Philips AZ7361 User Manual

Inseiling the CD Removiiig the CD
Push gently on the CD center so that it fits onto the hub.
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• Hold the CD by its edge and press the hub gently.
Connecting headphones (supplied)
Connect the supplied headphones (16 ohms/
3.5mm jack plug) with the CD OUT / 0 jack.
Note: Use this jack also for connecting your HiFi
system (signal lead) or your car radio (adap ter cassette or signal lead). In both cases, the volume of the CD player has to be set to maximum position
AZ 7361 Portable Compact Disc Player
CONTROLS'' t; *'■ , please referto the illustration abova
Window for showing the different playing modes, tracks
and times
Button for selecting the next music track or, if held down,
for searching forwajd for a particular passage on the CD
Button for selecting the previous music track or, if held dPwn, for searching-backward for a particular passage on the CD
Control for adjusting the volume at the headphone output
RESUME/HOLD Switch for activating the RESUME function (resuming CD
play) and/or HOLD (blocking all buttons) function
Button for selecting the different playing modes:
Button for storing tracks in a program and for reviewing the
Dynamic Bass Boost Button for boosting the bass response,
DBB 1-DBB 2-DBB 3-CAR-off
Note: Please ask your dealer for detailed information since not all acces
sories may be available in your country.
Accessories for power supply
AY 3160 mains adapter 4.5 V/400 mA Direct current, plus-pole to the cen ter pin
Note: Use only the AY 3160 adapter, other products may damage the set.
Mains adapter
(supplied or optional available}
1 Make sure that the local voltage
corresponds to the voltage of the adapter (see accessories).
2 Connect the mains adapter to the player's
4.5 V DC socket and to the wall outlet.
• Always disconnect the adapter when you are not using it.
Batteries, type LR6, UM3 or AA
(supplied or optional available)
• Open the battery compartment and insert 2 alkaline batteries.
Typical playing times under normal conditi ons: Alkaline batteries: 5.5 hours (ESA off)
4.5 hours (ESA on)
• Remove the batteries if they are empty or the CD player is not to be used
for a long period of time.
Note: In the right-hand corner of the display the battery condition will be indicated:
-Full batteries: no indication.
-Weak batteries: -symbol lights up. This symbol is not available
when rechargeable batteries are used.
-Empty batteries: CZZ -symbol flashes and the message b fit t appears.
Replace the batteries or connect the mains adapter.
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The lens ® of the CD player should never be touched!
Do not expose the CD player, batteries or CDs to rain and dampness, sand and dust or to excessive heat caused by heating equipment, or to direct sunlight
The lens may cloud over when the set is suddenly moved from cold to warm Surroundings. Playing a CD is not possible then. Leave the CD player in a warm environment until the moisture evaporates.
You can clean the CD player with a soft and slightly dampened chamois leather. Do not use any cleaning agents as they may have a corrosive effect.
Always pick up the CD by the edge and put it back in its box after use.
To clean the CD, wipe it off in a straight line from the center towards the edge using a soft, lint-free cloth. A cleaning agent may damage the disc!
meh rh^'CiTtKisTfoTg^
sed by small burrs around the center hole of the CD. Remove the burrs by rubbing the edge of the cen
ter hole with a pen or si
• Please observe the local regulations regarding the disposal of packing materials, exhausted batteries and obsolete equipment.
• All redundant packaging material has been omitted. We have done our utmost to make the packaging easyly separable into three mono-materials: cardboard (box), expandable polystyrene (buffer), and polyethylene (bags, protective foam sheet).
• Your set consists of materials which can be recycled if disassembled by a specialized company.
3103 306 1568.1 printed in Hong Kong VieSRP 1496
4,5 V DC
Button for stopping CD play, deleting various settings,
switching off the CD player.
Slide control for opening the lid of the CD player
Button for starting and pausing CD play
Electronic Shock Absorption: Switch for activating the
electronic buffer memory for an undisturbed sound
Headphone and remote control socket (3.5 mm)
Socket for external power supply
Battery compartment for inserting batteries
Batteries contain chemical substances, therefore they should be dis
posed of properly.
Heaiîng^Brf^ l^ot pl^yottf he^^ at ahighrralîmi^
arFopra^^t^aesignOT toTetyouHea^^ outside sound^oTnotwi volume so nigh that you cannot .hear what is goirig oo arouncByoeiSS
• Do not dispose of exhausted batteries with your household waste.
-jymtftaMarwtf fci ■fWiWi -i A- ■
Frequency range.......................................................................................................20 - 20000 Hz
Signal-to-noise ratio....................................................................................................typ. 95 dBA
Channel separation.......................................................................................................typ. 70 dBA
Total harmonic distortion...........................................................................................typ. 0.05 %
Conversion......................................................................................................1 Bit D/A Converter
Batteries..................................................................................2 x 1.5 V, type AA / LR6 / UM3
Dimensions (w x h x d) Weight (without/with batteries)
.............................................134 x 30.5 x 154 mm
approx. 250/290 gms
Playing a CD 1 Open the lid by pushing the OPEN slide control to
the side.
2 Insert an audio CD, printed side up.
3 Close the lid by pushing down on the right-hand side.
-► Display indication of: (example) 17 = total number of tracks / 51:06 = total playing time.
Ils l{JB
4 Press the HI button to start CD play.
-► Display indication of; (example)
4 = current track / 2:56 = elapsed time of current track
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5 Adjust the sound using the controls VOLUME and DBB.
6 You can interrupt CD play by pressing the HI button. Continue CD play by
pressing the ►II button again.
-► Display indication of: time of the current position (flashing).
7 Press the STOP ■ button to stop CD play.
Display indication of: total number of tracks / the total playing time.
• If you press the STOP ■ button again, you will switch off the set.
Note: If no button is pressed for 90 seconds, the set will switch off auto matically.
and ►►
Selecting another track
• Briefly press the or button once/several times
• ■ to skip to the beginning of the current/previous or-— next track(s).
-► Display indication of: selected track number.
-► During play: CD play continues automatically with the selected track.
-► In stop position: press the ►!! button to start CD play.
Searching for a passage during CD play
1 Hold down the or button to find a particular passage in forward or
backward direction.
After 2 seconds, searching will start at high speed.
2 Release the button when you have reached the desired passage.
Note: Searching is only possible within the particular track when you are
in one of these modes: SHUFFLE, REPEAT 1 or PROGRAM.
Searching is not possible in the SCAN mode.
MODE О - different playing modes
• By pressing the MODE О button, you can successively activate the playing modes:
SHUFFLE; The tracks are played in random order
until all of them have been played once.
SHUFFLE REPEAT ALL: All tracks are played repeatedly in random order
until you leave this mode.
REPEATT; The track is played repeatedly untW you leave this mode. REPEAT ALL: The CD is played repeatedly mXW you leave this mode. SCAN; Each track is scanned for 10 seconds until you leave this mode or
all tracks have been played once.
-► The selected playing mode is indicated in the display.
-►During play: CD play continues automatically with the selected playing mode.
-► In stop position: press the ►!! button to start CD play.
- You can choose from 12 different playing modes when you combine all the above-mentioned modes with PROGRAM.
- Deactivate all modes with the MODE О button.
PROG - programming of tracks (max. 25 tracks)
1 Select the desired track with PREV ги or NEXT ►«.
2 As soon as the desired track is displayed, press the PROG button to store
the track in the memory.
-► Display indication of: track number
IP/ total number of stored tracks, e.g.
- When you try to store more than 25 tracks, the display indicates FUL L .
- When you press PROG and there is no track selected, the display indicates SELECt.
Cl I, ,
Playing the^o^ratn: te.,.
• If you have selected the tracks in STOP mode, press the PLAY/PAUSE ►!! button.
• If you have selected the tracks during CD play, first press STOP ■ and then the PLAY/PAUSE HI button.
-► Display indication: PROGRAM.
-► Your program will be played in the selected playing mode (e.g. shuffle).
Reviewing the settings:
• Press the PROG button for more than 2 seconds.
-► Display indication; each stored track successively flashes for a short
Erasing the program in STOP mode:
• Press the STOP ■ button to erase the program.
-► PROGRAM disappears on the display and your program is erased.
ERF lights up briefly on the display.
Note: Interrupting the power supply or opening the lid will also erase the
ESA - Electronic Shock Absorption Memory
• Activate the ESA memory by sliding the ESA switch to the right.
-► The ESA symbol lights up in the display.
-► The ESA memory continuously stores in advance
the CD data to be played. This is to prevent sound skipping during play due to shock and vibration.
-► Prolonged shocks and vibrations may empty the ESA memory comple
tely. Then the display shows SOTi H and there will be no sound.
Note: When switching the ESA feature on and off, CD play will be delay
ed or interrupted for a short time.
RESUME - playing from where you have stopped
• Activate the RESUME feature by sliding the RESUME/HOLD switch to the middle.
If you stop CD play by pressing the STOP I
the last played position will be stored.
• Press ►!! to resume CD play from the position where it was stopped.
HOLD - deactivating ail buttons
• Activate the HOLD feature by sliding the RESUME/HOLD switch to the far
-► Now all buttons are deactivated and will not function until you switch the feature off again, if you press a button (except OPEN), the display will indicate HOLD.
-In the HOLD position, the RESUMEfunction is automatically activated.
-Do not open the lid as this erases the information about the last position played.
• If a fault occurs, please check the points listed below before taking your set for repair.
• If you are not able to remedy a problem by following these hints, consult
your dealer or service facility.
PROBLEM No power or no
CD play start
Display: no indication
Batteries incorrectly inserted Use of new batteries Batteries are empty Contact pins are dirty
Insert the batteries correctly Press ►!! Change/recharge the batteries Clean them with a cloth
mains adapter
Loose connection Connect the adapter securely
In car use
Cigarette lighter is not poweredwhen ignition is switched off
CD play does not start or interrupts
Display; no indication or no d ¡SC
HOLD feature is activatedSwitch off the HOLD feature
CD lid is not closed securely Close the lid securely Moisture condensation
CD is not or incorrectly inserted CD is badly scratched Use another CD CD is dirty
Battery-recharging Use of wrong batteries,, on board does not work, no CHARGE- Contacts are dirty
Switch on ignition or insert batteries
Leave the olayer in a warm place until the moisture evaporates Insert a CD, label facing up
Clean the CD Onjy a_batte_[y pack can
be recharged on board Clean them with a cloth
indication Play does not start RESUME or SHUFFLE or
from the first track PROGRAM is activated No sound or bad
PAUSE is activated Press ►!!
sound quality Loose or wrong connections Check connections
Volume is not turned up Adjust the volume
Headphones worn the wrong way Headphone plug is dirty Strong magnetic fields near the CD player Electrostatic discharge from the user via the CD player
Pay attention to the L (left) and R (right) indications Clean the headphone plug Change the player’s position or connections Press V« or once or press ►!! twice
In car use
Strong vibrations
■ Adapter cassette is incorrectly inserted Temperature inside caris too high/low
Cigarette lighter/socket is too dirty Wrong playback direction of Change the autoreverse
the autoreverse feature of direction
the car cassette player
Rnd another place for the set Insert the adapter cassette correctly Let the CD player adjust to the temperature Clean the cigarette lighter/socket
Hum or noise in car Unfit car radio input socket Use the adapter cassette