Philips CT1608 User Manual

Discover your phone
B c
C p
for any erro r, omission or disc repancy between t his user guide and the product descr ibed. The device is meant to be connected to GSM network.
How to...
keys Hang up an
on/off k
Canc el a
lock k
Headset connecto
all and
ick up key
1) Navigation keys will be represented in the manual by the followi gns: left < / > right, up + / - down.
Phili ps con tinuous ly stri ves to im prove i ts prod ucts. Therefore, Philips reserves the rights to revise this user guide or withdraw it at any time without prior notice. Philips provides this user guide "as is" and does not accept, except as required by applicable law, liability
Switch phone On/Off Enter PIN code
Make a call
Answer a call
End a call Set con ve r sa tio n
volume Access the main menu Change the ringer
volume Access the
Press and hold ). Enter your PIN code
using t he key pad and pr es s
or # to confirm.
Enter the phone number on the keypad and press
to dial.
Press ( when your phone rings.
Press ) . Press + or - during
the call. Press , in idle mode. Press + in idle mode.
Press-in idle mod e.
Use the
Access the Go to previous menu Quickly return to idle
when browsing menus Open the Open the
menu Lock/Unlock the keypad
Call list
Browse the l ist by moving
to call the selected name. Press ( in idle mode. Press c. Press ) or press and
hold Press > in idle mode.
Press Press and hold c.
and press
in idle mode.
The carousel
In idle mode, p res s , to access the carousel menu. Each ico n represents a feature or ope ration of yo ur phone. Use
Another sub-menu or list will then appear. When browsing a list (of ringers, events , etc.), long press
to select a menu (or press c to cancel).
or - to quickly scroll through the list..
to browse the menu and press
Some events may mo dify t he i dle scree n (m issed ca ll, new message, etc.). Press corresponding menu or long press the idle screen.
to access the
to go back to
Table of contents
1. Getting started ............................................1
Insert the SIM card ...........................................1
Switch on the phone ........................................1
Set date and time ..............................................2
Copy the SIM phonebook ...............................2
Charge the battery ...........................................2
2. Main features ................................................4
Access and view the phonebook ...................4
Make a call ..........................................................4
Answer and end a call ......................................4
Options du ring a c all ........................................4
Adjust the earpiece volume ............................5
Change the ringer .............................................5
Activate the vibra alert ....................................5
3. Text or number entry ............................6
T9 ® Text input .................................................6
Basic text input ..................................................7
4. Contacts ..........................................................8
Settings ................................................................8
Add contacts in a phonebook ........................8
Fotocal l: see & hea r who’s cal lin g .................9
Edit and manage contacts ............................. 10
5. Settings .......................................................... 12
Sounds .............................................................. 12
Display .............................................................. 12
Hotkeys ............................................................ 13
Time and date ................................................. 13
Language .......................................................... 13
Security ............................................................ 14
Network .......................................................... 15
6. Messages ....................................................... 16
SMS ................................................................... 16
Broadcast SMS ................................................ 18
SMS chat .......................................................... 18
7. Multimedia ................................................... 19
Sounds .............................................................. 19
Memory status ................................................ 19
8. Games & Applications ......................... 20
Calculator ........................................................ 20
Alarm clock ..................................................... 20
Euro converter ............................................... 20
Games .............................................................. 21
9. Call information ....................................... 22
Settings ............................................................. 22
Call list .............................................................. 23
Counters .......................................................... 23
10. Operator ................................................... 24
Making a se cond call ...................................... 24
Answering a second call ............................... 24
Conference call ............................................... 24
Icons & symbols ............................................. 26
Precautions ....................................................... 27
Troubleshooting ........................................... 32
Philips authentic accessories ................. 35
SAR Information - EU (RTTE) ............. 37
SAR Information - International (ICNIRP)
............................................................ 38
1 • Getting started
Read the safety instructions in the “Precautions” section before use.
To use your phone, you must insert a valid SIM card supplied by your opera tor or retailer. The SI M card contains your subscription and a memory in which you can store phone numbers an d messa ge s.
Insert the battery (with the connectors facing the connectors of the phone) and press until it clips.

Insert the SIM card

Press on the back c over and slide it downwards to remove it.
Repla ce the bac k cover by sliding it back in it slot until it stops. Remove the protective film covering the screen before using the phone.

Switch on the phone

. Enter the
Place the SIM card in its slot (with the connectors f acing t he phone) then replace the metallic holder.
To switch on the phone, lo ng pr e ss PIN code if required (i.e. the 4- to 8-digit secret code of your SIM card). It is preconfigured and communicated to you by your operator or retailer. To personalise the PIN code, see “Change codes” page 14. Press
to confirm.
Getting started 1
If you enter a incorrec t PIN code 3 times, your SI M card is blocked. To unblock it, you must request the PUK code from your ope rator.

Set date and time

As prompted by t he phone at first swit ch on, set t he date by pressing the appropriate numeric keys (press
to erase a number), then set the time.
For complete date and time options, see page 13.
completely flat, it will take 2 or 3 minutes of charging for its ic o n t o reappear.
You may lose a ll your p erson al setti ngs if yo u remo ve the battery when the phone is switched on.
Once the battery and battery cover are clipped on the phone, plug the connecto r of the charger (supplied with th e phone, in the box) into the socket at the base of the phone on one end , then plug it into a main AC power socket with easy access to the other end.

Copy the SIM phonebook

The mo bile phone d etects a SIM card that already contains nam es and a message asks yo u if you w ant to copy your SIM phonebook onto the built-in phonebook. Press
If you choose not to co py the SIM phonebook a t this time, you can do it manually at a later date (see page 8).

Charge the battery

Your phone is powe red by a rechargeable b attery. A new battery is partially charged and an alarm will warn you when th e battery reaches low. If the battery is
to cancel or , to accept.
The battery symbol indic ates the state of charg e:
- During charging the 4 charge indicators scroll; it takes around 2.30 hours to fully recharge your mobile phone.
When all 4 bars are steady the battery is fully charged and you can disconnect the charger Depending on the network and condition of
2 Getting started
use, talk time goes from 2 to 4 hours and standby time from 200 to 300 hours.
Keeping the charger plugged into the mobile when the battery is ful ly charged doesn’t damage the battery.
The only way to turn off the charger is to unplug it, so use an easily accessible AC power socket. You can connect the charger to an IT supply (Belgium only).
Getting started 3
2 • Main features

Access and view the phonebook

In idle mode, press -. Dependin g on the s elected phonebook (in SIM or in phone, see page 10), the content that appears on the screen may vary. In the phon ebook, select <Search>, enter the first letters of the name you are searchin g, and press to go directly to that name.
To read your own mobile phone number, select Own numbers > Show.

Make a call

In idle mode, enter t he p hon e num be r using the keypad. To correct an error, press
Press ( to dial the number and p ress ) to hang up.
For an int ernational call, press and hold * to enter the "+" sign instead of the usual international prefix. For details on how to handle several calls (operator­dependen t) , s ee p ag e 24 .

Answer and end a call

When receiving a call, the number of the caller may be displayed. If t he n umb er i s s tore d in t he phonebook, the corresponding name is displayed instead of the number.
To answer the call, press (.
To reject the call, press ). If you have activated Call fo rward (see page 22), the call is diverted to a number or voice mail.
To hang up, press ).
If you have selected Any Key Answer (see page 23), you can accept a call by pressing any key (except )).

Options during a call

During a call, press
to return to the in-call screen.

Names list

To view the phonebook during the call.

Mute / unmute the microphone

Allows you to mute or unmute the micro phone so that the caller cannot hear you. Press and press press
again. To unmute the micropho ne,
, select Unmute and press , again.
to access call opti ons. Pr ess
, select Mute
4 Main features


Allows you to note down a number. You can then store it in the phonebook, call, or send a message to this number.

Other options during a call

SMS messages (see page 16)
Call list (see page 23 )
•End call

Adjust the earpiece volume

During a call, press the volume.
or - to increase or decrease

Change the ringer

In the main menu, select Settings > Sounds >
Ringtone, press
Select a ringer and press
and browse the list of ringers.
to confir m.

Activate the vibra alert

To activate th e vibra alert , select Settings > Sounds > Vibra alert, then On.
The vibra alert is automatical ly set to Off when you plug the charger.
Main fea tures 5
3 • Text or number entry
Text can be entered in editing screens in two different ways: by using T9 input. Two other modes for numbers and punctu ation marks are als o available. Ico ns appearing on the screen indicate the active text mode.

T9 ® Text input

Tegic Euro. Pat. App.
T9 ® is a trademark of
Tegic Communications
keystrokes input are analys ed and the word sugg ested
by T9
is displayed in the edit screen. If severa l words are available according to the keys used, the word you entered is highlighted: press list and to ch oose from those propos ed by the T9 built-in dictionary (see exa mple bel ow).
6 Text or number entry
predictive text input, or basic text
predictive Text Input is an
T9 intelligent editing mode for messages including a comprehensive dictionary. It allows you to quickly enter text. Press only once on the key corresponding to each letter needed to spell a word:
or > to bro wse the

How to use it

Alphabets and symbols represented by each key are as follows:
to 9To key in letters.
< ,
To browse the list of candidate words.
To confirm entry. Short press to clear one entry, long
press to clear all text. Shift from Standard, to lower, to
UPPER case. Shift from T9 ® to basic mode, to
numeric mode. Shift to symbols and punctuation
mode. Press pages.
to display other

Example: how to enter the word "home":

Press 4 6 6 The screen displays the first word of a list:
Press>to scroll and select
Press , or 1 to confirm selection of the word

Basic text input

If you wish to access the basic text input, press This method requires multi ple key presses to reach the desired character: the letter "h" is the second letter on the
key, so you must press it twice to enter "h".

Example: how to enter the word "home":

Press 4, 4 (GHI) 6, 6, 6 (MNO), (MNO), 3, 3 (DEF). Press , when the message is completed.
Letters, numbers and symbols are located on each key as follows:
Short press Long press
space ’ . , ! ? " @ 1
a b c 2 à ä å æ ç 2
2 3
d e f 3 é è Δ Φ 3 g h i 4 Γ ì4
j k l 5 Λ 5
5 6
m n o 6 ñ ò ö 6 p q r s 7 β Π Θ Σ 7
t u v 8 ü ù 8
8 9
w x y z 9 ø Ω Ξ Ψ 9 Shift lett er case 0
Text or number entry 7
4 • Contacts
This menu allows you to manage your contacts. The phone has two phonebooks for storing contacts: in the SIM card or in the phone (up to 999 names). When entering new names, they will on ly be added to the selected phonebook.
99 is the maximum number of names cards, provided that other features (sounds, pictures, etc.) are not using a significant amount of the phone’s memory.


Contacts s elect

Allows you to select the phonebook to us e, in SIM
card or In phone. Contacts added to the selected
phonebook can then be copied into the other, via the
Copy to SIM or Copy to phone options.
Your mobile phone on ly manages one pho nebook at a time and will ignore the information relative to the other one e.g. if "Smith" is present in both phonebooks and if you delete it in the phone, it remains unchanged in the SIM.

Delete all

To delete all contacts at once. This option only appl ie s to th e pho n eb o ok i n pho ne , NOT to the SI M phonebook.

Copy to phone

If you cancelled or aborted the automatic copy of your SIM phonebook at first switch, you can do it manually with this option.

Groups se ttings

Allows you to manage groups, rename them and link a specific melody and picture to each group. See “Fotocall: see & hear who’s calling” page 9.

Add contacts in a phonebook

Contacts will be added to the selected phoneb ook.

In the SIM phonebook

Press-when in idle mode and select <
Enter the name and the numb er of your choi ce, then the type of number allocated to the name (
Phone, Fax
name in your ph onebook .
A number is limi ted to 40 digits, d epending on your SIM card . Enterin g internati onal pr efix, coun try &
) and press , to store this
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