Philips 7FF2FPAS-27 User Manual

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Attach the Stand
* Place the head of the stand in the socket.
• Rotate counterclockwise until the stand clicks into place.
CAUTION To help prevent damage, do
not hold the frame by the stand. Grasp the frame firmly using two hands.
Connect the power adaptor
Connect the supplied power adaptor to the photo frame and then plug it to a power outlet.
Locate the control keys
• Control keys on the back of the frame and corresponding function icons on the front of the LCD display enable you to maneuver through the menus and customize your settings.
NOTE Not all of the
icons will appear on the screen at the same time.
Back/Left ♦ Up Next/Right Slide Mode II Browse Mode Show/Hide menu ■ Photo menu Return 0 Clock
Turn on the PhotoFrame
PhotoFrame (back)
Choose language
C ^ ^ 0
Power button
PhotoFrame (front)
Startup screen
PhotoFrame (back)
Menu buttons are on the back of the photo frame. Icons indicate location of buttons found on the back of the panel.
• Press '#■, keys to select Press V key to
Push the power button on the back of the frame for approximately 2 seconds. The power LED will glow blue and the Startup screen will appear.
• Press '#■, keys to select Language settings. Press ✓
key to enter.
• Press -#■, keys to select. Press key to set your language.
• Use iH key to return and exit SETTINGS.
MainMenu OK Up Down Right Left
it Main Menu
SS Thumbnail Mode
EB Add/Cancel photo
^ ^ 0 ^ ^
PhotoFrame (front) Language Setting
• Press keys to select Press ✓ key to enter.
• Press keys to select Internal Memory. Press ✓ key to enter.
• Press keys to select Album. Press key to enter Thumbnail Mode, and press ^
key to enter Slide Mode, press II key to enter Browse Mode.
• You may also enter Siide Mode directly by pressing ^ key from the main menu.
View photos from your memory card
Photo display (underside) Digital/MMC/
xD/Memory Stick card. Slide card with end first and face up. User right slot for Compact Flash card. Slide card with end first and face down.
left slot right slot
• Press keys to select ^ Press ✓ key to enter.
• Press ♦ , keys to select inserted memory card. Press ^ key to enter. . Press keys to select Aibum. Press key to enter Thumbnaii Mode, After a few
seconds, photos in your memory card will appear.
. Then press ^ key to enter Siide Mode, press II key to enter Browse Mode.
If the memory card is inserted before the power is ON, Slideshow will automatically start.
Slide Mode
Copy or copy all photos from your memory card
Thumbnail Mode Copying photo mode Copied photo mode
Copying photo mode
• In the thumbnail mode, use ^ ^ keys to select photo.
• Press EB key to add/cancel selected photos. After selecting, press ■ key to show photo
• Press , -#■ keys to select Copy to or Copy aii to your memory card.
• Press ✓ key to copy.
Photo frame will keep a resized copy of the photo until it’s internal memory is full (message shown).
Delete or Delete all photos from your memory card
Thumbnail Mode Deleting photo mode Deleted photo mode
Deieting photo mode
• In the thumbnail mode, use ^ keys to select photo.
• Press B key to add/cancel selected photos. After selecting, press ■ key to show photo menu.
• Press , -#■ keys to select Deiete or Deiete aii from your memory card.
• Press ^ key to delete.
Copy/ Delete photos by connecting to your computer
You may copy, delete and move photos by connecting the photo framewith the computer through the provided USB cable.
• Turn on the power of the photo frame, and then plug the smaller end of the USB cable into the USB port on the underside of the photo frame.
• Plug the other end of the USB cable into the USB port of the computer.
Set Time and Date functions
SetTime/Date mode Set Time mode Set Date mode
Set Time functions
• Press '#■, -#■ keys to select □ Press ✓ key to enter.
• Press , ’#■ keys to select Time and Date. Press ✓ key to enter.
• Press ♦ , -#■ keys to select Time to setup. Press >/ key to set
• hour and minutes. Press fi key to return main menu and exit SETTINGS.
Set Date functions
• Press keys to select [3 Press ^ key to enter.
• Press ♦ , -#■ keys to select Time and Date. Press ^ key to enter.
• Press '#■, -#■ keys to select Date to setup. Press V key to set year, month and day.
• Press fl key to return main menu and exit SETTINGS.
CAUTION Time and date
settings are erased if the photo frame is unplugged.