10
1.3.3 Entering additional sharacters............................................11
1.4 Changing the display language .......................................................11
2 Telephoning: Basic functions.......................................................12
2.1 The first steps ................................................................................12
2.1.1 Initiating a call ....................................................................12
2.1.2 Dialing preparation.............................................................12
2.1.3 Accepting calls...................................................................12
2.1.4 Ending the call....................................................................12
2.2 Open listening and hands-free operation........................................13
2.3 Number redialing.............................................................................14
2.4 Muting ...........................................................................................14
2.5 Handset volume..............................................................................15
2.6 Ringer .............................................................................................15
2.7 DTMF signalling ..............................................................................15
2.8 Keypad information.........................................................................15
2.9 Identifying ......................................................................................16
2.9.1 Basic setting ......................................................................16
2.9.2 Temporary identification changeover.................................17
About this User’s Guide
The present user’s guide is in two sections:
Part A: Basic telephone functions:
In part A of the user’s guide the common basic functions of the SmartLine D750 telephone are explained. .
Part B: Using the answering device:
Part B explains the functions of the answering device as a part of the telephone.
When choosing the location for your telephone you should think about the following:
Avoid the direct vicinity of CD players, video recorders, televisions, computers and microwave equipment.
Avoid installation in locations with heavy concentrations of smoke or dust, exposure to direct sunlight or humidity or in the direct vicinity of heat sources.
Place the unit on a non-slip mat so that the plastic feet of the unit are not damaged by the furniture coating, leaving undesirable marks on the furniture surface.
You can adapt the telephone to suit your personal requirements. Please note that changed function settings are stored by the unit approx. 10 seconds after entry. Only after this time are the changes effective.
Euro ISDN is the new European standard for digital telecommunication. The connection to conventional (national) ISDN and to the analogue telephone network is performed easily via the existing exchanges. In this User’s Guide, ISDN refers to Euro ISDN in conjunction with the SmartLine D750.
The SmartLine D750 is designed for the Euro ISDN multi-device line. Please note that whether functions can be used or not depends on the type of ISDN connection ordered: The following line access types are available, for example, in Germany: Simple, standard and comfort access. You can extend the range of features by ordering new features from your telephone network provider (in Germany, Deutsche Telekom AG).
In most other other European countries ISDN features are offered as extendible modules. If you do not exactly know which features are obtainable from your network provider, please always use the ”comfort” line access type. The features are then used depending on the network. Of all the possible ISDN features, only closed user group (CUG) and subaddressing (SUB) are not supported.
The exchange connection function is at present in planning. It can currently only be used at one SmartLine D750 line with a PABX (Private Automatic Branch Exchange).
The use of certain functions assumes that the caller/person you are calling has an ISDN line and has activated the corresponding functions. Example: Display of a caller’s telephone number is only possible if he/she has an ISDN line and has not suppressed his/her telephone number display. The same applies correspondingly for the transfer of message texts, for example.
Choice of location
Functions of the ISDN line
Table of contents
A – Telephone operation
2.10 Camp-on busy (COB)......................................................................17
2.11 Automatic callback when busy .......................................................18
2.12 Intercepting a telephone number....................................................18
3 Telephoning: During a call............................................................19
3.1 Notepad ..........................................................................................19
3.2 Consultation....................................................................................19
3.3 Transfer...........................................................................................19
3.4 Brokering.........................................................................................20
3.5 Conference .....................................................................................20
3.6 Parking ............................................................................................20
4 Comfort functions.........................................................................21
4.1 Call list ...........................................................................................21
4.2 Entering characters.........................................................................22
4.3 Telephone directory.........................................................................23
4.4 Name keys......................................................................................24
4.5 Call diversion...................................................................................27
4.5.1 External diversion...............................................................27
4.5.2 Forwarding to pager...........................................................27
4.5.3 Switching off all diversions................................................27
4.6 Messages .......................................................................................28
4.7 Barriers ...........................................................................................29
4.7.1 Hot line...............................................................................29
4.7.2 Dial bar...............................................................................30
4.7.3 Program bar .......................................................................30
4.7.4 Free telephone numbers................................................30
4.7.5 Barred numbers.................................................................31
4.8 Charges (call costs).........................................................................31
4.9 Charge accounts .............................................................................32
4.10 Appointment call.............................................................................34
5 Set-up menu: Overview ...............................................................35
5.1 Setting time and date......................................................................35
5.2 Changing the PIN............................................................................35
5.3 Exchange line seizure .....................................................................35
5.4 Change of prefix..............................................................................36
5.5 Entering and changing MSNs .........................................................36
5.6 Allocation of users to MSNs ...........................................................37
5.7 Language ........................................................................................37
5.8 Automatic dialing – setting the pause between dialing ..................37
5.9 Call filters ........................................................................................38
5.10 Call delay.........................................................................................39
5.11 Resetting the unit ...........................................................................39
5.12 Entering connection type and additional features...........................40
B – Answering device: Start up
1 Start up:.........................................................................................41
1.1 Answering device controls..............................................................41
1.2 Overview/Startup...........................................................................42
Table of contents
1.3 Recording announcements.............................................................43
1.4 Switching the answering device on and off....................................43
B – Answering device
2 Operation.......................................................................................44
2.1 Recording a message .....................................................................44
2.2 Listening-in and taking over calls ....................................................44
2.3 Manual recording of calls................................................................45
2.4 Replaying new messages...............................................................45
2.5 Replaying all recordings ..................................................................46
2.6 Erasing recordings ..........................................................................46
2.7 Info text...........................................................................................47
2.8 Dictations........................................................................................47
2.9 ADAD operation .............................................................................47
2.10 VIP function.....................................................................................49
2.11 Room functions...............................................................................49
3 Programming.................................................................................50
3.1 Operating mode..............................................................................50
3.2 Automatic listening-in .....................................................................50
3.3 Timer ...........................................................................................50
3.4 Setting switch-on............................................................................51
3.5 Time limit for recordings.................................................................51
4 Remote control/Remote polling.................................................51
4.1 Remote control / Overview.............................................................51
4.2 Remote switch-on of a switched off answering device..................52
4.3 Initiating remote control (answering device is switched on)...........52
4.4 Codes for remote operation............................................................53
Index – CE label – Certification Cleaning – Technical data – Settings on delivery
5A – Telephone operation: 1 Start up
Insertion is performed in the same way for all three sockets:
Insert the plug into the socket so that the locking catch points in the direction of the correspon­ding cut-out in the socket.
Push the plug into the socket until it locks.
You will find the handset and the spiral cable in the packaging.
Connect the plug of the cable end with the longer straight piece with the corresponding socket on the underside of the telephone
(refer to sketch on
previous page).
Connect the other plug of the cable with the
socket of handset.
Route the cable through the cable guide.
Now insert the appropriate plug of the plug-in power supply unit into the corresponding socket (see sketch on previous page). For safety reasons, the telephone must only be operated using the plug-in power supply unit sup­plied with it. Insert the plug-in power supply unit into the 220/ 230 volt socket.
Caution: Your telephone will not operate if the plug-in power supply is not inserted or in the case of a power failure.
The connection cable for the ISDN line has two identical plugs. Insert one of them into the telephone socket. Connect the other one with the socket of the telephone connection (ISDN socket).
First of all, pull the
plug-in power
supply unit out of the power socket. Releasing a plug-in connection:
Press the locking catch towards the plug.
Pull out the plug, holding it on both sides (keep locking catch depressed).
To the handset
Spiral cable for telephone handset
To the telephone
Locking catch
Plug-in connections
Telephone handset
Power supply
Telephone connection
Releasing the plug-in connections
A – Telephone operation: 1 Start up
1.1 Connecting the telephone
Prior to initial operation, you must carry out some connections.
The necessary cables and the plug­in power unit are included in the telephone’s scope of delivery. For safety reasons, the telephone must only be operated using the plug-in power supply unit supplied with it.
The connection sockets are on the underside of the telephone. They can be distinguished by their diffe­rent sizes and are marked by sym­bols (refer to sketch). Refer to the following page for the connections.
Once you have established the plug-in connections, you must route the cable through the accompany­ing cable guides. This ensures a correct setting up of the telephone. Carefully press the cable into the recesses (refer to sketch).
Telephone connection to ISDN network
Underside of unit
Underside of unit
Power supply
Connection sockets
Cable guides
1 Start up: Overview
The SmartLine D750 offers you a large range of functions – yet it is simple and quick to use: You can use your telephone after only three preparatory steps!
Step 1: Connecting the telephone (1.1)
Here you will be shown the necessary connections.
Step 2: Operating overview (1.2)
The SmartLine D750 supports you in all operations through information in the display. This section provides you with an overview of basic displays and operations.
Step 3: Connecting the telephone (1.3)
Your telephone requires some information about your ISDN line. Polling is performed automatically during initial operation. You will find further basic settings in chapters 4 and 5.
Now you can use the telephone:
Telephoning: The first steps (2.1)
Depiction of operating sequences:
In the User’s Guide, the selection of a menu item is depicted in simplified form:
This corresponds to the sequence:
Press the menu key, to start selection from the menu.
Using the cursor-keys, select the menu item .
Press the O.K. key , to confirm the selection. The menu item
is offered.
Press the O.K. key to confirm selection.
Acoustic signals Acoustic signals when telephoning:
You can hear the dial tone when you lift the handset.
The ring tone sounds when the called connection is available.
The busy tone sounds when the connection you are ringing is busy.
The camp-on busy tone advises you of another pending call.
The normal ringer tone signals calls.
The appointment tone signals the arrival of a set appointment date/time.
7A – Telephone operation: 1 Start up
Currently usable functions
In the 2nd line, the currently usable functions are offered; (e. g. in ready-to­dial condition or during a call). In this way, it is possible to activate rejection of a call by pressing the O.K. key. The display of these functions depends, for example, on the programming and connection conditions. They are not elements of the function menu. If several such function are available, the symbol selection is displayed by means of the cursor keys (
). The desired function can then be selected
using the cursor keys. Since the sequence of these functions can differ, the desired function for
operation may have to be selected using the cursor keys. This is depicted as follows:
( )
Enter PIN
Some functions are protected by the need to enter a PIN number. The PIN (Personal Identification Number) is a 4-number code. On delivery, the PIN is: 0000. If an incorrect PIN is entered, operation is aborted. If you make a mistake when entering the PIN: Press the O.K. key and enter the PIN again .
Acknowledge tones: During operation you are informed by tones in addition to the display texts. These so-called acknowledge tones
depicted in the appendix in the section Acoustic signals”.
A – Telephone operation: 1 Start up
1.2 Operating overview
Basic displays
Idle condition: The handset is on­hook. There is no actual call. Time and date are shown in the top display line. The display is automatically set after the first outgoing connection. At every the outgoing call the display is synchronised.
If no key is pressed for 30 seconds during an operating sequence, the unit returns to the idle condition in almost all cases!
The handset was lifted or the function open listening/hands-free operation switched on. The telephone is ready to dial a telephone number.
Idle condition
Display contrast
The display contrast can be altered in the idle condition of the telephone using the adjustment keys (+ and ”–”) in 8 levels. To increase the contrast, press the + key, to reduce it, the “–” key.
Selecting functions
During operation, you are assisted by user prompting with display messages: Press Menu key to begin selection from the menu. You can now select
functions. These are displayed to you in the top menu line. By pressing the menu key again, you can exit the function menu.
Stop key: End operation or abort. You can return to the previous menu level by pressing the key once or, by repeated pressing, back to the idle condition. Menu
Cursor keys: Selection from the menu. You can page forwards (right) or backwards (left) through the menu. Using the left cursor key, you can also delete letters and digits. The right cursor key can generate blank spaces.
O.K. key: Confirmation of a selection or setting
9A – Telephone operation: 1 Start up
A – Telephone operation: 1 Start up
Ringing tone
Dialling tone
Engaged tone
Positive acknowledge tone
Negative acknowledge tone
(421 Hz, repeated)
(1333 Hz, once)
(1333 Hz, einmal)
0.5 0.5
Camp-on busy tone
(421 Hz, once)
each 0.1
Audible tones (When phoning and programming, in handset/loudspeaker)
(421 Hz, continuous tone)
(421 Hz, repeated)
Depiction of the tones
(Values in seconds)
Request tone
(1333 Hz, once)
0.3 0.3 0.3
0.2 0.6
1 4
30.2 0.2 0.6 0.2
External call:
Appointment calls:
All tones
0.5 0.50.5
each 0.1
(800 Hz, once
Continuous tone
Acoustic signals during operation and programming:
The positive acknowledge tone confirms correct input (e. g. after dictating an announcement text).
The negative acknowledge tone indicates an incorrect operation.
The request tone requests you to perform an input or operation (e. g. during remote control of the answering machine).
1.3 Initial installation
1.3.1 Setting up the connection
Having connected the telephone as described, you can use it without further actions.
The multiple subscriber numbers (MSNs) are not specified. The ISDN-switch sends the default MSN to the called party. The phone answers to all MSN.
The connection type is pre-set to Comfortwhich includes a set of additional ISDN features.
All additional ISDN-features are enabled (ON). Accordingly, you can utilize all features that actually have been released for your connection by the network operator. ISDN-functions that have not yet been implemen­ted in your network or are disabled, will simply be ignored on causing a short error message in some cases. (In cases, where the problems are bigger depending on your ISDN network, please refer to chapter 5.12 in order to disable the additional features)
If your telephone shall only react to calls for a specific MSN:
Proceed as outlined in section 5 (Setup menu). Please note the following changes:
A MSN can consist of max. 10 digits.
The complete MSN does not have to be entered anymore. Entering the last digit of the MSN will do. For instance: the MSN’s: 87431, 87469 and 87432 have been allocated to your ISDN-connection. If you enter 1 by programming the function
, the telephone will only react to calls for subscri-
ber number 87431.
Recomendation for entering the MSNs
when you want to set up a call forwarding function, you set it according to a specific MSN
if you want to associate your incoming and outgoing calls to a specific MSN
Telephone operation: 1 Start up 11Telephone operation: 1 Start up
Changeover language
Input PIN -
change over to the other language - store setting
1.3.2 Telephoning Initiating a call: a specified MSN identifies the call
When calling, you can now specify which multiple subscriber num­ber (MSN) that will be the transferred to the called party as identifi­cation. In order to do this the corresponding function must be assig­ned to a name key; on pressing the name key the desired MSN is entered. This specific MSN will then be transferred to the called party when making the next call; having made this call, the setting will be reset to the default value.
or Press the name key with the function
(for the assigment of the function to the name key, see below)
enter the MSN
Prerequisites for the application:
The MSN’s of your ISDN-connection must have been completely speci- fied in the setup menu by the menu item
The name key must have been properly programmed (:applied as func­tion key). Accordingly you perform the following steps (section 4 of the Operating Instructions):
- - ­Confirm selection
Select name key:
(display of a multiple subscriber number)
Select the function with the desired multiple subscriber number.
Store input
Number redialling with lifted handset
The subscriber number is now selected by the cursor and OK keys.
- Press the redial key
Select the number to be redialled; pressing the redial key again.
Confirm your selection
1.3.3 Entering additional characters Entering the DTMF characters asterisk
and square
Applies for keypad functions as well as for the programming of name keys and telephone directory: additionally, DTMF-sequences can be entered, applying also the asterisk and square buttons.
1.4 Changing the display language
2 language variants are available for the display texts: The standard setting is
=German. You can change over to the other language:
Please notice: Changing to english language causes that the national prefix will be erased due to requirements in several countries (please refer to chapter 5.4).
A – Telephone operation: 2 Telephoning: Basic functions
2.1.3 Accepting calls
The tone caller signals a call. During the call the volume can be set using the adjustment keys (+/–) the changed setting also applies to the following calls). With a call from an ISDN connection, the telephone number of the caller is displayed.
: Display is suppressed by the ISDN
connection or the call is from an analogue line. If telephone number and the name of the caller are stored in the telephone
directory or in a name key memory of your telephone name is displayed. Lift the handset: You are connected with the caller.
Tone caller
2.1 The first steps ...
With calls, the active B-channel of the dialup line is displayed. An ISDN
basic access connection has two B-channels.
2.1.1 Initiating a call
You initiate calls by entering a telephone number. Instead of manual dialing, you can also use the telephone number memories from the telephone directory, last number redial or name keys.
By pressing the disconnect key, you can reject a call during signalling by the tone caller: This switches off the tone caller. If the answering device is switched on, it takes the call.
Depending on the ISDN access type (or the additional features ordered), the charge amount is displayed to you either during, or, (for few seconds) after ending a call.
2.1.2 Dialing preparation
The telephone number can also be entered before lifting the handset. Advantage: Incorrectly input digits can be deleted using the left cursor key. The telephone number is dialed once you have lifted the handset.
Lift handset - dial telephone number -
make call
2.1.4 Ending the call
End the call by replacing the handset. The call charges are displayed, if the function is available.
A – Telephone operation: 2 Telephoning: Basic functions
Accepting and ending calls
Press key for open listening/hands-free operation. This corresponds to lifting the handset. The symbol appears in the display. The volume can be set using the adjustment keys (+ = louder, – = quieter). The basic volume is not changed by this.
Press key for open listening/hands-free operation again. This corresponds to replacing the handset.
Switching on open listening during a call The call is made using the handset. It should also be able to be heard via the loudspeaker. Switch on open listening: Press key for open listening/hands-free operation. You continue to talk using the handset.
Switch off open listening again: Press key for open listening again.
Switching on hands-free operation during a call
The call is made using the handset. Additionally, the hands-free operating mode is to be switched on. Press key for open listening/hands-free operation and keep it pressed. With the key depressed: Replace handset Hands-free operation is switched on. The key must no longer be pressed.
Continuing a call using the handset
The call is being made using hands-free operation and is to be continued using the handset: Lift handset
2.2 Open listening and hands-free operation
Open listening: You hear the other party via the loudspeaker. Hands-free operation: You talk using the microphone of the telephone and
hear the other party via the loudspeaker.
1. You can make calls using open listening and hands-free operation.
2. You can also just switch on the open listening function, so that others can listen as well. Tell the other party what you are doing.
Open listening and hands-free operation are possible at any time. For this reason, no special mention will be made of this when explaining the individual functions. Each time, the sequence used when lifting the handset is described.
Loudspeaker volume
You can preset the volume of the loudspeaker for open listening.
- - - input PIN
Adjust volume: 1 (quiet) to 8 (loud) - store
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