Philips AK 701 User Manual

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S^'^mpa^t Disc yvisselaar -
(^Compact Disc-Skifter
; ., ' Cl) Compact Disc yaxlare , , ,. .. . ;, ,,.
■ ■“" - ' . <|f) Compact Disc^vynyaihdin':
• In the base of the unit there is a red transit protection clamp. This clamp serves to secure the mechanism of the CD changer to protect it during transport. Remove the red transit protection clamp and store it in the hole © on the rear, see Rg. 2. Should you wish to transport the unit again, the mechanism must be secured once more in order to prevent damage.
• Always remove the CDs from the tray before
• moving the unit.
• Do not cover any vents and make sure that there is several centimetres ventilation room around the unit.
• Do not place the unit in direct sunlight or close to radiators, heaters, etc. This will help prevent over heating. Do not expose the unit to rain or moisture.
Fig. 2
© Socket for remote control (not on all versions).
This socket can be connected to the REMO TE OUT or RC 5 OUT socket of another unit. An optional cable is avaiiable under number SBC 1103 or 4822 321 21204.
® CD OUT sockets. For connection to the CD IN or
AUX IN sockets on the amplifier. © Hole for storing the transport clamp. © Connection socket for mains supply cable (on
some versions a fixed cable). Connect the mains
supply cable supplied with the CD changer to this
Warning: Do not connect the player to the mains supply without first checking that the voltage stated on the type plate (and/or the setting of the voltage selector © corresponds to the local voltage. If this is notthe case, consultyour dealer.
The type plate is on the rear of the player.
© Voltage selector (not on all versions). Use a
screw driver or something similar to set the voltage selector to the local voltage.
Important note for users in the U K.: The U K. version is not fitted with
a mams plug When fitting a mams plug to the mains lead, proceed as iollows; The wires in the mams lead are coloured wth the followng code: BLUE=NEUTRAL, BROWN=LIVE. As these colours may not corre spond with the colour markings identifying the terminals in your plug, proceed as follows; The Brown wire must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter L or coloured Red. The Blue wire must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter N or coloured Black Do no/connecl either wire to the earth terminal in the plug, marked by the loitor E or by iho solely earih symbol or coloured green or green and yellow
Note This equipment must be protected byaSAmpFuse ila 13Amp
plug »s used or. i! any other type of plug is used, by a 5 Amp Fuse either in the plug or adapter or at the dislnbulion board II m doubt, consult a qualified eteclncian
o POWER ON/OFF switch
To disconnect the set from the mains completely,
withdraw the mains plug from the wall socket. ® CD tray. ® DISC SELECT buttons - for selecting the disc
number. ® Display. © PROGRAM - for storing the tracks of a pro
gramme. ® REVIEW - causes all the programmed track
numbers to appear in the display. © INTROSCAN - to play the first few seconds of all
tracks of all CDs in the tray. ® PREVSEARCH
• during PLAY mode:
- press briefly to play the current track again.
When pressed briefly again the player goes to the
previous track.
- hold down for rapid backward playback.
• in the STOP position:
-press briefly to jump to the previous track
number (e.g. when programming). © SEARCH NEXT:
• during PLAY mode:
- press briefly to jump to the next track
- hold-down for rapid search fonvard.
• in the STOP position:
- press briefly to display the next number (e.g.
when programming). @ PLAY/PAUSE - for starting play of a track, or for
interrupting play. © OPEN/CLOSE - for opening/closing the CD fray. ® STOP for stopping pfay. When the CD is stationa
ry the highest track number is displayed. © CL^R PROGRAM - tor clearing a programmed
selection, or clearing the programmed tracks of
a specific CD, when pressing the relevant DISC
SELECT button © immediately thereafter. @ REPEAT: to continuously repeat ail CDs, a
programmed selection, or the SHUFFLE pro
gramme. Press again to cancel the Repeat
function. © SHUFFLE button for playing all tracks of all CDs
in a random order. © LOAD button - to rotate the disc turntable in the
tray. © IR - sensor for remote control (not on all versions). © STAND BY indicator (not on all versions).
(not on all versions) [T] STAND BY: to switch off. IT] CLEAR: to clear a programme. 0 SCAN: same function as ® of the CD player. [7] - DISC +: to select a disc.
next track or the previous track respectively are played.
• If the INTROSCAN function is not cancelled by pressing the PLAY/PAUSE button ® or the STOP button the CD player automatically reverts to the STOP position at the end of the last CD.
Shuffle play
• Press SHUFFLE @ before or during play. The SHUFFLE indication lights up and a shuffle logo appears in the display.
- All tracks will now be played in a random order. During play you can use SEARCH NEXT® to select
a following random track, or PREV SEARCH ® to
play the same track again.
• Press SHUFFLE again if you wish to return to normal play.
Interrupting play
• Press PLAY/PAUSE ®.
- PAUSE appears in the display.
• Press PLAY/PAUSE again to end pause.
- Play will be resumed where it was stopped.
Stopping play
• Press STOP ® if you wish to stop. The disc and track number which can be played will now appear in the display.
• Press OPEN/CLOSE ® to remove the CDs.
By programming the player, you can play up to 50 tracks in any desired order. If you exceed the maximum of 50 tracks, F will appear in the display.
• Press PROGRAM ®.
- PROGRAM appears blinking for 5 seconds in the display together with the disc number. A- further selection must be done
banking period, otherwise you have to press
PROGRAM ® again.
• Select the disc number - if necessary - from which you wish to store tracks using the DISC SELECT buttons ®.
until the required track number appears in the
• Store the required number using PROGRAM ©.
- Each time you store a track, a P will appear and the display will blink another 5 seconds.
• Repeat this procedure for the other tracks to be programmed.
• If you program track numbers which do not exist, these will be ignored during play and erased from the memory.
• During normal playback (PLAY. SHUFFLE or INTROSCAN), you can program the number of the
within the 5 seconds
current track into the rnemoty by pressing the* PROGRAM button ® twice.
Reviewing the programme
• Press REVIEW ©.
- All track numbers and CD numbers appear in the programmed order in the- display.
Erasing the programme.
• If you wish to erase the programme, press CLEAR PROGRAM ®.
• The programme of a particular CD will be erased if you press CLEAR PROGRAM ® and the relevant DISC SELECT button @ immediately thereafter.
Playing the programme
Beginning from the STOP mode, press PLAY/
- Play begins with the first item in the programme.
The disc
(f you handle the discs carefully, cleaning will not be necessary. Dust or dirt can be removed using a soft, lint-free cloth. Always wipe the cloth in a straight line from the centre to the edge of the disc (Rg. 4).
Never use cleaning agents such as are used for
conventional grammophone records.
Never write on the disc label or on a sticker which has been placed on the label. This can cause irreparable damage to the music tracks.
The piayer
Never oil or lubricate the CD mechanism. Keep the CD compartment free of dust. The CD tray should therefore never be left open unnecessarily.
This unit complies with the radio interference require ments as laid down in EC regulations.
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