Philips CDC 745 User Manual

CDC 745
C om pa ct D i sc C ar ou se l Ch an ge r
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To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock,
do not expose this apliance to rain or moisture.



This symbol warns the user that uninsulated voltage within the unit may have sufficient magnitude to cause electric shock. Therefore, it is dangerous to make any kind of contact with any inside part of this unit.
This symbol alerts the user that important
literature concerning the operation and
maintenance of this unit has been included. Therefore, it should be read carefully in order to avoid any problems.
Safety Instructions page 4 Limited Warranty page 15
CD Français
Conseils De Sécurité Garantie Limitée page 28
CD Español página 29
Instrucciones Sobre Seguridad página 30
Garantía Limitada
página 41
page 3
page 16
page 17
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B Connecting cable to the amplifier Pages • Insertthe red plug (rightchannel)andthe white plug
(left channel) into the corresponding sockets of the CD or AUX input of your amplifier. You can also use
the TUNER or TAPE IN-connection, but never Vcie
PHONO input!
Random Play page 11 All the tracks in one CD can be randomly played.
• Press SHUFFLE on the main unit (or on the remote control).
- The display shows SHUFFLE and play starts at a
randomly chosen disc and track.
• Select the number of the desired CD using DISC SELECT or press DISC on the remote control.
- The display shows SHUFFLE and DISC and play
starts with a track randomly selected of the desired CD.
- When one track finishes, its number disappears from the display and another track is randomly selected from those which have not yet been played.
• When all tracks of one CD have been played, it will continue to play the next available CD. It will stop
after all CDs have been played.
• Press SHUFFLE again if you wish to return to normal play.
• If you press REPEAT, the tracks of one CD will be repeated In a different order each time, although the
first track will always be the same.
page 11 Notes: Go to STOP before you start programming.
Dubbing an entire CD or Dubbing a program
page 12 Notes:
Before you start the CD-player start the recording func-
■tion on the cassette deck and allow 7 seconds for the leadertape to pass through the recorder head.
- An extra pause of 4 seconds (AUTOSPACE) will be inserted after each track only when the CD-player is in the EDIT mode.
B Câble de raccordement à l'amplificateur. page 18 • Insérez les connecteurs rouge (voie droite) et blanc
(voie gauche) dans les prises correspondantes d'en trées CD ou AUX de votre amplificateur. Vous pouvez également utiliser l'entrée TUNER ou
TAPE IN (= entrée magnétophone), mais en aucun
cas l'entrée PHONO!
Lecture aléatoire page 24 Toutes les plages d'un CD peuvent être lues dans un
ordre quelconque.
• Pressez SHUFFLE sur l'appareil (ou sur la télécom
mande) avant la lecture.
- L'afficheur indique SHUFFLE et la lecture com mence sur un disque et une plage choisis de
façon aléatoire.
Choisissezie numéro du CDsouhaitéàl'aidede DISC SELECT ou en pressant DISC sur la télécommande.
- L'afficheur indique SHUFFLE et DISC et la lecture
commence sur une plage choisie de façon aléa toire du disque CD souhaité.
- Lorsque la plage fini, son numéro disparaît de
l'afficheur et une autre plage est choisie de façon aléatoire parmi celles qui n'ont pas été lues.
• Lorsque toutes les plages d'un CD ont été lues, la lecture du disque suivant commencera. Le lecteur s'arrête lorsque tous les CD sont lus.
• Pressez SHUFFLE à nouveau si vous désirez evenir à la lecture normale.
• Si vous pressez REPEAT, les plages d'un CD seront répétées chaque fois dans un ordre différent, même si la première plage est toujours la même.
page 24 Remarques:
Avant la programmation, mettez l'appareil en mode
d'arrêt STOP.
Copie d'un CD en entier ou d'un programme
page 25- Remarques:
26 Avant de démarrer le lecture CD, engagez la fonction
d'enregistrementsurlaplatine-cassette.etlaissezécouler 7 secondes pour que la bande amorce passe àtraversia tête d'enregistrement.
- Lorsque le lecteur CD est un mode EDIT, une pause
supplémentaire de 4 secondes (AUTOSPACE) sera ajoutée après chaque plage.
CD Español
B Conexión del cable al amplificador página 31 • Introduzca la clavija roja (canal derecho) y la clavija
blanca (canal izquierdo) en los conectores correspondientes CD o AUX dei amplificador. También puede Vd. usar los enchufes TUNER o
TAPE IN, pero en ningún caso la entrada PHONO!
Reproducción aleatoria página 37 Las piezas de un CD pueden ser reproducidas de manera
• Oprima SHUFFLE en el aparato (o en el control remoto) antes o durant la reproducción.
- La pantalla muestra SHUFFLE y da comienzo la reproducción del disco y pista seleccionados en un orden aleatorio.
• Seleccione el número del CD deseado con DISC SELECT u oprimendo DISC en el control remoto.
- La pantalla muestra SHUFFLE and DISC y da
comienzo la reproducción de la pista del disco que se desee seleccionada en un orden aleatorio.
- Cuando se acaba la pieza otra pista es
seleccionada en forma aleatoria, etre las que no han sido reproducidas.
• Una vez reproducidas todas las pistas de un disco, continuará la reproducción del siguiente disco disponible, y se detendrá una vez reproducidos todos los discos.
Pulse de nuevo SHUFFLE si desea regresar a la
reproducción normal.
• Si pulsa REPEAT, las pistas de un disco se repetirán
en un orden distinto cada vez, aunque la primera
será siempre la misma.
página 37 Observaciones: Pulse latecla de parada antes de iniciar
la programmación.
Copia de CD entero o copia de programa
página 38/ Observaciones:
39 Antes de poner en marcha el reproductor de CD active
la función de grabación en la platina de casete, y espere 7 segundos hasta que la cabecera de cinta pase por la cabeza de grabación.
- Después de cada pista se insertará una pausa de 4 segundos (espaciamiento automático), sólo cuando
el reproductor de CD se encuentre en el modo de edición.
Please follow these three important steps
to get the most from your product


Return your owner's
registration card within 10 days
Registering your purchase is an essential step to guarantee that you'll receive all of the benefits you're entitled to as a Magnavox product owner.
Complete and mail your Owner's Registra tion Card today to ensure your right to war ranty verification, owner confimation, model registration, plus a wide variety of special services and savings.

Know these safety symbols

This bolt of lightning indicates uninsulat
ed material within your unit may cause an electrical shock. For the safety of everyone in your household, please do not remove product covering.
I A This exclamation point calls attention to I features for which you should read the
enclosed literature closely to prevent operating and maintenance problems.
Congratulations on your new purchase...
and welcome to the Magnavox family!
Dear Magnavox family member: Thank you for your confidence in Magnavox.
You've selected one of the best-built, best-backed products available today.
We appreciate your support, and we'll do every thing we can do to keep you happy with your pur chase for many years to come. After all, you're the reason we're in business!
As a Magnavox family member, you're entitled to a world of special privileges - and our uncompro mising commitment to your total satisfaction. Your Magnavox product is protected by one of the most comprehensive warranties and out standing service networks in the industry.
What's more, your purchase qualifies you to receive advance information on exciting new products from Magnavox, convenient access to our home shopping network for special products and accessories, plus factory-direct rebates and discounts on your future Magnavox purchases.
All of this is our way of saying 'thanks' for joining the Magnavox family.
To start taking advantage of these great benefits, just remember to return your Magnavox Owner's
Registration Card. Simply complete, detach and mail us your
Owner's Registration Card today. And enjoy your new purchase with our best wishes!
Read operating instructions
The information in this manual can help you take full advantage of your product's many features, and ensure years of safe, reliable
operation. So don't miss out. Read the
enclosed instructions, safety tips and war
ranty information today.
Donald F. Johnstone President and Chief Executive Officer

For Customer Use:

Enter below the Serial No. which is located on
the type plate on the base of the cabinet.
Retain this information for future reference.
Model No.
Serial No.

CDC 745

m 3
co’ 3"
Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
The set complies with the FCC-Rules, Part 15 and with 21 CFR 1040.10.
@> Canada
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the Radio
Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communucations.
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS - Read before operating equipment
This product was designed and manufactured to meet strict quality and safety standards. There are, however, some installation and operation precautions which you should be particularly aware of.
1. Read Instructions - All the safety and operating instructions
should be read before the appliance is operated.
2. Retain Instructions - The safety and operating instructions should
be retained for future reference.
3. Heed Warnings - All warnings on the appliance and in the operat
ing instructions should be adhered to.
4. Follow Instructions - All operating and use instructions should be
5. Water and Moisture - The appliance should not be used near wa
ter - for example, near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink, laundry tub, in a wet basement or near a swimming pool, etc.
6. Carts and Stands - The appliance should be used only with a cart
or stand that is recommended by the manufacturer.
6A. An appliance and cart combination should be moved
with care. Quick stops, excessive force, and uneven surfaces may cause the appliance and cart combina tion to overturn.
7. Wall or Ceiling Mounting - The appliance should be mounted to
a wall or ceiling only as recommended by the manufacturer.
8. Ventilation - The appliance should be situated so that its location
or position does not interfere with its proper ventilation. For exam ple, the appliance should not be situated on a bed, sofa, rug, or sim
ilar surface that may block the ventilation openings; or, placed in a built-in installation, such as a bookcase or cabinet that may impede the flow of air through the ventilation openings.
9. Heat - The appliance should be situated away from heat sources
such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other appliances (includ
ing amplifiers) that produce heat.
10. Power Sources - The appliance should be connected to a power
supply only of the type described in the operating instructions or as
marked on the appliance.
11. Grounding or Polarization -
The precautions that should be taken so that the grounding or polarization means of an appliance is not defeated.
Caution: To prevent electric shock,
match the wide blade of this plug to the wide slot, fully insert. Do not use this (polarized) plug with an extension cord, receptacle or other outlet unless the blades can be fully inserted to prevent blade exposure.
12. Power-Cord Protection - Power supply cords should be routed so
that they are not likely to be walked on or pinched by items placed upon or against them, paying particular attention to cords and plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the ap pliance.
13. Cleaning - The appliance should be cleaned only as recommended
by the manufacturer.
14. Power Lines - An outdoor antenna should be located away from
power lines.
15. Nonuse Periods - The power cord of the appliance should be un
plugged from the outlet when left unused for a long period of time.
16. Object and Liquid Entry - Care should be taken so that objects do
not fall and liquids are not spilled into the enclosure through open ings.
17. Damage Requiring Service - The appliance should be serviced by
qualified service personnel when;
A. The power-supply cord or the plug has been damaged; or
B. Objects have fallen, or liquid has spilled into the appliance; or C. The appliance has been exposed to rain; or D. The appliance does not appear to operate normally or exhibits a
marked change in performance; or
E. The appliance has been dropped, or the enclosure damaged.
18. Servicing - The user should not attempt to service the appliance
beyond that described in the operating instructions. All other servic ing should be referred to qualified service personnel.
92/11 EL 4562-1
Polarized Plug
+ 14 hidden pages