Philips CCC190AT Schematic

Proper service and repair is important to the safe, reliable operation of all Philips Consumer Electronics Company** Equipment. The service procedures recommended by Philips and described in this service manual are effective methods of performing service operations. Some of these service operations require the use of tools specially designed for the purpose. The special tools should be used when and as recommended.
It is important to note that this manual contains various CAUTIONS and NOTICES which should be carefully read in order to minimize the risk of personal injury to service personnel. The possibility exists that improper service methods may damage the equipment. It also is important to understand that these CAUTIONS and NOTICES ARE NOT EXHAUSTIVE. Philips could not possibly know, evaluate and advise the service trade of all conceivable ways in which service might be done, or of the possible hazardous consequences of each way. Consequently, Philips has not undertaken any such broad evaluation. Accordingly, a servicer who uses a service procedure or tool which is not recommended by Philips must first satisfy himself thoroughly that neither his safety nor the safe operation of the equipment will be jeopardized by the service method selected.
** Hereafter throughout this manual, Philips Consumer Electronics Company will be referred to as Philips.
Critical components having special safety characteristics are identified with a or "S" by the Ref. No. in the parts list and enclosed within a broken line* (where several critical components are grouped in one area) along with the safety symbol
on the schematics or exploded views. Use of substitute replacement parts which do not have the same specified safety characteristics may create shock, fire, or other hazards. Under no circumstances should the original design be modified or altered without written permission from Philips. Philips assumes no liability, express or implied, arising out of any unauthorized modification of design. Servicer assumes all liability.
* Broken Line ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____
1. Be sure all components are positioned in such a way as to avoid the possibility of adjacent component
shorts. This is especially important on those chassis which are transported to and from the service shop.
2. Never release a repaired unit unless all protective devices such as insulators, barriers, covers, strain
reliefs, and other hardware have been installed in accordance with the original design.
3. Soldering and wiring must be inspected to locate possible cold solder joints, solder splashes, sharp solder
points, frayed leads, pinched leads, or damaged insulation (including the ac cord). Be certain to remove loose solder balls and all other loose foreign particles.
4. Check across-the-line components and other components for physical evidence of damage or
deterioration and replace if necessary. Follow original layout, lead length, and dress.
5. No lead or component should touch a receiving tube or a resistor rated at 1 watt or more. Lead tension
around protruding metal surfaces or edges must be avoided.
6. Critical components having special safety characteristics are identified with an 'S' by the Ref. No. in the
parts list and enclosed within a broken line* (where several critical components are grouped in one area) along with the safety symbol on the schematic diagrams and /or exploded views.
7. When servicing any unit, always use a separate isolation transformer for the chassis. Failure to use a
separate isolation transformer may expose you to possible shock hazard, and may cause damage to servicing instruments.
8. Many electronic products use a polarized ac line cord (one wide pin on the plug). Defeating this safety
feature may create a potential hazard to the servicer and the user. Extension cords which do not incorporate the polarizing feature should never be used.
9. After reassembly of the unit, always perform an ac leakage test or resistance test from the line cord to all
exposed metal parts of the cabinet. Also, check all metal control shafts (with knobs removed), antenna terminals, handles, screws, etc., to be sure the unit may be safely operated without danger of electrical shock.
* Broken line ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____
1. Unplug the ac line cord and connect a jumper between the two prongs of the plug.
2. Turn on the power switch.
3. Measure the resistance value between the jumpered ac plug and all exposed cabinet parts of the receiver,
such as screw heads, antennas, and control shafts. When the exposed metallic part has a return path to the chassis, the reading should be between 1 megohm and 5.2 megohms. When the exposed metal does not have a return path to the chassis, the reading must be infinity. Remove the jumper from the ac line cord.
1. Do not use an isolation transformer for this test. Plug the completely reassembled receiver directly into
the ac outlet.
2. Connect a 1.5k, 10W resistor paralleled by a 0.15uF. capacitor between each exposed metallic cabinet
part and a good earth ground such as a water pipe, as shown below.
3. Use an ac voltmeter with at least 5000 ohms/volt sensitivity to measure the potential across the resistor.
4. The potential at any point should not exceed 0.75 volts. A leakage current tester may be used to make
this test; leakage current must not exceed 0.5mA. If a measurement is outside of the specified limits, there is a possibility of shock hazard. The receiver should be repaired and rechecked before returning it to the customer.
5. Repeat the above procedure with the ac plug reversed. (Note: An ac adapter is necessary when a
polarized plug is used. Do not defeat the polarizing feature of the plug.)
With the instrument completely reassembled, plug the ac line cord directly into a 120Vac outlet. (Do not use an isolation transformer during this test.) Use a leakage current tester or a metering system that complies with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) C101.1 Leakage Current for Appliances and Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 1410, (50.7). With the instrument ac switch first in the on position and then in the off position, measure from a known earth ground (metal water pipe, conduit, etc.) to all exposed metal parts of the instrument (antennas, handle brackets, metal cabinet, screw heads, metallic overlays, control shafts, etc.), especially any exposed metal parts that offer an electrical return path to the chassis. Any current measured must not exceed 0.5mA. Reverse the instrument power cord plug in the outlet and repeat the test. See the graphic below.
1. Before returning an instrument to the customer, always make a safety check of the entire instrument,
including, but not limited to, the following items:
a. Be sure that no built-in protective devices are defective or have been defeated during servicing.
Protective shields are provided on this chassis to protect both the technician and the customer. Correctly replace all missing protective shields, including any removed for servicing convenience. When reinstalling the chassis and/or other assembly in the cabinet, be sure to put back in place all protective devices, including but not limited to, nonmetallic control knobs, insulating fishpapers, adjustment and compartment covers/shields, and isolation resistor/capacitor networks. Do not operate this instrument or permit it to be operated without all protective devices correctly installed and functioning. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damage.
b. Be sure that there are no cabinet openings through which an adult or child might be able to insert their
fingers and contact a hazardous voltage. Such openings include, but are not limited to, (1) spacing between the picture tube and the cabinet mask, (2) excessively wide cabinet ventilation slots, and (3) an improperly fitted and/or incorrectly secured cabinet back cover.
c. Do a leakage current check.
d. X-Radiation and High Voltage Limits - Because the picture tube is the primary potential source of
X-radiation in solid-state TV receivers, it is specially constructed to prohibit X-radiation emissions. For continued X-radiation protection, the replacement picture tube must be the same type as the original. Also, because the picture tube shields and mounting hardware perform an X-radiation protection function, they must be correctly in place. High voltage must be measured each time servicing is performed that involves B+, horizontal deflection or high voltage. Correct operation of the X-radiation protection circuits also must be reconfirmed each time they are serviced. (X-radiation protection circuits also may be called "horizontal disable" or "hold down.") Read and apply the high voltage limits and, if the chassis is so equipped, the X-radiation protection circuit specifications given on instrument labels and in the Product Safety and X-Radiation Warning note on the service data chassis schematic. High voltage is maintained within specified limits by close tolerance safety-related components/adjustments in the high-voltage circuit. If high voltage exceeds specified limits, check each component specified on the chassis schematic and take corrective action.
2. Read and comply with all caution and safety-related notes on or inside the receiver cabinet, on the
receiver chassis, or on the picture tube.
3. Design Alteration Warning - Do not alter or add to the mechanical or electrical design of this TV
receiver. Design alterations and additions, including, but not limited to circuit modifications and the addition of items such as auxiliary audio and/or video output connections, might alter the safety characteristics of this receiver and create a hazard to the user. Any design alterations or additions will void the manufacturer's warranty and may make you, the servicer, responsible for personal injury or property damage resulting therefrom.
4. Picture Tube Implosion Protection Warning - The picture tube in this receiver employs integral
implosion protection. For continued implosion protection, replace the picture tube only with one of the same type number. Do not remove, install, or otherwise handle the picture tube in any manner without first putting on shatterproof goggles equipped with side shields. People not so equipped must be kept safely away while picture tubes are handled. Keep the picture tube away from your body. Do not handle the picture tube by its neck. Some "in-line" picture tubes are equipped with a permanently attached deflection yoke; because of potential hazard, do not try to remove such "permanently attached" yokes from the picture tube.
5. Hot Chassis Warning
a. Some TV receiver chassis are electrically connected directly to one conductor of the ac power cord and
may be serviced safely without an isolation transformer only if the ac power plug is inserted so that the chassis is connected to the ground side of the ac power source. To confirm that the ac power plug is inserted correctly, with an ac voltmeter, measure between the chassis and a known earth ground. If a voltage reading in excess of 1.OV is obtained, remove and reinsert the ac power plug in the opposite polarity and again measure the voltage potential between the chassis and a known earth ground.
b. Some TV receiver chassis normally have 85Vac (RMS) between chassis and earth ground regardless of
the ac plug polarity. This chassis can be safety-serviced only with an isolation transformer inserted in the power line between the receiver and the ac power source, for both personnel and test equipment protection. Some TV receiver chassis have a secondary ground system in addition to the main chassis ground. This secondary ground system is not isolated from the ac power line. The two ground systems are electrically separated by insulation material that must not be defeated or altered.
6. Observe original lead dress. Take extra care to assure correct lead dress in the following areas: a. near
sharp edges, b. near thermally hot parts - be sure that leads and components do not touch thermally hot parts, c. the ac supply, d. high voltage, and e. antenna wiring. Always inspect in all areas for pinched, out of place, or frayed wiring. Check ac power cord for damage.
7. Components, parts, and/or wiring that appear to have overheated or are otherwise damaged should be
replaced with components, parts, or wiring that meet original specifications. Additionally, determine the cause of overheating and/or damage and, if necessary, take corrective action to remove any potential safety hazard.
A. Parts identified by the symbol are critical for safety. Replace only with part number specified.
B. In addition to safety, other parts and assemblies are specified for conformance with regulations
applying to spurious radiation. These must also be replaced only with specified replacements. Examples: RF converters, RF cables, noise blocking capacitors, and noise blocking filters, etc.
C. Use specified internal wiring. Note especially:
1) Wires covered with PVC tubing
2) Double insulated wires
3) High voltage leads
D. Use specified insulating materials for hazardous live parts. Note especially:
1) Insulation Tape
2) PVC tubing
3) Spacers
4) Insulators for transistors
E. When replacing ac primary side components (transformers, power cord, etc.), wrap ends of wires
securely about the terminals before soldering.
F. Observe that the wires do not contact heat producing parts (heat sinks, oxide metal film resistors,
fusible resistors, etc.)
G. Check that replaced wires do not contact sharp edged or pointed parts.
H. When a power cord has been replaced, check that 10-15 kg of force in any direction will not loosen it.
I. Also check areas surrounding repaired locations.
J. Use care that foreign objects (screws, solder droplets, etc.) do not remain inside the set. K. Crimp type wire connector
When replacing the power transformer in sets where the connections between the power cord and power transformer primary lead wires are performed using crimp type connectors, in order to prevent shock hazards, perform carefully and precisely the following steps.
Replacement procedure
1) Remove the old connector by cutting the wires at a point close to the connector. Important: Do not
re-use a connector (discard it).
2) Strip about 15 mm of the insulation from the ends of the wires. If the wires are stranded, twist the strands to avoid frayed conductors.
3) Align the lengths of the wires to be connected. Insert the wires fully into the connector.
4) Use the crimping tool to crimp the metal sleeve at the center position. Be sure to crimp fully to the complete closure of the tool.
L. When connecting or disconnecting the VCR connectors, first disconnect the ac plug from the ac supply
Examine the area surrounding the repaired location for damage or deterioration. Observe that screws, parts and wires have been returned to original positions. Afterwards, perform the following test and confirm the specified values in order to verify compliance with safety standards.
Clearance Distance
When replacing primary circuit components, confirm specified clearance distance (d) and (d') between soldered terminals, and between terminals and surrounding metallic parts. See the graphic below.
Table 1: Ratings for selected area AC Line Voltage Region Clearance Distance
(d) (d')
USA or > 3.2 mm 110 to 130 V CANADA (0.126 inches)
Note: This table is unofficial and for reference only. Be sure to confirm the precise values.
After the original service problem has been corrected, a complete safety check should be made. Be sure to check over the entire set, not just the areas where you have worked. Some previous servicer may have left an unsafe condition, which could be unknowingly passed on to your customer. Be sure to check all of the following:
Fire and Shock Hazard Implosion X-Radiation Leakage Current Cold Check Leakage Current Hot Check Picture Tube Replacement Parts Replacement
WARNING: Before removing the CRT anode cap, turn the unit OFF and short the HIGH VOLTAGE to the CRT DAG ground.
SERVICE NOTE: The CRT DAG is not at chassis ground.
1. All picture tubes used in current model receivers are equipped with an integral implosion system. Care should always be used, and safety glasses worn, whenever handling any picture tube. Avoid scratching or otherwise damaging the picture tube during installation.
2. Use only replacement tubes specified by the manufacturer.
1. Be sure procedures and instructions to all your service personnel cover the subject of X-radiation. Potential sources of X-rays in TV receivers are the picture tube and the high voltage circuits. The basic precaution which must be exercised is to keep the high voltage at the factory recommended level.
2. To avoid possible exposure to X-radiation and electrical shock, only the manufacturer's specified anode connectors must be used.
3. It is essential that the service technician has an accurate HV meter available at all times. The calibration of this meter should be checked periodically against a reference standard.
4. When the HV circuitry is operating properly there is no possibility of an X-radiation problem. High voltage should always be kept at the manufacturer's rated value - no higher - for optimum performance. Every time a color set is serviced, the brightness should be run up and down while monitoring the HV with a meter to be certain that the HV is regulated correctly and does not exceed the specified value. We suggest that you and your technicians review test procedures so that HV and HV regulation are always checked as a standard servicing procedure, and the reason for this prudent routine is clearly understood by everyone. It is important to use an accurate and reliable HV meter. It is recommended that the HV reading be recorded on each customer's invoice, which will demonstrate a proper concern for the customer's safety.
5. When troubleshooting and making test measurements in a receiver with a problem of excessive high voltage, reduce the line voltage by means of a Variac to bring the HV into acceptable limits while troubleshooting. Do not operate the chassis longer than necessary to locate the cause of the excessive HV.
6. New picture tubes are specifically designed to withstand higher operating voltages without creating undesirable X-radiation. It is strongly recommended that any shop test fixture which is to be used with the new higher voltage chassis be equipped with one of the new type tubes designed for this service. Addition of a permanently connected HV meter to the shop test fixture is advisable. The CRT types used in these new sets should never be replaced with any other types, as this may result in excessive X-radiation.
7. It is essential to use the specified picture tube to avoid a possible X-radiation problem.
8. Most TV receivers contain some type of emergency "Hold Down" circuit to prevent HV from rising to excessive levels in the presence of a failure mode. These various circuits should be understood by all technicians servicing them, especially since many hold down circuits are inoperative as long as the receiver performs normally.
The primary source of X-radiation in this television receiver is the picture tube. The picture tube utilized in this chassis is specially constructed to limit X-radiation emissions. For continued X­radiation protection, the replacement tube must be the same type as the original, including suffix letter, or a Philips approved type.
Many electrical and mechanical parts in Philips television sets have special safety related characteristics. These characteristics are often not evident from visual inspection nor can the protection afforded by them necessarily be obtained by using replacement components rated for higher voltage, wattage, etc. The use of a substitute part which does not have the same safety characteristics as the Philips recommended replacement part shown in this service manual may create shock, fire, or other hazards.
CAUTION: Do not modify any circuit. Service work should be performed only after you are thoroughly familiar with all of the following safety checks. Risk of potential hazards and injury to the user increases if safety checks are not adhered to.
Some semiconductor solid state devices can be damaged easily by static electricity. Such components commonly are called Electrostatically Sensitive (ES) Devices, Examples of typical ES devices are integrated circuits and some field-effect transistors and semiconductor "chip" components. The following techniques should be used to help reduce the incidence of component damage caused by electrostatic discharge (ESD).
1. Immediately before handling any semiconductor component or semiconductor-equipped assembly, drain off any ESD on your body by touching a known earth ground. Alternatively, obtain and wear a commercially available discharging ESD wrist strap, which should be removed for potential shock reasons prior to applying power to the unit under test.
2. After removing an electrical assembly equipped with ES devices, place the assembly on a conductive surface such as aluminum foil, to prevent electrostatic charge buildup or exposure of the assembly.
3. Use only a grounded-tip soldering iron to solder or unsolder ES devices.
4. Use only an anti-static solder removal device. Some solder removal devices not classified as "antistatic (ESD protected)" can generate an electrical charge sufficient to damage ES devices.
5. Do not use Freon propelled chemicals. These can generate electrical charges sufficient to damage ES devices.
6. Do not remove a replacement ES device from its protective package until immediately before you are ready to install it (most replacement ES devices are packaged with leads electrically shorted together by conductive foam, aluminum foil or comparable conductive material).
7. Immediately before removing the protective material from the leads of a replacement ES device, touch the protective material to the chassis or circuit assembly into which the device will be installed.
CAUTION: Be sure no power is applied to the chassis or circuit and observe all other safety precautions.
8. Minimize bodily motions when handling unpackaged replacement ES devices. (Otherwise harmless motion such as the brushing together of your clothes fabric or the lifting of your feet from a carpeted floor can generate static electricity (ESD) sufficient to damage an ES device.)
NOTE to CATV system Installer:
This reminder is provided to call the CATV system installer's attention to article 820-22 of the NEC that provides guidelines for proper grounding and, in particular, specifies that the cable ground shall be connected to the grounding system of the building, as close to the point of cable entry as practical.
IT MAKES SENSE TO AVOID EXPOSURE TO ELECTRICAL SHOCK. While some sources are expected to have a possible dangerous impact, others of quite high potential are of limited current and are sometimes held in less regard.
ALWAYS RESPECT VOLTAGES. While some may not be dangerous in themselves, they can cause unexpected reactions – reactions that are best avoided. Before reaching into the powered color TV set, it is best to test the high voltage insulation. It is easy to do, and is just a good service precaution.
BEFORE POWERING UP THE TV WITH THE BACK OFF (or on a test fixture), attach a clip lead to the CRT DAG ground and to a screwdriver blade that has a well insulated handle. After the TV is powered on and high voltage has developed, probe the anode lead with the blade, starting at the bottom of the High Voltage Transformer (flyback – IFT). Move the blade to within two inches of the connector of the CRT. IF THERE IS AN ARC, YOU FOUND IT THE EASY WAY, WITHOUT GETTING A SHOCK! If there is an arc to the screwdriver blade, replace the High Voltage Transformer or the lead, (if removable) whichever is causing the problem.
Note: a. Two (2) people are required to handle this picture tube. b. Safety Glasses must be worn during this procedure or whenever directly handling a picture tube. c. Take care in each step not to damage the CRT or the cabinet.
1. Remove the Chassis and the CRT Socket Board Module from the cabinet.
2. A furniture pad or blanket should be positioned on the floor to support only the CRT Face. This pad or blanket should be high enough to keep the CRT Face approximately 12 to 14 inches off the floor.
3. Using two people, place the cabinet in a front down position with the CRT Face on the pad or blanket.
4. Place padded blocks under each corner of the cabinet to keep it from rocking.
5. Remove the four screws, at the corners of the CRT.
6. With two people lowering the cabinet to the floor, leave the CRT elevated by the pad or blanket.
Note: Take care not to grasp the neck of the CRT during this procedure, as it is extremely fragile.
7. Two (2) people may then lift the CRT from the cabinet.
8. Remove the degaussing coil from the defective CRT and mount on the replacement. Take care to maintain the exact shape and fit.
To install the new CRT, reverse steps 1 to 7.
V Mode: SP mode unless otherwise specified V Test input terminal Except Tuner> Video input (1Vp-p) Audio input (-10dB) Tuner Ant. input (80dBmV) Video: 87.5% Audio: 25kHz dev (1kHz Sin)
Description Condition Nominal Limit
Over Scan 90% 5 Linearity Horizontal 12% Vertical 10% High Voltage 18 kV
Description Condition Nominal Limit
Misconvergence Center 0.3 m/m Corner 1.5 m/m Side 1.2 m/m Tint Control Range ±30 deg — Contrast Control Range 6 dB — Brightness APL 100% 30 ft-L — Color Temperature 9200K
Description Condition Nominal Limit
Horizontal Resolution (R/P) 230 lines 200 lines Jitter (Low) (R/P) 0.05 mS 0.2 mS S/N Chroma AM(SP) PM (SP) (R/P) 36 dB 33 dB Wow & Flutter (RMS) (R/P) 0.25% 0.5%
Description Nominal Limit
Video S/N 45 dB 40 dB Audio S/N (W/LPF) 43 dB 40 dB
All items are measured across 8W resistor at speaker output terminal.
Description Condition Nominal Limit
Audio Output Power (Max.) (R/P) 0.8 W 0.6 W Audio S/N (W/LPF) (R/P) 40 dB 36 dB Audio Distortion (W/LPF) (R/P) 3.0% 5.0% Audio Freq. Response (-10dB Ref. 1kHz)
Note: Nominal specifications represent the design specifications. All units should be able to approximate these. Some will
exceed and some may drop slightly below these specifications. Limit specifications represent the absolute worst condition that still might be considered acceptable. In no case should a unit fail to meet limit specifications.
(R/P) 38 dB 33 dB
200Hz (R/P)
8kHz (R/P)
-2.0 dB 0 dB
-2.0 ± 5.0 dB 0 ± 6.0 dB
V Mode: SP mode unless otherwise specified V Test input terminal Except Tuner> Video input (1Vp-p) Audio input (-10dB) Tuner Ant. input (80dBmV) Video: 87.5% Audio: 25kHz dev (1kHz Sin)
Description Condition Nominal Limit
Over Scan 90% 5 Linearity Horizontal 15% Vertical 10% High Voltage 22 kV
Description Condition Nominal Limit
Misconvergence Center 0.3 m/m Corner 1.5 m/m Side 1.2 m/m Tint Control Range ±30 deg — Contrast Control Range 6 dB 4 dB Brightness APL 100% 55 ft-L 40 ft-L Color Temperature 9200K
Description Condition Nominal Limit
Horizontal Resolution (R/P) 230 lines 200 lines Jitter (Low) (R/P) 0.05 mS 0.2 mS S/N Chroma AM(SP) PM (SP) (R/P) 36 dB 33 dB Wow & Flutter (RMS) (R/P) 0.25% 0.5%
Description Nominal Limit
Video S/N 45 dB 40 dB Audio S/N (W/LPF) 43 dB 40 dB
All items are measured across 8W resistor at speaker output terminal.
Description Condition Nominal Limit
Audio Output Power (Max.) (R/P) 1.0 W 0.8 W Audio S/N (W/LPF) (R/P) 40 dB 36 dB Audio Distortion (W/LPF) (R/P) 3.0% 5.0% Audio Freq. Response (-10dB Ref. 1kHz)
Note: Nominal specifications represent the design specifications. All units should be able to approximate these. Some will exceed and some may drop slightly below these specifications. Limit specifications represent the absolute worst condition that still might be considered acceptable. In no case should a unit fail to meet limit specifications.
(R/P) 38 dB 33 dB
200Hz (R/P)
8kHz (R/P)
-2.0 dB 0 dB
-2.0 ± 5.0 dB 0 ± 6.0 dB
V Mode: SP mode unless otherwise specified V Test input terminal Except Tuner> Video input (1Vp-p) Audio input (-10dB) Tuner Ant. input (80dBmV) Video: 87.5% Audio: 25kHz dev (1kHz Sin)
Description Condition Nominal Limit
Over Scan 90% 5 Linearity Horizontal 15% Vertical 10% High Voltage 25 kV
Description Condition Nominal Limit
Misconvergence Center 0.3 m/m Corner 1.5 m/m Side 1.2 m/m Tint Control Range ±30 deg — Contrast Control Range 6 dB — Brightness APL 100% 35 ft-L — Color Temperature 9200K
Description Condition Nominal Limit
Horizontal Resolution (R/P) 230 lines 200 lines Jitter (Low) (R/P) 0.05 mS 0.2 mS S/N Chroma AM(SP) PM (SP) (R/P) 36 dB 33 dB Wow & Flutter (RMS) (R/P) 0.25% 0.5%
Description Nominal Limit
Video S/N 45 dB 40 dB Audio S/N (W/LPF) 43 dB 40 dB
All items are measured across 8W resistor at speaker output terminal.
Description Condition Nominal Limit
Audio Output Power (Max.) (R/P) 1.0 W 0.8 W Audio S/N (W/LPF) (R/P) 40 dB 36 dB Audio Distortion (W/LPF) (R/P) 3.0% 5.0% Audio Freq. Response (-10dB Ref. 1kHz)
Note: Nominal specifications represent the design specifications. All units should be able to approximate these. Some will exceed and some may drop slightly below these specifications. Limit specifications represent the absolute worst condition that still might be considered acceptable. In no case should a unit fail to meet limit specifications.
(R/P) 38 dB 33 dB
200Hz (R/P)
8kHz (R/P)
-2.0 dB 0 dB
-2.0 ± 5.0 dB 0 ± 6.0 dB
Description Condition Nominal Limit
Over Scan 90%
Linearity Horizontal 15%
Vertical 10%
High Voltage 22 kV
Description Condition Nominal Limit
Misconvergence Center 0.3 m/m Corner 1.5 m/m Side 1.2 m/m Tint Control Range 30 deg — Contrast Control Range 6 dB 4 dB Brightness APL 100% 55 ft-L 40 ft-L Color Temperature 9200 K
Description Condition Nominal Limit
Horizontal Resolution (R/P) 230 Line 200 Line Jitter (Low) (R/P) 0.05 mS 0.2 mS S/N Chroma AM (SP) PM (SP) (R/P) 36 dB 33 dB Wow & Flutter (RMS) (R/P) 0.25% 0.5%
Description Condition Nominal Limit
Video S/N 45 dB 40 dB Audio S/N (W/LPF) 43 dB 40 dB
All items are measured across 8W resistor at speaker output terminal.
Description Condition Nominal Limit
Audio Output Power (Max.) Audio S/N (W/LPF) (R/P) 40 dB 36 dB Audio Distortion (W/LPF) (R/P) 3.0% 5.0% Audio Freq. Response (-10dB Ref. 1kHz)
Note: Nominal specifications represent the design specifications. All units should be able to approximate these. Some will exceed and some may drop slightly below these specifications. Limit specifications represent the absolute worst condition that still might be considered acceptable. In no case should a unit fail to meet limit specifications.
(R/P) 38 dB 33 dB
(R/P) 1.0 W 0.8 W
200Hz (R/P)
8kHz (R/P)
-2.0 dB 0 dB
-2.0 dB ± 5.0 dB 0 dB ± 6.0 dB
Service Fixtures and Tools
4835 310 57025 VFMS0001H6 Alignment Tape
4835 310 57043 Back Tension Meter (Made in USA)
Flat Screwdriver (Purchase Locally)
4835 310 57027 Post Adjustment Screwdriver
Metric Thickness Gauges (Purchase Locally)
Lock Screwdriver (Purchase Locally)
4835 310 57034 Head Cleaning Stick
Circuit Board Indications
1. The output pin of the 3 pin Regulator ICs is indicated as shown:
2. For other ICs, pin 1 and every 5th pin are indicated as shown:
3. The 1st pin of every pin connector is indicated as shown:
Instructions for Connectors
1. When you connect or disconnect FFC cable (connector), be sure to disconnect the AC cord.
2. FFC cable (connector) should be inserted parallel into the connector, not at an angle.
Once chip parts (Resistors, Capacitors, Transistors, etc.) are removed, they must not be reused. Always use a new part.
Replacement Procedures for Leadless (Chip) Components
The following procedures are recommended for the replacement of the leadless components used in this unit.
1. Preparation for replacement
a. Soldering Iron: Use a pencil-type soldering iron (less than 30 watts). b. Solder: Eutectic solder (Tin 63%, Lead 37%) is recommended. c. Soldering time: Do not apply heat for more than 4 seconds. d. Preheating: Leadless capacitor must be preheated before installation. (130°C~150°C, for about two minutes.)
a. Leadless components must not be reused after removal. b. Excessive mechanical stress and rubbing for the component electrode must be avoided.
2. Removing the leadless component
Grasp the leadless component body with tweezers and alternately apply heat to both electrodes. When the solder on both electrodes has melted, remove leadless component with a twisting motion.
a. Do not attempt to lift the component off the board until the component is completely disconnected from the
board by the twisting action.
b. Take care not to break the copper foil on the printed board.
3. Installing the leadless component
a. Presolder the contact points of the circuit board. b. Press the part downward with tweezers and solder both electrodes..
Do not glue the replacement leadless component to the circuit board.
How to Remove / Install Flat Pack IC
1. Do not apply the hot air to the chip parts around the Flat Pack-IC for over 6 seconds as damage may occur to the chip parts. Put Masking Tape around the Flat Pack-IC to protect other parts from damage. (Fig. S-1-2)
2. The Flat Pack-IC on the CBA is affixed with glue, so be careful not to break or damage the foil of each pin or solder lands under the IC when removing it.
1. Removal
With Hot - Air Flat Pack - IC Desoldering Machine:
a. Prepare the Hot - Air Flat Pack - IC Desoldering Machine, then apply hot air to Flat Pack -
IC (about 5~6 seconds). (Fig. S-1-1)
b. Remove the Flat Pack- IC with tweezers while applying the hot air.
With Soldering Iron:
a. Using desoldering braid, remove the solder from all pins of the Flat Pack - IC. When you
use solder flux which is applied to all pins of the Flat Pack - IC, you can remove it easily. (Fig. S-1-3)
b. Lift each lead of the Flat Pack - IC upward one by one, using a sharp pin or wire to which
solder will not adhere (iron wire). When heating the pins, use a fine tip soldering iron or a hot air Desoldering Machine. (Fig. S-1-4)
With Iron Wire:
a. Using desoldering braid, remove the solder from all pins of the Flat Pack - IC. When you
use solder flux which is applied to all pins of the Flat Pack - IC, you can remove it easily. (Fig. S-1-3)
b. Affix the wire to a workbench or solid mounting point, as shown in Fig. S-1-5.
c. Pull up on the wire as the solder melts so as to lift the IC leads from the CBA contact
pads, while heating the pins using a fine tip soldering iron or hot air blower.
When using a soldering iron, care must be taken to ensure that the Flat Pack - IC is not being held by glue, or when it is removed from the CBA, it may be damaged if force is used.
2. Installation
a. Using desoldering braid, remove the solder from the foil of each pin of the Flat Pack - IC
on the CBA, so you can install a replacement Flat Pack - IC more easily.
b. The ”“ mark on the Flat Pack - IC indicates pin 1 (See Fig. S-1-7). Make sure this mark
matches the 1 on the CBA when positioning for installation. Then pre - solder the four corners of the Flat Pack- IC (See Fig. S-1-8).
c. Solder all pins of the Flat Pack - IC. Make sure that none of the pins have solder bridges.
Instructions for Handling Semiconductors
Electrostatic breakdown of the semiconductors may occur due to a potential difference caused by electrostatic charge during unpacking or repair work.
Ground for Human Body
Be sure to wear a grounding band (1MW) that is properly grounded to remove any static electricity that may be charged on the body.
Ground for Work Bench
Be sure to place a conductive sheet or copper plate with proper grounding (1MW) on the work bench or other surface, where the semiconductors are to be placed. Because the static electricity charge on the clothing will not escape through the body grounding band, be careful to avoid contacting semiconductors to clothing.
Standard Maintenance
Service Schedule of Components
Periodic Service Schedule
Ref. No. Part Name 1,000 H 2,000 H 3,000 H 4,000 H
B2 Cylinder Assembly B3 Loading Motor Assembly
B8 Pulley Assembly B27 Tension Lever Sub Assembly B31 AC Head Assembly
B573, B574 Reel (S), Reel (T)
B37 Capstan Motor B52 Cap Belt B73 FE Head
B133 Idler Assembly B410 Pinch Arm (A) Assembly B414 M Brake S Assembly B416 M Brake T Assembly B525 LDG Belt
1. Clean all parts for the tape transport (Upper Drum with Video Head/Pinch Roller/Audio Control Head/Full Erase Head) using 90% Isopropyl Alcohol.
2. After cleaning the parts, do all DECK ADJUSTMENTS.
3. For the reference numbers listed above, refer to Deck Exploded Views.
H: Hours ?: Check ?: Change
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Cleaning of Video Head
Clean the head with a head cleaning stick or chamois cloth.
1. Remove the top cabinet.
2. Put on a glove (thin type) to avoid touching the upper and lower drum with your bare hand.
3. Put a few drops of 90% Isopropyl alcohol on the head cleaning stick or on the chamois cloth and, by slightly pressing it against the head tip, turn the upper drum to the right and to the left.
1. The video head surface is made of very hard material, but since it is very thin, avoid cleaning it vertically.
2. Wait for the cleaned part to dry thoroughly before operating the unit.
3. Do not reuse a stained head cleaning stick or a stained chamois cloth.
Cleaning of Audio Control Head
Clean the head with a cotton swab.
1. Remove the top cabinet.
2. Dip the cotton swab in 90% isopropyl alcohol and clean the audio control head. Be careful not to damage the upper drum and other tape running parts.
1. Avoid cleaning the audio control head vertically.
2. Wait for the cleaned part to dry thoroughly before operating the unit or damage may occur.
Model CCC090AT01
How to Enter the Service Mode
Optical sensors are used for Tape Start and End Sensor on this equipment. Read this page carefully and prepare as described on this page before starting to service; otherwise, the unit may operate unexpectedly.
Cover Q202 (START SENSOR) and Q201 (END SENSOR) with Insulation Tape or enter the service mode to activate Sensor Inhibition automatically.
Note: Avoid playing, rewinding or fast-forwarding the tape to its beginning or end, because both Tape End Sensors are not active.
1. Turn power off.
2. Press the remote control keys in the following order:
2—> 7—> 1—> MUTE
3. While in the service mode, electrical adjustment mode may be selected by pressing the appropriate remote control key as shown in the table below.
Key Adjustment Mode
MENU Picture adjustment mode : Press the MENU button to change from BRT
(Bright), *CNT (Contrast), *CLR (Color), *TNT(Tint) and *V-T. Press CH UP/DOWN key to display Initial Value, Maximum and Minimum cyclically.
*Marked items are not necessary to adjust normally. 0 C-Trap adjustment mode: See adjustment instructions. 1 No need to use. 2 AGC/H adjustment mode: See adjustment instructions. 3 Auto AFT adjustment mode: See adjustment instructions 4 Auto record mode: Perform recording (15 Sec.)—>Stop—>Rewind (Zero
return) automatically. 5 Head switching point adjustment mode: See adjustment instructions. 6 No need to use. 7 Purity check mode: Shows Red, Green or Blue on the screen when the 7 key is
pressed. 8 H. Shift adjustment mode: See adjustment instructions. 9 V.size/V. shift adjustment: See adjustment instructions.
VOL? Cutoff adjustment mode. See adjustment instructions.
1. The deck mechanism assembly is mounted on the Main CBA directly, and SW211 (REC-SAFETY SW) is mounted on the Main CBA. When deck mechanism assembly is removed from the Main CBA due to servicing, this switch can not be operated automatically.
1. To eject the tape, press the STOP/EJECT button on the unit (or Remote Control).
2. When you want to record during the Service mode, press the Rec button while depressing SW211 (REC­SAFETY SW) on the Main CBA.
(Model CCC130AT01, CCC132AT01, CCC133AT01, CCC134 AT01, CCC190AT31
How to Enter the Service Mode
Optical sensors are used for Tape Start and End Sensor on this equipment. Read this page carefully and prepare as described on this page before starting to service; otherwise, the unit may operate unexpectedly.
Cover Q202 (START SENSOR) and Q201 (END SENSOR) with Insulation Tape or enter the service mode to activate Sensor Inhibition automatically.
Note: Avoid playing, rewinding or fast forwarding the tape to its beginning or end, because both Tape End Sensors are not active.
1. Turn power off.
2. Press the remote control keys in the following order:
2—> 7—> 1—> MUTE
3. While in the service mode, electrical adjustment mode may be selected by pressing the appropriate remote control key as shown in the table below.
Key Adjustment Mode
MENU Picture adjustment mode : Press the MENU button to change from BRT
(Bright), *CNT (Contrast), *CLR (Color), *TNT(Tint) and *V-T. Press CH UP/DOWN key to display Initial Value, Maximum and Minimum cyclically.
*Marked items are not necessary to adjust normally. 0 C-Trap adjustment mode: See adjustment instructions. 1 No need to use. 2 AGC/H adjustment mode: See adjustment instructions. 3 Auto AFT adjustment mode: See adjustment instructions 4 Auto record mode: Perform recording (15 Sec.)—>Stop—>Rewind (Zero
return) automatically. 5 Head switching point adjustment mode: See adjustment instructions. 6 No need to use. 7 Purity check mode: Shows Red, Green or Blue on the screen when the CH
UP/DOWN keys are pressed. 8 H. Shift adjustment mode: See adjustment. 9 V.size/V. shift adjustment: See adjustment.
1. The deck mechanism assembly is mounted on the Main CBA directly, and SW211 (REC-SAFETY SW) is mounted on the Main CBA. When deck mechanism assembly is removed from the Main CBA due to servicing, this switch can not be operated automatically.
1. To eject the tape, press the STOP/EJECT button on the unit (or Remote Control).
2. When you want to record during the Service mode, press the Rec button while depressing SW211 (REC­SAFETY SW) on the Main CBA.
CCC090AT01, CCC092AT01
Disassembly Flowchart
This flowchart indicates the disassembly steps for the cabinet parts, and the CBA in order to gain access to item(s) to be serviced. When reassembling, follow the steps in reverse order. Bend, route and dress the cables as they were.
Caution! When removing the CRT, be sure to discharge the Anode Lead of the CRT with the CRT Ground Wire before removing the Anode Cap.
Disassembly Method
[1] Rear Cabinet [2] H.V. CBA
[3] Power [4] Tray Chassis
[5] Deck Unit [6] Main CBA [7] CRT
1 2 3 4 5
1, 2
3, 5
3, 5
Supply CBA
3, 5 3, 6 3, 5
4(S-1), 1(S-2), (S-3), 2(S-4) 1 Anode Cap, CRT CBA, CL501A, CN503, CN571, CN575, CN602, 2(S-5) Unclamp H/V CBA CN1601, CN603, 2(S-6), 2(L-1), 4(S-7) CN802 4 8(S-8) 5 3(S-9) 6
4(S-10) 7
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