Philips ALIS PDP Schematic

Colour Television Chassis
FM23, FM24, FM33
Supplement ALIS PDP Repair Manual
Contents Page
1 Technical Specifications, Connection,
and Chassis Overview 2 2 Safety Instructions, Warnings, and Notes 3 3 Directions for Use (Not Applicable) 4 4 Mechanical Instructions 4 5 Service Modes, Error Codes, and Faultfinding 9 6 Block Diagrams, Testpoint Overview, and
Waveforms 31
(Not Applicable) 7 Circuit Diagrams and PWB layouts 33
(Not Applicable) 8 Alignments 33 9 Circuit Descriptions 34
List of Abbreviations 35 10 Spare Parts List (Not Applicable) 36 11 Revision List 36
Copyright 2004 Philips Consumer Electronics B.V. Eindhoven, The Netherlands. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise without the prior permission of Philips.
Published by LM 0464 Service PaCE Printed in The Netherlands Subject to modification EN 3122 785 14580
EN 2 ALIS-PDP Suppl.1.
Technical Specifications

1. Technical Specifications

1.1 Chassis overview


Figure 1-1

Safety Instructions, Warnings and Notes

2. Safety Instructions, Warnings and Notes

EN 3ALIS-PDP Suppl. 2.

2.1 Safety instructions h

It is not allowed to operate the FTV-set without glass plate. One function of this glass plate is to absorb Infrared Radiation. Without this glass plate the level of Infrared Radiation produced by the plasma display could damage your eyes.
1. Safety regulations require that during a repair:the set should be connected to the mains via an
isolating transformer ( in this particular case a transformer of 800 VA);
– safety components, indicated by the symbol h ,
should be replaced by components identical to the original ones;
2. Safety regulations require that after a repair the set must be returned in its original condition. In particular attention should be paid to the following points. – Note: The wire trees should be routed correctly and
fixed with the mounted cable clamps.
– The insulation of the mains lead should be checked for
external damage.
– The electrical DC resistance between the mains plug
and the secondary side should be checked (only for sets that have a mains isolated power supply). This check can be done as follows:
unplug the mains cord and connect a wire between the two pins of the mains plug;
set the mains switch to the on position (keep the mains cord unplugged!);
measure the resistance value between the pins of the mains plug and the metal shielding of the tuner or the aerial connection on the set. The reading should be between 4.5 M and 12 MΩ;
switch off the TV and remove the wire between the two pins of the mains plug.
– The cabinet should be checked for defects to avoid
touching of any inner parts by the customer.

2.2 Warnings

1. ESD w All ICs and many other semiconductors are susceptible to electrostatic discharges (ESD w). Careless handling during repair can reduce life drastically. When repairing, make sure that you are connected with the same potential as the mass of the set by a wristband with resistance. Keep components and tools also at this same potential.
1. Available ESD protection equipment:complete kit ESD3 (combining all 6 prior products -
small table mat) 4822 310 10671
wristband tester 4822 344 13999
2. Never replace modules or other components while the unit
is switched on.
3. When making settings, use plastic rather than metal tools. This will prevent any short circuits and the danger of a circuit becoming unstable.

2.3 Notes

1. A glass plate is positioned before the plasma display. This glass plate can be cleaned with a slightly humid cloth. If due to circumstances there is some dirt between the glass plate and the plasma display panel it is recommended to do some maintenance by a qualified service employee only.
2. Never disconnect the power display cable when the set is operating
3. With DST no failures (error-codes) can be red, when the set is in Service-mode.
4. If DST reacts with "error 2", there is no communication between set and DST. Note that IR-transmitter LED is
positioned at right side of IR-receiver eye of the E-box. Take into account that receiver-LED on DST is positioned not in the middle but at the left side. Point corresponding LED"s to each other. In case the amount of Infrared produced by the screen pollutes the communication, the set can be set in Standby-mode. Then still the error­messages can be retrieved.

2.3.1 Notes on safe handling of the plasma display

Notes to follow during service
The work procedures shown with the Note indication are important for ensuring the safety of the product and the servicing work. Be sure to follow these instructions.
Before starting the work, secure a sufficient working space.
At all times other than when adjusting and checking the
product, be sure to turn OFF the main POWER switch and disconnect the power cable from the power source of the display (jig or the display itself) during servicing.
To prevent electric shock and breakage of PC board, start the servicing work at least 30 seconds after the main power bas been turned off. Especially when installing and removing the power supply PC board and the SUS PC board in which high voltages are applied, start servicing at least 2 minutes after the main power bas been turned off.
While the main power is on, do not touch any parts or circuits other than the ones specified. The high voltage power supply block within the PDP module has a floating ground. If any connection other than the one specified is made between the measuring equipment and the high voltage power supply block, it can result in electric shock or activation of the leakage-detection circuit breaker.
When installing the PDP module in, and removing it from the packing carton, be sure to have at least two persons perform the work white being careful to ensure that the flexible printed-circuit cable of the PDP module does not get caught by the packing carton.
When the surface of the panel comes into contact with the cushioning materials, be sure to confirm that there is no foreign matter on top of the cushioning materials before the surface of the panel comes into contact with the cushioning materials. Failure to observe this precaution may result in, the surface of the panel being scratched by foreign matter.
When handling the circuit PC board, be sure to remove static electricity from your body before handling the circuit PC board.
Be sure to handle the circuit PC board by holding the large parts as the heat sink or transformer. Failure to observe this precaution may result in the occurrence of an abnormality in the soldered areas.
Do not stack the circuit PC boards. Failure to observe this precaution may result in problems resulting from scratches on the parts, the deformation of parts, and short-circuits due to residual electric charge.
Routing of the wires and fixing them in position must be done in accordance with the original routing and fixing configuration when servicing is completed. All the wires are routed far away from the areas that become hot (such as the heat sink). These wires are fixed in position with the wire clamps so that the wires do not move, thereby ensuring that they are not damaged and their materials do not deteriorate over long periods of time. Therefore, route the cables and fix the cables to the original position and states using the wire clamps.
Perform a safety check when servicing is completed. Verify that the peripherals of the serviced points have not undergone any deterioration during servicing. Also verify that the screws, parts and cables removed for servicing purposes have all been returned to their proper locations in accordance with the original setup
EN 4 ALIS-PDP Suppl.3.
Directions for Use

3. Directions for Use

Not Applicable

4. Mechanical Instructions

Index of this chapter:
Service Positions Monitor
Rear Cover Removal
Service Position Panels
PDP and Glass Plate Replacement
Note: Figures below can deviate from the actual situation, due to different set executions.

4.1 Service Positions Monitor

4.1.1 Transport Cushions

position. A better solution to access the IR-LED and/or ON/ OFF switch is to make some holes in the stands at the position of the LED and switch. Do not make the holes to big, as this will influence the strength of the stands.

4.1.2 Aluminium Stands

CL 36532051_001.eps
Figure 4-1 Transport cushions
First, put the monitor in its service position. Therefore, disconnect all cables connected to the monitor and take the monitor of the wall (or tabletop stand). Then, place the monitor in the re-enforced transport cushions that function also as service stand (you can order them separately under code 3122 126 40612). See figure "Transport cushions".
There are no special "re-enforced service stands". The cushions used in the factory packaging are already made of reinforced material.
Always keep in mind that the stands are only designed to keep the monitor in service position as long as the monitor is being serviced. The stands are NOT designed to keep the monitor in the upright position for more then two days.
After the monitor is serviced, or when nobody is working on the monitor (e.g. in the weekend), it should be removed from the stands and laid down on a cushion or other support system to prevent it from falling.
Worn out stands should be replaced by new ones (monitor will tilt to much forward).
Never leave the monitor alone when the stands are not fully pressed on its place.
It is possible to move the right stand a bit to the right so that you can access the IR-LED and ON/OFF switch, but the monitor can then not be left alone because the stands are NOT designed to carry the weight of the monitor in that
Figure 4-2 Aluminium stands
The aluminium stands (order code 3122 785 90480) can be mounted with the back cover removed or still left on. So, the stand can be used to store products or to do measurements. It is also very suitable to perform duration tests without taking much space, without having the risk of overheating and no risk of products falling. The stands can be mounted and removed quickly and easy with use of the delivered screws that can be tightened and loosened manually without the use of tools. See figure above.
Note: Only use the delivered screws to mount the monitor to the stands.
Mechanical Instructions
EN 5ALIS-PDP Suppl. 4.

4.1.3 Foam Bars

CL 36532051_002.eps
Figure 4-3 Foam bars
The foam bars (order code 3122 785 90580) can be used for all types and sizes of FTVs and LCD TVs and can even be used to e.g. exchange a CRT of a normal TV. By laying the plasma or LCD TV flat on the (ESD protective) foam bars, a stable situation is created to perform measurements and alignments. See figure "Foam stand". By first placing a mirror flat on the table under the TV you can easily see if something is happening on the screen. The bars are also handy to replace the screen (PDP or LCD).

4.3 PDP and Glass Plate Replacement

Shielding frame
Front displayFoam cushion

Figure 4-5 Exchanging the glass plate

CL 16532099_046.eps

4.2 Rear Cover Removal

Figure 4-4 Rear cover removal

To be able to access or measure the panels, remove the rear cover (metal back plate):
1. Remove all fixation screws from the back plate, as indicated in figure above (the amount of screws that need to be removed differs from the amount in the figure above).
2. Remove the metal back plate. Make sure that wires and flat foils are not damaged during plate removal.
CL 16532099_041.eps
Exchanging the glass plate
1. Take the monitor from its service stand, and put it (face down) on a soft surface (blanket, foam cushion or foam stand), to make sure that you do not damage the front glass plate.
2. Remove the metal back plate as described in paragraph 'Rear Cover Removal'.
3. Unscrew all fixation screws of the plastic back cover.
4. Lift and remove the plastic back cover.
5. If the triangular shaped cable holder at the left bottom is
present, unscrew the fixation screws of the holder at the left bottom, see figure 'Exchange Glass Plate'.
6. Unplug the cable of the LED/Switch panel, connector 0320
7. If the ESM Filter Panel at the left bottom is present,
unscrew the fixation screws.
8. Unscrew all fixation screws of the (metallised) shielding frame, see figure 'Exchange Glass Plate'.
9. You can now remove the (metallised) shielding frame, together with the PDP, Audio panel, Power supply and SCAVIO panel attached to it, see figure 'Exchange Glass Plate'. Note: To prevent scratches, make sure to put the shielding frame together with the PDP on a soft surface.
10. Replace the glass plate.
Warning: make sure that the mains power is disconnected when you remove the metal back plate.
EN 6 ALIS-PDP Suppl.4.
Mechanical Instructions
CL 16532099_047.eps

Figure 4-6 Exchanging the PDP

To exchange the PDP panel:
1. Take out the SCAVIO panel and Power Supply panel, as described earlier.
2. Unscrew all fixation screws of the (metallised) shielding frame (two at the top and two at the bottom, see figure 'Exchange PDP').
3. The shielding frame can now be taken off the PDP.
4. Replace the PDP.

4.4 Board swap instructions for ALIS PDP

Mechanical Instructions
EN 7ALIS-PDP Suppl. 4.
1 2
! All Functional blocks shaded grey are required for the "Basic Configuration". The remainder is required for the "Enhanced Configuration".
3 4 5
8 9
12 13
IR lightsensor

Figure 4-7 Exploded view

Before dismounting panels read notes below!
Caution when removing circuit board!
When removing the circuit board after the main power is turned on/off, wait for at least one minute before starting to remove the circuit board. If the circuit board removal is started immediately after turning off the main power, it can result in electric shock or damage to the circuit due to residual electric charge.
On handling the FPC connector!
To release the lock, release it by gently flipping it with the nail of the thumb or forefinger. Never pinch the lock lever with fingers or hook on it (especially with a fingernail). Doing so might damage the lock lever.

Figure 4-8 Handling FPC connector


4.4.1 X-SUS Circuit Board Removal / installation Procedure

Remove the circuit board following the steps below. To install the circuit board, reverse the removal procedure.
1. Remove the fixing screws (M3 X 8) at 9 locations.
2. Release the lock of the FPC connecter (CN21) and
disconnect the signal cable.
3. Disconnect the cables from the VH connectors (CN22, CN23).
4. Pull out the XSUS board horizontally and disconnect the connectors (CN24, CN25).
5. Remove the X-SUS board.
Make sure that you do not touch the heat sink when removing the Y-SUS board.

4.4.2 Y-SUS Circuit Board Removal / installation Procedure

Remove the circuit board by following the steps below. To install the circuit board, reverse the removal procedure.
1. Remove the fixing screws (M3 X 8) at 9 locations.
2. Release the lock of the FPC connecter (CN3 1) and
disconnect the signal cable.
3. Disconnect the cables from the VH connections (CN32, CN33).
4. Pull out the YSUS board horizontally and disconnect the connections (CN34, CN35).
5. Remove the Y-SUS board
EN 8 ALIS-PDP Suppl.4.

4.4.3 ABUS-L Circuit Board Removal / Installation Procedure

Remove the circuit board by following the steps below. To install the circuit board, reverse the removal procedure.
1. Disconnect the connecter CN52 from the ABUS-L board.
2. Raise the lock of the FPC connectors CN53, CN54, CN55
and CN56 to release it and remove the ADM flexible board.
3. Release the lock of the FPC connecter CN51 and disconnect the signal cable (FPC).
4. Remove the screws (M3X8) fixing the ADM at the 8 locations.
5. Remove the screws (M3x8) fixing the ABUS-L board at the 3 locations.
6. Remove the ABUS-L board.
7. When installing the ABUS L-board, put the ABUS L-board
in such position that it is locked by the tabs before fixing it in position (at 3 locations).

4.4.4 ABUS-R Circuit Board Removal / Installation Procedure

Remove the circuit board by following the steps below. To install the circuit board, reverse the removal procedure.
1. Disconnect the connecter CN42 on the ABUS-R board.
2. Raise the lock of the FPC connectors CN43, CN44, CN45,
CN46 to release it and disconnect the ADM flexible board.
3. Release the lock of the FPC connecter CN41 and disconnect the signal cable (FPC).
4. Remove the screws (M3X8) fixing the ADM at the 8 locations.
5. Remove the screws (M3X8) fixing the ABUS-R board at the 3 locations.
6. Remove the ABUS-R board.
7. When installing the ABUS-R board, put the ABUS R-board
in such position that it is locked by the tabs before fixing it in position (at 3 locations).
Mechanical Instructions

4.4.5 LOGIC Board Removal / Installation Procedure

Remove the circuit board by following the steps below. To install the circuit board, reverse the removal procedure.
1. Disconnect the EH connecter CN6.
2. Release the lock of the FPC connectors CN2, CN3, CN4,
CN5 and disconnect the signal cable (FPC).
3. Slide the lock of the FPC connecter CN7 toward the PSU board side, then press it down toward the front and remove the PSU signal cable.
4. Remove the screws (M3 X 8) fixing the LOGIC board in position at 2 locations.
5. Remove the LOGIC board.
6. When installing the LOGIC board, put the LOGIC board in
such position that it is locked by the tabs before fixing it in position (at 3 locations.

4.4.6 PSU Board Removal / Installation Procedure

Remove the circuit board by following the steps below. To install the circuit board, reverse the removal procedure.
1. Release the lock of the cable clamp (large).(At 4 locations)
2. Disconnect the X-SUS board connecter CN23.
3. Disconnect the Y-SUS board connecter CN33.
4. Disconnect the ABUSR board connecter CN42.
5. Disconnect the ABUSL board connecter CN52.
6. Remove the wires (4), (5) from the cable clamp (small).
7. Disconnect the LOGIC board connecter CN6.
8. Disconnect the PSU signal cable from the PSU board
connecter CN69 side.
Repair Process and Fault Finding

5. Repair Process and Fault Finding

EN 9ALIS-PDP Suppl. 5.
Index of this chapter:
1. Process flow
2. Repair instructions
3. Faultfinding

5.1 Process flow

The selected workshop receives the defect TV set and investigates the PDP. Two possible solutions shall follow:

5.1.1 Advanced PDP exchange (actual way-of-working)

If the defect concerns one of the folowing items, the actual way of working has to be followed:
Glass broken
Flex foil damaged
Y-COM IC on flex foil is damaged
NVM on logic board defect, no communication with
A new PDP will be ordered at Euroservice. Euroservice issues an RMA number and ships a refurbished PDP from its swap
(from 1st May 2003 onwards)
end user contacts dealer because his
pool in a flight case to the workshop. After receipt the workshop sends the defect PDP, accompanied by a completely filled in Failure Description Form (see Figure 5.1), in this flight case to Euroservice. Euroservice makes sure the defect PDP is repaired and afterwards added to its swap pool. The workshop makes the TV set complete by building in the refurbished PDP. Afterwards the TV set is sent back to the customer.

5.1.2 Customized repair

If the defect is not related to the exceptions, mentioned in 5.1.1, the workshop orders the necessary spare parts, being boards, at Euroservice. After receipt the workshop swaps the concerning board and makes the TV set complete by building in the PDP. Afterwards the TV set is sent back to the customer.
PDP flow chart
plasma TV set is defect
VIP workshop orders refurbished PDP
at Euroservice
Euroservice ships refurbished PDP from its
swap pool to VIP workshop in a flight case
VIP workshop swaps PDP's
and makes plasma TV set complete
dealer requests VIP workshop
to contact end user
VIP workshop brings home visit to end user
and swaps defect TV set with a loan set
VIP workshop analyses the PDP
of the defect plasma TV set
glass repair
flex c able m ach i ne
VIP workshop orders spare part(s)
being boards at Euroservice
Euroservice ships spare part(s) with
next-day-delivery to VIP workshop
VIP workshop repairs PDP on board level
and makes plasma TV set complete
VIP workshop brings plasma TV set to
end user and swaps with loan set
Figure 5-1 PDP flow chart
VIP workshop brings plasma TV set to
end user and swaps with loan set
EN 10 ALIS-PDP Suppl.5.
Failure Description Form for Defective Plasma Displays for Philips
Repair Process and Fault Finding
Form to be sent together with the defect Plasma Display
actory/Service Repair Workshop
Product Data
Part No:
Serial No, display: MRA No: Serial No, set:
Condition Code | Symptom Code
Possible Condition Codes:
Possible Symptoms:
310 No Picture 321 Picture Too Dark 327 Only Partial Picture 350 Unstable Picture 351 Synchronisation Poblem 352 Picture Luminance Pumping [slow] 353 Picture Jitter 354 Picture Shaking 355 Flickering Picture (Luminance) [fast] 356 Flashing Picture (active-inactive)
35A Frozen Picture
Please fill in at least the yellow part
1 Constant
2 Intermittent
3 After a While
4 In a Hot Environment
5 In a Cold Environment
Factory / Service Repair Workshop
Additional Failure Description
In case of 32 FTV please fill in service error codes of the monitor
35X Other Unstable Picture Problem
381 Burn-In Mark On Display (Phosphor) 382 Scratch On Display 384 Phosphor/Pixel Missing
a Non Lightning (Flickering) Cells each Color
R:. G:. B:. b Wrong Phosphor/ For Each Color c Non Extinguishing (Flickering) Cell:. d High Intensity Cell Defect e Mechanical Failure
- Due To Fujitsu Factory
A Inactive Row(s) B Inactive Column(s) C Various Missing Display Cells D Picture, but non linear greyscale
E Video Stretched Over Total Height
431 Missing Color
64X Mechanical noise (accoustical sound)
F Broken Plasma Panel
G Broken flexible cabling
New symptoms descriptions
ujitsu Part of Form
Recognition & Repair Conditions (Temp., Soft, ETC ):
Normal Under Stress Failed Component Serial # defect Glass Panel X-SUS-Std Y-SUS Logic12 A-Bus Right A-Bus Left DC/DC Other
PCB Name: Repair Part/Location:
Corrective Action:
Preventive Action:
(not to be filled in by factory or by Service Workshop)
additional Description
Signature/Stamp Factory
Serial # replaced
Warranty? Date Ship to FJ? Additional Failure Description :
Signature/Stamp Repair Center
Signature/Stamp FHP Japan
Figure 5-2 Failure description form
Repair Process and Fault Finding
EN 11ALIS-PDP Suppl. 5.

5.2 Repair instructions

5.2.1 General

All below listed Plasma Display Panels must be repaired on board level except in case of:
Broken glass panel
Defective flex foil
Defective Y-COM IC on the flex foil
The Plasma panels with these faults needs to be send back via the central repair procedure of Euroservice.
To be able to repair the Plasma Display Panels on board level the following repair tools are available: 9965 000 23434 Special LVDS cable
Power Supply
Logic Board
SCAVIO Customer's Interface Board
Figure 5-3 Extension cable kit ALIS PDP
3122 785 90581 Foam buffers for PDP
8 6 4
other signals
Module description
X-SUS board FPF17R-XSS5002 996500017432 Y-SUS board FPF17R-YSS5003 996500017433 Logic board FPF17R-LGC5012 996500017435 A-BUS Right FPF17R-ABR5005 996500017436 A-BUS Left FPF17R-ABL5004 996500017437 Signal Cable (Logic - ABUS,SUS) FPF17R-CBL2001 996500017438 Signal Cable (XSUS-YSUS) FPF17R-CBL1001 996500017439
Factory code number
The available modules for the Plasma Display Panel FPF32C106128UA-62 are:
Module description
X-SUS board FPF17R-XSS5010 996500017440 Y-SUS board FPF17R-YSS5011 996500017441
Logic board FPF17R-LGC5013 996500017442
A-BUS Right FPF17R-ABR5005 996500017436 A-BUS Left FPF17R-ABL5004 996500017437 Signal Cable (Logic - ABUS,SUS) FPF17R-CBL2001 996500017438 Signal Cable (XSUS-YSUS) FPF17R-CBL1001 996500017439
Factory code number
1. If the LOGIC board is defective, the procedure mentioned in chapter 5.x must be used.

5.2.3 32” H2 ALIS Plasma Display Panel

These Plasma Display Panels are used in FM23 sets with production code:
AG07 and higher for the sets 32FD9954/17S and 32FD9954/69S
AG08 and higher for the sets 32FD994/69S
AG09 and higher for the sets 32FD9944/01S
The involved Plasma Display Panels are:
Display type Service code number Production code
FPF32C106128UA-72 9322 194 11682
Service code number
Service code number
Figure 5-4 Foam buffers for PDP
The following Plasma Display Panels must be repaired on board level:
1. 32” H1 ALIS Plasma Display Panel
2. 32” H2 ALIS Plasma Display Panel
3. 37” H2 ALIS Plasma Display Panel
4. 42” H1 ALIS Plasma Display Panel
5. 42” H2 ALIS Plasma Display Panel

5.2.2 32” H1 ALIS Plasma Display Panel

These Plasma Display Panels are used in FM23 sets with production code AG00 up to and including AG05.
The involved Plasma Display Panels are:
Display type Service code number Production code
FPF32C106128UA-51 9322 172 11682 FPF32C106128UA-52 9322 178 04682 FPF32C106128UA-62 9322 190 61682 From AG06 0242 onwards
The available modules for the Plasma Display Panel FPF32C106128UA-51 and -52 are:
The available modules for this Plasma Display Panel are:
Module description
X-SUS board FPF17R-XSS5016 9965 000 22709 Y-SUS board FPF17R-YSS5017 9965 000 22710
Logic board FPF17R-LGC5018 9965 000 22711
A-BUS Right FPF17R-ABR5015 9965 000 22713 A-BUS Left FPF17R-ABL5014 9965 000 22712 Signal Cable (Logic - ABUS,SUS) FPF17R-CBL2001 9965 000 17438 Signal Cable (XSUS-YSUS) FPF17R-CBL1001 9965 000 17439
Factory code number
1. If the LOGIC board is defective, the procedure mentioned in chapter 5.x must be used.

5.2.4 37” H2 ALIS Plasma Display Panel

These Plasma Display Panels are used in FM33 sets with production code AG00 and onwards.
The involved Plasma Display Panels are:
Display type Service code number Production code
FPF37C128128UA-72 9322 156 44682
The available modules for these Plasma Display Panels are:
Module description
X-SUS board FPF18R-XSS5007 996500023342 Y-SUS board FPF18R-YSS5008 996500023343 Logic board FPF18R-LGC5009 996500023344 A-BUS Right FPF18R-ABL5005 996500023346 A-BUS Left FPF18R-ABR5004 996500023347 Signal Cable (Logic -ABUS,SUS) FPF18R-CBL100103 996500017431 Signal Cable (XSUS-YSUS) FPF18R-CBL100103 996500017431
Factory code number
Service code number
Service code number
+ 25 hidden pages